View Full Version : Fett Enterprises: You have a pest problem?

JuJu Fett
May 4th, 2002, 06:06:28 PM
The two shadowy figures walked into the bar and grill. They paused at the entrance, scanning the room and the occupants therein. It was obvious that they were outlanders, not to mention Bounty Hunters!

"I believe we will find what we are looking for here sister." Came Juju's voice in a low monotone.

Jaslin Fett
May 4th, 2002, 06:19:33 PM
Jaslins crystal blue eyes scanned the bar with a lethal stare. Her face covered by a dark purple cloth. She nodded in agreement to her brother. Word had gotten to the two Fett's there was trouble on Arcan and they were there to put an end to it...if the price was right. This was the place that Jaslin had heard of through a series of reliable sources. The place that had been blown up by of all things, vampyres.

"Evil foul beings." She muttered under her breath, her voice masked and deepened by the voice synthesizer.

"Let us find this one they call Anbira. He may have the lead we need." Jaslin finished her sentence in low tones, still scanning the room...

JuJu Fett
May 4th, 2002, 06:50:38 PM
The two bounty hunter's remained at the door. Watching, waiting for any possible lead's, their scanning equipment fully activated as well. Every movement within the bar did not go unnoticed from the eye's of the two Fett's. They had always been successful with all their bounties, never had they failed in one. Whether it be dead or alive, it mattered not.

They knew they were not allowed in the bar with the arsenal of concealed weapon's that they carried. They preferred it that way anyway. Cautiously they continued to watch and wait with the deadliest of patience...

"I see no one that fit's the description." Came Juju's voice to an inner ear-com that was only audible to Jaslin.

Jaslin Fett
May 4th, 2002, 06:59:08 PM
Glancing at the paper she had ripped of the wall outside the establishment, she read out loud the name on it. "The Coven. Maybe we should find this assassins inc. and see what they have to say.

"I don't think anyone here is going to talk, my brother. This Anbira should be easy enough to find on our own. We will wait it out a bit longer, till night fall." Came Jaslin's response back to her brothers ear device...

Ulic Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 09:40:02 PM
A man with 1/2 of his usual battle gear on came up from behind them. He was walking down the street to the bar when he saw the two beings...obviously bounty hunters and started to scan their minds. He founds it hard to get a good reading from their minds but did hear them talk to one another and found out the names of their ships but not much more.

" Excuse me but who is it that you are looking for my young bounty hunter friends?"

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 4th, 2002, 09:58:45 PM
::A cloaked figure was making her way to the bar and grill for her nightly tea and to socialize with her fellow Jedi. Upon arriving several feet away, Leia stopped in her tracks when she spotted what were apparently bounty hunters. The Jedi Master ducked behind a tree trying to find out why they were here. Leia overheard a gentlemen questioning them that very same question. She now waited to see what was their purpose..as her hand slid down on to the hilt of her saber::

JuJu Fett
May 4th, 2002, 10:11:08 PM
The man that was approaching the Fett's from behind was already noted. The Persearian scanning equipment that was located in Juju's mandalorian helm gave his heat signature away immediately. Juju's and his sister were already facing the stranger as he approached from behind. With blinding speed the two Fett's had their hold out blaster's trained on the man. Slowly they lowered their snub nosed rifle's to their side when the man asked them who they were looking for.

"We seek a man that call's himself Ambira. Do you know him?" Came the bounty hunter's firm voice though a synthesized voice modulator.

Ulic Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 10:17:33 PM
" I have heard of him. There is no need for your weapons here. This is a peaceful place. You might want to also realize who it was that you point your guns at. Killing the Emperor of Onderon wouldn't be to good for you, you know. But anyways, you might be able to find him inside the bar

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 4th, 2002, 10:21:55 PM
::Leia thought momentarily. She could easily react and disable the two. But stopped herself from doing so. The Jedi Master wanted to know why they seeked Anbira. For now she knew it was best to observe and learn why they are looking for him.::

OOC: Ugh edited. Ok...I cleaned up the thread. I hate to see a good one get ruined.

Jaslin Fett
May 4th, 2002, 11:13:55 PM
Turning from the man she looked back toward the bar. Her eyes narrowed. The man did not seem to have any information that was of any consequence but she to felt they should wait for Anbira.

Turning back to the one who named himself emperor she studied the him. "This Anbira is a well known patron of this place so I'm sure he will be here soon brother. We can wait for a while longer to get the information we need from him." She said coolly as she eyed the man.

Turning from her brother as he looked the other way, she scanned the area once again. Jaslin didn't even think twice to thank the man for his information. After all she was a Bounty Hunter. Jaslin looked down at her chronometer then spoke to Juju in his ear piece. "We have five hours until dark, then we need to move."

Ulic Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 11:24:02 PM

He said as they headed off torwards the bar he said

" Why do you seek him?"

JuJu Fett
May 5th, 2002, 12:45:09 AM
Juju Fett knew damn well this man that claimed to be an Emperor was either a mad man or a bad impostor. One with such a nobel title would not travel alone without and armed escort or entourage. Let alone give his royal title away with such thoughtless ease. The hunter sneered at the man that was beginning to annoy him. Juju eye's narrowed at the obviously deranged human from underneath his blue mandalorian helm. But the hunter would hold his cool for now.

"Be on your way Emperor, or whatever you are. Even a peaceful world can have it's danger's." The bounty hunter's voice at this point was still cool and collected.

"Our business here is of no concern to you...Now leave." His monotone voice this time was sharp and firm. Juju's helm moved from side to side as he continued to scan the perimeter outside the bar with his sensor array that was displayed on the inside of his helm. The inside diagnostic screen was located within the mandalorian helm. This highly sophisticated smoked lens gave the bounty hunter the added edge he needed when doing what he did best...

Juju Fett also turned from the man, trying to distance himself from further conversation. While Jaslin looked one way, behind her brother, Juju covered the area behind her...They always had one another's back, a valuable form of defense they had learned when the two were quite young. The sibling's were indeed a lethal team seeing they had learned from the best...

"Yes, we have not much time. At sundown, we'll move on." Came Juju's voice once again in her concealed ear peace.

Ulic Dennatta
May 5th, 2002, 01:10:11 AM
Ulic could hear his thoughts and decided to answer his questions.

" The reason i do not care about who i tell that i am an emperor is that i am also a great Sith master. I fear almost no one and travel alone to bars all the time. I feel no need for bodyguards when i am going out to relax or have fun. But i do have my guards when I am doing business affairs."

Jaslin Fett
May 5th, 2002, 01:28:33 AM
Jaslin growled low in her throat, she was growing weary of the mans idiocy. She as a bounty hunter did not like to call undue attention to herself or her brother and that was exactly what this man was doing. It took all of her power to restrain herself from shooting him on the spot.

Sighing softly she turned her icy blue eyes on him. They spoke volumes as did her words. "What part of leave don't you understand oh great one." She said softly in a controlled tone.

"I have had enough of your foolishness. I do not want to call attention to us but if you do not take your royal self out of my sight I will rip your throat out ... understand. And do not even try any Sith magic on us or I will hunt your family after I kill you.." She ground out between clenched teeth. Her patience had come to an end.

Avolon Bisel
May 5th, 2002, 01:58:17 AM
Avolon came from inside the bar. One of his men at the front had noticed these two arguing with someone. Avolon decided to have a looksee. The fact they were armed gave him the idea he might have a bit of fun, if they decided to attack. He carried his usual four blaster holster. As well as his Blast and Smash Rifle, slung over his shoulder.

As he approached he only heard the words, "... kill you."

"Woah, lady, that's not playing nice. How about you tell me what you're doing here. Seeing as how I run this shin-dig, I might be of help. Then you wouldn't need to kill this poor guy."

OOC - I feel I must comment on both of you're signatures. Very well done. :)

JuJu Fett
May 5th, 2002, 02:51:29 AM
Juju seen the man walk up as Jaslin continued to tear the Royal man a new highness. The bounty hunter nodded to the man that emerged from the bar and grill. Juju wasted no time in explaining they had authorization to be in their sector. Opening one of his many small satchel pack's that surrounded his utility belt, the hunter showed the new comer their credential's. They were legit. They were indeed certified as fully immune status freelance hunter's throughout the known rim system's.

"We are seeking a man called Ambira." The hunter paused for a brief moment, looking the man up and down from behind his helm with only his sharp trained eye's.

"We have received word that there was trouble in this area not long ago...If this man called Ambira show's his face in time, I can promise him we can end his pest problem once and for all." Juju Fett's word's were firm and confident. But something told the hunter that the local's around here weren't going to talk much.

"Unless of course the problem has already been solved." Juju finishing his word's in almost a snapping tone, lowering his left hand to a small concealed Taneezeian thermal detonator.

The Fett's meant business and they had no time for run around game's. Time was money, and they weren't getting paid for standing around. Hopefully this man was wise enough to pick up on the hunger and determination he could sense in the two armor clad hunter's...

OOC: Thank you for the complement <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Anbira Hicchoru
May 5th, 2002, 08:31:36 AM
You seek Anbira...and you have found him.

:: Anbira stepped out from inside, into the open. Long before words were exchanged, a ripple in the Force was sensed, drawing his presence to this place. The Jedi stood at ease, hands clasped in front of him. He turned to Avolon, his voice calm. ::

I will handle this.

JuJu Fett
May 6th, 2002, 12:32:26 AM
The level of tension and suspicion around the small group was so thick, one could cut it with a vibro-blade. The two mercenaries turned towards Anbira as he stepped out from the bar entrance. The hunter slightly nodded to Anbira, studying the older looking gentlemen who was now speaking with the bar keep. If the hunter's source was correct, this would be the man they were looking for. One glance told the seasoned bounty hunter that this was a man of great importance.

Once Anbira introduced himself, Juju relaxed his grip on the detonator, clicking the switch to the "off" position as the charge dissipated back to normal. Juju Fett showed the aging man his holo-credential's then let hand's slowly rest at his side's. The Fett's were well aware of the Jedi's that inhabited this area on Arcan IV. But the hunter's had dealt with the like's of force user's before. Fitted within the Fett's helm's was a highly secretive and sophisticated dampening devise that protected the two hunter's from potential mind assault's from Sith and Jedi alike. One could never be to careful in this trade when dealing with all the odd array of life form's, as well as the force wielder's that were strewn throughout all the known galaxies.

"Sir, we understand there may be potential bounty on this planet. We are seeking information on a possible retainer who might be interested in drawing up a contract with our enterprise. Unless of course, the situation has been resolved." Juju Fett's military training accentuated his word's as he spoke.

The mercenary then produced a flyer that was posted throughout the city of Arcan. It read: ASSASSINS INC.

On behalf of Assassins Inc., we are pleased to offer the following bounty--dead only.

For the Coven, any member. This is a Government sanctioned bounty, worth 1 million per member. They have the death sentence on Arcan and are to be shot on site without question. All craft are seized and searched on orbit, which leads us to believe the chance of a bounty off planet is very high.

Whereabouts of the Coven will lead to payment upon verification.

Assassins Inc. are pleased to bring to your attention this Bounty and we remind that we also offer the services of our trained assassins, thieves, smugglers for a good fee. We are the best.

Call ASSASSINS INC. if you want someone dead. We get the job done by any means. Call HoloCode 555-555-5555-111111-KILL-EM for a private consultation and quotation of your needs.

ASSASSINS INC. We Kill em, you get to Chill em

pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm...681.topic (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm2.showMessage?topicID=1681.topic )

"My associate and I have made several attempt's to reach the listed holo-code number, but with no success."

The bounty hunter then handed the one who called himself Anbira the leaflet, letting him study it as the two Fett's patently awaited his word's.

Nomi Kun
May 6th, 2002, 12:46:36 AM
A woman was passing by when she noticed the two bounty hunters and Ulic. She heard them speak of the poster she saw earlier and came a little closer to listen. Finnally she spoke

"My name is Nomi Kun, and i have also heard of this bounty. If you two need any help at all please feel free to ask me. I charge nothing just the chance to hunt is all i ask."

May 6th, 2002, 03:02:11 AM
:: AB, sitting at a nearby table, heard what the man in the armored suit had to say to her good friend and colegue. She sipped her tea silently, a blend Anbira had introduced to her, and watched the proceedings, curious to see what the outcome would be. ::

Jaslin Fett
May 6th, 2002, 03:05:04 AM
One would think at first glance the two Bounty Hunters were somewhat paranoid, always scanning there surroundings constantly. As her brother spoke with Anbira about a possible bounty. The female mercenary stood as a look out for the two, constantly shifting her body from left to right. Jaslin immediately noticed the over interested woman taking to much notice of the conversation at hand. As the woman approached Jaslin shifted her fierce gaze to her.

"We work alone." Jaslin words were firm and sharp. The two Fett's were drawing way to much attention to themselves. Unless this woman had some interesting information that Jaslin wanted to hear, she would fair better to be on her way.

"Unless of course you have any information pertaining to this flyer, if not I suggest you continue on your way." Jaslins words still carried a lethal quality to them, as they had when she had spoken to the man with delusions of grandeur. The Fett's rarely worked with any other hunters unless it suited their end means.

Anbira Hicchoru
May 6th, 2002, 07:07:27 PM
:: Anbira studied the contours of the man's cold, metal helmet, eyes returning to the flyer ::

You seek the ones who posted this bounty for more information?

:: He folded the bounty slip up, nodding ::

You seek the NRSF command. Perhaps I could arrange a meeting between you and General West.

:: Anbira chose his words carefully, and as expected, could divine little from the two hunters. They were trained to be methodical, and would not give up any information unless it was to their benefit. ::

Jaslin Fett
May 7th, 2002, 01:12:30 AM
Jaslin shifted her icy stare back to Anbira. She had a hunch that the elderly man knew more then what he was letting on. She knew one way or another they would get to the bottom of it. It was just a matter of time now. There were not to many around who would wish to entangle them self's with such a dangerous line of work, not to mention the possible trail's that would lead one back to it's source. The Fett sibling's were perfectionist's when it came to this, finding the source then eliminating it! She knew Anbira had to admit to himself sooner or later, the trail they were on lead straight to him only week's after the incident took place on Arcan IV. A strong indicator that they were good at what they did.

"Mr. Hicchoru, this arrangement with this General West would be highly appreciated and perhaps beneficial to the safety of the people here on Arcan IV..."

Jaslin studied Anbira as she continued speaking to him, her brother Juju taking her place in scanning the surrounding area as if it were some kind of subconscious hand off. If one Fett was preoccupied, the other would almost systematically cover for the other. Another obvious reason that made the two Fett's formidable opponent's when crossed the wrong way.

"Here is our holo connection number Mr. Hicchoru, as soon as an arrangement has been set up, let us know. I would hate to think that the good people of Arcan IV were still facing a possible future threat...Especially on such a peaceful planet."

Jaslin word's were to the point as she finished. The Fett's would now wait patently for the meeting with General West. The credit bounty that was being offered was to good to pass up. It would also be the highest one ever paid out to Fett Enterprises if the two hunter's were successful. They would make damn sure it was!

JuJu Fett
May 10th, 2002, 09:34:51 PM
A full day had come and gone without a word from the man Anbira had spoken of. The two bounty hunter's waited patently on the out skirt's of the city for the holo-cron invitation. The meeting with General West would bring the Fett's one step closer to their goal if the commander issued the bounty on the perpetrator's that had attacked the Bar and Grill a few week's prior.

Perhaps the people of Arcan IV were afraid of a retaliatory strike if they raised their hand's up against the one's who attacked them. If this was true, it was more then likely that the one's responsible would return. The Fett's couldn't care less if this were so, they were in it for the money. To finish the job, collect the bounty, then be on their way to the next job. This was how they operated. It was a never ending process that had made them rich in just a few short year's.

"I have a gut feeling their going to back out of this one sis...People have a funny way of hiding their pain in the past. Unfortunately, that past I'm sure will come back to haunt them." Juju lowered the powered binoculars from his eye's as the two sat inside the Slave V. Juju then glanced over to Jaslin then smiled.

"This one job alone will give us enough to get ahead like we wanted to be. Pay off the debt's we owe and take a much needed break." Jaslin smiled back at Juju then closed her eye's once more as she rested while her brother took the watch for the next three hour's...

Darth Turbogeek
May 10th, 2002, 09:51:42 PM
Someone came calling inquiring about the bounty Mr Anasta.

Did they now. Who.

Two disguised Bounty Hunters. One dressed as a Manalorian and the other could have been a Clawdite

Interesting. Keep watching. If you get the chance, talk to them. Out.

He sat back in his chair, leaning back until it's back touched the wall. He was in a small office, somewhere on Coruscant. The room itself was dingy and had seen better days, but it suited the person inside well and also the disguise he had as a small time medical equipment trader.

Turlogee Anasta. Just a small time fish doing small time work. Or that was what he appeared to be. His young face belied the thoughts and memories he had from times gone by, the memories of a Jedi Master now gone. Plans, ideas.... executions.

As he sat back, he had an idea.

Wasn't there a piece of droid I wanted on Arcan IV? Maybe I will go personally. Someone dressed in Madalorian is either an idiot with a unbearable ego problem.... or someone no to be dealt with lightly.

And as a member of the Assasin's Guild, Assasins Inc, he knew how to deal with both. Feet slammed into the floor as he toggled a transmitter.

"This is Anasta. I want my transport ready"

Yes, Darth Turbogeek, Dark Jedi, would attend to this personally.

JuJu Fett
May 10th, 2002, 11:44:50 PM
The T.S.I.D. or better known to the hunter class, (Thermal Spectrum Imaging Device) was set up to draw any unwanted attention to a false location while the hunter watched at a safe distance in another location. The Y-2000 pursuit ship was a perfect holo decoy as it rendered the same characteristic's and signature of the true star ship. This holographic imagining unit was the latest technology that the time had to offer. One that gave the Fett's the upper hand when the time called for it.

After some time, Juju detected a small transport on his view screen that had a southwest heading towards the T.S.I.D device. The Fett's knew ahead of time that they would be closely monitored once they made themselves known in the Jedi city of Arcan IV. Theses precautionary measure's were noted and carefully plotted even before the two set foot in the Jedi community. The camouflage holo cloak as well as the damping device around the true Slave V made the star class ship virtually invisible to the onlooker. The Fett sibling's were also well prepared for any force user's that might stray to close to them if such an encounter developed. The cryo-cages in the cargo hold of their Y-2000 were occupied with four ysalamari from the far off planet of Myrkr. Theses strange creature's not only create a "Force Dead Zone, or null-bubble's, they also granted ample force protection within a 10 meter radius of the ship. The Fett's were not easily taken by surprise, but were they often taken for granted.

"Jaslin, gear up...We have visitor's" Juju nudged his sister's shoulder as he placed his silver and blue mandalorian helm on. Jaslin reacted immediately. She too had a true military mind and instinct to go along with it. The long awaited moment had finally arrived. The two Fett's would now wait it out a bit more and when the time was right, they would react...

Jaslin Fett
May 11th, 2002, 03:47:00 AM
Jaslin wasted no time in firing up the main duel turbo cannon's, while her brother manned the targeting head's up screen. The automated view display showed one of the two lethal Proton Torpedo's enter the launch tube. A small precautionary measure if thing's quickly went amuck.

"I find it odd that they would send a transport without contacting us first Juju. We might end up having a little fun and have ourselves a Mynock shoot." Jaslin lightly chuckled as both of her hands flew over the instrument panel of the Slave V. The targeting scope quickly locked on the transport. Juju's auto engage sequence light flashed indicating the two had easily locked on the slow moving target. If thing's paned out it would be a good day for the Fett's. If they didn't, the men on the transport would end up kissing their asses good bye!

"I have no hale signal as of yet Juju." Jaslin fierce blue eye's narrowed at the craft as it neared the T.S.I.D. "Something defiantly stink's on Arcan IV my brother." The Fett's had seen a lot of strange thing throughout the known galaxies. However, the way in which the Jedi were going about their affair's was nothing more then reckless to the Fett hunter's. Jaslin as well as Juju knew a high ranking commanding officer would not venture as far as to put his life on the line in such a way, let alone in the presence of two unpredictable bounty hunter's!

JuJu Fett
May 13th, 2002, 01:20:39 AM
Like a moth to the flame the craft moved closer and closer to the T.S.I.D. unit. Juju eye's narrowed a bit under his helm as he eye'd the small transport. He had a gut instinct that General West was not on that ship. Neither one of the Fett's were trigger happy by a long shot, however they weren't one's to hesitate either when trouble came knocking at their door. If need be, they'd tear the damn ship right out of the sky without a second thought. But like all good hunter's innately knew, patience was a friendly virtue and so was the proton torpedo they were setting on!

"Steady sis,...Let'em make their move. We've been in this spot countless time's before." Juju word's were calm and even as his index finger rested firmly on the launch trigger.

"I just thought they'd be a little wiser when it came to the cat and mouse game." Replied Juju as his voice crackled over Jaslin's ear com piece.