View Full Version : Let the bodies hit the floor
Demon Night 666
May 3rd, 2002, 01:37:59 PM
*demon was stopped at the doors of the bar and grill by the bouncer.she grabbed him up by his neck and with a slight turn of her hand snaped his neck.she flung his body away from hers and continued into the bar.she looked around the barroom and sneered at the lollygaggers* well well...i want tose responsible for helping the Khaosian Empire kidnap my son and keshia and i want them RIGHT NOW!!*demon looked out of place in the bar with her combat armor and her favorite sword strapped to her back.she looked over her shoulder to see bast come in dressed in the same kind of armor.she nodded a greeting at her adopted son befor turning back to the barroom*
Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 01:45:27 PM
Looking up from his table, Sejah's eyes focused on Demon widely. She demonstrated calloused anger towards the bouncer, who had been a very nice man, and was not obeying the laws of the Bar & Grill as far as he knew.
Though it was usually far from him to step in, Sejah could not help but stand up and push his chair in, stepping forward into a patch of light.
"Madam, you have demonstrated malintent in a place of peace, and have killed an innocent man. This is unacceptable. And you further violate posted rule by coming in here armed. I realize you probably have your reasons, but this display will not help your cause." He spoke in a firm tone to her like a reprimanding schoolteacher. Though he was not commonly an authotarian figure, Sejah would not stand for what he had just seen.
Keshia Kou
May 3rd, 2002, 01:51:44 PM
*kesh stumbled past bastion into the bar and grill to demon.she wiped the blood the was trailing it's way down the side of her face when she heard what the stranger had said to demon.kesh threw back her head and roared with laughter befor she stepped up to the stranger* i think you'd best sit down..he tried to take her sword wich is a no no..all of her jedi friends know it and you'd best be quite*kesh looked at demon's worried face* ian and me where attacked when i took him to the city with me to get soem food...god the shot me with three tranqs for cizerackz which deidnt take me down and beat the @#%$ out of me..i couldnt save lasairian but i'll be damned if i didnt kill myself at 20 men
Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 01:59:17 PM
Sejah looked at her incredulously, and then replied, "I don't care what her motivation was, wanton killing is pointless, and evil. And if you were so strong as to fend off such great odds, one would think you might be strong enough to learn common manners. Both you, and your friend."
He pointed at Demon to accentuate his point, then let his left footpaw slide back, turning his standce to one of repugnance of them. "Besides, there are children present, they should not witness such things."
Keshia Kou
May 3rd, 2002, 02:04:29 PM
*kesh cringed as demon cold and merciless laugh filled the air* please dont....she has many strange powers beyond the force...shes way too powerful*kesh was picked up from behind as the blue haired and red eyed cizerack picked her up and his mother* put me down bastion
Bastion Merreow
May 3rd, 2002, 02:08:02 PM is best that demon is gone from this place befor she kills him*he nodded toward the mongoose but he let kesh down and shoved her toward the brown mongoose* clean her up while i take my mother to her ship..she needs rest
Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 02:12:18 PM
Sejah shook his head grimly. "I do not mean to fight her directly, that would be foolish and I would most likeley be killed. But I do mean to to criticize, and to be a voice of reason," He clarified his meaning for interruption.
"And you appear to need medical attention as well, Miss." He said to Keshia, though his voice not as hard as it had been to Demon.
Bastion Merreow
May 3rd, 2002, 04:00:36 PM
*bast nodded at him gratfully and turned and wlaked out of the bar and grill toward demon's ship*
Satine Capashen
May 3rd, 2002, 07:56:13 PM
Satine had watched all this, and he steps out from his normal shadowy corner, his own weapons in clear view, his sleeveless black trenchcoat rippling in his wake as he walks.
"Kesh? What's going on, and is there any way I can help?"
Ulic Dennatta
May 3rd, 2002, 08:07:20 PM
A tall man entered the bar. He had on what looked like red mandalorian battle armour and had a red cape over it. On his belt was a black double-bladed lightsaber and strapped to his back was his most prized sword. As he entered he noticed one of the bouncers dead on the ground. He didn't check his weapons cause he thought it a bad idea to leave himself unarmed with the bouncer dead and all. As he entered even further and his eyes ajusted to the dim lighting he saw a couple jedi standing up and a woman in full battle gear.
" My name is Ulic Dennatta, I am the emperor of the planet Onderon. Can I be of any help?"
Though he is Sith he did not like unwanted deaths and the breaking of rules especially in bars.
Satine Capashen
May 3rd, 2002, 08:10:10 PM
Satine nods in Ulic's direction.
"The name's Satine Capashen, Warrior Jedi Knight. I think we have this thing settled..."
Ulic Dennatta
May 3rd, 2002, 08:12:02 PM
" Very well"
At that Ulic sat down at the bar and ordered a glass of merlot
Sage Hazzard
May 4th, 2002, 02:05:03 AM
Sage roared from near the bar. In a flash of motion he was meters away from Demon. Outstretching his hand, he waved it slightly. She found here sword flying from her hand into the Jedi Master's.
"You are surely a fool. I will have you arrested immediantly."
Normally, Avolon Bisel, the Chief of Security, would have her dead. He would have shot her in the throat as soon as she layed a forcefull hand on the bouncer. Lucky for her he was off duty.
The sword in Sage's hand was thrown to the ground.
"Give you're self up, or I'll kill you."
Crono katon
May 4th, 2002, 02:10:42 AM
Crono was standing in a far off corner watching his sister and demon about to get in to some hard core @#%$. So he picks up Chimp and walks in front of Sage and in a demanding tone straggles to says "LEAVE..them alone!!"
Sage Hazzard
May 4th, 2002, 03:00:59 AM
"You're friend has just killed someone who did nothing but do his job. His life is over. His family will never speak to him again, his friends will never speak to him again, and no one will ever know firsthand what a great man he was again. Would you like for you're friend to die? From you're actions I see you would not. Thank of what she just did. Would you wish the same for yourself what she has just done to his friends?"
Sage unclipped his sabre. Only NRSF members, Jedi Knights, and Jedi Masters were able to carry weapons in the bar. He held it unignited.
"Move or shall move you."
Sejah Haversh
May 4th, 2002, 03:41:45 AM
Stay and return to his peaceful meal, or go side with Sage. Sejah was tirn with a hard decision. If he stayed, no harm would come to himself, buu if he did not go and stand beside the other man, he would appear that he was only talk, and not able to back his words up with actions. That, and Sage would probab ly get beaten to a pulp, if what he was told about this Demon character was true.
Within his fifth span of breath, the brown mongoose knew the correct choice, and started twoards the door, snagging up the old lightsaber he had checked on his way in and speeding his way to Sage's side. If he couldn't help Sage in winnign a fight if it came to it, he could at least give their opponent two targets instead of one, and lessen both thier injuries that way.
Comign to a halt in a ready position next to the NRSF officer, Sejah held his lightsaber, ready to power up as well. "Sir, do not underestimate this one, I witnessed her killing of the bouncer; she is more powerful than she looks." He spoke quietly before glancing at Chrono, his normally pink eyes slowly shifting to red, a sign of anger or excitement in his species. "And you, you would defend a killer? I am no Jedi yet, but even I know the differnce between right and wrong. Back away and leave justice to be served."
An ominous growl churned from deep within his throat, and he flexed his grip on the saber, his thump itching to press the button. He wondered if it clicked when he pressed it. He wondered that very much.
Captain Tohmahawk
May 4th, 2002, 06:03:29 AM
"Yes I saw the whole damn thing"
The General was already on the scence, eyes blazing in fury.
"Stand aside. NOW"
He had the rail guns out, pointed and fingers on the triggers.
"Let me make myself perfectly clear" he said as other NRSF troops also removed guns from holsters and cout off escape routes, "I take ANYONE trying ANYTHING in here personally."
The General's legendary tewmper was definantly on the boil and he was meaning business. Especially with the guns pointed and ready to fire.
"Allright Jedi, anyone else trying to make this their business to supprt our killer here, make yourself useful and kick them out. This one however...." He gave the killer a very, very evil look "I say it's high time I nailed someone to the roof. What do you think Master Hazzard?"
Crono katon
May 4th, 2002, 10:40:57 AM
Crono started to unwrap the bandages around his hands. As he does he expose the cuts and burns on them. He looks up at Sage.
"I know THAT...she did some thing WRONG....But I'm not a friend If I DON'T...stand up for THEM"
puts his hands in his pockets
"SO as...I SAID.....L.E..A.V.EE them alone"
Captain Tohmahawk
May 4th, 2002, 10:59:07 AM
Tohmahawk's blazing eyes looked at the very silly interjector.
"And I said STAY THE FRELL OUT OF THIS!!! Do I make myself clear? I dont give a bantha's ass if your a friend - YOU ARE GOING TO WALK AWAY NOW"
One of the rail guns turned and pointed at Crono, the point being made perfectly clear. The other stayed on DemonNight, the weapon not wavering in the slightest. His body language made it clear, he might be looking at Crono, but he was also paying attention to the other and was ready to react in a blink
Sejah Haversh
May 4th, 2002, 02:25:24 PM
With thr arrival of the captain, Sejah was unsure of what he should do. He was not Jedi yet, so he didn't know if he was included in the group that should help. But it didn't feel right to back off now, not while he could still eb useful somehow, even if only for heartening support for the others.
His stance relaxed slightly, but he decided not to go until he was dismissed, lest he be doing something wrong in leaving too soon. It seemed odd to him that his first day on Arcan, he was allready involved in a fight, and that made him wonder if he had truly made the right choice in leaving home to become a Jedi after all.
But he just stood and looked from Sage to Captain Tomahawk and then back to Demon, his tail flicking slightly behind him with anxious nervousness.
Hoshi No Shikyo
May 4th, 2002, 03:56:57 PM
:: Hoshi was sitting at the bar with her back turned when this all happened, but now with the "crazy" man scareming at the people gathered was making her quiet evening turn out crappy. she turned around holding her drink, her shades were on top of her head, her crimson eyes quickly glancing at each person........ ::
"Why don't you just shoot the woman who killed the man?"
:: that was probably the easiest answer, but she doubted anyone would listen to her. ::
Keshia Kou
May 4th, 2002, 06:08:42 PM
ooc-- youm do rrealize basat already got demon out of the bar way befor you all starting acying like idiots
ic--*kesh shifted when her brother started screaming*
Demon Night 666
May 4th, 2002, 06:33:53 PM
*demon was roughly shoved into the copilots seat as her son seated himself in the pilots seat of her ship.he started the engines and took off at racing speed toward her homeworld khaos.she glared at the floor when he started to yell at her*
Sejah Haversh
May 4th, 2002, 11:22:43 PM
OOC- That was single-handedly the WORST playing of an action sequence I have ever seen. But thank you for ending it, and sorry,Kesh, we didn't act like idiots, we acted like normal people with consiences. Demon overstepped the boundaries of fair play, and also broke a few of the main rules for the B&G. I'm sorry you didn't like the way things turned out, but it was the best way we could have responded. By all means, Tomahawk should have shot Demon dead, despite her ungodlyhuge powers, and arrested those who carried weapons into the B&G.
And here I was hoping to be able to have a decent first battle, silly me...
Captain Tohmahawk
May 5th, 2002, 12:46:16 AM
OOC : Agreed with Sejah I am. Totally. You can not just carry weapons in here as has been made clear A LOT and also killing of staff is not tolerated - you have to expect and allow a retaliation and not a cheap run off as you have done at the very least. Do not do this again and expect it to stand.
Sage Hazzard
May 5th, 2002, 01:45:50 AM
Sage turned to Tohmahawk.
"General, I suggest the next time that women sets foot on this planet, she is killed or taken into custody.... Whatever you prefer."
OOC - This is a quote from Demon's first post:
*demon was stopped at the doors of the bar and grill by the bouncer.she grabbed him up by his neck and with a slight turn of her hand snaped his neck.she flung his body away from hers and continued into the bar.she looked around the barroom and sneered at the lollygaggers* well well...i want tose responsible for helping the Khaosian Empire kidnap my son and keshia and i want them RIGHT NOW!!*demon looked out of place in the bar with her combat armor and her favorite sword strapped to her back.she looked over her shoulder to see bast come in dressed in the same kind of armor.she nodded a greeting at her adopted son befor turning back to the barroom*
Now, she never said she left. Also, she never posted again until that incredibly non-sportsmanlike exit. I didn't take the time to re-read the other character's posts, but if you try and say that you wrote in that she left.... well, that's bull, because that's wrong to write character actions like that. Also, if I had posted with Avolon, all of you're characters would be bleeding and stuck to a wall right now. That's why I chose to write as Sage, because Avolon would start a fight. Sage would do the lawful thing. I went easy on you're characters this time. Try a stunt like this again and I'll have Demon's head cracked open.
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