View Full Version : Wrecked speeders and fake ID's

Ryan Barrett
May 5th, 2002, 08:56:16 PM
Ryan Barrett stumbled into the bar, a look of shock and terror on his face. He walked up to the bar and dropped onto a stool. "Can I get a beer?" he asked the bartender. The man looked him over carefully. Sighing, the sixteen year old pulled out an ID that stated his age as twenty-one. This seemed to satisfy the guy behind the counter and Ryan soon found himself sipping nervously at his drink. He banged the mug onto the countertop, and rubbed his face with his hands.

Oh my God...I'm gonna die. I am going to die!

His thoughts drifted back to the totaled speeder--the one his father had spent months refinishing. The one he wasn't supposed to drive until he got his license. Even then it would have been a big surprise if his old man had consented. His stomach twisted into an even tighter knot. There was no way he was going home. Ryan was smarter than that.

"What am I gonna do? Ohhhhhh God. Wheeeeew. Awww damn. This is great." he mumbled to himself in a shaken tone. The beer was doing nothing to help him. Maybe he should have ordered something stronger...

Ulic Dennatta
May 5th, 2002, 09:07:39 PM
A man was sitting in the corner enjoying his Merlot when he saw a young man come into the bar and sit down. He seemed nervus about something. Ulic desided to probe around in his mind a little to see what was bothering the man so. He found out a few things and decided to go and talk to the Boy.
He aproached the boy, took a seat next to him, set his glass on the counter and said,

"Aren't you a little young to be drinking my young friend?"

Ryan Barrett
May 5th, 2002, 09:34:36 PM
Ryan, startled from his thoughts, looked up quickly. He suddenly felt like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Smiling to cover up his nervousness he spoke.

"Oh, hi. Yeah, I look a little young. But I'm not...you know how it is. I'm always getting ID'd." he forced a laugh," I'm actually twenty-one. Yep."

Ulic Dennatta
May 5th, 2002, 09:38:35 PM
Ulic wasn't fooled by the boys response. He knew he was 16 and was, well, about 6 years from being 21.

" You want to tell me your real age. You don't have to be afraid of me, i will not turn you in. You just seem troubled. What is bothering you?"

Ulic took a sip from his Merlot while he waited for an answer.

May 5th, 2002, 09:40:10 PM
Xazor had been watching the young man as he lied about his age, and then spoke to Ulic. She reached out with the Force and probed his mind quickly.....learning that he was actually sixteen. She laughed slightly to herself and rose from her seat. Her blonde hair fell to her waist and drooped gracefully around her shoulders, her red robes flowed behind her like an ocean wave. She smiled gently and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Greetings Ulic.....it has been a while since we last spoke. Indeed.....this boy is a friend of mine and he is true to his age...."

She was trying to help the young one out. She knew what it was like to be his age.....for she had only been a few years ago. The pressures on him must have been great for the amount of stress and worry eminatting from his body. She took a seat on the stoole next to him, and probed his mind once again for a name and came back with Ryan.

"So, Ryan.....how have you been lately?"

The Jedi Knight questioned him with a gentle smile.

Marcus QDunn
May 5th, 2002, 09:46:19 PM
Since when did anyone bother with ID's in this place? wondered Marcus, hidden in his alcove, face shrouded by his cloak's hood and also smoke from his pipe I've never heard of anyone being id checked before coming in here. You would lose half the patrons if they did

He snorted a cynical laugh. No one cared about such little items as underage alcohol on this planet. Tohmahawk should be speaking to the barman for being a prude

Ryan Barrett
May 5th, 2002, 09:52:11 PM
At Ulics responce to his lie, Ryan felt his face pale. He was confused. Usually he was able to convince people he was older. His confusion grew when the yong lady joined them. How did she know his name? But Ryan wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. He smiled at Xazor.

"Hey...you!" he smiled, though his eyes showed he was having a hard time dealing with the situation. "I'm doing great! You?" his speech was growing rapid as his nervousness increased. Grabbing his mug, he took a huge gulps, not stopping until it was empty. Ryan quickly motioned for a refill.

Ulic Dennatta
May 5th, 2002, 09:53:42 PM
" I really don't care about his age Xazor, I am trying to help him out. You see, he is very worried about something. I remember what it is like to be his age and i only wish to help him out."

Again Ulic took a sip from his merlot.

Ryan Barrett
May 5th, 2002, 10:01:51 PM
Ryan began to laugh hysterically. His face was a mix of worry and confusion. He was taking quick breaths, almost hyperventilating.

"Who are you people? No really...is this some kind of joke or something? Did my father send you?" he turned his gaze upwards and offered a helpless look. "Please....c'mon...I haven't been smoking or shooting up or anything. Ever....just tell me I'm not insane or something because this is really really uncomfortable."

May 5th, 2002, 10:09:03 PM
"I'm doing great! It is so good to see you once again......"

She said with heartfelt tones, making it appear as though they had known one another for a long time. She smiled and looked at Ulic.

"Really, he is twenty one. He ages slowly because of his race.....like me. I appear as though I am about sixteen, but I am really about twenty five. I am Garou and age slowly as does he....."

She said with a smile. She turned her attention back to Ryan and smiled.

"So, what brings you to this establishment? I thought I would never see you again, after what happened on......on Cysaria!"

She weaved bits of her past into this situation to help him out. Ulic was a nosy type of person and she didn't want him doing anything to this poor child. She smiled once again, making this whole conversation seem most natural.

Ryan Barrett
May 5th, 2002, 10:13:01 PM
Ryan just stared blankly. He put his head down on the bar and rested his hands on the back of his neck. He was waiting for the other shoe to fall. The suspense he felt was almost unbearable. This was far to odd for him to deal with.

May 5th, 2002, 10:17:59 PM
Xazor watched as the boy put his head down on the table. She sighed and looked down on him with gentle eyes.

What troubles you so young one?

She spoke the words through the Force, and they entered his mind. She kept the message sealed so only he could hear it. She somehow knew that he could hear it.....

Ryan Barrett
May 5th, 2002, 10:22:58 PM
Ryan hadn't expected to hear her voice in his head. Forgetting that his arms were locked on his neck, he jerked up. With a jolt, his head was pushed onto the counter with a whack. Cursing, he untangled his arms and pressed his hand to his forehead. He looked at Xazor, his eyes wild.

"How did you do that?" he asked in a course whisper.

May 5th, 2002, 10:28:01 PM
Xazor lofted a brow and smiled, knowing for sure that he had heard her voice.

"With the Force......that is how I spoke in your mind."

She shifted on the chair, her lightsaber quite visible in the light as the shiny silver reflected it from the ceiling. She smiled and glanced down at the weapon before her eyes returned to his. A smile danced upon the Jedi Knight's lips.....

Ryan Barrett
May 5th, 2002, 10:38:57 PM
Relief was quite visible on Ryans face.

"Oh. Okay then." he turned back to his drink before jerking his head back at look at Xazor.

"Hold on! With the what? What in Gods name is the "Force"? And where am I?" he looked around panicking. This just kept getting weirder and weirder.

May 5th, 2002, 10:49:27 PM
"The Force is an energy field that binds all things together. It is what gives a Jedi his powers. It flows through you, me, the rock, the tree.....everything. And you are here at the Greater Jedi Order...more specifically, in Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill."

She laughed slightly to herself and ordered a Strawberry Daiqurie from the bar tender. It was brought to her promptly and she took a sip of the cool liquid. It ran down her throat and loosened her tense muscles. She had been training many padawans lately and it was wearing on her energy. She smiled gently and turned to face Ryan once again.

"I am a Warrior Jedi Knight....I serve here at the Greater Jedi Order and train Padawans in the way of the Force."

She said with a smile. This meeting was quite strange indeed.....and she felt there might be a deeper purpose in it then what he let on....it was hidden...illusive. She shook off the thoughts for the moment and took another sip of her drink.

Ryan Barrett
May 5th, 2002, 10:56:24 PM
"Right. Okay. I'm cool." he took a deep breath and leaned back, forgetting there was no backrest on the stool. He promptly found himself on the floor, his shirt soaked with beer. The stool had miraculously stayed upright. Ryan looked at his shirt, terror crossing his face.

"No! Aww no! Frell! My dad is going to kill me! Twice! He is literally going to kill me. And then he'll dump my corpse into some dumpster. Unless he incinerates me." He was hastily wiping at the large wet spot on his chest with a handfull of paper napkins. They were doing little to help.

May 5th, 2002, 10:58:48 PM
Xazor took a handful of napkins and helped him wipe his shirt. She then placed her hands on it, and miraculously dried the spot up....leaving no trace of the accident, all thanks to the Force. She smiled and helped him up, then ordered him another drink. Why not? She thought to herself. She smiled as he regained his seat.

"There, good as new....."

She said gently, and took another sip of her drink.

Ryan Barrett
May 5th, 2002, 11:08:21 PM
Ryan looked down at his chest where the stain had once been. He smiled at Xazor. "Thanks. Really....thanks a lot." he sipped his new drink. For a moment he forgot his troubles. At least his father wouldn't be able to tell he had been drinking unless he was really looking.

"So you're a Jedi...and you use the Force....which connects you to rocks. That's great. Wanna trade?"

Ulic Dennatta
May 6th, 2002, 12:53:25 AM
I can't believe you havent heard of the force, let alone the Jedi. You really should get out more. You need not worry about your fathers speeder i will buy you a new one to take home for him.

Ryan Barrett
May 6th, 2002, 09:39:09 AM
"Yeah I really ought to get out more but I'm usually not in the mood to bypass our security system." Ryan explained. He was about to take a sip of his beer when he stopped. "Woh, Woh, Woh. How did you know about the speeder? I didn't say anything about a speeder. Did my dad send you? I knew he'd find out! It hasn't even been a half hour and he's already on my trail!" Ryan was waving his arms about, helplessly anxious and glancing around as if his father were about to walk in any minute.

Ulic Dennatta
May 6th, 2002, 10:20:53 PM
"I knew about the wrecked speeder cause i can read minds through the force. It is called Receptive Telepathy and i can recieve emotion and thoughts from others, such as you. It can all be done through the force."

Ulic finished his glass of merlot and ordered a glass of water from the bartender.

Ryan Barrett
May 7th, 2002, 06:16:03 PM
"Okay, enough with the Force thing....it's creeping me out. Aren't there, like, laws or something that go with the whole using of it? 'Cause I can tell you...most people have things to hide. Memories. And if you can just...read them like that, without getting...I don't know....fined or something, isn't there an awfully big temptation to abuse that power?" Ryan had settled down somewhat but now his apprehension was of a different sort. There were many things that he didn't want anyone to know.

May 7th, 2002, 08:27:26 PM
Xazor laughed slightly and looked at Ulic.

"Don't probe the boy's thoughts......he is not comfortable with that......"

The Knight said sternly, her eyes sharp as she gazed through him. She then looked back at Ryan, and her eyes softened to the state they were before. She smiled gently on him.

"No, there are no set laws......but I think that most all Jedi respect the privacy of others. I do so....I know what it is like to not want others to know some things about me...."

She said softly, gently laying a hand on his shoulder.

"It is alright young one.....you have nothing to fear here......"

The Knight said with an assuring smile.

Ulic Dennatta
May 7th, 2002, 11:46:22 PM
Ulic looked at Xazor with feelingless eyes. For some reason his eyes don't show emotion like most other peoples do. Its as if Ulic has no emotions at all, even though he does.

"Very well, the boy does has his right to privacy. But there is much to fear her. You never know when some evil mron will come an cause havoc. It happens all the time, so says my brother."

Ryan Barrett
May 8th, 2002, 11:13:14 PM
Ryan smiled.

"Well, I'm not an evil moron. A cursed one sure, but not an evil one." There was a bit of regret in his voice, no matter how hard he tried, his smile could not conceal that.