View Full Version : Morning tea

Anbira Hicchoru
May 1st, 2002, 04:03:17 AM
:: Anbira made the mile long walk from his spartan quarters to the bar & grill, taking his time to enjoy the trip. When he arrived, he settled into a chair at a corner table, pulling a dried sprig of Zansanar from his robe, and pressing it into the corner of his mouth. A server droid came by, and Anbira ponderously considered his request ::

Green Tea, with honey, lemongrass, and jasmine, please.

:: Anbira shooed the droid off on his way, half closing his eyes as he extended his senses, contemplating the happenings of the day ::

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 1st, 2002, 04:06:56 AM
As Anbira contemplated the complexities of the universe, he became aware of a small figure standing beside his table. Well, not really standing...more like hopping.


He opened his eyes and found a very yound Cizerack female bouncing up and down, watching him. She smiled crazily, her hair mussed from playing, and still hopping incessantly. "Hji! jI'm almossst to...a hundrrred!" hop hop hop hop hop

Anbira Hicchoru
May 1st, 2002, 04:10:00 AM
:: Anbira brought his attention onto the child, the wrinkled corners of his mouth turning up into a smile ::

A hundred, you say? That's very good, indeed. You have very good balance.

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 1st, 2002, 04:16:46 AM
"jI am Cjizerrrack! jI have good everrrjythjing!" At her pronouncement, Daani proceeded to switch feet to hop on. Two hops into her right leg, she lost her balance and almost fell.

Embarrassed, her ears went down, and Daani blushed. "Well, almossst everrrjythjing."

May 1st, 2002, 04:34:46 AM
Sauntering through the doors of the Bar and Grill, Jhyx stood for a few seconds before bounding up to the counter next to the doorguard and engaging the man in another one-sided conversation. "Let me guess," he started, crossing his little arms over his chest, "You still haven't gotten that staring problem fixed."

The guard stared; then grunted.

With a shrug Jhyx leapt away, beginning his journey across tabletops to the bar. He'd made it about half-way when he landed on a table occupied by an older man with a hopping Cizerack girl next to him, and doing a double-take at the little catgirl, lost his footing and tripped.

He plowed into the table, sliding across its surface practically on his chin until he came to a stop close to the edge. Lying flat on his stomach for a few seconds, he slowly levered himself up to a sitting position. He inspected his arms and legs, making sure no serious damage was caused, then looked at the man and the girl.

"It was the wind," he confidently offered as an excuse.

Natia Lerf
May 1st, 2002, 11:52:19 AM
*Natia, a child of 7 has a mischievious little kitten who comes running into the B&G with Natia hobbling along behind her trying to catch up with her. She doesn't seem to notice who is in the room right now, except for the fact that her kitten just ran in here and is heading towards Anbira*

Shanelle, come back here. You're gonna get yourself hurt if you run off all the time.

*Natia's kitten at this point in time jumps up onto the little Cizeracks head and then onto Anbira's lap where she starts to clean herself. Natia quickly hobbles over to the table with the assistance of her crutches*

I'm sorry about this.

*Natia doesn't seem to clue in to who is at the table yet so she reaches over to grab her kitten with one hand and then stops as it just clues in to her that this is Anbira, Loki's Master*

I'm sorry about disturbing you sir. Shanella, my kitten, decided to have a bit of fun and run off on me. I'm sorry about all this.

*Natia looks at the little Cizerack girl*

And I'm sorry about my kitten jumping on your head.

*Natia during this talking moved her hand back to the crutch which she took it off of*

Anbira Hicchoru
May 1st, 2002, 01:42:17 PM
Oh, no trouble at all, Natia. Come, sit.

:: Anbira looked at the hard-at-work Cizerack girl, and the sprawled-out creature on the table. It seemed he was destined to have company of the most peculiar kind ::

Everyone is welcome.

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 1st, 2002, 02:07:11 PM
Daani's first instinct was to pounce on the little brown furred forrrda that fell unceremoniously on the table in front of the old hyuu-mann. But on a second glance, she figured that he was much too big to pounce.

She was just about to speak, but then something jumped onto her head. Daani squealed with shock, and the thing jumped off, landing on the old man's lap. She peered at it, rubbing her head as a little forrrda girl limped up. Daani hopped around the table, tail slashing back and forth for balance, and inspected the strange apparatus under the girl's arms. "What happened to jyourrr legsss?"

Daani hopped a little more, and then stopped after reaching ten.

Anbira Hicchoru
May 1st, 2002, 02:42:05 PM
:: Anbira smiled, petting the kitten that had found a temporary resting place in his lap. After a moment, he returned the pet to its rightful owner, as the serving droid approached with his tea. Anbira suddenly was aware that he had not anticipated guests, smiling to those at the table ::

Is there anything that you want? Perhaps some breakfast?

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 1st, 2002, 03:08:20 PM
Daani plopped down at the table immediately. "jYesss, food pleassse! jI can orrrderrr mjy own, though. Sssaaa told me to 'put jit on the rrroom tab.'" She frowned a little, and reached for the little forrrda on the table, who was still picking itself up. Her tummy growled loudly.

May 1st, 2002, 03:35:20 PM
:: AB had woken early that morning to tend to the gardens around the Jedi Recruitment center. She'd only gotten halfway done when you stomache gumbled, complaining about it's apparent emptiness. She looked at her chrono and decided now was a good a time as any to have some breakfast. ::

:: Besides, it wasn't very becoming of a Jedi Master to have her tummy grumbling. ::

:: Setting her tools aside, she retrieved her cloak, and made her way to the bar & grill. The morning was a bit chilly with a low lying fog about. But the fog would burn away once the sun came through. ::

:: She enjoyed her morning's at the bar. She normally ran into Anbira, whom she considered a good freind and almost a father figure. Though they never said much over their respective breakfasts, both seemed to appreciate the company, silent or not. ::

:: As she entered the bar, she spotted Anbira surrounded by a motely crowd consisting of a girl holding a kitten, a Cizerack child, and a... weasel? Minx? She still couldn't figure out what to compare Jhyx's species to. ::

:: She smiled as she stepped up to the table. ::

You've got quite the company this morning, Anbira. Is there room for one more?

Anbira Hicchoru
May 1st, 2002, 03:44:42 PM
:: Anbira smiled, gesturing to an open seat ::

Of course, Rie. We were just getting to the matter of discussing breakfast.

May 1st, 2002, 03:59:04 PM
:: AB took a seat at the table. ::

Thank you.

:: She pulled aside a waiter with a wave of her hand. ::

I'll have a plate of waffles, butter and maple syrup included, and a cup of hot tea.

:: She looked to the others at the table, smiling. ::

You guys go ahead and order what you like.

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 1st, 2002, 05:12:11 PM
"Ejight sajoji and sssome krrra'al sauce to djip. And a waterrr" Daani looked proud that she'd managed to order on her own.

Kra'al was a mildly spicy dip, native to Carshoulis, but earning respect throughout the galaxy. Most non Cizerack used it with chips, but it was best with sajoi. Daani looked to the others, wondering what they were going to order. She liked making new friends.

May 1st, 2002, 05:23:48 PM
Jhyx watched the little Cizerack girl watch him. He knew what she was thinking; a lot of Cizerack thought about eating him, except for Cirr. For some reason the big cat man had becoms his friend, and though it didn't appear as such, Jhyx was eternally greatful. Not to mention that with his big nouth, a friend as big as a wookiee and as strong as a dockworker droid was a good thing to have.

Turning to Rie, he stood and swaggered over to sit in front of her. He smiled wide. "Hi!!!"

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 1st, 2002, 05:50:43 PM
Daani peered at the little creature on the table. "jI'm Daanji, whatsss jyourrr name?" She smiled, showing her missing teeth.

May 1st, 2002, 05:50:48 PM
:: AB looked down at a widely-grinning Jhyx. ::

Well, good morning! And how are you today?

Anbira Hicchoru
May 1st, 2002, 06:15:23 PM
Waffles for the lady, sajoi and sauce for Daani, and I will have scrambled eggs and toast, with a bottle of hot sauce, if you please.

:: The droid wheeled away, and Anbira sipped at his tea, pocketing his Zansanar ::

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 1st, 2002, 08:45:04 PM
Slightly non-plussed a lack of attention, Daani scratched a stick figure into the surface of the table. Her stomach growled again, and she hoped the droid would be back soon with the forrrda for her.

May 1st, 2002, 09:42:55 PM
Jayte bounded into the bar and grill, covered in dirt, scratches all over his legs. He had been up for hours, playing outside. As he looked around, he spotted three familiar faces-- Natia, Jhyx nad Anbira. He didn't know the man well but he had been there when Jayte's older brother had come. Smiling shyly, Jayte walked over to the table.

"Good Morning" he greeted, unusually quiet. He smiled at Natia.

May 1st, 2002, 09:55:42 PM
Jhyx looked at Daani, tilting his head to one side. "I'm Jhyx." As an afterthought, he added, "And I'm not food."

Too lazy to get up and walk, the little Isnik rolled over in front of her. "Where did you come from? Cirr says all your kind are from Carshoulis Prime."

Anbira Hicchoru
May 1st, 2002, 09:58:12 PM
Ah, welcome, young Jayten. Pull up a chair and join us.

:: Anbira smiled ::

Are you hungry? We are all having breakfast.

May 1st, 2002, 10:07:43 PM
Jayte returned the smile and sat down. He shook his head in response to breakfast.

"No thank-you. I don't like to eat in the mornin'...it makes my stomach jumpy."

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 1st, 2002, 10:13:34 PM
Daani brightened as the small forrrda came over to her. She scritched a little rendition of him beside the one of her on the table top. Then she covered it with her arm, noticing the red headed Rie watching her.

"jI am frrrom Carrrssshouljisss Prrrjime. jItsss the bessst place jin the galaxjy." She gingerly reached out and scratched him behind the ears, "jYou know Cjirrrrrr?"

May 1st, 2002, 10:25:09 PM
Jhyx beamed, turning his head so when she scratched, she get more that just one area. "Yeah, I know Cirr, we're best buds."

Jhyx grinned at her, thoroughly content to let her keep scratching him.

May 1st, 2002, 11:50:40 PM
:: AB rasied an eyebrow as Daani scratched pictures into the wood. But she said nothing. The wood could be filled in later and repolished. As it was, Jhyx had managed to distract the child from her art work. ::

:: She merely watched the exchange between the two beings. ::

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 2nd, 2002, 12:21:23 AM
Daani giggled, and explained, "Cjirrr jisss mjy brrrotherrr." She enjoyed the feel of Jhyx's soft sleek fur under her fingers, and was becoming thoughoughly fascinated with the little Isnik.

And then their breakfasts arrived. Daani clapped her hands excitedly over the bowl of squirming sajoi, and lifted one out by the tail.

May 2nd, 2002, 12:57:54 AM
"Cirr is your brother?" Jhyx thrust his face into hers, studying her features, and reaching a paw out, ran the first two digits over her left ear. Seemingly satisfied, he pulled back. "Well, you do look like him."

And that's when the server shooed him slightly out of the way to set the bowl of sajoi in front of her. He watched her pluck one by its tail, and swiftly followed suit, grasping a squirming mouse from the bowl.

Overly curious, he held it up in front of his nose, sniffing it.

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 2nd, 2002, 01:04:12 AM
Daani opened her mouth to deposit the mouse inside, and saw Jhyx sniffing one of them. Opening her mouth again, sajoi intact, she declared, "Trrrjy one! Thejy'rrre grrreat!"

The little mouse hopped out of her mouth and scrambled across the table, but she nabbed it again, and took the time to douse it in the kra'al sauce before popping it back into her mouth. It really was too big for one mouthful, but she chewed bravely, having to use her side teeth for much of the masticating.

May 2nd, 2002, 01:12:57 AM
:: AB looked at the bowl of scrambling mice and at the little girl as she attemtped to pop an entire one in her mouth. Her stomache turned slightly, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. She was more worried about the girl taking to big a mouthful. ::

Careful you don't choke, Daani. I don't want your brother to have a fit.

:: Sighing, she took a sip of her tea, it's soothing taste and warmth calming her stomache. She then proceeded to dig into her waffles. ::

May 2nd, 2002, 01:17:27 AM
Still holding the mouse, Jhyx watched as Daani's meal sprang from her mouth. He laughed as the little Cizerack girl scrambled after it, and as she went on to dunk it in some sort of sauce, he eyed his 'catch', sniffing it once more.

Gingerly sticking out his tongue, he licked the mouse's tail. "I don't know, it tastes a little funny."

He watched Daani chomp on her sajoi, and never one to make himself look squeemish, he stuffed the front half of the mouse into his mouth. "mmmhhfffiiitthhh tthhhiiikkkklesshh."

May 2nd, 2002, 01:25:08 AM
:: AB nearly lost her mouthful of waffle as Jhyx tried to speak with the wriggling sajoi encompasing his entire mouth. She had to put her napkin over her mouth to keep from losing her food. Once she'd finished swallowing, she wiped a tear from her eye, and coughed slightly. ::

Maybe... *cough*... I should be the one... *cough*... to be careful not to ch--*cough*--o-ke.

:: She took a sip of her tea to calm the cough, but still continued chuckling at the site of the back end of the sajoi hanging out of Jhyx mouth, the tail wapping him against his nose, and at one point the tip going up it. This sent AB into another fit of laughter. ::

Anbira Hicchoru
May 2nd, 2002, 01:37:16 AM
:: Anbira busied himself with applying the reddish hot sauce onto his plate of fluffy scrambled eggs, spearing some with his fork and trying them, for consistency. His eyes narrowed as he swallowed, and followed it with a sip of tea. ::

Ah, perfect.

:: He glanced at the scene before him, noting Rie's laughter ::

Careful there, my little friend. Though your heart may be as big as a Cizerack's, your stomach may not be quite so mighty.

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 2nd, 2002, 01:42:13 AM
Daani swallowed hastily, and watched her new friend try to eat the sajoi. If he would eat a sajoi he definetly wasn't food himself.

Her eyes wide with glee, she scooped up another one for herself. "jYou ssshould trrrjy jit wjith the krrra'al, jit makesss jit betterrr." She laughed at his comical expressions, and had trouble getting her next sajoi into her mouth through her excitedness.

May 2nd, 2002, 01:55:35 AM
Jhyx nodded, the sajoi's tail swinging up to slap him upside the head, and he caught it deftly, pulling the mouse from his mouth to hold it upside down. "Ok....."

Dangling the mouse above the kra'al, he lowered it down, then used a foredigit to roll the little rodent through the sauce in order to coat it.

Pulling it back up, Jhyx stuffed it once more into his mouth, biting down lightly. He looked at Daani, giving her a double thumbs up. Suddenly he pointed past her frantically, making as much noise as he could trying to indicate that something was behind her.

And when she wasn't looking, he pulling the sajoi from his mouth, cocked his arm back, and flung the little creature behind him towards the bar. The sajoi hit the floor with a little bounce/squeak, and scurried off like lightning.

Jhyx rubbed his tummy, acting like he'd eaten the poor mouse instead of tossed it. "Mmmmm, that was great. I don't think I could eat another one though, that thing filled me up."

May 2nd, 2002, 02:13:32 AM
:: AB watched the whole show with the fork halfway to her mouth. She already dried some tears from laughing so hard. She'd nearly exhausted herself with laughter. She chuckled and finished her movement, downing another piece of waffle. ::

I think I'm gonna need a nap after breakfast!

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 2nd, 2002, 02:48:43 AM
Daani looked behind her, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Turning back to Jhyx, she saw he'd finished his mouthful. "jI told jyou thejy werrre good!" The little Cizerack beamed.

She looked over her shoulder again, a little puzzled. "What wasss back therrre?"

Anbira Hicchoru
May 2nd, 2002, 02:55:28 AM
:: Anbira smiled, the waving of his left index finger barely noticable ::

Oh, that was nothing.

May 2nd, 2002, 02:57:07 AM
Jhyx wiped the dipping sauce from his lips, grinning at Daani.

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 2nd, 2002, 03:05:09 AM
Daani smiled a little blankly at the old man, and giggled at Jhyx's messy face. "Sssurrre jyou don't want anotherrr?"

She scooped one up, and offered it to Jhyx, who patted his stomach and refused politely. Then she held it up to the older man. "Would jyou ljike one?" She was pleased so many people were taking an interest in Cizerack food. Cirr had told her no one in the bar liked it, but it seemed he was wrong.

Anbira Hicchoru
May 2nd, 2002, 03:23:29 AM
Oh..no, no.

:: Anbira laughed, shaking his head, as he speared another forkfull of egg ::

I have more than enough for me as it is, thank you.

:: He took another bite, wincing a little as the potent hot sauce kicked. ::

So, Daani, are you enjoying yourself here? I've never seen a Cizerack youngster here. You're quite a character.

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 2nd, 2002, 03:45:25 AM
She wasn't sure what 'quite a character' meant, but it must have been something good from the smile on the man's face. "Oh jyesss, jI'm havjing a grrreat tjime! On Carrrssshouljisss, jI djidn't get to do much of anjythjing, but herrre...well," Daani amended, "Carrrssshouljisss jisss ssstjill the bessst place everrr. But thjisss jisss the sssecond bessst."

Never mind that it was the only other planet she'd ever been to. Daani chewed enthusiastically on another sajoi.

Natia Lerf
May 2nd, 2002, 12:03:30 PM
*Natia silently takes her kitten back and keeps herself quiet while everybody starts talking. She does not take a seat when she is offered one. After several moments, she places her black and white kitten up onto her shoulder so that both her hands can be free to hold onto her crutches. She looks around the table, thinking that she has apparently been forgotten again, a feeling that she is quite used to, but still wanting to be a part of the group, she decides to remain here, at least for a little while*

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 3rd, 2002, 12:34:27 AM
Daani looked up at the other little girl, the one who was hanging onto the wooden things, and tried to get her to talk again. "Do jyou have to ssstand, orrr do jyou want to sssjit wjith usss? What happened to jyourrr legsss? What arrre thossse thjingsss?? Whatsss jyourrr name?"

The little Cizerack paused to take a breath, and would have kept going, but decided to wait for answers first. She smiled at the other, forrrda girl.

Natia Lerf
May 3rd, 2002, 12:41:22 PM
*Natia smiles at the little Cizerack girl as she starts to speak to her*

I either stand or sit. It all just depends on how tired I am and whether or not I wish to have the trouble of actually sitting down and then standing up later. As for what happened to my legs, I was...................injured at home a couple of years ago and I haven't been able to fully heal.

*Natia nods down to her crutches which she's using*

These are called crutches. They help me stand and move around. All the doctors say I should be in a hoverchair, but then that makes me look like a crippled person and well, I just want ppl thinking that I'm not as injured as I actually am.

*Natia smiles at the Cizerack girl who has suddenly asked her all these questions, happy to have somebody to talk to*

My names Natia. What's your name??

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 4th, 2002, 12:31:18 AM
"Natjia..." The little Cizerack rolled the name over her tongue. "Mjy name jisss Daanarrrrrrji, but mossst people call me Daanji, unlesss thejy'rrre mad at me."

She held a squirming sajoi out to Natia. "Wanna trrrjy jit?"

Natia Lerf
May 4th, 2002, 12:58:52 PM
*Natia smiles slightly*

I'm pleased to meat you Danni.

*Natia looks at the squirming sajoi and shakes her head*

No thank-you. I think I shall pass.

*Natia reaches up with one of her hands and places it on her kitten to prevent her from jumping down and running off*

So Danni, what brings you here??

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 5th, 2002, 01:31:28 AM
Daani frowned a little as the girl refused the offered forrrda. Perhaps she was forrrda herself, after all. It was all very confusing, being in this new place, having to learn what others considered food, and what was not.

"jI'm herrre wjith a frrrjiend of mjy famjiljy. Sssaarrrrrrrrreeaa Meorrrrrrrrreji. Ssshe'sss takjing carrre of me whjile mjy motherrr jisss awajy." The fact that her brother was Saa's manservant didn't enter her head. He was, after all, only a male, and it wasn't proper to talk about males in casual conversation to forrrda. Daani frowned again. Orrr majybe jI'm not sssuppossssssed to talk to malesss jin casssual converrrsssatjion...?

There were too many rules concerning males. She did love Cirr, but her culture defined the ways brothers and sisters related. It was all very confusing to forrrda. Daani slurped up a dangling sajoi tail and licked kra'al sauce off her lips.

Natia Lerf
May 5th, 2002, 12:34:57 PM
*Natia nods slightly*

Well, I hope you enjoy yourself here. It's a great place to be and to spend time though

*Natia leans closer to Danni and whispers this next bit to her*

But you have to avoid most of the males here. I don't find many of them trustworthy.

*Natia straightens up again, knowing full well she shouldn't try to influence other ppl's decisions about ppl and for the most part she doesn't, just when it comes to males she does*

So Danni, have you made any friends here yet?? Do you know anybody other then your families friend here?? If you do, may I ask who??

*Natia suddenly shuts up, knowing that she's about to start asking question after question to Danni and knows she shouldn't*

Anbira Hicchoru
May 5th, 2002, 01:02:21 PM
Natia...anything for breakfast?

:: Anbira offered, gesturing to the food at the table with an open hand. ::

May 5th, 2002, 01:57:42 PM
Jayte, meanwhile, had busied himself with searching his pockets. A few rocks (magic, of course), pieces of a plastic toy, a popped balloon, a piece of red string and....to Jayte's delight, a small snake. It couldn't have been there long or else he would have noticed it earlier. Smiling, Jayte brought the slithering reptile up to his face.

"Hello! I'm Jayte....who're you?" he stared intently at the little snake for a moment before scrunching his face up in confusion.

"I can't say that...can I just call you Ollie?" After a moment he nodded in satisfaction, an agreement having been met. He continued to talk softly to the snake, fascinated with what it had to say.

May 5th, 2002, 03:13:10 PM
Jhyx sat, still wiping some of the dipping sauce from his face when he watched Jayte pull a snake from his pocket. The Isnik had never seen one before, and was instantly mesmorized. Creeping forward on all fours, he slowlly made his way to the edge of the table, and with a light bound he landed atop Jayte's shoulder.

"What's that?" he whispered into the boy's ear, keeping his eyes on the slithering creature.

May 5th, 2002, 06:37:33 PM
"Itsa snake...his name's....I can't say his name but he said to call him Ollie." Jayte whispered back. He lifted the snake higher.

"Wanna hold him?"

May 5th, 2002, 06:48:20 PM
Jhyx looked at the....... snake, his curiosity taking hold of him, and he sat more comfortably on Jayte's shoulder. Reaching out a careful paw, he accepted the creature. It felt funny, and Jhyx was completey fascinated.

He watched as the snake stuck its tongue out. "Ollie?"

Jhyx had to constantly keep his paws moving to make sure the slithering thing stayed in his grasp. It was the oddest thing he'd seen.

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 5th, 2002, 11:02:12 PM
Daani quickly chewed and swallowed the last bit of sajoi, and tried to answer Natia's questions. "jI know mjy brrrotherrr, he jisss Sssaa'sss manssserrrvant. He'sss usssualljy down herrre...when he'sss not wjith herrr." She wriggled her eyebrows and giggled knowingly. "Ssshe sssajysss he'sss talented. jI thjink jit rrrunsss jin the famjiljy."

The little Cizerack female, although years away from Kree-rrrou, knew a lot more about breeding than most seven year olds. Luckily, she caught sight of the snake at the other end of the table, and her tail twitched. Morrre food?

The little forrrda male didn't look like he was going to eat it, though. "Olljie?" She couldn't help but overhear Jhyx and the little male talking.

And then there was something about males that Natia had said...but Daani couldn't remember what it was anymore. She turned her short attention span towards the snake.

May 6th, 2002, 03:07:05 AM
:: AB had finished her waffles and was sipping her tea quietly, watching the children chatter among themselves. It wasn't like her usual mornings, which were spent in a state of comfortable silence. But, she didn't mind. The curious minds of the children seemed to relax her and make her feel at peace. So, she continued watching them, smiling every now and then at their questions, and just simply enjoying the company she was having with her tea. ::

Natia Lerf
May 6th, 2002, 12:17:33 PM
*Natia jumps minutely as Anbira talks to her again. She had actually forgotten that he was there which she has only done with one other adult male. Obviously being at the Acedemy was doing her alot of good other then just teaching her things. She then smiles and looks back at Anbira*

Yes please, though I don't know what I want yet though would it be to much to ask for some water for Shanelle here. She's just told me that she's thirsty and slightly hungry right now.

*Natia's eyes then focus on Jayte, another one of her young friends*

Hi Jayte, how's it going??

*Natia then looks back at Danni as she goes to answer her question. Then a slightly puzzled look gets on her face*

Danni, what's a manservant??

*Natia, even though she is just a child still, has this intense dislike of asking what something is since for the most part, she is able to figure things out by herself or she already knows what it is*

May 6th, 2002, 09:27:47 PM
Jayte watched Daani warily, ready to protect Ollie if the need aroused. He smiled at Natia. "Hi! I'm okay....how're you?" he asked, still guarding his new friend carefully.

Daanarri Raurrssatta
May 7th, 2002, 01:27:37 AM
Daani scrunched her face. "Okajy? jI haven't hearrrd a name ljike that beforrre. jI'm dojing fjine. Full now." She patted her tummy contentedly.

Her head whipped back to look at the other little girl. "A manssserrrvant jisss a ...a manssserrrvant!" How could she explain this? "jItsss a ljittle ljike a...a..." She looked at the two older forrrda for help explaining it to the forrrda girl.

Natia Lerf
May 7th, 2002, 11:18:12 AM
*Natia smiles and nods her head to Jayte*

I'm glad that your doing ok. I'm doing rather well myself.

*Natia then looks back at Danni*

It's alright Danni. If you can't explain it, I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later. I'm usually quickly to figure things out, but you never know.