View Full Version : Tempting Thoughts

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 15th, 2002, 12:40:42 AM
Jibrielle walked into Yoghurt's, her trenchcoat flowing behind her. She ignored the NRSF agent that stood at the door, even when he yelled for her to stop and give up her weapons. Suddenly she felt a hand placed upon her shoulder and spun around, seeing the man's scowl. "Miss, orders are to have your weapons left with me."

"And what makes you think I have any?"

Her voice was low and brisk. "Well, I, uh .." stammered the man. Without waiting for him to finish, she turned and walked away to the bar. Sitting down in a vacant area, she leaned back in her seat and crossed her ankles, humming slightly. She already went to TSE and caught Rama's interest in her observations, now it was time to visit GJO ... which is why she was here. To observe the Jedis, as she had done to the Sith.

Marcus QDunn
Apr 15th, 2002, 12:46:14 AM
At the other end of the bar, a lone man sat with his chair leaned against the wall, smpoking a pipe, just obverving. His face was covered by a deep cloak, his piercing eyes missing nothing as he observed.

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 15th, 2002, 03:32:20 PM
"And what would the lady like tonight?" asked the bartender as he was drying a glass.

"Nothing at the moment."

She watched as he nodded and went back to cleaning the glasses. She sighed slightly and glanced around the bar, a lone man catching her interest. His face was covered so she couldn't get a glimpse, leaving her curiousity unsatisfied. Arching an eyebrow, she looked away .. After all, wasn't staring rude?

Marcus QDunn
Apr 15th, 2002, 06:38:36 PM
He had no qualms about staring. It was even more to his advantage as his face couldn't be seen. His intense eyes lingered on the lone woman - beginning to get curious. While new people came in here all the time, he was still getting used to the regulars, so she could be one as well.

Didn't seem to be. Not relaxed enough. Too much looking around. He took another puff on his pipe, a haze of smoke appearing as he breathed out.

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 15th, 2002, 06:55:05 PM
Thud! The sound came from the seat opposite the young lady, before she stood to look at what was the source of it, up popped a little boy's head. He smiled at her warmly, with wide, friendly eyes behind his small glasses, the arms disappearing under a thick head of dark hair.

"Good evening, I'm Loki Ahmrah." He chirped happily, "I don't believe I've seen you around here before, so I thought I'd call over to say 'Hi!' "

He pushed up his glasses, wrinkling his nose a little. He looked around, the Var & Grill was relatively quiet tonight, and as he had frequently seen, that man sat over in the corner had once again not moved since he'd been in here, same seat every time. Loki had not amounted sufficient courage to introduce himself to the man yet.

"I hope I'm not being intrusive here," He began then added jokingly, "I think I'm just nosey and chatty by nature."

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 15th, 2002, 10:45:06 PM
Jibrielle turned to look at the little boy who suddenly appeared at her side.


She tilted her head to the side.

"What makes you think that?"

It was almost odd, seeing a child come up to her, taking no notice of the crescent-shaped scar on her forehead. She had "modified" her face so the intricate scars that criss-crossed over her face wouldn't be seen ... but one would always appear on her forehead. It was almost like to symbolize what she truly was.

"Would you like something to drink?"

Marcus QDunn
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:03:26 AM
Ahhh. Now he could really observe this newcomer. See how she intereacted with the child. It would give him an idea what she was. He took another puff and settled to watch and listen.

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 16th, 2002, 05:40:01 PM
She could feel the man's eyes on her, watching her every move. More than likely he was listening, too. She reached out and cupped the child's head under his chin, lifting it up. His innocent, brown eyes stared back at her, obviously bewildered. What am I doing..? Quickly she let him go and looked away. This place was starting to get on her nerves ...

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 16th, 2002, 05:57:30 PM
"Oh I don't know," He said heavily, relaxing into her company, "Sometimes I can interrupt people when they need time alone or sometimes I might speak too much; at least that's what I think." He shrugged and made himself comfortable in his seat.

He noticed a scar on her face, it was quite a large one too, but he paid it no mind for the time-being, he didn't want to be too nosey. He smiled at her when she asked if he wanted a drink.

"Yes, I'd love one actually." He answered, "I think I'll haver a double shot of Fuel." He kept a straight face whilst the lady eyed him with suprise, Fuel was a very strong, notorious alcoholic short. He laughed, "Just kidding, I'll have a glass of water I think. How about you?"

Soon they had made their orders and Loki couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable she seemed to be, was it him? Or...

He looked over in the direction in which her eyes kept trailing off and there he saw that ominously quiet figure, shrouded in his robes and his face unseen. "No wonder she feels uncomfortable!" He thought to himself. So in an effort to distract the young lady and cheer her up he tried to strike up a conversation.

"So what brings you to Arcan IV, if you don't mind me asking?" He hesitated a moment then added, "If you can't tell by the pristine robes; I'm a Padawan Learner of the Jedi Order here. I've only been here for four months but I'm loving every minute of it!"

Before she had time to answer, his enthusiasm got the better of him as per usual and he asked, "Are you here to join the Jedi Order by any chance?"

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 16th, 2002, 06:06:36 PM
The child's attempts at a conversation made her smile .. until he asked if she was here to join the Jedi Order. A visible scowl replaced her smile as she looked back down at him. He's just a child ... He doesn't know any better.

She took a deep breath and forced a small, tight smile on her lips.

"I'm afraid I've already joined a group .."

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 16th, 2002, 06:22:32 PM
"Oh!" Lorcan had sat back with fright when she scowled at him. He didn't know what he had done to offend her but she seemed to get annoyed when he mentioned the Jedi Order. That made him worry.

"Well, umm..." He fumbled for words, but words failing him he asked her the question that was screaming to get out, "What...group would that be?"

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 16th, 2002, 06:32:29 PM
"Dark Jedi."

The words just poured out of her mouth; she couldn't help it. And as if to make things better, her voice was monotone.

"Does that scare you?"

She asked the boy, tilting her head to the side.

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 16th, 2002, 06:45:22 PM
How he dreaded hearing those words! It was only a couple of weeks ago when the entire Bar & Grill came under attack by some thirty-something Dark Jedi, it was not a memory Loki cherished but it had been an invaluable experience nevertheless.

"In all honesty, yes, it does. But one day-" He paused, then said almost defiantly, "-it wont." He couldn't believe he had just said that to someone who could easily take his life there and then. But he had spoken with such Dark-Siders here before, in a civilized manner, it was interesting to hear from them. But whether or not it was due to his youth and innocence, their attempts to corrupt his mind with lies have always failed. He is too intelligent for that sort of thing.

"Having said that," He continued, "I do like to believe in people and I am quite sure you didn't coma all this way, to the centre of Jedi life to take the life of a nine year old boy. So can I safely assume that we can have a civilized discussion here tonight?"

Their drinks arrived and Loki took a sip of his water, then resumed eye-contact, a sign of respect and attention, something his father taught him. He tried not to show signs of fear to the young lady.

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:17:12 PM
It amused to see how differently the boy's attitude had changed towards her. But then again, she couldn't blame him. She watched as he took his water and drank from the glass, resuming eye-contact with her.

"Gold never lasts forever ..."

She murmered, staring at the boy. Moments passed, and still she said nothing to him. Then, finally, she parted her lips to speak.

"Little boy, what is the name you go by?"

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:28:17 PM
"Oh I'm sorry!" He said suddenly, realising he had not introduced himself, "I'm Loki Ahmrah. Normally I'd have told you that right away, I don't know where my manners are this evening. Might I ask what your name is? I hate to be talking to someone whose name I don't know."

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:34:30 PM
"Nice to meeting you, Loki ... My name is Jibrielle Abunai."

Her dark blue eyes peered almost curiously at Loki.

"Loki .. Isn't that a name of a God?"

Marcus QDunn
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:37:24 PM
Dark Jedi....

The words came together and the Jedi Master was now very aware and quite certain what she was part of. There was only one real group who called themselves Dark Jedi - in a different name and a diferent face, he had been to their planet and had even hidden something of great value within the walls of Bast.

Part of The Black Hand..... So what is she doing here? What is her interest? She must also be new as I have no memory of ever seeing her on Vjun.

His pipe had run out of weed, so he refilled, then relit the leaf. The match flare very, very briefly showed a face under the hood of brooding intensity, an unkept beard and eyes that seemed to see through steel. The smoke haze around him got deeper has he resumed smoking once again.

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:52:44 PM
"Jibrielle?" He repeated with interest, "Why that's a lovely name you have miss!"

His complement was genuine, he always liked to hear different, exotic names that he'd never heard of before. For a moment, he looked aside with his glass in one hand he caught a glipse of the shrouded man's piercing eyes illuminated by a wild, firey light. He jumped with fright and looked away, almost dropping his glass, it hit the table with a clunk but no water was spilled fortunately.

"Yes, I believe so," He answered, thinking back to when he spoke with that man a while ago, "Ironically enough, I discovered that here, from one of your kind. I believe Loki is the-" He paused, recollecting the talk he had with the man, "-the god of mischief, fire and magic."

For a second he looked back and once again, the frightful sight had returned back to the normal shadowy darkness beneath the hood and cloak. He looked back to Jibrielle with a smile.

"Although I haven't any further knowledge than that, I can't find out about it in any available data banks."

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 16th, 2002, 08:58:52 PM
She saw Loki look behind her with an expression of fright, and turned to see what had caused it. The lone man who sat in the back had lit a match, causing the features of his face to be seen. Then, as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. He was soon shrouded in the darkness once more.

Turning to face Loki, she smiled; slightly in an attempt to reassure him.

"Then maybe perhaps you should look into fire, magic ... and mischief. I heard that names can represent someone's character in many ways ..."

She paused slightly.

"Jibrielle means water, for it holds many deep secrets. If you disturb the calmness, a fury wrath will seize you ... Also, it's the female version of 'Gabriel', the angel ..."

She had looked up into these things, being that research had always interested her. However, Jibrielle hoped that her 'talk' didn't cause Loki to become bored.

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 17th, 2002, 05:40:15 PM
"Fire, magic and mischief?" He echoed her words with curiosity, then answered, "Oh no. I don't involve myself with things I know little of other than that they may be harmful to myself or others. So in retrospect, I doubt they do represent me in any vaild way."

The little boy listened intently to what she had to say, whether he agreed with her or not was irrelevant, her ideas were interesting to say the least and he considered her metaphor about water and herself. His eyes narrowed and nose wrinkled with thought, he took a sip of water then spoke.

"So like water, you too have many secrets beneath the surface, waiting tp be discovered. Yet when someone tries to get inside, your calm presentation of yourself is quickly thrown up into a fury to fight off any oncomers."

He thought a little more about all these themes. Needless to say, Loki had a very odd feature about him, he was gifted and graced with a marvelous mind and is abnormally intelligent for anyone his age. Naturally, he enjoyed pondering such ideas, philosophical reason is always a good exercise for the mind.

"Yet ironically it is the female name for 'angel' hardly the description I'd use for a Dark Jedi or someone of the description I've just mentioned. So I have to wonder, deep down inside of you; which is the real Jibrielle? The monstrous ocean or the peaceful angel? Or is it both, is the monstrous ocean there to ward people off, keeping them away from the dark secrets it harbours. In fear that one day, the angel inside may once again resurface. You can't lie to yourself forever, Jibrielle."

He was going to be quiet but he couldn't help himself, after seeing how much pain and suffering the Dark Jedi caused here not very long ago.

"You cannot keep fooling yourself. No sane mind can ever believe that causing people harm are good acts, that, by psychological definition, is madness. Nor can a person willingly commit acts of voilence and aggression against another unless they are mentally disturbed. I read that in a book about the criminally insane. Are you willing to accept something like that?"

He shook his head with concern, with passion even, his heart burned with love and consideration for people, and he would assist his fellow man until his dying day; he would make his parents proud.

"Tell me Jibrielle, why did you choose the path you follow?"

Edit: html.

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 17th, 2002, 06:04:52 PM
Jibrielle arched an eyebrow at Loki. The kid seemed to have greater knowledge on philosophical matters than most people she met.

"Gabriel was the Messenger of God, was he not? Then maybe I, too, am a Messenger. Just of something ... 'different'."

She tilted her head to the side, peering closely at the boy's face. No, it didn't seem like he was an Old Soul, just ... human. So how could he know so much on such matters? Were his parents that rich that they could get him tutored in such things?

"Disturbed I am, all of us are .. It just depends on what matters. What matters to you, Loki? Humanity?"

She raised her hand and gestured to a table of drunks.

"You wish to join the Jedi to save the likes of them? Most people are like that nowadays. Maybe not the ones you have met, but most care for their drinks more than anything else. Is this the civilization you wish to save?

"I joined the Dark Jedi to change my life, and mold my future. They saved my life, and I am forever in debt to them.. And to be quite frank, child, I do not mind one bit."

Exar Kil
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:34:05 PM
A man dressed in all black robes and had black mandalorian battle armour, had been in the shadows watching the young boy and listened to the woman. Or at leat listened to what he could hear. He got up and sat next to Marcus and started to talk.

" You think she is part of The Black Hand? It shure sems like it."

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 19th, 2002, 07:00:39 PM
Her ears had picked up another voice; the voice of somebody that somewhat doubted her. Becoming slightly irritated, she sighed and lifted one hand, rubbing her forehead with two fingers.

"I seem to get this everywhere,"

She mumbled under her breath.

Marcus QDunn
Apr 19th, 2002, 08:39:50 PM
From under his hood, Marcus turned his head, unseen eyes looking at the newcomer whom had sat down next to him without invitation. He took another puff, before turning away to look at Jibrielle once again.

"And what makes you think of that? For all you could know, she is a trickster and I dont recall she said anything about what she is, beyond what she just did. Words make a person not"

His voice was soft and low, accented strangely... but with an underlying hint of warning of a man not to be trifled with.

<font color=green> But actions do. There is much to admire about the Black Hand, Dark One. They are not corrupt and they do not call evil good and good evil like the Sith. There is a purity of purpose that makes The Hand stand out. </font>, the Jedi stated, communicating via the mind to Jibrielle. <font color=green>Your fellow Dark Jedi know me as Hunter. They kept a precious object hidden in Bast and still do. </font>

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 19th, 2002, 10:20:21 PM
The words entered her mind suddenly, startling her still figure. However, she knew it was from the mysterious man in the back who was igcognito ...

< You almost seem as if you honor the Black Hand, "Hunter". I thought that Jedi would hold .. grudges against our kind. As for that 'precious object' ... >

Here she paused and chuckled slightly.

< .. Do you wish to find it ? >

Marcus QDunn
Apr 19th, 2002, 10:33:01 PM
<font color=green> A grudge? If other Jedi do, that is them. I only have respect for the Black Hand. They would be worthy adversaries if it ever came to that. I instead will not move my hand unless the Black Hand threaten the Jedi or the Republic directly. </font>

He paused, a small smile crossing his unseen face

<font color=green>As for the precious object... you misunderstood. The Black Hand do no hold it from me. They protected it when I could not and even under my terms. I am certain Hobgoblin knows what it was. Maybe Lileana as well. Do you?</font>

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 19th, 2002, 11:38:07 PM
< I am but a mere apprentice bound to Sir Hob as long as he wishes ... So this object that you speak of is foreign to me. Never have I heard of it until now, stranger .. >

She wondered if he wanted anything from her, and if so, what.

Marcus QDunn
Apr 20th, 2002, 02:08:26 AM
<font color=green> You are Hobgoblin's apprentice? I was not aware he had one. He did not seem to be the type to have one and certainly didn't have one the last time I was on the surface of Bast. Tell me, have you seen a youngish man on Bast lately? He would be the apprrentice to Jeseth Cloak</font>

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 20th, 2002, 03:17:48 AM
< Sir Hob said that I was a special exception .. As for this man you speak of, what name does he go by ? >

Marcus QDunn
Apr 20th, 2002, 03:21:29 AM
<font color=green> He might be still going by the name of Darth Turbogeek. The last I was aware, he was. </font>

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 20th, 2002, 03:37:50 AM
Darth Turbogeek. The name echoed in her mind, sounding all-too familiar yet oddly distant. Either her memory was becoming fogged or she had just heard the name somewhere.

< I haven't really become acquainted with the fellow members of the Black Hand ... His name does ring a bell, however. >

Marcus QDunn
Apr 20th, 2002, 03:43:38 AM
<font color=green>In my dealings with your fellows, I have always found they stay apart from on another, so in some ways I am not surprised. As I said, he is Jeseth's apprentice, last i knew</font>

He puffed again, before making a decision

"Would you good enough to join me? Loki, would you come as well? I am in the mood to converse"

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 20th, 2002, 03:50:46 AM
She looked down at the boy.

"... May we ?"

She would think it rude to abandon Loki after he had striked up a small talk between them, and awaited his answer.

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 20th, 2002, 08:17:59 PM
Loki had seen that look on someone's face before, like they were holding a conversation but without words or lip movement; it was all in the eyes. He had no such telepathic abilities, but judging by the direction in which her attention was drawn, she was talking with that mysetious man, draped in shadow. For a moment, Loki grew worried and even more so when he heard the man speak out, with full knowledge of his name. This suprised Loki, but then again, what didn't as of late? There were so many different types of people that frequented this place that there was always something new to discover.

"Sure thing," He answered reluctantly, "Do you know that man?"

He was worried because now he thought that perhaps they were Dark Jedi acquaintances, after all they had been talking to each other, he knew that regardless of whether or not he could hear them. After his recent experience with Dark Jedi, he was naturally a lot more cautious when interacting with people. Although as he had also discovered, people can suprise him and although this particular Dark Jedi was curious, she wasn't unintelligent and violence-crazed like the other misguided individuals.

"And to answer your question about humanity and those drunks," He added, standing, "I am not hear to pass judgement on people like some sort of holy deity. Instead, I believe I am here to help people like that to climb out of the rut they have not only dug for themselves but are unable to escape such a way of life alone. On top of that, I'm here to protect such people and others from those who would do them harm. Would you do them harm?"

The two were now on their way to the dark figure of a man sat across the room. Loke undoubtedly had to work hard at trying to calm his nervousness, of all those in the bar, this man had been a source of not just intrigue, but worry to the young Padawan. His presence haunted him like a cold chill on the neck, it was peculiar. "But I must remember my manners!" He thought to himself, arriving at the table.

He smiled nervously at the man sat there, most of his facial features veiled by the shadow of his hood. Dropping a thick book on a free chair, the little boy climbed up and whilst Jibrielle took her seat he commenced his usual, chirpy intorduction.

"Hi there, I'm Loki Ahmrah-" He trailed off for a moment, then added with a slight smile, "But you already know that. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister...?" He held out his tiny paw of a hand to greet the gentleman.

Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 21st, 2002, 07:10:00 PM
A Jawa in a brown robe suddenly appeared from beneath a nearby table. "Goox nieria utto utto Q'dunn- unn apopo fsov oot!" he announced, it being the Jawaese translation for "His name is Q'Dunn- I know it well."

The yellow eyes of the Jawa glinted beneath the hood, as though daring anyone sitting at the table to prove him wrong.

Marcus QDunn
Apr 21st, 2002, 08:33:39 PM
"The name I use is Elessar. My real name in Galatic Basic is unpronouncible"

A gloved hand accepted Loki's smaller one for a brief moment, before releasing. His head turned to regard the yellowed eyed Jawa.

{Who is this Q'Dunn you speak of? It is not a name that means anything here} he said in Huttese to the yellow eyed alien

Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 22nd, 2002, 04:18:29 PM
A large, brown, hairy glove found its' way out of the Jawa's sleeve and onto the top of his table where it plucked a mug of ale off the table and began to drink. The Jawa set the mug down with a noise of contentment. Then its' eyes flashed and it regarded the man who called himself Elessar.

|'Not a name that means anything here?'| the Jawa asked, still responding in its' native language. |A misleading statement.|

Marcus QDunn
Apr 22nd, 2002, 07:28:45 PM
{No, not misleading. How can a name be important if you have never heard of it before?}

He took a puff on his pipe, deliberatly expellign the smoke in the direction of the "Jawa"

{Or does that name hold some importance for you...Master "Jawa"?}

Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 27th, 2002, 03:37:54 PM
<img src=http://www.theunholytrinity.org/cracks_smileys/contrib/sarge/Sniffles_anim.gif ALT="|I"> hear it in the way you sit,| the Jawa, though obviously not a Jawa to those who understood his words, replied. |Long in the ages has that name been echoed. Too often it has been a mere whisper, unable to be heard. But I have known it since the passing of the last moon, when the Dark energies were highest.|

The Jawa pulled down its' hood, revealing a neatly groomed, washed, and calm Hobgoblin. Wearing spectacles, no less, and looking the complete part of a scholar. "Such a curious order this universe has," he added thoughtfully, speaking Basic in a deep tone totally unlike the rough growls of the Jawa that had been there a moment ago.

"Is this 'request for conversation' open to just anyone?" he added, still thoughtful.

Jibrielle Abunai
May 5th, 2002, 01:54:17 PM
"Hobgoblin !"

A pleasant expression slid aross he face as she gazed on the face of her beloved Master, Hob.

"Sir, would you care for anything to drink? Or does this place not fancy your taste?"

Marcus QDunn
May 5th, 2002, 09:42:17 PM
On his unseen face, the Jedi began to smile. His pipe moved slightly in response, before he let out a stream of smoke.

"Ahh, I see you two are already accquainted. Good evenin' to you Master Hobgoblin. It is a surprise to see that you are not at your postion at the gates of Bast. What brings you half way across the Galaxy to this place?"

And washed, he added mentally. And wearing glasses. This was rather amusing

Evil Hobgoblin
May 12th, 2002, 10:07:44 PM
"Much has happened since last you visited Bast, Hunter," Hob said, regarding Jibrielle with a fond smile. "I am on the cusp of a great discovery, and the journey to it has changed me."

"I do not wish for a drink at this time, Apprentice," he added. "Though my thirst for knowledge never ends."

Then one of Hob's trademark grins came across his face. "To answer your question," he told Hunter. "I have something watching the gates of Bast even now. It will never tire, nor fail, nor die unless I should wish it so. My home is quite well protected, and thus I can afford to journey about seeking my answers."

"And," he added, looking at Jibrielle once again. "Keeping an eye on my Apprentice."