Apr 22nd, 2002, 06:04:30 PM
A large poster was hung up on the wall and it read as follows:
To announce the engagement of Shade Magus and Xazor Dawnstrider, there shall be a party here, Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill beginning at six o'clock sharp this eve. There will be free food and drinks and all are welcome!
Xazor walked into the bar with Shade and they looked at the poster. Finally he had returned to her and they could get the happy festivities under way. It was ten minutes before the big bash was to begin, and the happy couple took their place at the center of the bar. A flood of people poured in as they stood there and smiled at one another. Once everyone seemed assembled, they took a micro-announcer and spoke together.
We would like to announce our engagement! This party is in celebration of our happy uniting!
Someone behind Xazor threw some confettie to start the whole thing off. This would truly be a most enchanted evening.
ooc: This is open to everyone, it isn't limited to the GJO! Come one, come all, the more the merrier! Everyone can post! <img src= ALT=":)">
Shade Magus
Apr 22nd, 2002, 07:39:12 PM
Shade smiled at Xazor as she threw the confetti in the air. He then turned his head and waved and nodded at all of his old freinds.
verse dawnstrider
Apr 22nd, 2002, 08:23:54 PM
::Verse walked in to the bar. This was happy news. Sorta. He would not lie. He could think of a thousand people better suited for his daughter than this...Sayin, but if he made his daughter happy Verse would deal with him. He stretched out a hand and took a bottle of Ale from the waitress. He popped the top and started to drink. He looked at Shade. verse grabbed another bottle. He would need it. He placed it in his belt.::
"So, what food will be served."
Apr 22nd, 2002, 08:28:44 PM
Xazor hugged Shade for a moment and then ran toward her father. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. He did not seem like his usual self, so she shrugged it off....slightly. something wrong? Did I do something to displease you? Tell me what has you looking so....dissappointed.....
She said to him through the Force. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the front of the bar to check on the pizza and whatever else was on order. There would be chicken and other such things, but she wasn't quite sure what. She had just arranged for anything and everything to be served. When she found out that the pizza was almost ready, she smiled and turned back to her father, still waiting for him to answer....
verse dawnstrider
Apr 22nd, 2002, 09:08:34 PM
::verse looked at Xazor, then at Shade. he spoak to his daughter throught Force.::
I don't trust him. He reminds me of a jackel hiding in a pack of wolves. He may 'one of the boys' for a while, but may turn. One just doesn't leave. If he had a reason, I may be ok. He just left then came back saying "I was on a journey." It just doesn't sit right with me. It just be the worries of a father. When will the wedding be?
::Verse picked up a leg of chicken. He ripped off a chunk and chewed on it. With a swallow he took another bite.::
"Needs pepper."
Apr 22nd, 2002, 09:37:23 PM
Xazor sighed, fully understanding where her father was coming from. She sat down at a table and sighed slightly to herself as he devoured the chicken leg.
Father.....I know what you're thinking and I know why you feel that way. I had my doubts too....but he didn't want to hurt me. He had doubts about even coming back! He won't hurt me again.......he loves me, and I believe that. Do not worry father......I will keep your words close to my heart and remember what you have told me.
She said through the Force. A reassuring smile stretched across her face. She wanted him to know that she was truly happy.
We haven't set a date yet........I wanted you to pick it.
She again spoke through the Force, happiness dancing upon her telepathic voice.
verse dawnstrider
Apr 22nd, 2002, 09:44:18 PM
::A smile came across Verse's face. He looked at Shade. Verse could be so cruel in such a loving way.::
Soon would be good. Also, maybe he sould met your brother Chaos. I am sure he has much to say to him.
::Verse smiled even wider. He knew what happened last time Shade and Chaos met. Chaos had almost killed Shade. The only reason that he didn't was because Shade ran. Verse was not that cruel though. Chaos was protective over his sister. ::
We will just have to make sure Chaos knows not to attack the Jedi this time.
::Verse ran his fingers through his hair.::
"We will have to put our hair in braids of course."
Apr 22nd, 2002, 09:53:56 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded.
I think it would be good for them to speak. I also think you two should have a talk.
She looked over at Shade and then back to her father.
No, really, you must pick the date. Yes soon is good.....but what day? I am going to need help planning this also. I know it isn't really a "man's thing".....but I could use some fatherly advice.
She laughed slightly and a smile continued to dance upon her lips.
Braids? You'll teach me how to do them?!
She asked excitedly.
verse dawnstrider
Apr 22nd, 2002, 10:05:59 PM
::verse smiled::
"I'll teach you the braids."
::Verse talked through the Force once more.::
I will be ok with him. Him and Chaos need to talk. Chaos will come here. I will send him a message.
::Verse sipped his Ale. He took a long swig.::
"I would have the wedding in two weeks. At night. there will be a full moon out. Make it romantic as well as a symbol. You are Garou after all."
OOC: I mean IC weeks. Not OOC weeks. That will give us time to have Chaos and Shade talk, as well as me and you do a fun thread dealing with the braids.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:56:32 AM
In a dark and dim corner, a quiet figure leaned back, puffing on his pipe. His face hidden and a sword across his lap, a tankard of ale by his side. Just watching and not commenting. Remembering.
Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:37:34 AM
Xazor smiled and hugged her father.
Good....I too would like to see Chaos. We have hardly spoken to one another and I would like to....and I think it is wonderful that he and Shade are going to talk. Thank you for accepting him, father. I know that we will turn out fine. If something happens....then it was my fault.
She said through the Force. She thought for a moment about his suggestion for the date of their wedding. A bright smile danced upon her lips once again.
Two weeks from now is wonderful! A full moon, and the air full of is perfect father. There is still so much I must do. I don't know what to wear....who are to be my bridesmaids...he must pick his best man and so on and on...
She paushed, sighing slightly to herself. Two weeks did not give her much time to plan...she would need a lot of help. There was so much yet to do, but she felt like she shouldn't worry about that yet.
It will be a great honor for me to wear the Garou braids...I cannot wait for you to teach me father.
She hugged her father once again and smiled gently. Suddenly she felt a familiar presence in the room and looked about to see who it was. She then eyed the source in the corner of the bar and smiled his way.
I didn't know you would come to this. Thank brings me much honor...
She said to him through the Force. She knew that it must be difficult, seeing the joy of another who is engaged to be married...and then remembering what he once had....she could only imagine.
Natia Lerf
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:38:18 PM
*Natia, a child of 7, slowly hobbles into the B&G with the assistance of her crutches. Just moments before she saw her Mother coming in here so she had decided to follow just to see what's going on. Upon entering, she saw a large poster on the wall. After reading the poster, she frowns slightly, not fully understanding what it means. She then slowly hobbles over to her Mother to question about the poster. She reaches her Mother just to hear her say "I cannot wait for you to teach me father." With a questiong look on her face, she looks up at her Mother*
Mother, what's going on here??
*Natia asks this with a curious voice*
Satine Capashen
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:39:04 PM
When Xazor isn't expecting it she gets a cross bewteen a tackle and a hug from her brother.
"Hiay sis! I was wonderign when you two would get around to making it formal!" He says, smiling. Seeing Shade, he extends a hand.
"Gonna be my brother in law, huh? I could think fo worse people..." He says, grinning to show he was kidding.
Natia Lerf
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:40:17 PM
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:59:23 PM
Xazor suddenly sees Natia enter and then come over to her. She looked slightly confused but Xazor smiled reassuringly.
This is a party for me and Shade Magus....he's over there.
Xazor pointed toward a young man standing in the middle of the bar talking with a few other people.
We are engaged to be married. He is going to be my husband!
She said excitedly. She hoped that Natia understood what she was saying. Suddenly she was tackled....or hugged by someone. Turning around in his arms, she sees it is Satine. She wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him, a huge smile on her face.
I am so glad you came, brother....
She said softly. The party crowd was growing now, but there were still more that needed to come. Xazor wanted everyone to be there.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:07:51 PM
On entering the bar, Dasquian saw right away that there was a large gathering beginning to form. It seemed that a large portion of the order was coming to congratulate Shade and Xazor on their engagement. Not wanting to intrude, he took his place leaning against the bar, watching Xazor as she zipped gleefully from guest to guest. Once the mood had quietened somewhat, he'd go and say a few words too.
Natia Lerf
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:08:39 PM
*Natia looks at her Mother with a curious look on her face*
So, your getting married Mother??
*Natia frowns slightly since she doesn't really want to share her Mother with anybody yet*
Is he a nice person?? Can I trust him??
*Natia frowns again when her Mother gets tackle/hugged, but smiles when she finds out that it's ok*
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:19:25 PM
Xazor hears Natia's words and walks over to her once again, kneeling down so she is eye level with the little girl.
Yes! I am getting married and it will be a most joyous time. Oh yes...he is very nice and will not hurt me or you. You can trust him also...
She said softly. Standing to her feet, Xazor looks around at everyone who is gathering. She then sees a friend off to the side, leaning against the bar. She told Natia to hold on for a moment and she'd be right back. She walked over to Dasquian and bowed slightly.
Greetings my friend. I am glad you decided to come. It brings me great joy to see you, for I have not in some time...since my promotion. I never had the chance to thank you for the gift.
She said softly with a gentle smile.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:19:31 PM
::Two Jedi Masters walk over to Xazor after hearing the good news::
Xazor, we just heard the good news. Congradulations Xazor on your engagement to Shade.
I don't think you have met my fiance..Obi. We got engaged in this very bar a little over a year ago. Isn't love wonder! I am so very lucky to have Obi in my life. So as you can I see I can relate to your joy.
::Leia had her right arm tightly wrapped around Obi's as she introduced them::
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:21:37 PM
Xazor's attention was diverted quickly as two Jedi Masters approached her. She smiled brightly and bowed to both of them.
Thank you Jedi Master is an honor to have both of you here! is a wonderful thing.
She smiled brightly, showing her excitement in her eyes. The joy in her heart was overflowing....
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:25:21 PM
**The Jedi Master held his fiancee close to him as he smiled. Never was he happier than when the two of them were together. Without her there, it was as if a part of him were missing. Obi smirked when he saw Xazor, for he could clearly see the excitement that she had for her future**
Hello,'s very nice to meet you. Congratulations and our best wishes for the both of you
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:29:12 PM
Xazor bowed to him and smiled.
Thank you great Jedi is very nice to meet you also. Your warm wishes are a blessing to both Shade and I. Thank you...
She said softly, showing true gratefulness through her eyes.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 23rd, 2002, 02:26:52 PM
Navaria had noticed the crowd around Xazor and Shade as well. She squeezed her way to the bar and ordered two drinks, then made her way to her Padawan, Dasquian.
"I think I like your idea and waiting till the crowd thins out... or until they spot us."
She hands over a drink to Dasquian with a smile.
Apr 23rd, 2002, 02:30:44 PM
Xazor turned away from the two Jedi Masters and diverted her attention back to Dasquian. She smiled and then spotted Navaria next to him. She bowed to her and smiled.
Greetings friend....thank you for coming to our party. It is a great blessing upon my soul to have so many friends gather here with Shade and I to celebrate our engagement!
She said with a smile.
Lady Vader
Apr 23rd, 2002, 02:43:17 PM
*LV had seen the poster earlier and had hung around just to see what would unfold. Not many Sith or scum were about, and the place was mostly full of Jedi for the engagement party. She had merely remained at a small table, sipping a drink absentmindedly, searching the room for anything that might help her pass the time.*
*As the party progressed, she spotted a lone jedi she had seen before in the bar, sitting in a dark corner, alone, cowl concealing most of his face, while wisps of smoke lazily rolled out of his pipe. She stood and walked to his table, and he no doubt would have seen her had he not been so lost in thought. Reaching the table, she spoke.*
Careful you don't ponder too hard. You might blow an artery.
*The closeness of her voice, and it's familiarity, brought the Jedi back to the bar, his hand instinctively going for the hilt of his sword. She had to hand it to him, his reflexes were good. She instantly held up her hands, showing him she was unarmed.*
I don't want trouble...
*She lowered her hands.*
...just to talk.
Falcon Gyndar
Apr 23rd, 2002, 04:52:12 PM
Falcon walks up behind Natia, gives her a pat on the head, then gives Shade a handshake, and Xazor a hug. He then steps back and gently places a hand on Natia's shoulder.
"Congrats! I'm sure I speak for Natia too, when I say I'm happy for you guys. Isn't that right, kid?"
Apr 23rd, 2002, 05:33:05 PM
Xazor smiled and hugged Falcon back. She looked down at Natia and winked and then spoke.
We both are so grateful to you and everyone that has come out to the party. This is such a wonderful evening. Thank you Falcon.
She said with a heartfelt smile. She then turned her attention to Shade, for they had not spoken much since the party began.
And how are you my love?
She kissed him on the cheek, which was a surprise to him for he had been facing the other way. She smiled and hugged him tightly.....
Shade Magus
Apr 23rd, 2002, 05:36:00 PM
Shade walked along side Xazor as she greeted everyone. It did his heart good to see all of his freinds, and a few enemies, to come together for this occasion. He then patted Xazor on the arm and told her he would return in a moment as he walked over to Verse. As he neared him he bowed and thensat in a chiar near him.
"Jedi Knight Verse Dawnstrider. Your daughter is right, we do have to talk. I am not sure what I did to upset you to begin with, but I apologize for whatever it was. I know that you don't trust me, and there is good reason not to. What I did was rash and irresponsible. It showed that I was not ready for what I faced and I am sorry for it. I just wish that there is some way that I could prove my changes to you...."
Apr 23rd, 2002, 05:48:31 PM
Xazor nodded and let Shade go off. He walked over to her father and she watched him sit down to speak with him.
Be gentle on him father....
Xazor said to Verse through the Force. She didn't want him to scare Shade away.....he had already left her once. She had a faithful and loyal heart, though, and would stick by him through anything. She smiled gently at her father and continued greeting those that entered the bar to join in the party.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 23rd, 2002, 07:05:29 PM
His face didn't move and for a few seconnds even he did not reply, except to puff more smoke out from under his hood
"What do you want to speak about?"
His voice was soft and strangely accented, raspy in it's quietness.
Lady Vader
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:07:58 PM
*The smoke wafted up to her face, the scent somewhat strong, yet sweet. Leaning against the corner near the table, she crossed her arms, and looked at him.*
I really don't care about what, so long as I have someone to talk to.
*She looked back over her shoulder at those celebrating the engagement of the two young Jedi. She sighed softly, absentmindedly rubbing the ring underneath her left glove. The ring was given to her, not by Lord Vader, who she was soon to marry, but by Anbira. And even then, in a sense, it had not been given to her at all, but had merely been found near where he had been found, broken and near death after his plunge from that fateful cliff months ago. The plunge that had taken him away from her.*
*She cleared her throat.*
And everyone else seems to be preoccupied with the festivities.
*She looked back at him, raising an eyebrow.*
Though by the looks of it, it seems you are also preoccupied as well. But of a different nature...
And by the look on your face, we may have something in common; a pain that bores itself so deeply, that not even time will heal it.
verse dawnstrider
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:45:29 PM
::Verse smiled::
"You left my daughter once. For that I dought you will ever fully gain my trust. In my culture one does not run from a problem. You did just that. I only deal with you because my daughter loves you. Maybe in time I will see how you act. Untill then I would not believe want you say. I will like to see action, not words."
::Verse took another swig of his Ale. Finishing the bottle he got another one and started on it.::
Marcus QDunn
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:53:25 PM
"I am indeed preoccupied. I have much to think about and much I have seen in my journey that bears pondering. The woman celebrating her engagement, I know her well. I share her happiness"
He gestured with one of his hands at an empty seat at the table.
"You might find me boring company, however. I am normally silent"
Lady Vader
Apr 24th, 2002, 12:27:01 AM
*She slid the chair away from the table to sit on it, and as she did so, she spoke.*
Silent company is better than no company.
*She looked at him with a wry smile.*
Besides, I find it hard to believe you are boring. Someone with your abilities is anything but boring.
*She fell silent for a moment as he puffed away at his pipe, looking thoughtful again. She ventured a question.*
Something is troubling you?
*Though this usually wasn't a question characteristically associated with a Sith, especially asking a Jedi, but she wasn't like most Sith. Life had taught her that impatience could lead to death, and even though the Dark Side had engulfed her soul, she quenched it's furry, always mindful of what she did. With this had come patience.*
Marcus QDunn
Apr 24th, 2002, 01:08:20 AM
He was quiet for so long that she would have thought he was deliberatly ignoring her. But he did speak.
"There are many things that trouble me. Some I can speak of. Others are just shadows in my mind. Some are memories and others are images of possible futures"
Anohter great puff of smoke hazed the air in front of him.
"I tend to find I get being interested in me. There's something about a hooded and mysterious person that is attractive"
Lady Vader
Apr 24th, 2002, 01:23:35 AM
*She laughed softly.*
Well, the haze from the pipe's smoke doesn't help the mysterious picture either.
*She half smiled.*
You know, in the short amount of time we have been speaking, neither one of us has introduced ourselves...
*Raising an eyebrow, she extended a gloved hand to him.*
You may know me, but in any event, I am Lady Vader.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 24th, 2002, 01:32:20 AM
A hand, clad in cut off glves that had seen hard use reached out to accept Vader's hand. His grip was quite powerful.
"My name is not pronouncable in Galatic Basic. However, I am known as Elessar. Others call me Strider"
He picked up the tankard and took a long drink/
Lady Vader
Apr 24th, 2002, 01:51:08 AM
*His hand practically engulfed hers, and though she could feel the strength behind the shake, his grasp was gentle.*
Well, Strider, it seems we are two individuals with our own broading thoughts, that are keeping us from the festivities.
*She pulled a server droid aside and ordering a glass of milk. Then turning back, she frowned slightly.*
Though I dare say I don't think I was really intended to be at a Jedi engagement party. I just happen to be here when it started.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 24th, 2002, 05:26:54 AM
"I wouldn't say that I am being kept from the activities. It's just not my place to join in. So, hence I reflect on other times and other couples I have known"
Another puff on the pipe. Followed by another long pause.
"There is something more on your mind. I may not have the need for talk, but I have lived long enough to tell when someone else does. Your questions and answers give you away. There is burden you want to share. No, it is not by the Force or other hokey religion. There is much that can be seen by simple observation. Else why else would you speak to a stranger like me?"
Lady Vader
Apr 24th, 2002, 04:01:01 PM
*She was slightly caught off guard by his concern... well, not concern... perhaps it was curiosity. In either case, she leaned back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest, her glass of milk being placed on the table in front of her by the server droid.*
*She stared at the whitness of the drink for a moment, before letting here eyes travel upwards to the shrowded face opposite her.*
It is a burden, and though I don't share what I am feeling, especially to strangers, it's silly to consider this type of burden a secret.
*Her lips curled up into a quirky smile.*
Long ago, I thought I would be in a situation like this...
*She gestured with her head to the celebration.*
...but that dream was crushed, mostly by the selfish actions of the one I was to be engaged to, if he was even going to ask. And now, he is lost to me. This may sound somewhat morbid, but coming from me it must sound normal: I'd rather he'd died, than lived. Now in my eyes, he is untouchable, and we are on opposite sides of the credit coin.
*She slid her left glove off, revealing a simple silver ring on her ring finger.*
This is the only reminder I have of what could have been.
Senator Redav
Apr 24th, 2002, 04:20:41 PM
:: Jack entered the bar, dressed to the nines and wearing a smile. He approached Xazor, holding a present. ::
Xazor, I heard the news from Chandrila, and came immediately. Congratulations on the good news.
:: He handed her the present ::
Apr 24th, 2002, 05:21:01 PM
Amongst the gathered, Xazor spotted her friend, Jack Redav. She smiled as he approached and handed her a gift. She blushed slightly, very thankful to him that he had come, but to bring her a gift was a shock.
Greetings Senator. It does me much honor to have you here, and this gift! Thank you from the bottom of my heart......what is it?
She questioned excitedly.
Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Apr 24th, 2002, 05:25:41 PM
Maia entered the party late. Her eyes searched out her friend and roommate. Ari spotted her first and chirruped. "I see her now Ari." She mumbled. Carrying the long wooden box that she had asked her brother to get for her when he had come on one of his visits.
"I hope she likes this Ari." She said as she approached Xazor.
"Xazor, I'm sorry that I arrived late but have brought you something. Congrats on your engagement also." She smiled to her friend. Inside of the carved wood box was a silver dagger, ornately carved and fitted with small emeralds around the hilt.
"It's called marriage dagger. It is supposed to sever all evil from the new life you are starting and is supposed to bring you luck." Maia said with a small laugh. "I hope it works for you and your fiance."
Apr 24th, 2002, 05:30:33 PM
Xazor was approached by yet another one of her friends, this time, her roommate and good friend Maia. She smiled and embraced her while holding the gift from the Senator. She took the long box from Maia and listened as she spoke of the gift. A bright smile danced upon her lips as she peered inside the beautiful box. The dagger was absolutely amazing, beautiful in its craftmanship.
Oh Maia, it's wonderful! Thank you so much! You're the greatest.....
She said softly, her eyes showing her gratitude.
Senator Redav
Apr 24th, 2002, 05:57:05 PM
Its a Chandrillan mood lamp. The crystal responds to pheromones, and adjusts the color of the light it produces.
Apr 24th, 2002, 06:17:27 PM
:: AB entered the bar shortly after her Padawan had, letting her pupil give her gift to Xazor. She herself had a gift for the young woman, but hers was not here. ::
:: She stepped in after Maia, reaching up to give Ari a soft stroke, before speaking to Xazor. ::
Congratulations, Xazor. I hope you find peace and happiness in this time of celebration.
I didn't bring the gift I have for you with me, becasue it would have been somewhat combersome to lumber in here.
:: She reached out, and laid a hand on Xazor's cheek. ::
Instead... will show you...
:: She closed her eyes and painted a picture of the room Xazor and Maia shared. The sun beamed through the window, the sound of birds and critters chirping outside. In the room, the furnishing was simple, the beds on opposite side of the room, the potted plant she had given Maia when she had come to GJO sitting contentedly on Maia's night stand, closed to protect itself from the sun's light, prefering the night's moon. And on the other night stand, next to Xazor's bed, was the gift she had gotten the young woman as an engagement present. Sprouting from a round, glazed pot was a vine-like plant, that had walked itself along the bed's headboard, drooped lazy lavendar flowers along it's curling branches. The fragrance was soft, almost delicate. ::
:: She opened her eyes and smiled fully, removing her hand from Xazor's face. ::
That's what awaits you in your room. The vine will remove itself from the headboard with a pinch to it's base. And then when you want to "stick" it somewhere else, just drap it's vines and it will latch on without damaging furniture or walls.
It is said that the flowers fragrance helps to calm one's nerves, so it will help you sleep soundly.
Apr 24th, 2002, 07:17:31 PM
Xazor hugged the Senator and smiled brightly.
Oh it sounds lovely!
She opened the box and looked inside. Indeed, it was a beautiful lamp.
Thank you so much Senator, I will cherish this gift....
Suddenly another person approached Xazor. It was Jedi Master AB, the one who was training her friend Maia. She smiled and bowed as the woman approached her. Suddenly, she was seeing a beautiful picture before her. The gift that AB spoke of was amazing, and glorious in all its splendor. She smiled and hugged the gentle Jedi Master.
Oh thank you so much! It is absolutely beautiful! I thank you from the depths of my heart....
She said, expressing her gratitude through her icy blue eyes.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:45:34 PM
He was slient, thinking for a moment.
"Might I ask a question? Is the one you gave your heart to a Jedi?"
Chaos Alexander
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:43:55 PM
::Chaos walked in. A sadistic smile on his face, He heard his sister was to be Shade Magus. Chaos had bested the man once. He was a desent fighter, but a coward. He would run. He had to fall to the dark to beat Yurza. He looked around. He had purposely left his robotic arm uncovered. He wanted all to see it and wonder what it could do. Make people nervous. He saw Xazor and walked up. he bowed slightly.::
"Greetings sister. How do you fare?"
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:47:10 PM
Xazor turned around and saw Chaos......her brother, standing behind her. She smiled and peered down at his arm. She too had lost one, but was fortunate that it was able to be sewn back on without much scarring. She bowed in greeting and smiled once again, hugging him gently.
Greetings my brother. I fare well.....thank you for coming to this brings me honor to have you here. And how about yourself? Do you fare well also?
She questioned with a soft smile.
Chaos Alexander
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:57:32 PM
::Chaos smiled.::
"When your belly scraps teh bottom, you can get no worse. So, any of your friends single and around my age? I came without a date. Just in case."
Apr 24th, 2002, 11:03:01 PM
Xazor laughed slightly at his question.
I don't think anyone here is looking for someone. They all seem either taken...or uninterested in dating.
She said, smiling once again.
It is truly good to see you here though....
She said softly.
Captain Tohmahawk
Apr 25th, 2002, 04:09:57 AM
At his place at the Bar, The General paused as he was sipping his tea.
"Would someone like to explain to me what the attraction there is of marrige? Far as I'm concerned, it's the Military or death. I wouldn't let myself get tied down" he said, muttering to himself
Lady Vader
Apr 25th, 2002, 05:03:05 PM
*If little grey clouds could form over people's heads like they did in comic strips, then there would surely be one over LV's head right now. Her mood had gone a bit sour, but she kept it under control.*
*She looked at the shadowed face under the cowl, the chin the only visible feature that could be distinguished.*
He is now.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 25th, 2002, 06:00:17 PM
He could sense the mood change on Lady Vader.... not that it would be difficult. Her body language was enough
"If that is the case, I understand then why this engagement brings you no joy. My next question would be.... does this Jedi know and understand your feelings to him?"
Lady Vader
Apr 25th, 2002, 06:43:18 PM
*She let her eyes fall to her glass of milk, where she let one claw stir it's top, making chaotic swirls. Much like her life was: one big chaotic whirlwind. But, then again, she'd probably been asking for it when she gave herself to the way of life she'd chosen.*
I can't speak for him in present times, but before he... ran away, I knew him. And he knew me.
*She plucked the claw out of the milk and let the remaining drops drip onto the table, make a small white bubble of liquid.*
As it is, I haven't spoken to him since the accident, nor seen him often. What he knows now is not in my knowledge.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 25th, 2002, 07:44:07 PM
A memory of another accident came to his mind... no not an accident. There was no accident the incident near Whitetown, were he had been amused
"You must remember, I know not what you speak of. I have no idea whom you speak of as well. I am not familiar with the Jedi nor of the history of them. Still, there is one question more - have you sought him out... or are you fearful of what might happen and what might be said?"
Lady Vader
Apr 25th, 2002, 08:20:04 PM
*She shook her head.*
Well, I guess it wouldn't be considered an accident. The man I refer to threw himself off a cliff in hopes of ending his life.
*She mummbled.*
It would have been less painful for me at least if he'd died, instead of becoming a Jedi.
*She stopped mummbling, and sighed.*
It's not that I fear a meeting, and not so much of what is said. It is that if we ever did meet, I would be forced to kill him, and he me. We live on opposite sides of the Force, and that destines us to eventually destroy one another.
*She wiped her claw on the napkin that had come with her drink, drying the last bits of milk left on it, then resheathed the claw. Her mouth twisted into a grin.*
Life has a way of complicating things.
Shade Magus
Apr 25th, 2002, 08:21:34 PM
Shade nodded at Verse. He understood the words of the warrior. As he turned to go back to Xazor, he saw Chaos and nodded to him. He thought it wiser not to get into a scene here and now.
Apr 25th, 2002, 08:24:43 PM
Xazor gratefully carried her gifts over to the bar and set them down. With a smile, she saw Shade walking toward her.
i Hello spoke with my father. All went well, yes?
She quesitoned with a smile as she hugged him gently.
Shade Magus
Apr 25th, 2002, 08:30:35 PM
Shade nodded.
"I understand how he feels and I cannot blame him."
Apr 25th, 2002, 08:37:07 PM
Xazor sighed slightly.
Do not worry my time, he will learn to trust you. Now......please, go speak with my brother Chaos. He comes peacefully.....
She said softly, nodding toward her Sith brother. She smiled his way, and he returned the friendly smile. She then looked back at Shade and smiled. will be alright.....
She said softly, gently placing her hand on his shoulder in comfort.....
Master Yurza
Apr 27th, 2002, 07:13:30 PM
::Yurza walked into the Jedi's Bar. He looked around and laughed::
"Well, well.....what do we have here?"
Clay Dennatta
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:25:03 AM
Xazor aprentice, Clay Dennatta entered the room and looked around. He had just heard of the engagement after he had completed his new lightsaber and was happy her fiance came back. He began to look around the room in hopes of finding his master.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 28th, 2002, 04:52:45 AM
"Yes life is indeed complex. But, dont be so sure an answer to your problem wont be found Lady Vader, other than death to one or the other. The ways you might walk are not yet all clear, to you or I suspect this Jedi."
He took the pipe from his mouth, pointing to add emphais
"So sure are you that you would fight are you? So sure of what you believe true? When it comes to love, I would not be certain. Love is not governed by the head, it is guided by the heart. And I would say, for a Sith.... Love is a path that can have strange consequences. "
Natia Lerf
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:13:23 PM
*Natia, finding it easier to just stay where she is, continues to watch the crowd of ppl that have shown up for her Mother and Shade's engagement party. She doesn't know what to think of this, but one thing for sure, she doesn't like the idea of her Mother marrying anyone. This is clearly evident on her face as she looks around. Her eyes narrow as she looks at Shade, someone who she still has to meet but knowing already that he will not get her trust as easily as her adopted Father did, and that wasn't easy*
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:25:03 PM
Xazor suddenly saw another enter the was Shade's brother. She sighed and walked over to him, recalling that some of their previous meetings had not been so friendly.
Greetings is nice of you to join us here.
She said with a gentle smile.
Lady Vader
Apr 29th, 2002, 01:38:46 PM
*LV favored him with a half smile, looking momentarily at the pipe pointed at her.*
If I didn't know better, I'd say you were speaking in riddles.
*She leaned forward, the smile fading slightly.*
But I understand what you say, so therefore it isn't riddles you speak, but perhaps the truth.
*She shrugged.*
By now, you've probably noticed I'm not like most Sith. Though volitile in ways in it is called for, other times I am quite patient.
*She shook her head.*
But... between this Jedi and myself, it truely is over. When I "lost" him, I detached myself, though the feelings I still held were there. And because I felt it was my time to move on, I promised myself to another.
Master Yurza
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:56:54 PM
::Yurza turned to Xazor and smiled::
"I may be cruel and evil, but certainly not heartless................."
::Yurza pulled back his lips into an evil smile::
"Besides the old sap is still my brother."
Apr 29th, 2002, 07:06:52 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled, quickly hugging Yurza.
Well, that is good to hear. You'll be my brother in law besides....
She said as she smiled gently.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 29th, 2002, 08:24:12 PM
" I never speak in riddles Lady Vader. I always speak plainly. If someone chooses not to listen, then that is not my problem. Now, I hear what your mind says and maybe it is a wish that you want.... but what does your heart say on this matter? Consult it and speak it. "
Lady Vader
Apr 30th, 2002, 12:24:25 AM
*She opened her mouth, then closed it, frowning. She leane dback in her chair and crossed her arms once again over her chest.*
I honestly don't know what my heart says. It's almost like it is speaking in a foreign language. I hear it, and yet I do not understand or am confused by it.
*LV sighed, tapping a claw absentmindedly against her arm.*
I suppose I will always hold a special place for the now-Jedi in my heart. But that place is set aside, not forgotten, but out of the way.
And as to the other, I feel strongly towards him as well, and yet...
*She shook her head and cracked a smile.*
Guess I can't have my cake and eat it too...
Natia Lerf
Apr 30th, 2002, 11:48:05 AM
*Natia hobbles over to Xazor, since she has some questions she wishes to have answered*
Excuse me Mother, I don't mean to interrupt, but I'm wondering something. Why are you marrying Shade??
*Natia doesn't know of any other way of asking this and she hopes her Mother won't find it rude her asking*
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:31:06 PM
Xazor smiled down at the little girl and knelt to one knee so that they were eye level.
I am marrying him because I love him. He loves me too....and we want to be together forever.
She said gently, hoping that Natia isn't taking this to hard. She knew how difficult it might be for her to accept it....but she hoped in her heart that the little one would.
Natia Lerf
May 1st, 2002, 11:42:59 AM
But why. Why do you love him?? In the end he will just hurt you. I don't want you getting hurt, but I just know that he will end up hurting you somehow.
*Natia looks her Mother right in the eye*
I don't like the idea of you marrying somebody Mother. I think it's a bad idea and it will do nothing except hurt you in the end.
*Natia speaks this as if she truly does believe it*
May 1st, 2002, 06:39:23 PM
Xazor smiled, gently placing her hands on the little girl's shoulders.
There is a difference between he and I, and the other people whom you have seen together, hurting each other. We are Jedi and we have the light to guide us. We truly love each other, and realize that this is a big committment. If he were to hurt me, he would have done it a long time ago. I trust and love Shade, and nothing bad will happen......I promise.
She said gently, hoping that Natia will for once see things in a different light. Not all males were bad....she had to learn to accept Shade or she'd be missing out on someone wonderful...
Natia Lerf
May 2nd, 2002, 11:56:21 AM
But Mother, I just know that something awful is going to happen to you. I just know that you will be hurt by him. So please, don't do this.
*Natia continues to look at her Mother, and she truly believes what she is saying, but she doesn't have much to go on with this, though she is still concerned for her Mother*
I don't want you hurt Mother and Shade will hurt you in the end.
May 2nd, 2002, 09:44:09 PM
Xazor shook her head.
Little one.....I have many years on you and though I know your concern.....I know the truth. Shade will not hurt me. We love one another and I trust him. I know him.......he loves me and would rather die than hurt me.
She said softly, wishing she could somehow show Natia this.
Natia Lerf
May 3rd, 2002, 12:44:43 PM
*Natia looks at her Mother. She is really wanting to believe her Mother, but with her past, she can only see Shade hurting her Mother*
I won't let him hurt you Mother as I know he will. You deserve to have someone who will never hurt you in any way. Please believe me Mother, Shade will end up hurting you.
*Natia, for emphasis, lifts up one of her crutches and then brings it back down to the ground with a solid thud*
Shade Magus
May 3rd, 2002, 05:02:08 PM
Shade stood off t the side and watched as the young girl argued with Xazor about marrying him. How he wished that he could show her that he had learned from his mistakes and he would not repeat his mistakes.
May 3rd, 2002, 06:17:26 PM
Xazor sighed and shook her head.
I know that you will only believe that because of what has happened in your past.....but I had to let go of the things that I went through, and you must also. She won't hurt me, okay? You must trust my judgement on this. I do not want you to think that about him for I know it isn't true....
She looked up at Shade and smiled with a wink. She then got an idea. Getting up from the floor, she walked over to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him with her towards Natia. She then knelt down once again with him at her side.
Shade, this is my daughter Natia.....Natia, this is Shade. Please get to know one another....
She gave Shade a light shove in her direction, her eyes showing that she wished for him to help her convince Natia that he wouldn't hurt her.
Master Yurza
May 3rd, 2002, 07:42:38 PM
::Yurza watched from a distance as his brother tried to get along with the child. Before to long though he was chuckling to himself as he watched Shade stumble though his part. His brother had never been good at getting long with people who didn't like him because of race or any other type of discrimination::
Natia Lerf
May 4th, 2002, 01:07:12 PM
*Natia casts a quick glance at Shade when he is still standing a slight distance away from her and her Mother before looking back at her Mother*
Mother, every where I have gone, I have seen it happen. Only place I haven't seen it happen is here but I am still new here.
I wish I could trust your judgement on this Mother. And if it was anything else other then this, I would trust your judgement, but a person's heart can blind them.
*Natia watches as her Mother goes off for a moment over to Shade and then brings him over to where she is standing. She looks up at him, both hate and anger are in her eyes as she does this. She says nothing while her Mother introduces the two of them. After a moment, she looks at her Mother*
Mother, I do not think you should marry him because he will end up hurting you in the end. I've see it lots of times and I just don't want it happening to you.
*Natia looks back at Shade, a frown on her face*
Shade Magus
May 4th, 2002, 06:51:02 PM
Shade looked at Natia and then back at Xazor. He then kneeled down on one knee an looked into the young girl's eyes.
"I don't know about your past, or why you hate me so. I just want you to know that I love your mother and that I would never harm her, or you....."
May 4th, 2002, 10:15:38 PM
Xazor placed a hand on Shade's shoulder and smiled lovingly at him.
Her past is similar to mine.....except that she did not wish to do any wrong, unlike me. Her heart is pure and all she wants is the best for everyone since she has missed out on that for seven years. I adopted her in hopes of giving her the life she has only dreamed of. Every day, I have been fulfilling parts of that dream for her. She has come a long way, but has a hard time trusting males. It is all because of her father and legal guardian, and the ideas they placed in her head. It isn't anything personal to you, my love, just talk to her as you just did. I hope she will understand that you love me.....
She spoke this in his mind, keeping a tight seal on the message so no one else would hear it but him. This was a difficult time for the little girl, but Xazor wanted so much for both of them to be happy. It was a tough call, but she hoped Natia would learn to understand....
Natia Lerf
May 5th, 2002, 12:41:21 PM
*Natia continues to look at Shade*
My past is none of your business, but as for me hating you, I hate all males until they prove to me that they are trustworthy. And since your trying to take my Mother away from me, it's gonna be even harder for me to trust you. And I know that you will eventually hurt me and my Mother and when that day comes, you are in trouble and I will stop at nothing to make you pay for it only it will be worse for you then what happened to my real Father who is now dead.
*Natia speaks this with her voice full of anger and hate but knowing it shouldn't be there, but doesn't care right now. She then looks up at her Mother and smiles to her and says in her normal almost happy voice*
I do not trust Shade Mother. He will just end up hurting you.
May 5th, 2002, 02:20:30 PM
"Natia! Your aggression will only lead you down the path of the darkside.....that was really mean. You don't know Shade at all! I think you should apologize to him!"
She looked at Shade and sighed slightly.
I am so sorry my love.....she is like this a will be better though, trust me....
She spoke in his mind, motioning for Natia to apologize for what she had said to him.
Natia Lerf
May 6th, 2002, 12:29:58 PM
*Natia is quite surprised at her Mother's reaction to who she is acting. As far as Natia can tell, she's acting the way she normally does*
Mother, I won't go to the Darkside. And if I'm going to apologize to him, then I'll make it something worth apologizing for. I should just give a small dose of what he will get if he does hurt you.
*Natia, witht that said, shifts her weight slightly to one side and then quickly brings the opposite sides crutch up and goes to hit one of Shades knees with it. She knows full well that her Mother won't approve of this, but she's not going to hurt Shade to much. Just give him a sore knee for a little while. After the swing of her crutch, she rests her crutch properly on the ground and shifts her weight back onto it so it is evenly distributed again and prepares herself for a sound scolding which is sure will follow*
Shade Magus
May 6th, 2002, 02:07:09 PM
Shade quickly garbbed his knee and rubbed it as he felt the pain in it. He then looked at Xazor and held his hand up. He then looked back at Natia.
"That was a nice swing there......really did get me good..............................look.....I know you don't like me or any male, but you have to understand that I do love your mother, and I only want the best for her, and say that it will take a lot to earn your trust, then go ahead, name your price and I'll pay it. If it will earn your trust. I just want you to know that I love your mother and would never do anything to break your trust. I have already made one to many mistakes in the past and I won't make them again."
Natia Lerf
May 7th, 2002, 11:25:56 AM
You're right Shade. I don't like you but there are males that I do like, but they aren't many and are far between.
As for the price to earn my trust, you will have to figure that out on your own but once you have it, if you ever get it, you will most certainly know.
*Natia looks at her Mother and then back to Shade, a frown on her face*
You may love my Mother, and my Mother may love you. So I guess I will just have to give you a chance at earning my trust, but don't count on it being easy since it won't because you are trying to take my Mother away from me. They only Mother I know so if you hurt my Mother in the slightest, you'll get more then just a sore knee.
Shade Magus
May 8th, 2002, 09:02:43 AM
Shade smiled.
"Thank you for giving me atleast a chance. I promise I'll try my hardest not to let you down."
Natia Lerf
May 8th, 2002, 11:16:12 AM
Just because I am giving you a chance won't mean it will be easy for you.
*Natia looks at her Mother and then back to Shade*
And I'm only giving you a chance because I know Mother wants us getting along. If I had it my way, you would not be getting a chance, remember that.
Shade Magus
May 8th, 2002, 02:05:30 PM
"I will."
May 8th, 2002, 09:28:17 PM
Thank you for talking to her.......that means a lot to me.
She said in Shade's mind, kissing his cheek as an expression of her gratefulness to him. She smiled once again and looked down on Natia.
"Well little that you have successfully beat up my fiance.....why don't you have something to eat or drink. There is plenty of everything here!"
She said softly.
Natia Lerf
May 9th, 2002, 11:20:53 AM
*Natia looks at Shade for a moment longer, a look of shock and surprise on her face. She was sure that at any minute, he would reach out and hit her for what she did to him. She shakes her head briefly and then looks up at her Mother with a smile on her face*
I'm not hungry right now Mother, but thank-you.
*Natia continues to just stand there, but directs her gaze at the ground, knowing for sure that she has done a big no-no for sure this time*
Shade Magus
May 9th, 2002, 02:08:15 PM
Shade reached down and put his hand on the ground and pushed up. He stood and looked at Xazor.
"I however would like a drink....would you like something Xazor?"
May 9th, 2002, 02:15:43 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded.
"I would like that Shade......"
She nodded slightly and looked down at Natia.
"That is fine that you do not wish to eat anything.....I understand."
The Knight looked back to Shade.
Thank you again....
She said in his mind.
Shade Magus
May 9th, 2002, 02:46:09 PM
Shade nodded and then looked at Natia.
"You sure you don't want anything? I'll get something if you like."
Natia Lerf
May 10th, 2002, 01:21:32 PM
*Natia looks down at the ground, and then looks up at her Mother, then to Shade*
Well, a pop would be nice but only if it's not to much of a problem that is because if it is to much of a problem, you don't need to worry about it.
*Natia says this in a quiet whisper*
Shade Magus
May 10th, 2002, 06:34:19 PM
Shade smiled.
"it is no problem. What flavor?"
Natia Lerf
May 11th, 2002, 11:07:18 AM
Cola please. I know it's not that much and I would like just a glass please.
*Natia looks at her Mother, hoping she's not mad at her for what she did to Shade*
May 11th, 2002, 12:10:57 PM
Little must learn to accept. He is trying so hard! He really likes you and all he wants is for you to like him too...
She said in Natia's mind through the Force. The Knight looked up and smiled at Shade, nodding for him to get the drinks. This was a start and she hoped that it would end well....
Shade Magus
May 11th, 2002, 05:52:09 PM
Shade walked over to the concession table and got a tray and put a cola and two red wines on it. Before he turned to leave he caught sight of an old freind and chatted for a moment before excusing himself and walking back towards the girls. As he neared he extended his hand with the tray.
"Here you go are your drinks. A cola for Natia and a red wine for Xazor."
As he spoke he hand the appropriate drink to the ight girl and sat the tray on a nearby table.
May 11th, 2002, 05:55:19 PM
Xazor smiled and took the red wine in her hand.
"Thank you Shade......"
She said gently. Smiling down at Natia, her eyes drifted back to Shade.
"How about a toast?"
The Knight questioned openly to both of them. She thought it might be a good idea.....
Natia Lerf
May 12th, 2002, 10:16:03 AM
*Natia looks at her Mother for a moment and then hangs her head slightly before responding in a whisper*
Given time I probably will start to like him, but not now.
*Natia, when Shade got back with the drinks and handed her her cola, she smiles slightly and whisper a thanx to him. She then takes a sip of her cola. After that, she gives her Mother a funny look*
No thank-you Mother, I'm not hungry right now.
May 12th, 2002, 06:05:06 PM
Xazor lofted a brow and looked curiously at Natia for a moment. Let's have a toast......a toast....toast? She laughed suddenly as she realized what Natia meant.
"No sweetheart......not toast, like you're thinking. A toast is where you raise your glass in the air and gently clang it together with some other's....saying something special or important."
She hoped that this explanationn would suffice for the little girl. It was pretty funny, Xazor had to admit.
Natia Lerf
May 13th, 2002, 12:59:24 PM
*Natia nods her head slightly in recognition*
So, a blessing.
*Natia knows she sounds kinda stupid saying what she just did, but what her Mother explained to her sounds like a blessing from back home*
May 13th, 2002, 10:14:43 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded.
"Yes Natia......a blessing!"
She said brightly.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 14th, 2002, 10:48:16 AM
*Natia smiles up at her Mother*
Sounds good to me.
Shade Magus
May 14th, 2002, 12:07:12 PM
"And to me."
Shade raised his glass and thought for a moment.
"Here is to our future together."
Verse Dawnstrider
May 14th, 2002, 09:02:40 PM
::Verse made it down once again. This time maybe for a while. He made his way to his family. He got there in time to see Natia kick Shade. Verse had to smile. He grabbed a glass from a waiter and walked over.::
"To The Happiness that is sure to come."
;:Verse then stooped down and whispered in his Grand-Daughter's ear.::
"And to a young lady that did what I wish I could have done...."
;:Verse smiled at Natia held out a hand. His long hair hung in braids and coins clanked together. He turned his head to the side slighly in a questioning tone.::
"Would you like me to show you a friend of mine. He is a rather large wolf named Golith. Both he and I have heard much about you and wish to know as much as we can. I just want to get to know my Grand-Daughter. I have heard nothing but good things, and it would do a old man good to spend time with a lady of your caliber."
::The statement would seem silly to anyone that did not know Verse well. He was close to 60 now, yet looked like he was in his mid-twenties. Being Garou kept him from aging fast. He still had about 400 year sleft in him. As did Xazor. Still, that seemed like only a fraction of the time he wished he could spend with family liek Natia.::
Shade Magus
May 15th, 2002, 02:01:31 PM
Shade looked at Verse and nodded.
"Hello again Master Verse."
Verse Dawnstrider
May 15th, 2002, 02:27:43 PM
::Verse nodded at Shade. It was well-known that he and Shade had very different views. They had different views on each other as well.::
"Hello Knight Shade. It is good to see you have remained here. Can I buy you an Ale?"
::Verse waved his hand and a waiter brought themn drinks. Verse raised his mug slightly and took a large swallow.::
Xazor Elessar
May 15th, 2002, 03:53:55 PM
Xazor nodded and raised her glass to toast.
"Yes our happy future together..."
She smiled as suddenly her father was in on the deal. She had heard his comment to Natia and was not sure if she should laugh or give him a stern look. She decided to smile to herself and put her arm around his neck as he bent down to greet them.
"It is nice to see you again my beloved father...this is Natia as I am sure you have figured out already. And it is a nice thing that Shade is here...isn't it?"
She smiled toothily at Verse, adding a little twist on her words at the end. She didn't want him to continue to hold anything against her fiance, but she knew that he was stuck in his ways...and wise. She would be mindful of his point of view, but that would not make her love Shade any less than she did.
Verse Dawnstrider
May 15th, 2002, 08:16:56 PM
::verse smiled back. His teeth gleamed in the light as well.::
"It is. we are pressed for Knights. He will be a big help."
Xazor Elessar
May 15th, 2002, 08:18:26 PM
Xazor nodded with a wink.
"Indeed he will father....."
She laughed slightly and took a sip of her drink, then set it back down on the table.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 16th, 2002, 09:48:40 AM
*Natia looks at Verse as he starts to talk to her. She keeps her face blank as she looks at him. She then looks at the hand that he has held out and then back up to Verse's face*
Yes, I would like to meet Golith.
*Natia then gets a slight smile on her face*
And the first thing you should know is I don't trust adult males easily. But thanx to Mother, you probably won't have as hard of a time of getting my trust as Shade here will since I feel that he is wanting to take my Mother away from me.
*Natia then takes another sip of her cola and smiles at her Grandpa again. She has a feeling that she will get to really like him in the near future*
But there's not a whole lot to know about me other then the fact that I'm here now and happy
*Natia glances at Shade and then back to her Grandpa*
That is for the most part.
Verse Dawnstrider
May 18th, 2002, 07:45:29 AM
::Verse smiled.::
"Happiness is the key to a long life. I bet you will look nice in the wedding.:
::Verse smiled at both his daughter and grandchild.::
"Both of you of course."
Shade Magus
May 19th, 2002, 11:55:45 AM
Shade smiled and nodded. He knew the two young women would look astonishing.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 21st, 2002, 10:20:52 AM
*Natia looks up at her Grandpa and smiles back at him, wishing she could believe what he said about her looking nice at the wedding and speaks for a change without thinking of what she is going to say. This is the first time she has done that since arriving at the academy*
Mother will be the one looking nice Grandpa. She's gonna look more then just nice since she's gonna be beautiful like she always is unlike me who is butt ugly and not worth even the air I breath.
*Natia knows that her Mother believes she is out of putting herself down but in actuallity, she has just stopped saying things that put herself down because it has been bothering thouse that she cares about*
But luckily, Mother with all her beauty will keep ppl from noticing my ugliness.
*Natia then takes a sip of her cola, and then looks up at her Mother and Grandpa*
Verse Dawnstrider
May 21st, 2002, 03:27:04 PM
::Verse looked at Xazor. he then smield at looked at his grand daughter. He picked her up in his arms.::
"I think you may steal the show. Your mom will be hard pressed against you. Your younge, single, alot of spunk. Few would not stare."
Xazor Elessar
May 21st, 2002, 06:49:11 PM
Xazor bumped Verse and winked at him.
"You can't flirt with your own kin, father....that's just....wrong..."
She laughed to herself and took a sip of her drink. She then looked down at Natia and kissed her forehead.
"My little will look are beautiful and I am going to keep telling you that until you believe it yourself, because it is true!"
She said gently, brushing the little girl's hair back and looking at her with a warm smile.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 22nd, 2002, 09:59:44 AM
*Natia shakes her head*
No Grandpa, I won't be the one stealing the show since I am not beautiful. And besides that, I can't walk without my crutches here.
*Natia nods to her crutches which she is using*
I may be younger and single but that doesn't mean a single thing.
*Natia is still speaking without thinking of what she is saying*
I am also more then willing to hurt anyone I don't know and trust if they so much as lay a finger on me. That alone will make it so ppl don't watch me. Just ask my Father on well I can hit ppl.
*Natia turns to look at her Mother and smiles slightly*
Mother, you know as well as I do that I am not beautiful. I was beautiful, then my real Mother wouldn't have died shortly after I was born when she first saw me. And if I was beautiful, then my life with my real Father would have been more pleasant since he didn't hit ppl which are beautiful.
*Natia looks from her Mother to her Grandpa and then to Shade, hoping that he won't contest what she is saying*
Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 10:07:18 AM
Xazor sighed and shook her head.
" are beautiful. Remember when your sister came looking for you? I spoke with her, and she told me of your mother's death. She didn't die because she saw you!"
Xazor exclaimed with a bright smile.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 22nd, 2002, 10:11:43 AM
*Natia looks at her Mother and shakes her head*
No Mother. My real Mother died because she saw how ugly I am and she couldn't bare to live with the thought that I was so ugly.
Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 10:16:11 AM
Xazor shook her head again.
"No, must believe me. She didn't die because she saw you! Look at yourself! You are so pretty, and no one can die because of the way another looks."
She said softly, wishing she could prove this to Natia.
"I have not died yet...and I won't because you are beautiful!"
The Knight smiled brightly.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 29th, 2002, 09:07:05 AM
*Natia takes a deep breath before she smiles up at her Mother again*
Your right Mother. No one can die from the way another looks unless....
*Natia leaves the rest of her thought unspoken as a slightly hard look sets in her eyes, almost as if she is trying to control something which can not be controlled. After a moment, her eyes soften again and she continues to speak*
My sister who you don't seem to really like told me how my Mother died, but after so many years of believing one thing, it is hard to stop and believe in something else.
I'm sorry. Earlier I spoke without thinking, it won't happen again.
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