View Full Version : The life and Times of Ryla Relvinian

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 30th, 2002, 03:19:27 AM
Full Name: Ryla Ovo Relvinian

Age: 26

Home Planet: Ryloth

Species: Half Human, Half Twi'lek

Height: 5'11"

Hair/Eyes: Black/Blue

Occupation: Former exotic dancer, Bartender, Jedi

Favorite Things:Ryla likes dance, martial arts, and listening to people's problems. Her favorite color is black and she loves strange music.

Favorite Drink at the bar: Pete's Wicked Ale.

Favorite Food: Artificial ewokburgers. Zesty! (you all know I'm kidding, right?)

Weapons: Orange lightsaber and a dagger.

Romantic Status: Single.

Currently Training: Viper Pliskin and Laric N'worb

Favorite Quote: Peace. Love. Frūvous.

Physical Description: Ryla is tall and lean with long black hair that is usually back in a braid. She's easy to pick out of a crowd because she's blue. Yep, that's right, blue all over. When not in Jedi Garb, she can usually be seen in a pair of black leather pants and a orange t-shirt.

Psychological Description: Ryla is very easygoing in nature. It takes a lot to get her ticked off. She rarely holds a grudge against someone. She is very shy in nature, preferring to sit in the corner of the bar and study.

Background: I was the forbidden product of a Senator and his concubine. When his wife found out about my mother's pregnancy, she sent my mother back to Ryloth to raise me alone. When I was 11 years old, she was killed in an explosion, and I was sent to live in a boarding school. There I was easily the shyest person in my class. Lacking in the Lekku, or head-tails, I could pick up, but not communicate in the native language of Twi'leki. It even earned me various nicknames in school, like half-breed and diinen, silent one.

The children taunted me mercilessly, but one teacher decided to give me a chance, and taght me to use my body instead of my language, and intruduced me to dance and martial arts. At the age of 16 I left Ryloth and moved to Coruscant, working as a bartender and later as a stripper in a low-level night club. Thankfully, I worked for a wonderful boss who was very protective of us, his dancers, and no ill ever came to me. Even though I was enjoying dancing, for I quickly shed my shy nature, I still felt like something was missing in my life.

Finally, I came to the Jedi temple. It is here that I finally feel is my true home, and the people here I regard as my family. Someday, I hope to discover the true identity of my Father, and perhaps discover a real family of my own.

Edit: Please disregard all previous versions of bio. This is the most recent. :]