View Full Version : Making new friends out of old rivals (open)

Cmdr Lafeyette
May 1st, 2002, 09:20:53 PM
After a few hours of wandering around the GJO, Alec had found his way to the famous Master Yoghurt's Bar & Grill. From running into the green fellow at the New Republic, it made him laugh to picture the jedi master having a bar named after him. Once reaching the bottom of the staircase, the door slid open for him and he walked into the partially friendly atmosphere. A doorman stopped and checked Alec for weapons - which he had none - and finally let him in.

Nearby was a band on a small stage playing enjoyable music and in the center of the room was a bar holding elaborate shelfs of probably any drink you could think of. Meanwhile, Alec scanned the room for any empty tables where he could get a good view of what usually went on here. While doing so he noticed plenty of burn marks and holes in the walls and furniture. As he sat down, an R2 unit strolled up to the table and let out a set of beeps which then translated onto a built-in moniter.

What would you like today, sir?

"I'll just have a glass of water."

After taking his order it moved on to some other tables and eventually strolled back to the bar. Sitting up against the booth on the wall, he crossed his arms over his stomach and kept an observant eye on the crowd.

Navaria Tarkin
May 2nd, 2002, 12:29:55 AM
Coming to Arcan was Navaria's little vacation from home. Yavin always held something for the Jedi Knight to do. Communications from far off worlds, assessing new Padawans, and the general state of affairs between the Council and the New Republic.

It gets tiring but it was always rewarding.

She sat down at the bar and the man behind the counter smiled and already pulled out a glass of namana juice for her.

Navaria smiled warmly and offered her thanks.

"No problem..." He said, "We always make sure now to have it in stock for you Ms. Tarkin."

"You have my undying gratitude."

She said with a short chuckle before taking a sip, enjoying the music that the live band was playing.

Cmdr Lafeyette
May 2nd, 2002, 11:00:30 PM
Alec had found nothing to do except wait - which he didn't even know what for - so he kept himself busy by watching a pair of Grans argue over something he couldn't quite translate, and sipping his ice cold water at the same time. He would rather train with the other Jedi and get back in shape from his months of transition, however for the time being he would only wait patiently until a fitting master was chosen for him.

Cutting across his view was a woman walking confidently towards the bar. Within seconds she was seated at a stool and the bartender had handed her a drink of her choice without either of them saying a word. No doubt she was a regular here, and a feeling in his stomach told him she was an experianced force-user. He thought little of it and went back to searching the crowd for anything interesting. Yet something pulled him back, and he took a second glance at her.

. . .Dale? What is she doing here??

The person resembled the Sith he knew, but was less...dark. It was a huge galaxy out there with plenty of room for look-a-likes, but he still had to check it out. Gulping the rest of the water, Alec put the glass down and walked over to the stools in front of the bar, trying not to appear obvious.

Navaria Tarkin
May 2nd, 2002, 11:20:27 PM
Navaria had slipped into humming the song the band was playing. At first she didn't recognize the tune but then it became apparent it was something that Navaria had always heard in on Arcan. A popular song it was.

Today was a perfect day indeed to come to the bar. Usually it ended up being a bad idea but so far so good.

One should learn to never think so soon.

. . .Dale? What is she doing here??

The emotion was so strong that Navaria heard the man's voice in her head perfectly. Surprise and curiosity was thick with this being.

Navaria looked to her left, narrowing her eyes at the being to that had just approached the bar. She didn't know this one or ... did she?

Cmdr Lafeyette
May 2nd, 2002, 11:40:38 PM
Alec could tell out of the corner of his eye that the woman had been watching him. The bartender tended to other customers and then came to him asking if he wanted anything. With a simple 'no thanks', the man walked off and Alec turned to his right to find that she had already been looking at him with an equal sense of curiousity. He played along anyways.

"Hey, how are ya?"

Navaria Tarkin
May 2nd, 2002, 11:49:06 PM
"I'm not sure just yet."

Navaria sat up straight, still holding her glass of juice.

"What do you want?"

Cmdr Lafeyette
May 3rd, 2002, 06:04:50 PM
"I don't want anything, and I hope I'm not in the middle of anything."

Alec's smile shifted to a more serious face.

"In fact, I couldn't help but notice that you look a lot like an old friend of mine. Her name was. . ."

Navaria Tarkin
May 5th, 2002, 03:14:51 PM
With him speaking, Navaria was able to gauge his voice and physical mannerisms... knowing that he was not a threat. Still, something told her that he was indeed familiar.

His smile melted away, replaced by a stern expression. Almost as if he really didn't want to talk about this.

The stranger didn't finish his sentence, but already Navaria knew what this was leading to. She focused on his Force signature and then a memory of seeing him at Rama's Bar came forth. It wasn't her memory actually, just something she witnessed in the background...

Also, his face was familiar in the Council Room once or twice...

Yes, Navaria knew who this was.

Navaria tucked her hair behind her left ear and started to lift up her glass.

"Go on. Finish it."

She replied softly before taking a sip.

Cmdr Lafeyette
May 5th, 2002, 11:26:38 PM
". . .Dalethria, Mal Pannis I believe it was. She was a Sith, as was I. However you dont quite resemble her."

Alec's face lost its serious tone and he smiled once more.

"Again, I'm sorry if I'm coming off as a little rude, my curiousity got the best of me."

Navaria Tarkin
May 6th, 2002, 12:20:00 AM
"Was a Sith?"

She said, placing her drink down. Closing her eyes, Navaria shook her head before looking at him.

"Still is a Sith. Nothing will ever change that."

Then she laughed, which probably looked odd.

"Curiosity. How curious are you since I am not her. I'm Navaria Tarkin, a Jedi Knight of the Order."

Cmdr Lafeyette
May 6th, 2002, 05:41:57 PM
"Right, then I take it you know her."

Although Alec had given her his full attention, he almost let something slip by him. Jedi Knight? His face barely reddened at the embarrassment of making a fool out of himself in front of someone so accomplished. But that wasn't all, there was also the fact that her last name sounded identical to the Imperial Grand Moff that had been killed on the first Death Star. He wouldn't bother to intrude any furthur though, since her name probably had a completely different spelling.

"Well nice to meet you Navaria, and please forgive me for the mistake."

Navaria Tarkin
May 8th, 2002, 03:51:14 PM
Her features softened considerably.

"It is all right. I wasn't sure why you were questioning me but I sense that it was just innocent curiosity. One can never be too careful when it comes down to me and Dalethria."

Navaria motioned the barkeep to come over.

"Please. Anything that he wishes is on me."

She turned to look at Lafeyette.

"No harm done and yes in answer to your statement. I do know her rather well."

Cmdr Lafeyette
May 8th, 2002, 09:29:33 PM
Alec shook his head.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm pretty exhausted so I'll just hang out here a little longer and then go find myself a room."

Navaria Tarkin
May 14th, 2002, 07:13:09 PM
That caused Navaria to look perplexed.


Her brows scrunched together.

"How long have you been here and not been given a room?"

Alec Lafeyette
May 14th, 2002, 07:25:21 PM
"Oh I just got here a few days ago. I left the first day to get back to my ship and came back this morning. Like I said, all I have left to do is find myself a room and wait for the council to decide on a reasonable master for me."

Navaria Tarkin
May 14th, 2002, 07:40:08 PM
Her features took on a touch of sadness briefly before they became brighter.

"Well, you are in luck I would say since you are speaking to a member of the Jedi Council. Misunderstandings aside, I think we can learn a lot from each other."

She smiled.

"As Master and Padawan. What say you?"

Navaria realized that this came out of no where.

"I know this sounds strange and I have yet to know your name but.... I always believe that things happen for a reason."

Alec Lafeyette
May 14th, 2002, 08:12:20 PM
He could almost understand what she was feeling, because he felt it too. This offer had come out of no where, and left Alec shocked but thrilled.

"I'd be honored. . .master."

Alec grinned proudly, for he had finally begun his journey to learn the true ways of the Force.

Navaria Tarkin
May 15th, 2002, 09:30:46 PM
"Good. I'm glad you accept. We will begin tomorrow, after a good night's rest in your own room."

Navaria paused for a moment and studied her new Padawan. Curiosity was one thing that led her to ask if he wanted her to be his Master. He knew about Dalethria and that could help Navaria. Also, this could appease some curiosity from his end as well as clear up some rumors and misunderstandings about who she really was.

Memories of another life began to surface again as Navaria's eyes traced the contours of her new students face. The lines on his face seemed to align the memories of her shadow sister... Things she heard as Navaria slept in the deepest recesses of her mind.


Then she blinked and really looked at him.

"It is ... Alec.... Right?"

Alec Lafeyette
May 16th, 2002, 02:57:14 PM
He knew she was thinking about something, but he couldn't quite figure it out. He kept his gaze and nodded at her reply.

"It is ... Alec.... right?"

He began to talk, but his words stumbled out of his mouth and his tone seemed to be more questioning that agreeing.

"Yes, Alec.. Lafeyette"

He was almost getting used to using the name Alec, and he hoped he would master it soon. He knew how simple it was to overhear one's thoughts. If was ever caught thinking about his name or reminiscing about his past, the Jedi were sure to exile him - or at least think differently about him. However, he knew that his conscience would get the better of him one day, and he would let out the truth.

Navaria Tarkin
May 19th, 2002, 02:43:10 PM
Navaria's brows scrunched together in thought as she sipped at her drink. When she set the glass down, she quietly asked..

"Why do you think that?"

She turned to look at him.

"I know who you really are and will not hide that from you. To teach you the ways of the Force based on lies as soon as we start will only be a prelude to failure.

Do you not trust the Jedi?"

Navaria was purposely keeping things vague so that no one around them could understand what the two of them were actually talking about.

Alec Lafeyette
May 19th, 2002, 05:39:28 PM
Alec's eyes shot up from the bar counter to meet Navaria's eyes. What the hell?!

"Think what, my name? It's been a while since I've told anyone thats all..."

His eyes glanced left and right, wondering hopefully if anyone was overhearing their conversation. A few drops of sweat began to slide down his face and neck. He was worried about this, but maybe it was better now than later.

"What's there to not trust about the Jedi?"

Navaria Tarkin
May 19th, 2002, 06:43:36 PM
Navaria simply smiled and nodded her head.

"Yes, exactly. You can trust them, Alec, and when we are able to speak privately, you will know why you can trust me. Like I said. No secrets."

Alec Lafeyette
May 20th, 2002, 06:47:46 PM
Alec gave in a sigh of surrender. His shoulders drooped but he was still curious to find out how much she really knew.

". . ."

All the work he had gone through in changing his identity and telling everyone he was someone else. Now here he was on this fateful day, where the same woman that sparked his curiousity had taken him as an apprentice and figured out the truth. There was nothing he could do, and nothing he wanted to do for that matter.

"No secrets."

Navaria Tarkin
May 21st, 2002, 09:04:24 PM
Pushing the bar stool out, Navaria stood up and put a reassuring hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Don't make that face and don't feel that way. Everything has a way of falling into place as everything happens for a reason. Our meeting wasn't chance. You and I both know that."

She smiled softly.

"Your mind is weary. Sleep would be good now, yes?"

Alec Lafeyette
May 22nd, 2002, 01:21:10 PM
Navaria was right, and the suggestion of rest was something he could agree to. Sleep was a chance for him to clear his thoughts, regrets, and old feelings. Tommorow would be a new day, and he would be a new person.

"That, master, is the best idea I've heard all day."

Navaria Tarkin
May 22nd, 2002, 07:50:28 PM
"Then let's go... Unless you wish to find a room yourself."

She retrieved her hand and smiled.

"I probably could make the search faster though."

Alec Lafeyette
May 23rd, 2002, 02:15:00 PM
Alec grinned appreciatively while standing up and stepping away from the bar.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a guide, as long as you don't mind."

Navaria Tarkin
May 23rd, 2002, 08:54:50 PM
"None at all, of course."

She stepped back and motioned for Alec to walk in front of her.

"I should have a room for you in no time, and then tomorrow we can talk some more in preparation for your training."

Navaria led Alec's towards one of the landing pads to catch a shuttle back to Yavin.... in no time, her new Padawan would be fast asleep in his own quarters....