View Full Version : Ascension: Life

Teka Kenobi
Jul 26th, 2001, 05:41:08 PM
OOC: Only sensible replies please, and no more OOC’s. If you wish to speak with me get me on AIM!! :p


Teka stepped into his room. He smiled to himself. Training with his Master, Nichos Marr, had just finished. Nichos believed Teka needed to rise to the next level. Teka was pleased. His hard work had finally come off. Today he had to prove and show his Master some of the things he knew and could do with the force. Teka thought he’d done quite well, but he knew he couldn’t always rely on his thoughts. Through the past Teka had been given three Masters. The first being Hart Kenobi, a great Knight amongst the Order. After he passed away he had been assigned to Warren Azalin. The training with Master Azalin had been short, but between the two Masters Teka had learnt how to fight properly and use the force to not only help himself, but others too. Then, after Warren had decided to betray the Jedi, he was assigned to Nichos Marr, another great Knight amongst the Order and a greatly skilled force user. Nichos had taught Teka all he didn’t know that he should, and taught him of using the force with living creatures, and nature. All three Masters, had at some point played vital roles in the life of Teka, and the lessons they taught him had no doubt saved his life, and would continue to save his life, lots of times. Perhaps not just his life.

Teka sat on a small wooden chair at a table against a wall. Looking up at himself, through a mirror on the wall, he forced a smile and recapped on his training as a Jedi. He shook his head. It was time for a change. Opening his closet door he took a leather jacket out, as tall as him. The black leather could be smelled throughout the room and even outside, if you were looking..smelling, in the right place. Teka took off his black robes. Apparently he had looked like a Sith with his black garments, but that did not worry Teka. He was now clad, in his baggy black trousers, and a large leather jacket that just touched the floor. He walked back over to the mirror and looked at himself. Something wasn’t right. His eyes darted across the desk he was at while he concentrated on what it was that ‘wasn’t right’. He smiled and perked his collar up, to cover his neck. The smile shortly vanished. His jacket looked great but..still something was missing. A grin covered his face followed by a look of deep thought. He wasn’t entirely sure on whether he’d be criticised or put down for doing this but..

Teka got up and popped into his bathroom. The door closed behind him. Five minutes later Teka was out, with a new and interesting hair style. He approached the mirror. If his hair wasn’t, as he liked he could always get some more hair die. He made it so this hairstyle would last for the next eight weeks. He sat with his eyes closed, and slowly one eye peeked open. He grinned almost manicly as the other eye followed. His hair, now a bright, bright blue looked great with his black outfit. This was a great start to his three days of rest.