View Full Version : Falcon Gyndar

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 20th, 2001, 05:00:50 PM
::Information Transmission::

Full Name:
Falcon Nytrau Remnikt Kall Gyndar


Birthday: December 16th

Place of Birth: The Remnikt Riau

Homeworld: Called Tyntia by the family of Falcon for generations, it is known to the natives as 'Homeworld' and is so called.

Be a great asset to the Jedi Order. Further the cause, train others to become Jedi, and maintain the peace that many people worked so hard to create.




Hair: Brown-Blond

Eyes: Light Green

Warren Azalin- Former person for finalization of training.
Lyan Gyndar- Brother and fellow Jedi Instructor on Tyntia.
Reina Gyndar- Mother and Jedi Training Coordinator at Tyntia Academy
Prito- Assistant to Reina. Master to Falcon Gyndar.
Natia Lerf- Adopted daughter

Criminal Record:
No criminal record.

Favorite things:
Instructing/Training apprentices. Exploring. Learning new combat skills.

Romantic Involvements:

Past Occupation:

Sparring, tinkering with mechanical and electrical things [Ships, fighters(x-wings etc.)]

I try not to be prejudiced.

Physical Description
Tall(6'2.5") Broad shoulders, strong legs and arms. Brown-Blond Hair is a short soft spiked cut. Eyes are such a light green that they look silvery white, with a emerald green ring around the outside. Scar going down right arm reaching from palm of right hand to middle of forearm.

I was born on the Remnikt Riau during a mission to one of the local planets of the system, Weitt. When we returned to Tyntia/Homeworld, I was installed in the home I would know for the next 27 1/2 years, in the mountain ranges of the planet, where the Jedi Academy of Tyntia was located. Around the base of the mountain range exists one of the last remaining primitive Grehul communities, and the Jedi help the Grehul, and they do not disturb the academy training. People of the modern cities are feeders for the academy, sending newly discovered force-talented/able children to train there.

At the age of 7, I started working in the farming community that supplied the food for the academy when I wasn't training.
I planted, grew, watered and harvested. I learnt a great deal about the machinery that aided with the crops. One year passed. When I was 8, my brother Lyan joined me at these tasks. We kept at those jobs until the end of our training, where our academy masters had taught us all that they knew. I was 19, and so was my brother, one year after.

During the year Lyan was finishing his training, I was sent on a great deal of missions, with the master who would center my concentration on deepening the force resevoir within me.
Then the year after that, when Lyan would begin this, I was sent into the peace of Tyntia's virtually untouched forests and Kito mountains, where I would develop my own unique relationship with the Force, and discover my centre of peace. I was 21.

After that, I returned changed, and at peace. At the age of 22, I had come back to discover my mother had produced a little sister. For the next 6.5 years, I would train others.

In the last half of my 5th year as a instructor, my father became ill. His time had come, and he had less than a year left.

When my father died at the end of the fifth month of my sixth year, my mother said it was time for me to go reconnect us with the outside world and the rest of the Jedi. For 4 months I traveled and made stops at various planets. In november of my 28th year of existence, I arrived at the Greater Jedi Order. I met Warren Azalin, and he agreed to finalize my training, and teach me what I did not know, since my family had been detached from the rest of civilization for 250 years.

Here I am now. Just as I am. A Jedi.

To become a greater instructor of the Jedi, keep the peace, and become more than was ever expected of me. To train any and all padawans who come under my instruction, giving my best to my work.

The Greater Jedi Order, The Tyntia Jedi Academy.

::End Transmission::