View Full Version : Nash Stolar

Nash Stolar
Jun 10th, 2001, 12:33:18 AM
Name: Nash Stolar, Aka: Dragon Dlayer

Age: 20

home planet: Hoth (He does not remember his time before hoth)

species: human

height: 6'9

Goals: None.

Eyes/Hair: Hazel/Very dark brown

Contacts/Friends/Enemies: None/ There all just the same.

Criminal Record: How can you double park a ship?

Favorite things: General Weapons and Hoth Ale.

Hobbies: Making things.

Occupation: Ex. merc, Now Kedi Knight.

Honor Code: That of the jedi...

Romantic Involvements: None.

Physical Description: Tall and has the build of an elite stormtrooper.. Usualy clad compleatly in black with a matching black cloak covering the large sword that he always carrys around on his back. Nash lost his left arm and had it replaced with a robotic one. With a supprise in it.

Personality: Over his stay at GJO and becoming a knight he has quieted down quite a lot and now appears dark and uncaring to most of the people. But to those close like padawans and a few other people he is a nice all around person that would protect them no matter the cost to himself.

Background: After living with his parents, Nash took off and became a mercenary ...on a mission for the NR navy he destroyed an innocent freighter.. when it was going up he heard the screams of the dieing people...thus the first incounter with the force after that he was never the same again...after a couple more years he could not live with the knowlage of what he did.. After a few dark thoughts he then left to hoth and lived there for a few more years trying to find out what happend to him that one day and to clear his mind...Then when it came to him... What had happend.. What the force was ro him. He left to join the jedi...to atone for what he had done and hopefully live again.