View Full Version : A Thankyou
Apr 24th, 2002, 03:42:46 AM
Oriadin entered the bar. He was waiting for Xazor to say thankyou to her for helping him to find a place to stay withing the living quarters. He looked around the room. It wasnt very busy bet there were a few people about. Some faces he recognised but most he didnt.
--Bartender, I'll take an ice water. Thankyou.--
Apr 24th, 2002, 11:15:39 AM
The Jedi Knight walked into the bar and offloaded her weapons. With a smile, she looked around and met eyes with the one she was to meet with. She casually walked over to his table and sat down quietly.
Greetings my friend...I am glad that you invited me to join you for a drink.
She said with a bright smile.
Apr 24th, 2002, 11:39:09 AM
Oriadin watched as Xazor entered. He could tell the people in the room respected her. A smile lightend up his face as he greeted her.
--Im glad you could make it.--
As the barman began to pour the Ice water, Oriadin called out and said
--and for the lady here could I get....--
Oriadin glanced at Xazor and paused as he waited for her to tell the barman what she wou
Apr 24th, 2002, 05:23:32 PM
A Virgin Strawberry Daiquerie please.
Xazor told the bar man with a smile. Her eyes shifted back to Oriadin and she smiled once again.
It is a beautiful day, yes?
She said cheerfully, looking out the window and then back at the people gathered in the bar. It was a lovely day, unlike the rainy weather Yavin IV had been experiencing in the last week....
Apr 25th, 2002, 05:13:29 AM
--Yes, its lovely. Although I do like the rain. It reminds me of home.--
Oriadin paused as a look of shock overcame his face. He stared down at the bar for a few seconds then looked to Xazor.
--I remembered something. Its not much but there wasnt a flash back or anything. It just came to me.--
Oriadin now had a small smile on his face and a look of curiosity.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 25th, 2002, 05:28:10 AM
From across the room, a lone man, isolated in an alove smoked his pipe, face hidden from all, a sword on his lap. Silently, he just watched the comings and goings.
Apr 25th, 2002, 05:40:44 AM
As Oriadin spoke to Xazor he felt as if someone was watching him. His head turned so he could see over his right shoulder. He glanced around the room but didnt really notice anyone staring. He dismissed his feelings and was about to turn back to Xazor when he spotted somone in a shadowy corner, keeping himself to himself and smoking his pipe. Oriadin couldnt make out who he was but he felt that the mysterious figure was keeping a closer eye on what was occuring than he was letting on.
Apr 25th, 2002, 06:56:49 PM
Xazor nodded her head with a smile.
Yes.....I do enjoy the rain sometimes.
Suddenly Oriadin had a rememberance of some sort. She smiled gently, glad to see that it was not a bad memory or flashback as she used to have.
You remembered something else? That is a good thing!
She said with excitement for him. Suddenly she felt the eyes of.....someone......watching them. She knew very well who it was, without looking. A smile crossed her lips and she spoke to the Watcher through the Force.
Greetings Marcus....sitting alone once again? I should join you for a quiet drink sometime.....
She laughed inside herself and diverted her attention back to Oriadin.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 25th, 2002, 07:38:55 PM
Do I ever drink with company would be a better question. Ask your friend if he would come here, and you as well.
Apr 25th, 2002, 08:26:23 PM
Xazor smiled to herself.
Oriadin.....a friend of mine wishes to speak with us. Come.....
She said softly, rising from her seat and leading the way to Marcus.
Yes.....we will pay the Watcher a visit......
She said in his mind, her telepathy speech filled with sarcasm and a hint of laughter.
Apr 26th, 2002, 03:39:07 AM
Oriadin was intreagued. He looked to Xazor and could see she had a slight smile. He trusted her so reached for the bar to get his drink and followed Xazor to a table where the mysterious figure sat, in the corner of the room.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:32:12 AM
He waited until Xazor and her friend came over.
"I am generally called Elessar. And whom do I have the pleasure of addressing...?"
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:00:30 PM
This is Padawan Oriadin....
She bowed slightly while introducing her friend. A smile crept across her lips.
No need for me to introduce myself....
She spoke in his mind. She did not wish to give anything away, so for Oriadin's sake, she did so.
I believe we have met before....I am Jedi Knight Xazor Dawnstrider.
The Garou said proudly. She took an empty seat across from Marcus and moved over, allowing her friend to sit along side her.
Apr 28th, 2002, 09:21:13 PM
Oriadin came face to face with the person he had noticed in the darkend corner earlier. He had noticed him watching people before and had been curious about the mystery man. Oriadin bowed as Xaxor introduced them both. He then took a seat next to xazor and sat and waited to see why Elessar had seem keen to meet with him.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:41:41 PM
"Hail thee and well met Oriadin."
He waited until the Padawan took a seat, nodded his hooded head at Xazor as a greeting... and then spoke again, this time making sure only the two with him could hear.
"I always watch the Jedi... I watch to see who shows promise. Those that do and show the patience to be a Jedi, I am beginning to introduce myself to. Xazor and I share an unusually deep bond, which means I see what she does, and she likewise with me. You indeed show much promise Oriadin and I do not say that lightly. Out loud, I would seek to hide myself for a bit longer, but in quiet, I will tell you I am Marcus Q'Dunn, Jedi Master. I again bid thee welcome"
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:46:27 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled brightly as she listened to Marcus's words.
Yes...he has a lot of promise, and does have the virtues of a true Jedi.
She said softly, trying not bring to much attention to their small group.
Apr 28th, 2002, 11:01:06 PM
Oriadin listend intently to Master Q'Dunn. As he spoke of the great promise he belived he could see in Oriadin, a look of suprise overcame his face. He quickly looked at Xazor then slowly looked back to Marcus Q'Dunn. He wasnt quite sure what to say so picked up his glass and took a sip of his ice water to give himself some time. He placed the glass back down and looked into Q'Dunns eyes.
--My loyalties lie with the Jedi and the Galaxy. I will do all that I can to ensure peace and life prevail. I am greatfull you belive I show great promise--
Oriadin spoke with a soft voice to avoid others close by overhearing.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 28th, 2002, 11:08:15 PM
"Indeed you do Oradin. I dont say good things to garner favour. I say them when they are best to be said. So, would you be good enough to tell me of yourself?"
Apr 28th, 2002, 11:17:40 PM
Oriadin listend to Marcus Q'Dunn but when he asked Oraidin to tell him a little bit about himself he looked slightly troubled.
--I wish I could. To tell you the truth I know very little about myself. I awoke about a month and a half ago in the middle of no where. Lost and cold. I had a feeling to walk in a certain direction and ended up here. I have had several flash backs of my life but they seem like bad dreams. Painfull, and when the flashbacks are over they seem distant and hard to remember.
Oriadin looked down to the table
--Before I came here I knew nothing of myself to the extent that I didnt know my own name.--
Marcus QDunn
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:28:57 AM
Hearing Oraidin know nothing of his past made the Jedi Master's interest pick up.
"Can you tell me of the dreams you have had? That is, if your at all interesting in finding your past. For some, they want to run from the past. Others, can only dwell too much on it. I would say we learn from the past and use it to make yourself stronger"
Apr 29th, 2002, 08:53:51 AM
Oriadin nodded in agreement. The he closed his eyes as he thought hard.
--My first flashback, I was on a ship. A very large ship and there were many people about. The second flash back I had, I was flying a much smaller ship and I was in danger. I had another flash back related to the first one that I had where a man was killed. I was right next to the person but could do nothing to help them.--
Oriadin opened his eyes. He looked a little sad.
--Thats about all I can remember. I feel that I know more but you know when you have a dream and it feels distant. Its like that.--
Apr 29th, 2002, 09:54:42 AM
Xazor sat quietly, recalling the day she had met Oriadin. She looked up at Marcus and smiled slightly.
" I had to probe for his name.....and then tell it to him. I do not understand what happened to him to make him forget his whole past. Something similar happened to me....though I only was made to forget everything that had happened before the age of four."
She said softly, recalling how her complete past had recently come into light.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 29th, 2002, 08:27:00 PM
He leaned back in contemplation.
"I want you to try something Master Oraidan. I want you to sit where you are and close your eyes. I want you to silence your mind and not think of anything. Then, stretch out with your feelings.... Tell me if you see or feel anything"
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:15:48 AM
Oriadin nodded. He titlted his head upwards lightly and closed his eyes. He slowed his breathing and felt very calm. He thought about the room and the people around him and then faded them out one by one until his mind was clear. He sat motianless for a few moments when his head suddenly flinched. His eyelids were twitching slightly.
--Im in a room, there are many people around. Some sort of party perhaps?--
Marcus QDunn
Apr 30th, 2002, 05:03:22 AM
Marcus alos closed his eyes.
"Good. Explore the room. Who is there? What type of emotions do you feel? Is there anger or happyiness? Can you feel familiarity?"
Apr 30th, 2002, 05:23:34 AM
Oriadins face is stern with concentration.
--I feel aware. On edge. I dont recognise any of the people in the room. Someone is walking towards me. They look as though they want to ask me something--
Marcus QDunn
May 2nd, 2002, 05:52:22 AM
"Good... good. Can you see this person's face? Are they familiar to you?...... and as well, do you feel you know what it is they would ask? Now reach out further...... you are doing very well. Keep reaching out with the Force and your Feelings. Continue to describe what you see and what you feel, hear"
May 2nd, 2002, 06:11:59 AM
--Yes I can see this persons face, I know him but not all that well. Wait...
...he is a waiter. Hes asking me if I would like a drink. I cant though, not while im working. Thats it, Im working here. Its very busy and im begining to feel worried. Im not sure what it is im worried about exactly or even what im working as. Im moving through the crowd, looking for someone now...--
There is a long pause.
--Im strugling to remember much else, its ellusive.--
May 7th, 2002, 06:13:47 AM
Oriadin glanced at Xazor and then at Marcus, waiting for one of them to say something.
Marcus QDunn
May 7th, 2002, 06:18:28 AM
Marcus was leaning back in his chair, eyes closed and contemplating what the Force told him as well.
"Search out the person your trying to find. Focus on that and ignore all else. Contemplate the Force and see if the name and reason for you wanting to find this person is revealed"
May 7th, 2002, 06:32:27 AM
Oriadin nodded. He closed his eyes and began to concentrate very hard. All around him disapeard. Who was he looking for?
--Ok, im in the crowd again. Im searching for someone but its too packed to move. Im starting to panic. I can feel something bad is going to happen. A fight? No, thats not it. An assasination. Im, there....
...Im there as a body guard. Im searching for the person I am supposed to be protecting. An Ambasador of a very small planet. --
It was all starting to come back now.
--We got split up as he walked through this crowd of people. This party is in his honour.--
Oriadins heart was starting to pound. Faster and harder. Sweat began to appear along his brow. A look of worry ovcame his face.
Marcus QDunn
May 7th, 2002, 07:16:27 AM
"You can stop if you feel this is going to be too hard Oriadin" The Master said softly. "You have done well so far. But if you feel this is important to regain your memory, continue on"
May 7th, 2002, 09:23:09 AM
Oriadin listend to Marcus and decided to continue.
--I am still searching. Pushing my way through the crowd. I can see a small platform so I make my way to it. I should be able to see over the top of the crowds of people from there. After much pushing and shoving I finally get to the platform. Im now scouring the room for the ambasador. I still cant see him.--
there was a slight pause. Oriadins breathing was now very heavy as if he were out of breath.
--I SEE HIM! Hes making his way to center stage for a speach. Hes followed closley by two other body guards and his right hand man. I feel relieved that I know where he is so I begin to make my way towards him. There is some noise behind be though and I sense danger. I look back and I catch a glimps of someone with a gun. I make a mad dash for him. Its not easy with the number of people about though. Finaly I get to him and we fight. He wasnt particularaly strong but he was very fast. I hear screams comming from around the room. The crowds were screaming, running and trying to hide. Something had happend. I finally managed to dispose of the assasin and looked back to the ambasador. The two body guards were there with guns in thier hands and...and... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Oriadin shouted out accross the bar. All looked around in the room as he opend his eyes suddenly and remembering where is really was. His face dripping with sweat and he was shaking. He looked uneasy and tried to stand up but instantly fell to his knees as if he were dizzy.
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