View Full Version : STIX, Perfect Balance

May 1st, 2002, 10:22:36 PM
Full name: Stix, the only name he can remember

Age: age is illrelavant to him, through the force he ages only a fraction of what everybody else does, he looks 25 or 26 but has been alive a great deal longer and mostly all of that time was spent in suspended animation.

Home planet: he lives no where, and was born on Corulag

Species: humanoid

Height: 6'7

Weight: 184 lbs.

Eye color: piercing blue

Hair: strait, lighting white

Alignment: Chaotic good

Enemies: those who sacrifice others for themselves, those who kill in cold blood, and those who harm innocence for there own meaningless personal gain.

Code of conduct: what ever it takes is what you do

Physical description: tall, strong build, raptor gaze, clothing is always non-descript white or black and is never changed to fit anyone's preference, always carries his light-saber that is made out of an old Sith artifact -black handle, white blade-, and he is very mysterious.

Past: it was 15,000 years before the birth and legacy of Luke Skywalker. When Stix was a Jedi knight and soon to be named Jedi master. He had a beautiful wife, three force sensitive children, he had many friends most of witch were Jedi. He was a wondrous Jedi who fought with experience beyond his years and even then only as a last resort. On a mission with several other Jedi all very close to him. They were sent to the Helisk system -all of which are ice worlds- to stop a small sect of sorcerers but were defeated when the sect was actually a gathering of hundreds of these zealots planing an invasion on the Republic. Luckily Stix and his band of seven dedicated Jedi were able to send word to the republic but five of them were killed by Cass Ven'Dich -and his Sith brethren- a Sith that was high up and a powerful assistant, but Stix and the two remaining managed to overcome and kill him but not before he triggered an explosion that made the ice cave they were in collapse witch trapped the three remaining Jedi under tons of ice. One of the Jedi died in the collapse and the other failed to go into stasis. That left only Stix, the Jedi and Republic claimed him dead, his friends and family mourned over him. It was not tell 14,870 years later when a group of archeologist found his body, entombed at Helisk 2, and thawed him out on there way to an uninhabited plant. He woke Blind and mad (due to prolonged hibernation sickness) all the images of his past of his family of friends were just a blur that was gone to him. He lashed out with the force and killed the archeologists then. He crash landed on a planet unknown to him and wondering around and turned into a hermit for 30 years. -Although he aged nothing even close to that- Over this time he learned to see with the force sometimes it was better then eye sight and sometime it was not. The darkside smoothed him it took over. Finally colonist started to populate the uninhabited planet. Still blind but no less connected to the force he killed everybody he came across. Soon a Jedi was called to stop him even though he was a shadow to the colonists for the only ones who had seen him were all plastered to a wall. Even though none of the pioneers had lived to tell what happened except for the children, the children were never harmed. The Jedi found Stix and after negations fell on deaf ears. –Stix didn’t even speak the same language- Stix attacked him within the first sentence, but the Jedi although steadfast in the ways of the Jedi he was no match for Stix (not only a full Jedi but also almost a master and powerful in the force) and he was killed. Not long after more Jedi were sent seven all together, all experienced. With heavy wounds the seven Jedi managed to subdue Stix and take him before the council where with advanced technology they were able to regenerate his vision, and with blindness went madness. Being able to see he became almost human again. And a hundred times less violent. He learned basic –mostly through the force- and was able to tell his story to the council. Who offered to bring him back to the light and offered him a place among the ranks of the Jedi. To which he replied “ A Jedi I was a long time ago before you were born. I was a true Jedi. Fighting as a last resort but until death in witch I was always ready for, and never fearing. But what did I get for following their code I lost my life, my son, my beautiful daughters, and the love of my life… Emily. AND FOR WHAT… I lived the first part of my life as a truer Jedi then any… and the second clouded by the darkside. But now I am something different all together. I have shunned neither the darkside nor that of the light. I will use the motives of the Jedi but the method of the Sith and the arsenal of both. I will do what no one has dared to do I shall go and forge a lightsabre out of a Sith artifact. I shall mix booth sides of the force. And from there I will go and do the bidding of the galaxy no matter who gets in the way. I will do what every it takes as long as it is for the good of all. The answer to your question is no I will not join your frail little band of so called enforces. I will go and do what you could never do because u worry too much about falling prey to the darkside. I will never because I don’t want power or anything else the darkside has to offer. That and I am already there.” *He then turned and left with out another word to that council* Stix did as he promised and went to Korriban (the finally resting-place of many great Sith lords and there legacy). On Korriban Stix found a black statue of the Sith lord who first made Korriban his eternal home. The monument was seething the darkside out of every pore. Stix destroyed it and found a piece – it still has the darkside even though it has been shattered- that fit his liking, and carved it into a lightsabre, and found a white Adegan crystal, and constructed his weapon. Breaking a great many unwritten rule of both the Jedi and the Sith. Then he set out to do what is right and not about to let any obstacles stand in his way as much Sith as he is Jedi and armed only with his scared Sith artifact that doubled as a lightsabre. Now he has come closer to perfect balance then any other being to ever come into existence. And so Stix walks the Galaxy forever a wanderer.