View Full Version : The Birth of a Garou Knight:The History of Verse Dawnstrider

verse dawnstrider
Apr 18th, 2002, 07:57:33 PM
OOC: Ok, this is long over due by like two years. This is the Before GJO part. The second part will follow in the next few days.

My history has been shaded for me for a while, but recent events have allowed me to see it all in full. If you are reading this, then I take it you wish to know more about me. I know I will have to update it in the future, but this is my life as of now. A Jedi Knight, a Garou Warrior, a Father of two, a lover, a friend, and even a killer. Life is not always what you think it will turn out to be. I know that at least.
I was found in the desert of Eden as a child. I was wrapped in a blanket with my twin. The Garou Tribe that found me followed our cries. Our two cries were like music. Thus we were given names. I was called Verse, after the Garou god of hymns. My brother was named Pivo. The Garou name meaning "Dark Musician". Though we looked much alike, we were different. I had bright blond hair, and he had raven black. It seemed to reflect our souls. As a child I backed down from a fight, where he would rather kill any and all who was against him.
As Garou, we were shape shifters. All Garou are werewolves. It is a birth right. There were many different creatures on Eden. Our natural enemy was a group of Cat Beasts. Half Man. Half cat. We raided each other's camps and pushed further into each other's land. No one knows who started it. Garou or Cat Warrior. It was always like that.
My brother and me were not big. We were fast and lanky. Solid muscle, but not bulky. Many Garou were huge, we were not. Thus we were trained in Reverse grip fighting. It allowed us to attack our enemy with great speed and pull back fast if need be. We spent years training. I was a natural at it even though I hated battle. Pivo was great as well. He was bloodthirsty though. The Garou liked that.
I fell in love with a woman at that time. I don't remember her name. Could not even if I wished. We had a daughter. We named her Xazor, the Garou name meaning "Innocent Light". She was my pride and joy. I taught her to fight as well as sing. My family was known for our voices and she got it as well. Then Kama came. He felt that Force was strong on our planet. After we refused his evil ways, he saw we were too old to be taught different. So he used his dark powers to rip the knowledge of my daughter from our minds. Then took her. I did not chase after her, I forgot. I could not remember even if I wished. After remembering this I cried many a night. For a father to lose his first born, and not know is hard. It is even harder not knowing she was alive. She was only four years old.
The next few years were what really started my journey. The day after Kama left, the Cat Tribes came. I believe Kama had a hand in it. The battle was fierce. In the end, my brother died, as well as my lover. In a effort to save him, I pulled his soul into my body. We were now one. He could not control me, but he spoke in my mind. A Bounty Hunter came later looking for Kama. The hunter was named Bounty Hunter Dreyes. He told of the battle of Jedi and Sith. Of the Light and the Dark side. Pivo remembered Kama faintly and used this to take over my body. With that Pivo headed to The Sith Empire.
Pivo did not stay long at TSE. He tried to kill a woman named Lady Mara Jade. She was the Leader of TSE that had turned Jedi. Pivo wanted to increase rank, so he went after her. The found out. He was kicked out for good. Not before getting a member pregnant with twins. He left back to Eden in shame. When he got there, I took my body back when he was weak. In fact, he no longer wished to have it. Then Darth Turbogeek came. He saw what I was and took me to the Greater Jedi Order. He said I was strong in the Force and that I should be trained. I went with him not knowing a lot of when I was young and wanting to correct all that Pivo did. I took the name Dawnstrider. A symbol of my rebirth. A Jedi was born. It was time for me to take hold of my life.

verse dawnstrider
Apr 21st, 2002, 01:05:11 PM
The Greater Jedi Order. I came to this place when I looked about 17 by human years. That was so long ago. eight years have passed. I shall start at the begining of this part of my epic.

Jedi Boricua. In my opinion there has never been another man born as great as he. He knew my past, yet took me in. Through him I learned the ways of the Jedi. I taught mme to no longer worry about the past. I could not change it. So instead I focused on the future. I became a Knight after some years. I was a Jedi Mentalist. My mind was strong. I was not bulky like some of the Jedi. I had to learn to jump in and out of battle. Bob and weave. I used my dual Saber style. Then Reversed grip for speed. All through this time JB taught me.

To him I raise a Toast. To Jedi Boricua! The Greatest Jedi ever to walk the halls of The Greater Jedi Order. I praise you in highest praises! May your name live on and return to us one day.

The rest is a blurr of events. I sat on The Jedi Council for a while. In fact, Boricua was the one that put my name in first. Not much happened during that time. I learned to control Pivo and his rages. Many times he lashed out, and I had to fight to keep him in, and me out. I learned how to use the Jedi Art, Dopploganger. I was able to give Pivo a body for a short time, and we would fight side by side in battle. I was a Jedi. I saw nothing but the Jedi Path.

Then I met Dae Jinn. A Sith Warrior. I met her on a trip to a beach. Her and some Sith tried to start a fight with me. I insulted her, and Darth Havok challenged me. I started to use anger so I left without a word in shame at what I did. Then Dae saw me for me. After a few talks, I saw that she was more than a Sith. After a while, we became mates. We never married. It was not her custom. Then she got pregant. A boy was born out of a Sith and Jedi. She gave him his first name. I gave him a middle one. Chaos Alexander. He has my last name. Dae left to fight a war on her planet. She sent Chaos to me to watch. Then she died. Words can not describe the pain I felt at the news of her death. I still had my Chaos though. After a while, I grew ill. I picked upa virus and there was no cure. So I sent Chaos to Pivo while I healed.

I was in a statis pod for a while. During this time, Pivo used my child. Both he and Chaos hungered for power. Chaos hungered for it so, that he allowed Pivo to test his biological works on him. Then Chaos went to the Sith to increase his power. I returned, not to find a child, but a younge man. Pivo had aged Chaos till he was 17 years old. He was smart, deadly, and very powerful. In truth, he was only 5. His mind and body is not though.

When I fully healed, I returned to the Jedi. I picked up some new students. One was named Xazor. I did not know then that she was my Xazor. After trips with her, I started to regain memories. Then truth. I sit here now as a Jedi Knight. While I was gone many things happened. Most of my friends were gone, and the ones that were here had become Masters. I still am a Knight. That may change in time though. Now I shall end my journey here for now. With my daughter returned, I feel I could die in peace if need be. I still have a long future in store for me. Who knows when it will end? Maybe the name "Verse Dawnstrider" will live on as a name of one of the Great. It may be 'verse the fool'. I may be forgotten in a few days. I just know I will live the best I can.