View Full Version : Me, Myself and Marr (Nichos Marr)

Nichos Marr
May 21st, 2001, 11:29:54 AM
Nichos Marr- Version 2.3

Nichos Marr

19/May 24th

Homeworld: Rodia

To help maintain peace in the galaxy. To one day master certain Jedi arts.



134 lbs

Brown hair/Brown eyes

Warren Azalin (former Master), ReaperFett (good friend), JK Leia Solo (good friend), Da'Kara Ven (good friend)/Any Sith who poses a threat, especially Jeseth Cloak.

Criminal Record:
No criminal record.

Favorite things:
His father's lightsaber. His X-Wing.

Romantic Involvements:
None at the moment.

Past Occupation:
Actor, Janitor.

Sparring, researching, taking his X-Wing for a ride.

People who aren't true to themselves.

Physical Description
Average male height. Has broad shoulders, and strong legs. Hair usually slicked back or tossled. Has a scar on his lower lip. His left knee has a few scars from his first encounter with a Sith. Tiny scar above his left eye.

I was born to Kyro Marr and Aria Marr exactly 18 years ago. My homeplanet is Rodia, in Equator City. At the age of ten, my mother died from a fatal, unknown disease. My father and I were left to make a living on the strange planet.

At the age of 13 I took up the job as an actor and earned my living. My father had become too weak to work, so I was left supporting the two of us. Now that I think of it, acting isn't such a bad job. It barely kept us alive, but it did and that's what counts. I acted in broadway productions and tapcafes. It was sometimes dangerous, but it put food on the table. Soon after, I became accustomed to acting and was very good at it. My salary raised. Unfortunately, at the time my father was on his death bed. It was a month after my fourteenth birthday.

He told me "Nichos, go find your sister. Tell her that the Force will be with her always. Tell her that her parents are watching over her. This is for you. Use it and protect the innocent" He gave me his lightsaber, and then died. I knew little about my sister. My parents told me they had plans to find her, but after my mother died, those plans were no more. Now I was supposed to make it off Rodia and find this sister? I didn't know where to start.

For the next few years, I acted on Rodia and made a living there. I blocked my past out of my mind and focused on the present. That was until my 17th birthday.

On my 17th birthday, my past caught up with me. A man who claimed to be my parents' friend confronted me. He told me he could bring me to my sister. I accepted somewhat hastily, but it just all seemed right.

On the way to this unknown planet where my sister was, the ship ran into some problems. When coming out of hyperspace, we collided in the fog of a planet called Dagobah.

When I awoke, I was in the care of the Greater Jedi Order. I learned that the man had disappeared. I soon after joined and became a Jedi.

I learned about my past recently when Sanis Prent broke into the Imperial Database and dug up files on my past. It seemed that I did not have a sister after all.

Now I am a Jedi Knight striving to teach my Padawans in the ways of the Force. Hopefully one day, the Jedi can finally defeat evil.

To become a great Jedi Master one day.

The Greater Jedi Order. The New Republic. Stealth Squadron.