View Full Version : A sneak in the night

Apr 10th, 2002, 12:03:54 AM
Jayte padded down the dim halls in his pajamas, a thin book and small box under his arm, to the bar and grill. He poked his head around the corner first, a recent habit. Satisfied that there was no-one that could hurt him, no-one he knew of at least, he walked in quietly and put his things on a table. Slowly he climbed onto a chair and sat on his knees so as to see over the top. He lifted the lid on the box revealing a few crayons and flipped the book open. He began to hum softly, doodling on the pages of his book. After a few moments he began to get thirsty. He would have asked for a soda but he didn't want anyone asking why the young boy was out so late at night and alone. So he sighed and began to look around for someone he could persuade into ordering for him.

Exar Kil
Apr 10th, 2002, 12:19:58 AM
A man dressed in all black, black mandolorian armour, and ablue sash around his waist entered. He had a crest on his cest that was blue and was the crest of the Onderonian Royal Family from the planet Onderon where the great city of Iziz is. He sat at the bar and ordered wine for himself. He had saw the little boy all alone and wondered why he was out so late.

Natia Lerf
Apr 10th, 2002, 11:44:28 AM
*Natia, a young girl 7 years of age, saw a young boy enter the B&G in his pajamas. She looks down at herself in actually a very similar state. Thinking that the young ppl need to stick together, she reaches down, grabs her crutches, stands up with their assistance and hobbles over to the boy. In the process, she stops by the bar and orders to glasses of apple juice to be brought over to that table. When she arrives at the table with the young boy, a droid is just depositing the two glasses of apple juice there and leaving*

Care for some company??

*Natia looks at the boy with her friendly ice blue eyes. Before getting an answer from the boy, she sits herself down next to him and leans her crutches against the table. Until this moment, nobody had really noticed her presence and she knows that they will wonder why she to is out late at night. She says in a rather cheerful, but tired voice*

My names Natia though my friends call me Mara. What's your name??

Apr 10th, 2002, 11:22:45 PM
Jayte smiled at her.

"I'm Jayten Alexander but you can call me Jayte. I didn't know there were other kids here...all the people I've seen are big." he moved his box of crayons over in a friendly manner so she could reach them.

"How old are you? I'm five but I'll be six in nine sleeps."

Natia Lerf
Apr 11th, 2002, 12:40:32 PM
Feel free to call me either Natia or Mara.

*Natia smiles and motions to the glass of apple juice infront of Jayte*

That's for you if you want. I couldn't help and notice you were a bit thirsty from the way that you were acting.

I'm 7, going to be 8 in a little while though. Another one of my friends here is 8, almost 9. His names Loki and then there's Salemn who I think is 11, though I'm not to sure about that.

*Natia grabs her glass of apple juice and takes a sip of it*

The juice is apple juice. I would have ordered pop, but it's kinda to late out right now to have pop, so I settled for juice.

So Jayte, what brings you out here at this time of night??

Apr 11th, 2002, 08:24:01 PM
He took the glass with a smile and thanks, sipping cautiously. He had never tried apple juice and was always a bit hesitant with new things. As he sipped the juice a delighted smile appeared on his face.

"I can't sleep. I keep havin' bad dreams. So I thought I'd go explorin'. It's different here at night...everything looks different because it's dark. It's like a whole new place to explore!" he crowed happily. He drew out a gray crayon and absently drew a ship on the paper.

"So why are you here Mara?" he asked, cocking his head in a curious manner.

Natia Lerf
Apr 12th, 2002, 12:57:22 PM
*Natia watches Jayte as he tries the apple juice and smiles at his reaction to it*

I have a slight habit of exploring at night since truthfully, I'm kinda scared at falling asleep when it's dark out. I also don't sleep much, but nobody else knows that who's still alive. And besides, it's always fun trying to sneak out of the room I share with my Master. Her names Sia and she's teaching me lots of cool neat things.

*Natia looks at the crayon curiously, almost as if she has never seen one before, but she says nothing about it*

So what'cha doing besides sitting here an talking with me??

Apr 12th, 2002, 06:20:11 PM
Jayte shrugged.

"Just drawin'. I like to draw. When I lived on the ship with my mom I couldn't do anythin' else 'cause I had to stay out of the way. But now I'm here, so I can go explorin'." He paused and began to draw a stick figure with a lightsaber.

"That's my dad." he explained as he colored in the blade of the saber, "but he is deaded now."

Natia Lerf
Apr 13th, 2002, 05:49:27 PM
Just drawing??

*Natia questions curiously*

I never had the chance to do that when I was back home. What's your Mom like?? Is she a nice person?? Does she care for you?? Does she treat you nicely?? What does a Mom do??

*Natia asks these questions in a quick stream of words, quite curious about what other ppl's Mom's are like*

I never knew my Mom. She died after seeing how ugly I am after I was born. That's what my Dad told me though, but everybody else here has been saying otherwise and I don't know what to believe anymore.

*Natia looks at the picture which Jayte is drawing and asks almost hesistantly*

So, what did your Dad do??

Apr 15th, 2002, 05:46:10 PM
"My mom's really nice . She took care of me but then she got sick and so I got to come here to train and become a Jedi like my daddy." he looked at her curiously. "I think your dad was wrong because I seen pictures of when I was born an' I look really funny but my mom said I was the cutest little baby she had. She said every mom loves their baby."

He put his crayon down and focused his attention on Natia.

"My daddy was a Jedi. He used to go off the ship when we landed and talk to people so they wouldn't fight but sometimes he got hurt 'cause sometimes people didn't wanna listen to him. That's why I never gotted to go with him. He usta tell me stories about all the places he'd been to an' about being a Jedi. My brother usta like them but then he got really amd an' now he's gone. But that's okay because he did bad things."

Natia Lerf
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:51:12 PM
Your Mother sounds like a very nice person.

*Natia smiles as she takes another sip of her juice*

I've been on my own since I was 4 cause that's when my Father got killed. My legal guardian tried to teach me a few things, and I did learn them, but I didn't do them the way he wanted me to and well he is a bad person cause he hurt me and that's why I need crutches. A short while ago I went to a different academy, but it was on really hilly terrain and I couldn't keep up with anybody though I did make a friend there and that's where I met my dopted Dad. He's like the only adult male that I trust cause he hasn't hurt me like my Father did, but that was awhile ago and I'm trying to get over that.

*Natia suddenly shuts up for a moment before saying*

Sorry about just talking on and on like that. I usually don't, but the odd time it happens.

*Natia tilts her head slightly and sighs*

Even though my Father was real mean to me, I still miss him and I miss home. Sure from my understanding the house that I lived in with my Father is now mine, I can't go back there, at least not yet anyway, but I kinda do want to go back there. I guess I'm just really homesick.

Jayte, tell me please, what was it like living on a ship??

Apr 16th, 2002, 08:34:06 PM
Jayte listened intently.

"Don't worry 'bout talking...I talk to much all da time."

He smiled.

"Livin' on a ship was boring. I couldn't do anythin' an' my teachers were really old and talked reeeeaaaaallllyyy slooooooooow. I wasn't even allowed in to watch the pilot 'cause he said I got in da way. But I was always careful! The good part was when we gotted to go into hyperspace. That was fun 'cause you go really fast an' the everything outside gets all blurry. It's really pretty. But it's funnerer here."

Natia Lerf
Apr 17th, 2002, 11:23:25 AM
*Natia smiles slightly*

You are so lucky. You got to live on a ship and travel places. You have/had caring parents who loved you so much.

*Natia then gets a huge smile on her face*

You are absolutely right about it being more fun here. I can actually be a kid here as some ppl have told me. They also tell me that I am more mature and smarter then the average 7 year old, but I don't care. I'm having fun here and hey,

*Natia looks both ways before saying*

There's really nobody to tell me that I have to go to bed. Sia suggests that I go to bed at a certain time, but she doesn't really enforce it right now. But I'm sure that anytime now she'll start enforcing it cause I've been told that it's not good for kids to be running around at all times of the night.

*Natia takes another sip of her juice, going quiet again. She then absently rubs the side of her neck briefly. When she moves her hand away again, her hair stays pushed out of the way and a nasty looking scar is visible*

Apr 17th, 2002, 09:53:40 PM
Jayte nodded.

"I usta have a bedtime but I can't sleep here 'cause it's too dark and bad stuff happens when it's dark."

He took another sip of his apple juice as Natia rubbed her neck. When she moved her hand he saw the scar. Jayte was both concerned and curious. Concerned by how she got it but curious also. The young boy was an intrepid explorer and had many "battle wounds" of his own, though none were as impressive as Natias. His own were from falls and rough-housing but he had feeling that Natia's came from a more unpleasant situation.

"What happened?" he asked quietly.

Natia Lerf
Apr 18th, 2002, 03:42:25 PM
What happened?? What do you mean??

*Natia then realizes that her hair is farther back then normal, she quickly moves her hand up to her neck and moves her hair forward smiling slightly*

My Father happend.

*Natia says this one sentence in a very hateful and angry tone. She then continues in a more appropriate tone, but still, her voice is anger and hate filled*

My Father wasn't a nice person. He would beat me if I did something right and he would beat me if I did something wrong. He's dead now so I don't have to worry about him anymore, but there are others like him that I have to worry about.

*Natia waves her hand towards her crutches*

My legal guardian is responcible for me needing crutches to just move about. I can't be an active kid though I desparetly wish to be.

*Natia then shrugs slightly*

But what's done is done and I do my best not to think about it. Especially now that I am here and I know that there are ppl here that will protect me here so you don't need to worry or be concerned about me.

*Natia takes a look over Jayte and smile*

If you wish, feel free to ask me any questios as you wish to about my past. I will answer at least some of them, at least enough to satisfy your curiousity.

Apr 19th, 2002, 12:02:58 PM
Jayte listened with surprise. He didn't understand how any adult could do that to a child. Oh, he head gotten into his fair share of trouble and had been punished by his parents, but he knew it was because they loved him. "I'm sorry that happened to you." he said with a sad face. After a moments thought he decided to try and brighten the mood. "Wanna see somethin' cool?" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a sparkler. "You light this an' then it makes a really pretty light." he looked around before pulling a matchbook out of his other pocket. "I foun' it outside. Somebody thought there were no more matches but there's two left!" he whispered excitedly.

Natia Lerf
Apr 19th, 2002, 12:13:16 PM
*Natia shrugs her shoulders slightly*

I deserved what I got when I was younger. I know adults only punich children when they deserve it and I deserved it.

*Natia watches Jayte as he brings out a sparkler, a slight shriek of surprise and happiness comes out of her as she sees this*

Those things are so cool. My Father liked those on his cake when he made me bring it out to him. I just love those things. They always gave me a spark of hope in my bad life.

*Natia looks around for a moment and then whispers to Jayte*

Are you going to light it in here??

Apr 19th, 2002, 12:21:50 PM
He nodded. "Yeah. We can pretend it's a torch an' we're explrin' in a cave or somethin'." Jayte looked around before tearing one of the matches out of the book. He had seen his mothe do this many times and was confident that he could as well. After all, he was nearly six! "Here, you hold the sparkler an' I'll light it." he said with a smile, handing it to Natia. Quickly he pulled the match across the lighting part. After a few unsuccessful tries it lit with a smal hiss. Jayte smile and lit the sparkler. He was about to blow out the match when it dropped from his hand. It landed on the corner of another patrons robe which slowly began to smoke until a small flame lept up. The man lept up quickly, knocking over his chair, and extinguished the flame. Jayte looked at Natia with wide eyes. "Oops."

Jaden Virag
Apr 19th, 2002, 08:43:16 PM
It took a moment for him to notice that he was on fire but once the fact was realized Jaden wasted no time in putting an end to the barbecuing of his robe. He looked around trying to find the source of this odd occurrence. At the table next to him there were two children, a boy and a girl, with a sparkler. Obviously the culprits. Jaden held back a grin and crossed his arms. He stood up and gave them a stern look. "You should not be playing with matches young ones. You could get hurt or hurt others. Now, if you have an adult with you it is an entirely different matter so...may I join you?" he smiled now, a full smile showing his pearly whites. Jaden loved children.

Natia Lerf
Apr 20th, 2002, 02:13:24 PM
*Natia takes the sparkler from Jayte as he hands it to her. He then manages to light the sparkler after few moments but accidently drops the match on the robe of somebody nearby them. She meets Jaytes gaze with a 'we're in trouble' look on her face. She looks at the man as he begins to speak to them, her gaze going icey cold and hostile towards the man. Her voice is cold and filled with mistrust and hatred towards the man*

No, you may not join us. If we get hurt, it would be our fault and I can handle it just as I have handled it before. As for playing with matches, I have been using matches since I was 3 so I know quite well how to use them.

And I will not let a strange male sit down at a table with because adult males are trouble and wish to harm all children so if you will leave us alone, we will be quite happy.

*Natia continues to look at the man which had his robes catch on fire, her eyes still full of hostility towards the man. Her voice is still full of mistrust and hatred even though she is a Jedi Padawan*

And we weren't playing with matches. So please be kind enough to leave us alone.

*Natia knows that she is just a kid still and she can't stop anybody from doing what they want around her, though she can show her displeasure about it*

Jaden Virag
Apr 21st, 2002, 02:47:28 PM
Jaden was taken aback, to say the least. His obvious surprise was evident on his face. Frowning slightly he looked at the little girl. "I don't want to hurt you little one. And I certainly didn't mean that you couldn't handle yourself. You seem to be very mature for your age but sometimes everyone needs help. Even me." he paused for a moment staring at her curiously. "Adult males are trouble? Well some are. And some aren't. And there are adult women who are trouble too. But you shouldn't feel worried little one...you are among Jedi. Nobody would hurt you, they would protect you." Jaden gave her a tentative smile. "Could you do me a big favor? Could you give me just one, itty-bitty little chance?" he made his voice go high and demonstrated just how "itty-bitty" a chance it would be with his thumb and forefinger.

Natia Lerf
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:47:35 PM
*Natia continues to look at Jaden*

I give eveybody a chance. But adult males have to prove to me that I can trust them. Why wouldn't I be mature?? For the past 3 years I have basically been taking care of myself and before that, well, that's past now, this is present.

*Natia continues to speak in a hate filled tone even though she is training to be a Jedi*

I may be among Jedi right now, but that doesn't mean some of my Father's friends or some of my legal guardian's friends couldn't be here right now so I kinda have to look out for myself. Jedi or no Jedi.

*Natia keeps looking at Jaden, her eyes filled with ange and hatred*

You get your chance just like everybody else does.

Jaden Virag
May 5th, 2002, 05:24:08 PM
Jaden continued to smile. "Well little lady, I guess I have my work cut out for me. But I promise--though I'm not sure how much it'll mean to you-- that I'm not going to hurt you or anyone else save those who really, really ask for it."

May 5th, 2002, 06:41:04 PM
Jayte had watched the exchange between Jaden and Natia silently. Now though, he stared intently at Jaden before talking.

"You're really big. How old are you?" he asked, trying to narrow his eyes without his eyelids shaking, but not having much success.

Natia Lerf
May 6th, 2002, 12:22:43 PM
*Natia just looks at Jaden and says nothing for a moment*

You go right ahead and make all the promises you want to. I will remember them and if you do by chance hurt me or anyone else who doesn't deserve it, you are in trouble. And just because I'm a kid doesn't mean I can't do anything to you.

*Natia, with that said just moves one of her hands to her crutches and smiles, knowing full well that she can down a full sized adult with just two well placed hits with her crutches, but hopes she will have no need to do that*

And believe me, I will have no objections to having to correct a problem if you harm ppl who don't deserve it.

Jaden Virag
May 13th, 2002, 05:40:25 PM
Jaden put his hands up in defeat.

"I believe you. Being a kid makes no difference in how much damage you can do....I know firsthand. I used to be a teacher."

He smiled at Jayte.

"Well I'm pretty old. Twenty-seven. What about you?

imported_Natia Telcontar
May 14th, 2002, 10:50:12 AM
*Natia listens to her friend Jayte start to talk with Jaden. She has nothing more to say right now so she just keeps herself quiet for the time being as well as keeping a close eye on Jaden*