View Full Version : Profile: Loki Ahmrah

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 8th, 2002, 03:16:46 PM
Vital Statistics

Name: Loki Ahmrah
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 9
Height: 4'1"
Weight: 66lbs
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Eye Colour: Blue



Father - Kahn
Mother - Uma

For eight years, Loki had been raised on Chandrila in a small, picturesque area just outside the capital, Hanna. Although he is very attatched to his parents, occasionally their time together is limited and randomnly spaced as both work for the New Republic; his father a pilot, his mother a medic. During this time he was left with his auntie who took very good care of him. His only problem was that at school he didn't have any friends and was the target of cruel jokes and bullying, he was very unhappy on Chandrila but never wanted to upset his parents by letting them know he was unhappy.

However, the shadow of the Empire looms ominously over Chandrila and spies make frequent visits and sabotage attempts have made the planet a dangerous place to stay. In fear for their son, they decided one time to take him to Arcan IV (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm2.showMessage?topicID=1545.topic) where he would be safe whilst they were away on an extended mission together. At Arcan IV he met a wide variety of different people and quickly made plenty of friends, under the close supervision of Anbira Hicchoru he was very happy with this new, although temporary life.

Then one day, he asked if he could join Anbira on a mission to Aurash (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11907) with the Jedi whereupon he was made an honorary Padawan Learner of the Jedi Order; he'd never before felt so accepted. He jumped at the opportunity to join a second mission (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12048) with the Jedi, this time to Myrkr. His experiences with the Jedi have been character building and are helping him grow into a better person. He expressed his desire of not wanting to leave to his parents and although to his sadness, they couldn't stay on Arcan IV, they reluctantly let him stay with the Jedi and their Order where he hopes to one day become a Jedi himself.


When he first came to the Jedi Order, he was a quiet, shy, unconfident little boy. Several months later, although he is still somewhat inseperable from his books which make him sometimes appear a little antisocial and quiet from afar, he has came out of his shell a great deal. He is open, cheerful and talkative, willing to befriend almost anyone (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm2.showMessage?topicID=1673.topic). Ever curious about anything and everything, Loki is persistent in his desire to know the how and why of all things around him. He is remarkably intelligent and alarmingly bright for a child his age and can leave adults at times bewildered by what he brings to a conversation. Although he is quite content to sit and read or just water the plants in front of the Bar & Grill, Loki loves company and will do almost anything for his friends.

Not so typical for a boy his age, Loki does not like to be scruffy; a trait he adopted from his mother's persistent harasment. With his thick, dark hair it is usually impossible to keep it from becoming untidy, though. He has a small pair of glasses, although is actually not visually impaired and wears them to serve as a defense mechanism. He is rather tall for a boy his age but not very heavy, no more than that of the average nine year old. Loki usually wears his Jedi attire, but without the dark, brown robing, except for formal occasions; he is proud to don the light cream Padawan clothing and not only that, but it's remarkably comfortable. His eating habbits (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm2.showMessageRange?topicID=1650.topic&start=21&stop=34) as of late are a becoming a distinguishing trademark, after frequently sharing the dinner table with a certain Cizerack called Taataani Meeorei, Loki has grown fond of different Cizerack foods from Nala Frogs to Kajaree, which he devours at an shocking rate after watching his Cizerack friend; his mother is certainly in for a suprise the next time she visits.

He is rarely ever seen without a book of some sort; he loves to read and has an insatiable curiosity which means he likes to learn about all different kinds of things. If someone mentions something he's never heard of, he'll either barrage the unfortunate soul with an array of questions or look it up in the library until he is fully satisfied that he will be in the know next time it is mentioned. He is very fond of plants and enjoys horticulture, taking care of the plants in and around the Bar & Grill on Arcan IV, especially Protius, the plant his father gave him, an extremely rare species from the fifth levels of Kashyyyk forests. On top of this he loves to socialise (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm2.showMessage?topicID=1700.topic) and meet new people. Recently, he's also discovered the happiness he receives from helping people (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12742) in whatever way he can.