View Full Version : Relaxing

Jaden Virag
Apr 17th, 2002, 10:35:15 PM
Jaden walked slowly back to his table, a steaming mug of coffee in his hands. He carefully set the precious drink on the tabletop before sitting down himself. For a few moments he did nothing but inhale the steam rising from the surface of the liquid.

"Oh yes. It's been too long my friend." he breathed, taking a sip. He closed his eyes as the blessed warmth ran down his throat. This was heaven. There had been many a night when all he had wished for was a cup of coffee, a sip even.

After taking a few moments to relish in the sheer ecstasy of the moment, Jaden glanced around at the others in the bar. It wasn't crowded but certainly not empty.

"What a great place." he said to himself, shaking his head with a smile.

OOC: I like coffee.

Selena Kyle
Apr 17th, 2002, 11:15:26 PM
**Snapping on her gum, Selena sauntered over to Jaden's table. The tall, blonde waitress had a freshly brewed pot of coffee in hand.**

Care for another cup of Joe, Hun? Seems like you really enjoyed the first one.

Jktal Anajii
Apr 17th, 2002, 11:17:19 PM
"It is not bad, and their coffee almost rivals a Nehantish roast, but not quite" A cold voice replied to Jaden's observation.

Stepping around so he could see him, J'ktal nodded hello lightly, the long strands of his frontal headfur swinging ever-so-slightly as he did so. As usual, he was impeccably dressed in his dark gray uniform that matched well with the gray of his fur, and his paws were clasped primly behind his back. J'ktal Anajii was a Nehantite, a race of sentiant mongoose-like creatures of human proportions that had only entered the realm of space in the last thirty years. J'ktal, however, was no novice in space, the rank pin on his collar and the symbol on the front of his uniform greatcoat was that of the Death-Shadow, an eliete faction of pilots and fighters.

Indicating towards the other seat, J'ktal lifted his eyebrows in question as to whether he could sit, causing his icy pink eyes to widen slightly. "Would you mind if I sat? I have been en route for three days straight, and would apprciate some company while I am laid over here."

OOC- Crud, It seems somebody beat me to the reply while I was working on mine. Oh well...

Jaden Virag
Apr 17th, 2002, 11:29:27 PM
Jaden smiled at Selena.

"Oh please, that would be great. Oh thank-you so much. You are a saint." he said happily, lifting his cup.

He turned to J'ktal with a smile. Coffee did an amazing job of brightening his spirits.

"Have a seat. I'd like to have someone to talk to as well." he motioned to the empty seat.

Jktal Anajii
Apr 17th, 2002, 11:37:19 PM
"Thank you," J'ktal replied while he sat down, tucking his tail sideways so he didn't sit on it--which was an uncomfortable occurrence.

"Could you get me a cup as well, Ms. Kyle?" He asked politely of selena, though his voice still seemed cold. Pulling a light smile, he nodded to her before turnign abck to Jaden.

"My name is J'ktal, Death-Shadow Captain J'ktal Anajii, it is a pleasure to meet you..." He trailed off at the end as if waiting for Jaden to introduce himself without J'ktal actually asking his name.

Jaden Virag
Apr 17th, 2002, 11:43:35 PM
"Jaden Virag, and the pleasure is mine. So you're a Captain? That must be great. I don't actually do anything at the moment, but I just finished teaching kids on some coffeeless planet that I can't pronounce. And I was a window washer once." He smiled.

"So what brings you here? Just relaxing?"

Jktal Anajii
Apr 17th, 2002, 11:54:07 PM
J'ktal was starting to like this guy, he wasn't put off by his animalistic features or his asture behaviour. Perhaps there was hope for the human race after all.

"My engines were firing out of sync, and I know a mechanic in the area who I trust with N.I.S.C. design technology, actually. That, and I was growing tired of heating frozen food." At that he broke a thin smile, though it was obvious fromt eh lines on his face that he never truly smiled, or showed much emotion whatsoever.

"And I have no crew under me, the captaincy is pure rank. I am A Shadow pilot, single pilot craft, if you did not know, though some of the newer heavy armor units also carry a gunner. You were a teacher?" He asked, then paused to take a drink of the coffee that Selena had gotten him, "Of what subject?"

Jaden Virag
Apr 18th, 2002, 12:33:15 AM
Jaden smiled at the frozen food remark.

"Well I taught....ahm, pretty much everything. These kids who couldn't afford to go to school, I'd teach 'em. They used to give em subjects they wanted to learn and we'd go from there." he smiled at the memory.

"And then the Government banned me from the planet. So it didn't work out too well. But it was a great eight months. I'd do it again."

Jktal Anajii
Apr 18th, 2002, 12:47:48 AM
Had it not been for his extensive training and programming in his education and upbringing, J'ktal would have sputtered while takign a drink of his coffee when Jaden mentioned being banned from the planet. But he remained unphased, almost unnervingly so, and finished his sip of coffee and set his cup down with a calm 'clack' on the formica tabletop.

"Banned? Interesting. I did not have to pay for my schooling, Death-Shadows never do. But my young cousin had to work hard to afford his school." The mongoose explained curtly, then tapped a small amount of sugar into his cup and stirred it around with hsi spoon, though miraculously not hitting the sides of his ceramic mug with the metal utensil. "Might I ask why you were evicted from that world, or is it too personal?"

Jaden Virag
Apr 18th, 2002, 04:03:55 PM
Jaden shrugged.

"Nah it's not personal. They didn't like the fact that I was teaching. They were very...racially unbalanced there. And when I refused to stop teaching the kids, they banned me. I still feel bad about having to leave the kids so suddenly. They were so great. Smart too." Jaden took a sip of his coffee.

"So you must have some interesting stories...care to enlighten me about life as a Captain?"

Jktal Anajii
Apr 18th, 2002, 04:48:52 PM
Laying one paw over the ridge of knuckles on the other on the table, J'ktal cleared his throat lightly and replied, "Like I said, my captaincy is more rank than command status. Being a Death-Shadow requires a higher rank, and I enjoy mine, moreso than being an Admiral, too much paperwork."

Pausing to take a drink of his coffee, the gray mongoose continued, "However, being a Death-Shadow also cuts you off from most normal life, you are expected to handle the high-risk, and low-profile to black ops projects. We are essentially the Special Forces of the Special Forces units. I am sorry, I am not at liberty to speak of many of my, *ahem* accomplishments."

Jaden Virag
Apr 18th, 2002, 05:03:49 PM
"I understand. That's cool though. I'm pretty much an open book. Not that anyone would wanna read me. I'm actually a very boring person with a very boring life. So far." He smiled.

"Must be hard work. What do you do for fun?"

Jktal Anajii
Apr 18th, 2002, 05:21:54 PM
"Fun?" J'ktal's eyebrows and ears perked up as if questioning what the word meant. Tilting his head slightly to the side, he thought for a moment and replied, "Fun... I normally choose not to have much free time, and much of what I do ahve I fill with further training. Mainly physical excersise in martial arts and weapons training anymore to keep me sharp."

Realizing that wasn't what Jaden probably meant, the Death-Shadow ran through his mind the other things he did for pleasure and relaxation. "I also enjoy hunting, and the theatre as well. I am sorry, I have a hard time relating to people outside my common circle, it is mainly due to my training."

Jaden Virag
Apr 18th, 2002, 07:07:06 PM
Jaden shrugged. "You seem to do a fine job of it." his eyes brightened at the mention of theatre. "I love the theatre. I used to go all the time when I was a kid. Of course back then I hated it because my parents made me go. My father was a lawyer and he was obsessed with mingling in the "higher" levels of society. They were all stuck up, boring people but I'm glad my parents insisted I go. It expanded my intellectual appreciation of the arts. I quite enjoy it now, though it's been some time since I've had the chance to attend a show." He paused to brush a mark off his shirt.

"Hunting? I've haven't tried hunting--yet. Although I'm not sure I'd be too good at it. I'm more of the writing, poetry-reading coffeehouse sort of guy. A Mr.Keating."

Jktal Anajii
Apr 18th, 2002, 07:25:20 PM
"Ahh, Keating, yes." J'ktal nodded, then took another drink of his coffee. "And I am not sure you would want to do the type of hunting I do. Dangerous large game, with no projectile weapons." A thin smile traced the edges of his mouth at the thought of it.

"And I am afraid I was among that class of 'stuck-up, boring people,' on my world, but you learn to look at others differently that way. There were times I envied the simple life others led."

Jaden Virag
Apr 18th, 2002, 07:37:41 PM
Jaden nodded. "I didn't really care but my father would have given anything to be among them. But of course he was only a lawyer and they didn't really respect him. He knew it too. But that's the way my dad is. If something doesn't go the way he likes, he pretends. Ignores. Like me. I was supposed to become a Senator, a mayor, Master of the Universe, something great. Most definitely not a volunteer teacher on some desolate planet." he chuckled. "Do you know what he tells people? He tells them I'm insane. Gone off the deep end. I guess he figures it's better to have their sympathy than tell them the truth. But that's my dad." he laughed again. Jaden was fond of his father though they rarely spoke.

Jktal Anajii
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:05:18 PM
"My father is a Vizier for the Sultan of Nehantish. His father before him was Death-Shadow like myself. A son of a Death-shadow cannot be one as well, but it was decided before my birth that I would be one. Many things are said of me, and most are true in some form, though they do not carry the respect I would like." J'ktal replied, a it of terse edging in his words.

"I respect my father, though we rarely see each other anymore. It is enough for him to have a trophy for a son; no need to actually bond with a trophy."

Jaden Virag
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:14:13 PM
Jaden nodded. "I like my old man. I think he likes me too-- I'm not sure though. I'm a failure according to him so that kind of tips the scale against me. But it doesn't really matter. I'm happy. And I really don't care what people say about me. If they get their kicks by insulting me or gosssiping when I'm gone, great. Glad I could provide some entertainment. Besides, there a plenty of decent people out there who actually value human interaction."

Jktal Anajii
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:33:12 PM
"You have many luxuries, Mr. Virag." J'ktal said, then waited for an awkward pause to pass before continuing. "Your reputation is not of that great of importance to you. I must keep mine wholly intact, or I might as well turn in my uniform. They made me, they can take it away. It is that simple with my rank."

Finishing his coffee off, J'ktal set the mug ont he edge of the table to indicate that he desired a refill, and then tugged lightly at the cuff of one of his sleeves to make it fit smoother. "So where are you headed next? I am sure you are not completely without direction."

Jaden Virag
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:38:53 PM
Jaden listend as J'ktal spoke, sipping his coffee occasionally. At his question, he swallowed the slurp he had just taken and set the mug down, cracking his knuckels out of habit.

"I'm actually here for awhile. I'm going to train as a Jedi. It seems to be a great way to help people...and lets face it, the universe needs as much help as it can get."

Jktal Anajii
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:43:39 PM
"A jedi? Are you in touch with the Force?" J'ktal replied with a slightly guarded tone.

"I have been told that I might be, but I do not subscribe to that theory. It is rare for a Nehantite to posess such powers in any form, let alone enough to be recognized for it. And are you sure that your motives are entirely for the good of others? I know no man who does anythign soley out of concern for another and not himself."

Jaden Virag
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:58:24 PM
Jaden nodded. "I am indeed. And I'm not saying that I'm a Saint or something...I have wants and needs just like everyone else. I can be a real jerk sometimes. But I like to help people. I enjoy it, immensly. Makes me feel like I can change something bigger than me. Not only can I help people but I get to train as as a Jedi which is a great thing in itself. The way I see it, I've got a heck of a lot more than others do. But what use is it to me? I could become a lawyer or something, make my dad proud, but what would that accomplish? I'd just die being a guy who lived his life for himself. So why not spread it around instead? That way, when I die, I'll know that I tried as hard as I could to make life a little easier for those who can't help themselves."

Jktal Anajii
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:18:20 PM
"I pray you do not find yourself depending on someone like me, then. More often than not, I would use you for whatever I needed, and then cast you aside without a second thought. Of course, it would be for a greater good, but not at the same peace you would subscribe to." J'ktal replied, then sat back in his seat a bit.

"Force peace. Sometimes it is the only method. Bring sanity and tranquility back to a place that needs it, but do not fear spillign blood to do so. Such is the life of a Death-Sahdow."

Jaden Virag
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:31:29 PM
Jaden nodded.

"I am not saying that it isn't good to fight. Sometimes you have to fight. Sometimes man must go to war to make the grandest statement about who man truly is: he who abhors war. There are times when you may have to give up Who You Are to be Who You Are. There are masters who have taught: you cannot have it all until you are willing to give it all up. Thus, to "have" yourself as a man of peace, you may have to give up the idea of yourself as a man who never goes to war. Now I don't mean that if you are being hurt, you have to "hurt back." I simply mean that to allow another to continually inflict damage may not be the best thing for your Self or the other parties involved. I believe that you should wear out every other feasible option before resorting to fighting."

Jktal Anajii
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:37:35 PM
"Your father was right." J'ktal commented with a slight smirk.

Jaden Virag
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:40:24 PM
"About what?" Jaden asked, smiling.

Jktal Anajii
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:45:34 PM
"You should have been a lawyer." J'ktal cracked a fuller smile, but was still unable to express real happiness on his face.

Jaden Virag
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:54:44 PM
Jaden laughed, his deep voice resounding in the room.

"Well if I did that, no-one would like me. Heck, I wouldn't like me. Lawyers are people who know very little about many things and keep learning less and less about more and more until they know practically nothing about everything. I prefer to know as I much as I can about everything."

Jktal Anajii
Apr 19th, 2002, 02:42:08 AM
J'ktal sat rigid in hsi seat as if insulted by Jaden's words. Laying one of his paws over the other again, he looked him dead int he eye, his own pink ones icy cold, and said, "Then I suppose it would not refelct well on me if I told you I posess a law degree, and am in good standings as an excellent prosecutor, would it?" His eyebrows went up slightly as if to intimidate him into answering, btu then he continued on.

"It seems to me you have only had bad experiences with attourneys. I will assure you that there are many good lawyers out there as well,a nd many who are astoundingly intelligent about all manner of subects, as well."

Apr 19th, 2002, 02:55:40 AM
A small creature landed on the table unexpectedly, table-hopping his way to the bar. "You know what they say," he piped up as he leapt for another table, "99% of all lawyers give the others a bad name!"

Flying through the air, he landed softly on another table and proceeded to the next, not giving the mongoose man a chance to respond.

Jktal Anajii
Apr 19th, 2002, 03:01:54 AM
"And things like that give us respectable furred beasts a bad name as well. It is bad enough that the Cizerack have stilted others view of animalistic races, these pathetic show-offs are insult to injury." J'ktal spat through clenched teeth, wishign he had his sidearm so he could fire a shot over the little punk's head and singe his fur.

Shaking his head, J'ktal let it go slowly. "I will tell you one thing, if I were back home, and he was in the middle of the road while I was driving, he would be street pizza in no time flat." He grumbled.

Apr 19th, 2002, 03:12:34 AM
"I heard that!!!!!" Jhyx yelled from his spot on the bartop.

Jktal Anajii
Apr 19th, 2002, 03:17:08 AM
J'ktal slowly turned his head and leveled an icy gaze at the upstart creature. "You were supposed to." He growled, his sharp fangs exposed as he raised his hackles for an added display of dislike.

Apr 19th, 2002, 03:49:10 AM
Jhyx grinned from ear to ear, wagging his tail at the mongoose man, then went back to the drink the bartender set before him.

Jktal Anajii
Apr 19th, 2002, 03:57:17 AM
For a moment J'ktal pondered just how far the little pipsqueak would fly if he were to hurl his empty coffee mug at Jhjx. But then he reconsidered, deciding that the creature was only a petty annoyance, and not worth the effort. Turning back to Jaden, he said, "I apologize for that. I have few buttons, but when they get pressed, they get pressed hard."

Jaden Virag
Apr 19th, 2002, 10:15:32 AM
Jaden shook his head, smiling. "No need to apologize. I am the one who should be apologizing. I did not mean for my words to offend you. You are correct in saying my experiences with lawyers have been bad but I know many that are great friends. I was mainly referring to my father."

Jktal Anajii
Apr 19th, 2002, 02:02:25 PM
"No apology necessarry, I am probably one of the types of lawyer you do not care for. A Death-Shadow must attain a law degree if he wishes to avoid a lot of paperwork. We are authorized to judge and execute upon our findings in the field. It is not a responsibility taken lightly, but I have excercised it before. Some say I live a bloody life, but I balance my evils with good, I believe." The Nehantie explained, then held his mug out for a droid to refill. Taking a sip, he pulled his lips sideways and reached for the sugar again.

Dumping a fair amount in, he shook his head, "'Droids can never make good coffee." He muttered before taking another taste, finding it to his satisfaction. "That is better."

Jaden Virag
Apr 19th, 2002, 03:55:51 PM
"I actually considered getting a law degree at one time. But I chose to major in English and then eventually got a degree in archeology. So I spent a few years digging up old stuff and analyzing it before I quit and went into teaching. I think that was the beginning of my life." Jaden pulled a picture from his pocket. There were creases down the middle from being folded and unfolded many times and the edges were worn. It showed Jaden surrounded by dozens of smiling faces of various species. Many were hanging off him and making comical faces. Jaden was among them, tongue out and eyes crossed. "That is why I like to help people. Look how happy they are. I like to think that their world is just a little less scary and that they notice things they never did before. That they can forget about social and racial boundaries because I taught them." he shrugged. "But who knows? Maybe they forgot it all when I left. I tend to cling too tightly to the brighter side of things." he smiled.

Jktal Anajii
Apr 20th, 2002, 03:00:32 AM
"If you do not mind me saying so, you also talk too much." J'ktal minded him, then went on to explain so he woudl not take it as an insult. "You do not know me, you have never seen me before. For all you know, I could ahve beleifs that clash with yours, and it could lead to physical argument, and in which case, no offense, I would win. Though I am not an enemy, it is still wise to keep some form of guard up, Mr. Virag."

Taking another quick scan around the bar, J'ktal settled his eyes back on Jaden. "I thought you had to be trained whn you were young to become a Jedi. Am I mistaken in that?" He asked to change the subject.

Jaden Virag
Apr 21st, 2002, 02:39:01 PM
"Ah but you see, I don't fight... usually. Life is too short to let disagreeing beliefs lead to anything other than what they are." He refolded the picture and put it back into the safety of his pocket. "But you are right. I talk too much." Jaden smiled. He shrugged at the question. "Well I don't know too much about how the age thing works but I'm pretty sure there's no age limit seeing as I'm here."

Jktal Anajii
Apr 21st, 2002, 11:21:31 PM
"Well, I wish you the best in your endeavors in training. From what I hear it is not easy to become a true Jedi. But then again, my sources are not always correct." J'ktal replied, then reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet.

Folding it open, he withdrew a photgraph from its plastic sleeve and slid it across the table to Jaden. It was of himself and a younger male of his species, yellow in color and with red eyes. In the photograph, J'ktal appeared two years younger as the age of twenty-five, and the other was only eighteen. "That is my cousin, he believes much of what you do. But on our world, you cannot survive on words and beliefs alone, but actions. Still, you remind me of him int eh vigor with which you speak."

Jaden Virag
Apr 22nd, 2002, 06:44:36 PM
"Thank-you." Jaden remarked as he picked up the photograph to get a closer look. He gazed at it for a moment, a smile crossing his features. He looked up at J'ktal, handing the picture back. "Is family important to you? Are you close with them?" he asked curiously. Jaden, though he got along well enough with his father, had never felt a true closeness to the man.

Jktal Anajii
Apr 22nd, 2002, 10:23:31 PM
J'ktal rarely talked about his family, mainly becuase he seldom had reason to. Letting himself fidget slightly in his chair--something he almost never did--the gray mongoose looked at the picture again before setting it face down on the table.

"I am sure I would ahve felt close to my family had I grown up more with them, but I was trained and taken care of most all the time by those in the Death-Shadow program. I knew who may father and mother were, and we did have enjoyable times together, but, emotions were not strongly encouraged in my training, and time with others was limited. My father took to it well, not really understanding how to raise a son, but I believe my mother was impacted by it." Pausing, he collected his next words while taking a drink of his coffee.

"My cousin, Tevit... We are not close, thoguh he lived with me for five or six years after his parents died. I tried toi help him be strong, but he took it as selfishness and coldheartedness sometimes. We have fights more often than kind words. Even at his birthday we had a roust. So you could say, no, I am not close to my family. I was only ever close to one person, but she is gone now." A somber twinge was wrapped around his final words, and he left off to take another drink.

Jaden Virag
May 5th, 2002, 05:21:12 PM
Not wanting to make the situation awkward Jaden simply nodded. "I don't think I could have done that...been away from my family. There are times when I wish I could just make them disappear but that's normal. Maybe family isn't the best subject over coffee....for either of us." he smiled.