View Full Version : PlayTime!!!-(open,tevit)

Bastion Merreow
Apr 25th, 2002, 04:00:05 PM
*bastion walked into the bar dragging keshia behind him.he smiled as her cursing got louder to a dull roar*oh hush...i know your angery at someone special to you...*he laughed as his friend blushed scarlett at what he said.he continued up to an empty table and shoved her into a seat then seated himself across from her*ok now honey what do you want to drink?

Tevit Ramadon
Apr 25th, 2002, 07:13:44 PM
Engines sputtering and his small ship lurching, Tevit snarled and whacked half a dozen buttons at once while fighting the control stick with his other paw at the same time. With minute grace, he finally set the craft down with a thud on an open space in the local landing pad, and heaved a grumble of contempt for his power relay system. Thee was evidently an unwritten rule that stated a mechanic can fix any vehicle except their own, and he hated that rule with a passion.

Unlatchign his seat belt, the yellow Nehantite got up and headed to the hatch, pulling his heavy boots on before opening the doorway and jumping down to the ground for the automatic step wasn't working at the moment. Pulling the hatch down and sh oving it closed, Tevit latched it shut and hit the button on his alarm system, chuckling at the tought of anyone actually stealing his clunker of a ship. Turning his back to it, the mongoose stuffed his paws in the pockets of his pants and trudged off to the B&G for smethingto eat and drink before heading back home.

The guard at the door gratefully took his old-model pistol and his kris dagger, and then let him pass even though the metal detector still went off, both of them having gone through the rounds until they figured out that it was his magnetic boots that set it off every time. After ten or eleven times, a mutual trust had devaloped between them. That, and Tevit wasn't much for getting into barfights, excapt maybe throwing a heavy glass or two at someone's head with uncanny accuracy.

Shrugging off his light jacket, Tevit draped it on the empty coatrack and proceeded into the now-familiar layout of Yog's.

Bastion Merreow
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:08:01 PM
is that him?!oh my...he's huge!bigger then me even...*bast chuckled as kesh blushed even redder.he stood up and looked at the tall creature.he sucked in a lungful of air and yelled at the top of his lungs* HEY TEVIT GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!

Tevit Ramadon
Apr 30th, 2002, 03:50:19 PM
The yell startles Tevit, and the mongoose hopped a quick sidestep to spin and see where it came from. Across the room was a man standing at his table and looking at him. Odds were good that he was the one who called his name so ungraciously.

Lingering for a moment, for he had never seen the man before, Tevit made up his mind to go check it out, and he straightened one of the sleeves of his short-sleeved shirt as he crossed through a small field of tables to get to him. But on the way over, the second figure at the table became visible, and the Nehantite broke a smile at the sight of her.

"Keshia? How're you doing? Long time no see." He spoke in a friendly tone as he approached, and then looked at Bastion and said, "Pal, next time you want my attention, a simple wave would work." Looking back to Kesh, Tevit could see that something might be bothering herm but he decided to wait for her to say something before he asked any more questions of her at the moment. Instead he looked back to Bastion. "I take it you know who I am, but, I'm afraid I don't know you."

Keshia Kou
Apr 30th, 2002, 03:50:45 PM
*kesh dunked down under the table muttering threats at bast* please bast stop it!!!don't make me havta get demon to take care of you!*kesh grabbed bast's tail and chomped down on it really hard and smiling when she heard a painful yeow fill the air*

Tevit Ramadon
Apr 30th, 2002, 03:59:16 PM
"Yee-OUCH!" Tevit roared as something suddenly bit down hard on his tail.

Jumping back, he whipped it up into his paws and rubbed the sore section tenderly before looking back to the table. There, underneath it, was Kesh. She mush have ducked under while he was turned to face Bastion, though why she bit him was a mystery.

Still holding his injured tail, Tevit asked her angrily, "Why'd you do that, Kesh? I thought we were friends? Gar, what's the deal here?"

Little did he know that she had only mixed up their two tails in the darkness of beneath the table.

Keshia Kou
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:03:17 PM
*kesh cringed as tevit glared at her* i must'v mistaken your tail for his!*points to the laughing half-breed cizerack.kesh crawled out from under the table and pounced on bast* you shut up!*kesh was lifted in the air by bast.she wriggled in his grasp* BASTION MERREOW PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!*kesh roared angerly at bast while swiping at his head with her outstreched claws*

Tevit Ramadon
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:08:51 PM
"Whoa, WHOA!" Tevit called out to them, grabbing each of their upper arms and making them pause. "Hey, you want to get us kicked out of here or something? My tail's okay, but we might not be if the guards decide to oust us. Now let's all just settle down."

Letting go, Tevit backed off a pace and looked at both of them, then cracking a smile at how silly they looked. "Besides, you called me over for a reason, didn't you?"

Bastion Merreow
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:09:54 PM
oo im soo scraed that im shaking in me boots*basts ears flatened against the side of his head when she roared at him* ok now that does it!*toss's kesh to tevit and turns to the bar* bring us all the strongest drink you have!

Tevit Ramadon
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:13:33 PM
"Make mine a Rhett Butler", Tevit clarified the order, not wising to get stuck with something thoroughly nasty. Catching Kesh, he let her go gently, and stood by a bit dumbstruck by the events that had jsut unfolded.

Keshia Kou
Apr 30th, 2002, 09:11:13 PM
*kesh laughed as tevits paws tyickled her side*hey maske maine the same....it's time to try something new...

Tevit Ramadon
May 1st, 2002, 01:35:33 AM
Tevit hadn't meant to tickle her, but her giggles brought a smile to his face. It was good to hear someone laugh.

As the bartender whipped up their drinks, Tevit took the initiative to sit down at the semi-circular booth, and let the others do the same. "So, what's new with you, Keshia? And I'm afraid I don't know your name, mister...?" He trailed off, waiting for Bastion to introduce himself, or be introduced. He wasn't going to ask just why he had been called over yet, but see if it would pan out for him instead.

Keshia Kou
May 1st, 2002, 03:48:36 PM
*kesh sat down as far away from bast as she could.she hoped that tevit wouldn't notice the similarities between bastion and herself.* his name his bastion merreow.my secretary of trade.*kesh said this with a wink and a smile*

Tevit Ramadon
May 1st, 2002, 03:58:39 PM
Nodding to Bastion as their drinks arrived, Tevit replied, "Good to meet you, Bastion. I guess..." Taking a sip of his drink, The Nehantite began to notice how Kesh was trying to sit closer to himself than Bastion. For the moment he wrote it off as her not liking him at th moment for what had just happened, but other thoughts of why came to mind.

Setting his tumbler down, Tevit rolled out his shoulders once to rid his back of a slight crick and then said, "Trade, huh? Is that what you're calling it nowadays? Last time we med I could swear you said you were a theif." A hint of sarcasm and humor was in his voice, and a smile shaped his mouth as he spoke. Though he didn't know her too well, Keshia hadn't given him a reason to distrust her in the past, not at all.

Bastion Merreow
May 2nd, 2002, 03:51:29 PM
w-what?!secretary of trade!im not such thing and im telling my mother!*bast roared with laughter as kesh's ears went flat against her head.he also notice keshia sitting near tevit* heh, she'll call it whatever she wants to call it,but as i try to tell her...it's not funny until someone gets hurt...then its hilarious!but man you should see her transform..she a bloody white tiger-looking thing with lighting bolt stripes and she huge..about 15ft from shoulder to paw and about 15ft from tip of nose to tip of tail.my only word of advice is to never piss her off or do something she dont like

Tevit Ramadon
May 2nd, 2002, 04:02:57 PM
Bastion's reply both startled and intruiged Tevit. Looking over at Keshia, he dumbly asked, "You can transform into something else?"

Sudden;y he realized how rude it must have sounded, and he shook hie head as he went back to take another drink. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I just-, well, I've only heard of that sort of thing, but never thought it was real, is all."

Bastion Merreow
May 2nd, 2002, 04:06:00 PM
*bast cring in real fear when kesh looked at him with malicious intent* ji musstve let jit sslip *he realized that he had slipped back into hi normal accent and shut up.he shudder when the low growl filled the air and he blushed when the whole barrom become silent* now..keshia i didnt mean it.

Tevit Ramadon
May 2nd, 2002, 04:14:12 PM
As Kesh growled, Tevit paused his glass halfway from his table to his mouth. Things had suddenly taken a bad turn, and the Nehantite didn't want trouble. Setting his glass back down, Tevit placed a paw lightly on Keshia's shoulder and spoke calmly, "Whoa there, Keshia, calm down. He said he was sorry, now just sit back, and take a sip of your drink. No need for anger, now..."

He only hoped it would work.

Bastion Merreow
May 2nd, 2002, 08:59:20 PM
yeah...im sorry*bast shifted in his seat and whimpered*

Keshia Kou
May 9th, 2002, 01:56:23 PM
*kesh smiled at them playfully* what? you really thought i would harm two of my favorite guys?! man...i thought i was lovable

~Heavily Medicated For Your Saftey!~

Tevit Ramadon
May 9th, 2002, 04:03:28 PM
"Well, you did bite my tail," Tevit said ruefully, then shook his head. He wasn't quite sure what he had done to become one of Keshia's 'two favorite guys', other than play a round of darts with her. The mongoose only wished he knew what her intentions really were for him; whether she liked him as just a friend, or possibly more.

Takign another sip of his drink, the tried to push that out of his mind for the moment as he asked, "So, what brings you two in today? And any special reason for calling me over, other than just for a chat?" He asked, looking back and forth between them.

<img src=http://www.boomspeed.com/nehantish/Tevsig4.jpg>

Keshia Kou
May 9th, 2002, 07:10:24 PM