View Full Version : Planning a Wedding, Part One: A Call to Brides Maids......

May 4th, 2002, 10:35:32 PM
Xazor entered the bar, her blonde hair in Garou warrior braids and her red robes flowing behind her like ocean waves. She checked her weapons at the door and smiled as she sat down at an empty table. She then pulled up another table with the Force and a few more chairs. She was busy planning her wedding with Shade Magus, and there was still so much more to do before the date that was set in two weeks. The first thing she had to do was find some brides maids. Everything had to be just perfect and this was a good way to start off the official planning. She had sent out messages to the following people:

Helenias Q'Dunn
Navaria Tarkin
Leia Solo
Ryla Relvinian
Amazon Babe
Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Sia-Lan Darkheart

She waited for them, hoping they had recieved the messages and would meet her in the bar and grill as she had specified. This was an exciting time for Xazor, and for them to accept her wish for them to be in her wedding would make her heart soar even more than it already was....

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 4th, 2002, 11:14:14 PM
::Leia entered the bar and grill...while removing her hood. She spotted Xazor sitting at a table reserve for her meeting. The Jedi Master walked over to Xazor and gave her a greeting bow::

Good Day Xazor. Seems like I am the first to arrive. Let me once again congradulate you on your engagement and thank you for the honor of being in your wedding party.

::Leia then handed Xazor a small box containing a crystal heart engraved with Xazor and Shade's name and their planned waiting date on it::

A little engagement gift from Obi and I

May 4th, 2002, 11:29:20 PM
Xazor gasped as she opened the box and saw the crystal heart inside. Both Xazor and Shade's names were engraved on it, along with their planned wedding date. This brought a tear to the young Knight's eye as she ran her fingers over the small lettering. She looked up at Leia and smiled.

Oh it's beautiful! Thank you so much.....I.....I don't know what to say!

She rose to her feet and wrapped her arms around Leia's neck in a tight embrace. Pulling away, Xazor sat down in her seat once again and motioned for the Jedi Master to take a seat also.

Yes, you are the first to arrive. I am still waiting for the others. They should be here shortly, I hope.

She said with a gentle smile, glancing quickly at the door to see if anyone else had showed up yet. It did not appear so, but she knew they would be there.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 4th, 2002, 11:44:08 PM
::Leia smiled back at Xazor and returned the hug. The Jedi Master then sat down and joined Xazor::

You are quite welcome Xazor. Well seeing we are the first..

::Leia motioned for a service droid and placed an order for the finest bottle of champagne to be served at their table::

Let me take care of the drinks in the mean time. Its on me.

::Once again Leia smiled and scanned the bar some to see who was around::

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
May 4th, 2002, 11:45:22 PM
Maia sat at the bar drinking her juice when Ari screeched in his familiar way. She could tell by his excitement e had spotted someone he knew. Looking over her shoulder she saw her friend and roomy Xazor. Standing up she grinned, Her yes misted slightly as she clutched the invitation in her hand. The honor Xazor had given her warmed her heart.

She walked over to Xazor and Master Leia bowing when she reached them. "Hello Xazor, Master Leia. Thank you my friend it will be an honor to be in your wedding." She said softly as she handed her gift to her friend. It was a simple glass box inside was a pair of bracelets. One being masculine and one more delicate. Both were intricately carved and inlaid with small stones. A matching pair.

"They were given to my by my brother for my wedding day but I think they serve you and your love more." She smiled and hugged Xazor. "Where them well my friend it is said you can always feel your love as long as you are both wearing them." She whispered as they hugged...

May 4th, 2002, 11:46:58 PM
Xazor smiled graciously as the server droid approached their table.

I thank you again for everything. You are so kind....

She said softly. The droid beeped several times as it took its place at the table's edge. Leia placed the order and the droid took it away to be placed.

I wonder where everyone else is....

She thought outloud as she looked around, waiting for others to show up soon....and then she spotted Maia who had also spotted her. She approached the table and handed Xazor the pretty glass box with beautiful matching bracelts in them. She gasped once again as she eyed the piece. She hugged Maia tightly as her friend whispered to her about the secret behind the jewelry. She smiled, tears in her eyes as she pulled out of the embrace.

Thank you so much my friend..... Shade and I shall wear them well and honor you by doing so.

She said with a gentle smile, wiping the moisture from her eyes as she and Maia took their seats.

Both of you honor me by being here.....I hope that everyone else comes too!

She said, her voice full of anticipation. This was getting very exciting now. The gifts were so thoughtful and beautiful, each one heart warming and personal. She would treasure them forever.....

Avolon Bisel
May 5th, 2002, 02:06:34 AM
"Give them our best stuff, domehead. Little lady desearves the best. Bah, weddings, not my cup of tea, but I don't like tea to begin with. If she wants this, she must really be head over heels."

The 'droid grumbled something as he placed a bottle of champayne on a tray.

"I know I'm rambling, trashcan."

Max mentioned something about Avolon being a teddy bear...

"Get out of here.... rustybucket," Avolon gave a loving kick to the 'droid.

Seconds later the order, along with enough glasses for the entire arriving part, was delivered.

OOC - If this is a girl's night out sort of thing, just tell me and I'll delete this. I don't intend to approach anyone of you in conversation. In fact, I thought I'd post this to ward off anyone who wants to 'cause trouble at this peaceful gathering.

May 5th, 2002, 02:14:27 AM
Xazor glanced across the bar and smiled at Avolon. He had sent the best Champagne to their table as well as enough glasses for all that would be joining them.

"Thank you...."

She mouthed to him, since he was such a distance away. She then got an idea and took out a napkin. She decided to write him a little note.

"Thank you for everything Avolon.....you have been a good friend to me. You mind watching out for us tonight to make sure no one ruins our gathering? Thanks again... Xaz' "

She sighed it with a smiley face under her name and sent the droid back to him with it. Her eyes then went to the door once again, waiting for the others to come. She hoped that no one would disturb them this eve....

ooc: No no Avolon....it isn't strickly for all of us. I would have put "closed" if that was the case. You're welcome to post if you want. I was just gathering up all my girls to make sure they were all going to do this, and we are having a drink. It isn't just a girls night out. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Ryla Relvinian
May 5th, 2002, 03:49:22 AM
I walked into the bar after a long day of training and spotted Xazor, Leia and Maia at a table. Walking over to them, I almost tripped on a droid hurrying its way back to what I presumed what its master, carrying a note. "Ahh!" I looked up at the women with a smile on my face. "I tell you, I need to get more sleep! First you start tripping over 'droids... who knows what could happen!" I say with a laugh, handing a small wooden box wrapped in a square of white silk to the bride-to-be.

"This is just a small something to show my thanks to you, for allowing me to be a part of your big day. I am so happy for you and Shade!" She opened the wrapping to reveal a small wooden box, delecately inlaid with darker woods and small bits of metal to form a picture of a pair of flying birds, eyes flashing and wings caught up in flight. "They looked like lovebirds... I thought it would be appropriate..."

Helenias QDunn
May 5th, 2002, 07:11:27 AM
When I had recieved an invitation to be part of the wedding party for Xazor, I was in two minds. One, joyful that Xazor would have this moment of bliss and the second because of thoughts of my own weddings, 11 years ago. Sadness as I had been denied happiness with the man I loved, puzzlement that now I knew he lived and was even nearby, but he still refused to surface. Xazor told me he seemed to be waiting for something - for what I could not guess and Xazor did not know. It did break my heart to think he could be standing right next to me and I would not know he was there.

I knew Marcus had his reasons. But ever since I had caught a glimpse of him in the Temple, I had hungered for more, to be so far denied. In the end, I decided to accept the invitation and be with Xazor as she and others of the Order planned the day. It was the least I could do for a woman I nearly viewed as a daughter, a woman whom I was teaching the Ways of a Warrior.

"You look pretty Mommy"

The small girl, my adopted daughter, Jina Jade came into the room where I was putting the finishing touches to my hair. I wore a white gown, with a silver tiara, a most formal but beuatiful ensemble. I turned and smiled at the red haired young girl.

"Why thank you Jina. Are you ready to come with me"

"Yes Mommy!"

Her calling myself Mother was something that would always bring a smile to my face. "Downstairs then. Others should be there now"

Both her and I then walked quietly downstairs where the general Bar and Grill was. For once I was not armed to the teeth and I was not dressed in somwthing more suitible for a fight. I was attired in the manner fitting of my birthright as an Ardaian princess and I carried myself as such. If I wasn't mistaken, Bisel's jaw dropped when he recognised who I was, so different from my normal garb. I saw where Xazor and other ladies were and I walked stately across to where they were.

"My dear Xazor... I didn't think you had a flower girl, so I bought one with me. I don't believe you have met Jina before, although I may have spoken of her?"

I glanced at the table, knowing some of the women here I did not know, so I introduced myself, whilst I still stood. "I am Helenias Q'Dunn and this is my adoptive daughter Jina Jade"

Natia Lerf
May 5th, 2002, 12:52:28 PM
*Natia, the 7 year old child, hobbles into the B&G where her Mother was planning her wedding. One which she still has to come to terms with. She glances over at the tables which her Mother and her friends are at and frowns slightly. Ever since the party announcing the engagment, she hasn't been all that happy about things. It has gotten to the point where the slightest thing is annoying her now. With a sigh, she goes and sits herself down at a table nearby where her Mother is, but not actually there. She leans her crutches up against the table and bites her lower lip. With a quick glance at her Mother, who is busy with her friends, she wishes she could be of a help to her Mother on her important day but with the way she acts towards Shade, she doubts that she'll even be invited to the wedding, let alone be apart of it*

If only I had have been nicer towards Shade. Maybe then I could help my Mother with this.

*Natia again looks towards her Mother. She doesn't know why, but she really wants to be a part of the wedding. Especially as how she has never been to a wedding, let alone, help with one*

Taataani Meorrrei
May 5th, 2002, 01:24:31 PM
(Taa threw the double doors wide, sauntering in with a boistrous laugh and a smile on her face.)

Xazorrr, Xazorrr, Xazorrr...how could jyou trrrjy and plan thjisss momentousss parrrtjy and not asssk Taataanji forrr help?

(She made a face of mock indignation, shrugging it away with another laugh, a wink, and a fluttering of ears)

Ssserrrjiousssljy...at leassst let me take carrre of the fessstjivjitjiesss, and majybe the caterrrjing. jI know a wonderrrful jjizz-wajilerrr band frrrom Orrrd Trrrasssji that arrre ssspectacularrr forrr ssspecjial occasssjionsss.

(She thought for a moment, finger touching her bottom lip)

Now, jI don't know much about jyourrr matjing rrrjitualsss, ssso, jI guessssss jyou can fjill me jin on the jimporrrtant detajilsss laterrr.

(She smiled saucily)

We don't norrrmalljy make sssuch a fussssss overrr jit, but jI ADORRRE parrrtjiesss, ssso jI can't rrresssjissst, naturrralljy.


(She jumped, removing a box from her purse, giving it to Xazor)

jI almossst forrrgot, the mossst jimporrrtant thjing. A Cjizerrrack bondjing collarrr, forrr jyou to gjive to Ssshade. Naturrralljy, jI had jyourrr name engrrraved on jit, and jit'sss qujite tasssteful.

(With her hands on her hips, she paced around.)

Now, wjith naturrral hyuu-mann prrrudjissshnessssss, jI assssssume jyou orrr jyourrr mate won't be prrroperrrljy naked at thjisss event...but jI know a ssseamssstrrressssss that makesss WONDERRRFUL drrressssssesss, asss long asss jyou let herrr know what jyou want.

(She shrugged)

jI'll ssstajy out of that, but jI can rrreferrr jyou, and get a djissscount.

Salemn Lysce
May 5th, 2002, 01:46:41 PM
Salemn had heard bits of information dropped by several people who didn't know they had an eavesdroper among their midsts. She always enjoyed hearing interesting news that the traveler spoke about; whether it be good or bad. However, one day when she was strolling in to the B&G she heard a stranger talk to one of his friends. "Psst, I heard over there something about a wedding." Instantly her interest was perked and she glanced over to the table where the man nodded to.

She saw Xazor at a table with a group of women, and then saw Natia. A smile decorating her face, she walked over towards the gathering and curstied.

Hello ... I heard something about a wedding. Is it true ?

May 5th, 2002, 02:17:52 PM
Xazor rose and hugged Ryla as she handed her a pretty wooden box. Xazor took the silk off and looked at the beautiful handywork of it. More tears came to her eyes as she set it beside her other gifts.

Oh Ryla......it's beautiful! I thank you from the bottom of my heart.....

The Knight said with a smile, motioning for Ryla to take a seat in the empty chair. She spoke for a moment of needing sleep and Xazor nodded her head. She agreed whole heartily that she too could use some sleep lately. She then saw a sight that stunned her. Helenias Q'Dunn....her mentor and warlordess entered the bar in a beautiful dress and her hair was done up like......a princess. She carried no weapons, and actually looked like a real woman. They were not used to seeing eachother like this, and it was a nice changed. She smiled and rose from her seat once again, wrapping her arms around the woman.

Thank you for coming....it brings me much honor....

She said with a smile. Then Helenias introduced her little girl. Xazor smiled and nodded.

I too have an adoptive daughter.....in fact, that's her over there.

Xazor motioned behind her where Natia sat with a frown on her face. The Knight didn't know what to do about Natia's feelings, but knew it would break her heart not to even be at the wedding, even if she didn't approve of Shade. She smiled gently and made up her mind.

I would love to have Jina as my flower girl, and Natia too. They could walk down the isle together with their little baskets. That will be soooooo adorable!

She cooed gently, thinking about how beautiful everything would be....and then to have two little girls throwing flowers together would top it all off in quaintness. It would be a wonderful day indeed. Suddenly, Taataani approached her and spoke of making plans.

I almost forgot all about you Taa! I am so sorry!

She wrapped her arms around the Cizerack and smiled toothily, reassured that there was someone else whom she shared a bit of common ground with as far as race went. She took the gift that Taa gave her and smiled, running her fingers over her own name on the collar.

I'm not sure Shade will wear it much.......but I think it's adorable!

She laughed slightly and set it with her other gifts.

I honestly don't know what I'm going to do for a dress and other arrangements. That is why I am having this meeting/party/get together. We will have fun and plan some things out. This is long overdue.

She smiled once again, and pulled up another chair for Taa to sit.

As long as you're here, you may join us also!

She said with a bright smile and sat down, looking at the door to see if anyone else had come in yet. No sign of anyone else, but the three that were missing would come soon enough. Her attention was then diverted back to Natia.

Sweetheart, come here and sit with us.......

She opened her arms as she said this to the little girl, hoping she would accept the invitation.

Navaria Tarkin
May 5th, 2002, 03:45:14 PM
Navaria was actually quite surprised at the invitation but it was a most pleasant one. The last few weeks have been hard for Xazor, Navaria being present and the cause for some discomfort. This invitation was proof that their talk, along with Marcus, eased some of her pain and that they were indeed friends.

She had not been a part of, nor witnessed, a wedding since she was but a child on Imperial Center. They were grand occasions filled with military and political person of power. The spectacles were amazing....

.. and it was a life of the past. Now was the present and she had to meet Xazor at Yog's.

Navaria entered and immediately made out the table where everyone was. Xazor was busy speaking with some of the younger children as she made her way over there.


She called out.

"Forgive me tardiness but I came as soon as I could when I received your message. I'm honored to be part of your special day."

Pulling out a credit chit, she placed it in Xazor's hand.

"I don't have much but what I have, I give to you. To help you plan for the wedding."

May 5th, 2002, 07:14:12 PM
Xazor looked up and her eyes brightened when she saw Navaria. She smiled and rose to her feet as her friend neared the table and handed her the credit chit. She took it in her hands and smiled gratefully, her eyes moist from the kindness of the gift. She wrapped her arms around Navaria's neck and closed her eyes tightly, glad that they were friends even after such hard times the last few weeks. She pulled away and smiled.

Thank you for coming Navaria, you were fine in your timing for two have not arrived yet .....and thank you for the gift! Every little bit helps and I appreciate it more than you could know....

She sat down and motioned for Navaria to sit also. The Knight glanced at the door, hoping the other two were able to make it.

Navaria Tarkin
May 6th, 2002, 12:17:08 AM
She received the hug warmly and returning it.

"I couldn't miss this for anything, Xazor."

Pulling back, she held Xazor out within arms length.

"And I am glad to help make your wedding be as special as you want it to be."

Navaria sat down and greeted her fellow Jedi that were present. It was seeing the children that pleased her most, especially on a happy occasion like this.

These times were few and far between... Happy and at peace, without a care in the world for it was revolving around those you called friends.

May 6th, 2002, 03:16:16 AM
:: AB walked into the Bar & Grill, seraching the tables for the one that would be holding Xazor and the other ladies. Spotting them, she made her way to the tbale, smiling as she arrived. ::

Sorry I'm a bit late. Had to tend to an important matter. Not that it was more important than this, but I had already made this appointment a week ago.

:: She pulled up a chair from a nearby table, and squeezed herself into the table. ::

So... did I miss anything?

Sia Lan Darkheart
May 6th, 2002, 11:01:48 AM
Sia-lan steps into the B&G after turning in her blaster at the door. She spots the small gathering of girls around Xazor and walks over. Her robes flow out behind her as she walks towards them.

"Sorry I am late. I hade some unfinished buisness to attend to." she says bowing to the others. She looks Xazor in the eye and trys to sense if she got her letter or not. After a moment she leans against a nearby wall and crosses her arms infront of her.

Natia Lerf
May 6th, 2002, 12:06:12 PM
*Natia smiles as she sees Salemn and offers her a small wave. As she heard her Mother mention her, she looked over at her. Then, very much to her surprise, she heard that she would get to be one of the flower girls. She would actually be able to be a part of the wedding. At the moment, a huge smile gets on her face as she stands her crutches up before using them to help her to stand up. She then starts to hobble her way over to her Mother and is halfway there when she gets called over so she does her best to hurry up, but ends up tripping over her own feet and her crutches right before she reaches her Mother and starts to fall but luckily, her Mother's arms are open still and manages to catch her. She then manages to quickly get herself standing again, a rather embarressed look on her face as she mumbles*


Keshia Kou
May 7th, 2002, 01:06:50 PM
*kesh walked into the bar with bandages covering most of her arms.she had a pair of tornan faded overhalls on with a blue tank top on.she walked over to xazor and set what appeared to be a clothe bundle tied with ice blue ribbon on the table.then she set a card down beside it and took off toward the doors*

May 7th, 2002, 08:24:00 PM
Xazor catches Natia and holds her in her arms for a moment, kissing her forehead.

"Don't be sorry......you did nothing wrong. Now come here you...."

She pulled the little girl onto her lap and smiled brightly at everyone. She then saw her friend Sia come in.

"Thank you for coming my friend......"

She smiled as Sia leaned up against the wall. Xazor used the Force to pull up another chair for her and motioned for her to sit.

I got your letter....I will fulfill your wishes if anything happens....

She said through the Force, keeping it sealed so no one else could hear the message. She then sees Kesh approach her and set a small cloth bundle down, tied with a pretty blue ribbon.

"Oh Kesh, thank you! You can stay if you would like!"

She said with a smile, pulling up yet another chair.

"What is it?"

The Knight questioned her friend, smiling as she looked curiously at the package.

Natia Lerf
May 8th, 2002, 11:20:50 AM
*Natia, after being pulled up onto her Mother's lap, leans her crutches against the table. She looks around and smiles at everybody which is there and waves to Sia. After which she tugs slight on her Mother's sleeve and whispers to her that she would like a glass of pop if that's ok*

OOC: Xazor, please email me for I have some info to send to you.

Keshia Kou
May 8th, 2002, 07:59:58 PM
*kesh stopped and turnred toward her human friend with a slightly pained smile* it is your wedding gift from me...sade will lek it..verry much*kesh ended this with a wink at xazor's blushing.she then sat down beside xaz*

May 8th, 2002, 08:41:00 PM
Natia whispered her request and Xazor nodded with a smile, calling to Avolon to bring their table a pitcher of soda and some more glasses. She smiled as it was promptly delivered to their table and a glass was poured for the little girl.

"There you go sweetheart...."

She said with a smile. Then Kesh revealed in an abstract way what her gift was. Xazor blushed horribly and looked away from the group for a moment as Kesh sat down beside her. She turned back to her and smiled.

"Thanks girl....."

She laughed slightly, her cheeks still a deep crimson color.

ooc: Okay Nat, I will! Oh and Kesh.....I'm not human. I'm Garou. <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/biglaugh.gif ALT=":D"> Just thought you should know! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Helenias QDunn
May 9th, 2002, 07:36:15 AM
I took a seat (Although it was getting crowded) and allowed Jina to crawl up on my lap and sit there.

"Are you planning somehing fairly large?" I asked Xazor

Natia Lerf
May 9th, 2002, 11:25:41 AM
*Natia smiles up at her Mother*

Thank-you Mother.

*Natia then picks up the glass and takes a sip of the pop while she looks at the crowd that has assembled. She shifts her weight slightly on her Mother's lap, not quite used to being in a crowd this size yet. After a couple of minutes, she lets her eyes rest upon Jina, a young girl who she has not met yet. After blinking her ice blue eyes for a moment she quickly looks down at her drink, picks it up and has a sip of it again*

May 9th, 2002, 02:22:32 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded, her eyes bright with excitement.

"Oh yes, it is going to be very large! I want the whole Jedi Order to come....."

She thought of this for a moment and it made her even more excited. This would not be something to miss.

"This is why I assembled everyone here today.....I need your help in making plans. I, of course, have never been married before.....and I have never made large plans for this type of thing. I only know how to plan out battles and missions and such things."

She laughed slightly and then sighed, thinking that this would be much more work than she had suspected.

"All I have so far is a date and time. It is going to be at night two weeks from today. There is going to be a full moon.....and it is going to be oh so romantic, not to mention symbolic at the fact that I am Garou. My father picked the date....and as you can already probably tell, Shade has had no part in planning yet. I think he is a bit nervous, and he is leaving all of this to me, of course."

She laughed once again and took a sip of her wine, looking at the ladies to see if any of them had any suggestions.

Keshia Kou
May 9th, 2002, 07:21:45 PM
hm...demon's wedding was quit bloody if i remeber...ah the sharing of blood,soul,and mind

Natia Lerf
May 10th, 2002, 01:25:40 PM
*Natia shifts her weight again and looks up at her Mother, a smile appearing on her face and whispers to her Mother*

Mother, your rather easy to read right now. A beginner would be able to almost pinpoint what your thinking of just by looking at you.

*Natia says that with a smile on her face, knowing full well that her Mother is extremely excited about getting married*

May 10th, 2002, 06:25:24 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded, seeing through Natia's thoughts.

"I am very excited my little one. This is a time for immense joy and celebrating!"

She said with a bright smile. Her heart was truly overjoyed at the love she had found with Shade. This was the happiest moment in her life.

Natia Lerf
May 11th, 2002, 11:05:43 AM
*Natia looks up at her Mother again*

I'll do my best not to disappoint you Mother. And may I ask what is a flower girl and what does she do??

*Natia feels slightly stupid about having to ask what a flower girl is, especially seeing as how she is almost 8 years old, but knows nothing when it comes to weddings*

May 11th, 2002, 12:14:52 PM
"Well...you and Jina are going to be my flower girls. You will walk in front of everyone else and carry baskets of flowers. Both of you will gently toss the flowers out of the basket and make almost like a path of flowers for everyone else in the wedding to follow on."

She said with a gentle smile, hoping this explanation was clear for the little girl.

Natia Lerf
May 12th, 2002, 10:19:48 AM

*Natia sounds both pleased and disappointed when she hears the explaniation of what a flower girl does*

Just one question Mother. How am I supposed to do that and use my crutches at the same time?? Unless I am to stop and move one of my hands off of my crutches each time I'm to gently toss the flowers, it won't work.

Don't take me wrong, I would love to be a flower girl, but how am I supposed to and still be able to move??

May 12th, 2002, 06:11:52 PM
Xazor frowned slightly, remembering Natia's handicap. She sighed and closed her eyes, thinking of another way. Suddenly as if it was Force sent, Xazor's eyes opened and she proclaimed only one word.


He was a padawan here at the Greater Jedi Order, and his heart was of pure gold, despite his extremely large size. He was as gentle as a bird and had healing powers unlike anyone Xazor had ever seen before.

"He is strong enough to carry both girls as they throw their flowers!"

She smiled brightly, looking to the others for approvement. In her mind, it was a wonderful idea!

Natia Lerf
May 13th, 2002, 12:57:12 PM
*Natia quickly shakes her head no*

No Mother. I will not be carried by a male. You know I don't trust them in the slightest.

*Natia truly hopes her Mother has not forgotten that one little bit of info about her*

Keshia Kou
May 13th, 2002, 01:15:02 PM
hows about me transforming into my big cat form and carrying both of you girls on my back?*kesh smiles at them*believe me im big,15 ft long from tip of nose to tip of tail,15ft from paw to shoulder and my coloring is not bad...im all white with a light and dark blue lightening bolt pattern.i think the girls would like it...would you like that small lady?*kesh looked down at xaz's daughter and smiled warmly at her*

May 13th, 2002, 10:17:23 PM
Xazor frowned slightly.

"I know that you don't trust males.....but Raand is different. He couldn't hurt a fly! He is one of the sweetest creatures I have ever met!"

She looked down at the table for a moment and then Keshia spoke. The idea she had was a good one to. She smiled and nodded brightly.

"Yes Kesh! That would be a wonderful idea!!"

She wrapped her arms around her friend quickly and looked at Natia.

"Does that sound better to you little one?"

She questioned softly.

imported_Natia Telcontar
May 14th, 2002, 10:46:46 AM
*Natia nods at Keshia's idea*

Yes. That sounds much better. But the final decision is up to my Mother.

*Natia glances at her Mother and smiles when she says it's a wonderful idea*

Xazor Elessar
May 15th, 2002, 06:01:53 PM
Xazor nodded in approvement and smiled.

"Indeed, it is a wonderful idea! It will be a beautiful addition!"

She said with a bright smile.

"Now.....colors. This is going to be at night with a full moon..so it will be fairly lit. Does anyone have suggestions for dress colors.....flower colors...anything colors??"

She laughed slightly as she tried to think out what would be best. She looked around the table, wondering if any of the other ladies would have any suggestions.

Navaria Tarkin
May 15th, 2002, 09:26:34 PM
"A full-moon?"

She had to smile.

"Very fitting.... I would say. Perhaps something that would reflect softly? You don't want something too dark... or too bright. Perhaps a certain shade of blue?"

Navaria had to admit she wasn't good at these things. It had been way too long since her and her mother used to go shopping on Imperial Center and even then, Navaria was more of a tomboy then anything.

imported_Natia Telcontar
May 16th, 2002, 09:38:31 AM
*Natia keeps quiet for a moment as she thinks. After the moment is done she looks up at her Mother and smiles*

I know I don't really know what I'm talking about here, but how about lavender??

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 05:46:56 PM
Xazor smiled at Navaria and nodded. A shade of blue... She thought to herself. After going through all shades of blue in her mind, she was about to say something when Natia spoke up. Lavender? She questioned in her mind. After trying to picture lavender, and a shade of blue on her, she couldn't make up her mind.....both would be beautiful.

"Is there any way that we could make a shimmery lavender and blue dress.....like, have on color be satine, and then the other color accent it by being like a glittery shimmer on top of that color?"

She questioned, not knowing if anyone else knew what she meant....but she hoped.