View Full Version : Home Is Where The Heart Is.

Warren Azalin
Sep 15th, 2001, 12:04:09 AM
Opening the door to his old room Warren sighed as he threw his belongings aside and walked over to his bed, well their bed. As if on cue Amalia walked in through the door only seconds after he had sat down, smiling slightly he got up from his seat as he helped her with her belongings and helped her to the bed. Sitting next to her on the bed he held her as he looked into her eyes.

"Well Amnde, looks like we're finally home...."

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 15th, 2001, 12:16:42 AM
*She smiled softly as she looked into his own eye's.*

There's so much I have to tell him, will he be ready to hear it all?

*She squeezed his hands gently.*

"Sweetheart..There are a lot of things you and I need to talk about, a lot of things I must tell you."

*She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts.*

"They're not simple things, in fact, they're very difficult to talk about..."

Warren Azalin
Sep 15th, 2001, 12:26:24 AM
Taking her hand in his, Warren looked up into her eyes as she tried to form the words in her mind.

"Amnde, whats wrong?"

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 15th, 2001, 12:35:26 AM

*She sighed slightly.*

"A lot happened..while you were away."

*She smiled then, trying to make him not worry.*

"Well, first of all, I no longer go by the name Amnde but Amalia."

*Warren looked at her with disbelief and confusion, she laughed.*

"Amalia is my real name, and Amnde just a nick name. You see, I though that if I dropped the name Amalia, I could forget my past and the troubling times with it, the past that was so long ago, before I became a Jedi. Anyway, I had a visit from my sister, who is well, no longer among the living, she made me realize that I should remember my past and not be ashamed of it and that it is a part of me. So that explanins that.."

*She waited a moment, waiting for him to take it al in.*

"There's more, Warren..."

Warren Azalin
Sep 15th, 2001, 12:42:41 AM
Starring at her in wide eyed belief Warren took all the info in, some of it he couldn't believe while at other times it confused him. But still nothing could deter him from his love, nothing at all.... or so he hoped.

"So there is more Amnde..... I mean Amalia."

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 15th, 2001, 01:03:55 AM

*She was afraid to tell him of the rest of her news. How would he take it, how would he feel. Would he understand?*

"Warren..I'm..I'm pregnant..."

*She prepared herself for what would come, though oddly enough she kept herself open to the force, expecting the worst.*

Warren Azalin
Sep 15th, 2001, 02:37:55 AM
Staring in utter disbelief Warren could feel his hand shaking as his mind became a sea of chaos, a million questions where going through his mind as he looked at blankly.

"How did you...? Who did you....? What the.....? Is it....? How long have......?"

Moments after the questions began the Jedi's heart began to slow under the stress of the situation, minutes seemed to turn into hours as his heart gave way to a full stop. Moments later he was on the floor unconscious and grasping at his chest. All in all he hadn't taken the news to well.

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 15th, 2001, 08:46:18 PM
*Her jaw dropped open and all she could think about was that she thankfully didn't tell him they were having twins. She lowered herself to the ground beside Warren, and looked at him. Wondering what could possible have caused him to act this way. She thought as in his mind set. Was he thinking that these were not perhaps his children, that something had changed for the worst, she had to reassure him if so. She spoke to him through tears.*

"Please Warren..let me..explain. I'm pregnant..with YOUR CHILDR.."

*She stopped herself fully before she could say the entire word "children". She waited, hoping he would come back.*

Warren Azalin
Sep 15th, 2001, 10:08:35 PM
Moments after Warren's body hit the ground Amalia was over his fallen body crying, he hadn't intended on reacting as he had but after days and days of mental instability this was the last straw. It took the force a few moments to kick start his heart as his beloved spoke to him through her tears.

"Please Warren..let me..explain. I'm pregnant..with YOUR CHILDR.."

Childr..? CHILDREN!!!!! There was more then one???? As if re-energizing him Warren sat up quickly as his heart began pumping life into him again, Amalia looked back in shock as he surprised her momentarily.

"Children? As in more then one???? Amalia answer me something please.... Am I the father?"

Looking at him with tears in her eyes Amalia nodded as she feared the worst. She did not expect what happened next though. Lunging at her swiftly Warren took her into his arms as he spun her around. He could see a smile on her face now as he held her tightly..

"I'm sorry about before Hon, but I been through a lot and the news was a shock. I am so happy though. I'm going to be a Father....."

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 16th, 2001, 03:05:25 PM
*She smiled warmly yet proudly as she held onto him.*

"You're going to make a wonderful father, Warren. There is one problem however, what are we going to name the children?"

*Amalia seemed panicy for some reason.*

He and I aren't even married yet, and the children, they'll be here before either of us know it!