View Full Version : Being of All Trades

Colar Shinew
May 7th, 2002, 11:54:00 PM
It was a dark, cold night and Colar decided to go for a walk and hang up some of his flyers since he was on the planet. He entered the Bar and Grill and checked his katana. He found a perfect spot near the enterance and put up his flyer. It read

A Being of All Trades for Hire

Colar Shinew

Bounty Hunter
And an overall nice guy

If you need any of these things,
please don't hesitate to call

Holo connection #

Shade Magus
May 8th, 2002, 02:57:07 PM
"Nice choices for a Jack of all trades."

The voice came seemingly floating across the air. Shade gave the guy credit for not jumping. Narmally his ability to let his voice carry like that freaked out a lot of unsuspecting people, but seeing this guy's list of abilities, he could understand why the guy didn't scare easy.

"Anyother talents you have?"

Colar Shinew
May 8th, 2002, 07:03:04 PM
" I can cook. If that can be considered a talent. Anywasy, your a Jedi i presume? I can tell from the way you carried your voice like that. Or your Sith. But i doubt that. You don't feel like a Sith member."

Keshia Kou
May 8th, 2002, 08:01:43 PM
as long as your not out to get me we'll get along fine.*keshia sad as she walked toward the stranger.she smiled at shade* may congrats to you shade

Colar Shinew
May 8th, 2002, 08:23:54 PM
" you do nothing to piss off important people or to get a bounty on your head, I have no reason to come after you."

Keshia Kou
May 8th, 2002, 08:33:52 PM
*kesh threw back her head and roared with laughter at what he said*buy you see... im keshia kou the most wanted being in the known universe but right now im morte concerned about my brother and myself at the moment*kesh tugged on the slave collor around her neck*

Colar Shinew
May 8th, 2002, 08:36:10 PM
"I have not heard of you yet or have not recieved a bounty either. Why are you wanted?"

He looked at the slaving collar and wondered what has happened to her

Shade Magus
May 8th, 2002, 09:21:50 PM
"Just the fact that she is one of the greatest theives in the universe. By the way, I am Shade Magus."

Colar Shinew
May 9th, 2002, 12:26:38 AM
" Wow the greatest thief in the universe. thats amazing. Never thought i would meet someone who is the greatest theif in the universe. Thats crazy. Anyways, my name is Colar Shinew, it is good to meet you Shade."

Keshia Kou
May 9th, 2002, 01:04:59 PM
oh why thank ya honey!*kesh smiled at him then remembered her manners* im keshia kou

Colar Shinew
May 9th, 2002, 09:55:59 PM
"I am very plaesed to meet you. My name is Colar Shinew."

He returned her smile with on of his.

Keshia Kou
May 13th, 2002, 12:55:29 PM
well hell...what to do now?

Crono katon
May 13th, 2002, 05:17:37 PM
Slowly walks up to the group holding Chimp the rubber chicken in one hand and a peace of his bandage in the other. He lifts Chimp to his face just closes enough that he can talk to it with out anyone else hearing what he says.
"Its Kes and Shade with some one new around here"
Pulls Chimp away from his face and putting him in the inside of his coat right beside his small rusty axe.
With kind of a dark look he stairs right at the new guy.
"Hello, Kes..Shade"
with out taking his eyes off the man
"Who's this?"