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Darcas Kesann
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:34:40 PM
The feline warrior slowly walked into Yog B&G, glancing both left and right, He took a seat at a table. Recently Jedi Knight Falcon Gyndar hand invited Darcas to the B&G, no reason was stated, and was informed to await his arrival.

Falcon Gyndar
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:56:54 PM
Falcon walked into the B&G. He spotted Darcas, and walked over to the table at which he was seated. Falcon pulled out a seat and sat down.

"Hungry? This place serves great food, so I suggest you get something to eat, if you're hungry. I'm sure they'll have whatever you ask for. They do in my case, and I eat some pretty odd things sometimes. You acquire certain tastes when you travel."

Falcon himself ordered a sandwich. The ingredients weren't exactly standard for the human stomach. Falcon didn't feel entirely human. He took a bite, swallowed, and then spoke again.

"So, Darcas...What kind of strengths do you have? I deduced that you have some combat training...and have seen a bit of action. How is it your capability for the Force was discovered? Most people have interesting stories. Take your time. I'd like to hear yours."

Darcas Kesann
Apr 30th, 2002, 08:12:43 PM
Darcas ordered himself a raw steak, while the order was being prepared he started to speak;

"For my strengths I am profficent in most blade combat weapons; Bastard swords, Short swords, Long, scimitars, scythes, kamas and the like. I have yet to touch a lightsabre though. I have increased Agility than that of a human, and Garou also." His order arrived as he finished off. For the moment he ignored the steak and continued.

"As for my experience in the force, or rather, the first time I discovered the force was in a skirmage between two Clans of my race. It just.. hit me like a rock so to speak. The battle was soon to begin when I wondered how the outcome would be if we did engage.The battle was fought and our clan won, I did not fight. Wondering what was the power I possesed, I searched the Grand Libary for information. I found several tombs on the force and heard rumors of this Faction that trained Jedi's to handle this power, I bought and flew a modifyed Y-Wing here, and here I sit." He halfway smirked, and ate a peice of the steak.

Keshia Kou
Apr 30th, 2002, 09:19:39 PM
*keshia listened with half an ear to thier conversation but was concentrating on her new design for a starcannon on her ship.she impatiently brushed the blue strands of hair in her face.she cursed as the serverdriod bumped into te table spilling coffe on the blue-prints.she grabbed a pawful of nampkins and cleaneed the mess up as best as she could*great...now i have to redraw the whole damn thing..

Falcon Gyndar
May 6th, 2002, 03:04:21 PM
Falcon nods. He takes a huge bite of his sandwich, contemplating this info. He speaks once he has swallowed.

"So you posess piloting skills also. Good, good. So you have come here to train. I am here to train you. So here are some questions that should require a great deal of thought:

1) What is it you wish to do here?
2) How do you see yourself now, and in the future as a Jedi? 3) What area do you wish to concentrate on(ie: Meditation, combat, healing...)?

Darcas Kesann
May 6th, 2002, 04:30:43 PM
Darcas pondered for a moment, then spoke; "I wish to train as a Jedi to prevent what happened to others because of..." He trailed off for a minute in silence, "..things people do.. I want to save instead of destroy, keep some people from hurting others and the like."

"I really cannot predict on what I will see myself as in a future date. But hopefully, I can become experienced enough to acheive masterhood in the Jedi ways." Darcas paused before answering the third and final question, "I wish to specialize in the "Technic"s or mastery of the elements. Then into healing, combat with a sabre before all though."