View Full Version : Dinner for Three (Closed:Maia, Lance, and Clay)

Clay Dennatta
May 9th, 2002, 10:19:02 PM
Clay entered the bar and grill with his companions and sat at a table for three.

"So Maia, how long have you been here at GJO?"

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
May 10th, 2002, 12:02:29 AM
Maia sat down at the table with Clay and Lance. Her eyes roamed the room to see who was in it. Flicking Ari up and off her wrist the bird flew to his familiar perch in the rafters.

Settling back into her chair she smiled at her two new companions. "I have only been here for about a month or so. There is so much peace to be fund here even in times of turmoil." She said after ordering a fruit juice drink from a passing droid.

"What about you two, How long have you been here. My master is Amazonbabe. Do you have masters yet." She questioned her eyes shifting back and forth between them...

Clay Dennatta
May 10th, 2002, 01:25:47 AM
Clay's eyes roamed around the room also but came back to Maia's when she began to speak.

"I have also been here about a month or so and my master is Xazor Dawnstrider."

He sat back in his chair and waited for Lance to answer the question.

Lance Stormrider
May 10th, 2002, 06:32:15 AM
--Lance scattered the room tilting his head in every direction he then settld down at the table and started answering at Maia's question--

"Well I've been here only for a couple of days and I am padawan to Leia Solo.."

--Lance rested back on his seat and blinked a bit not knowing what to say,Lance had always been a silent indiviual.--

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
May 10th, 2002, 02:36:06 PM
Sipping her juice Maia listened to the two men. She was enjoying there company, it had been a long time since she had enjoyed herself. Being with them made her not miss her brother so much.

Turning to Clay she grinned. "Xazor is my roommate, she is a truly gifted Jedi and a wonderful friend. I have not had the pleasure of meeting Master Leia but I have heard she to is a wonderful teacher." Maia said turning to Lance.

"What do you two do when not in training?" She questioned. Lance for some reason seemed ill at ease with her. She smiled softly at him hoping to make him feel more comfortable...

Lance Stormrider
May 10th, 2002, 10:22:23 PM
:: Lance took a deep breath and looked at Maia as he answered her question.::

Well...I've been here only for a few days and been training...the only thing I did was visit this bar...ride around with my Bike..and that's about it..I don't really have anything to do..and didn't even know anyone except today hehe...plus the only two persons I knew were..Master Leia and the honorable Xazor Dawnstrider...what about you two...I don't really have anything to say since I'm really new here..

:: Lance took a sip from his Juice and rested back waiting for the two others to continue this coversation

Clay Dennatta
May 10th, 2002, 11:04:35 PM
" When not training I mediatate or read in my room, go to the bar and grill, or i travel to Onderon, my home planet."

Clay then looked over to Maia


Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
May 11th, 2002, 01:29:29 PM
Maia sat back listening to he two men ad sipped on her juice, there daily lives sounded much like hers.

"There is a lake that a lot of us go to and have a swim once in a while and I take Ari out to the gardens and let him stretch his wings. It very peaceful there, I can actually catch up on my reading out there." Maia said with a laugh.

"Have you seen the gardens, or been to the lake?" She asked her eyes glancing from one to the other....

Clay Dennatta
May 11th, 2002, 01:34:15 PM
"Yes i anve seen the gardens. They are very beautiful indeed. But the lake, no. I have not been there yet."

Clay sat back to think of something else.

"Have you ever been to Onderon?"

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
May 11th, 2002, 02:19:07 PM
Maia smiled at Clay. She had never been anywhere but her home and the GJO. Se still did not trust that her family was not hunting her. Her brother had told her it was still not safe for her to travel without someone accompanying her.

"No, I haven't been anywhere really. What is it like there? As for the lake it is truly wonderful perhaps we can all go there and have a swim some time soon."

Clay Dennatta
May 11th, 2002, 02:23:53 PM
" Onderon is a beautiful place. We have one city. The city of Iziz. The rest of the planet is still foret and has people who live there. They are called Beast Riders. Inside the city we have some of the most beautiful gardens you could ever imagine. And our forests are just as beautiful. "

Clay thought a moment longer, trying to think if he forgot anything.

"Yes maybe we could go swimming sometime. That sounds fun."

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
May 11th, 2002, 02:37:41 PM
Maia smiled softly as Clay told her of his home planet. She could tell his had a deep love for it.

"It sounds wonderful perhaps I will et to go here someday. I have always wanted to travel and see new places but it was forbidden by my parents. I did not get to leave our grounds very often." She said sadly with the last statement.

Her family had always been afraid that he would try to get away from them because of her unhappiness with what they did.

"Someday I will be able to see what new places are like. I would love to go for a swim are you up for it today we can order our food to be put into a basket and go there now if you would like." She said her eyes flashing with excitement. She loved to go to the lake ad with new found friends it would be even more fun.

Clay Dennatta
May 11th, 2002, 03:01:40 PM
"That sounds like a great idea."

Clay called over a waiter droid and they all ordered their meals togo.
Once they got there food which wasn't very long they left for the Lake to have a picnic.