View Full Version : :: Echoes::

Force Master Hunter
Jul 28th, 2001, 09:25:18 AM
It was night - deepest night. Everyone was asleep, except for one man, who was walking the corridor.He wasn't even actually sure why he was here, maybe because he of troubled mind. Much had happened lately and much was on his mind. As his fottsteps echoed, he came across a door that was locked and sealed. Odd.....

He stopped to investigate and saw the small sign.

"Storage for Darth Turbogeek"

This was strange. Why was a dead Jedi's articles in storage? Weren't they destroyed or handed over to someone else? Now highly curious, he removed a few of the seals and examined the lock. He tested it and saw he wouldnt be opening this one in a hurry - Well not by hand anyway

He took out a rail gun and fitted a silencer, with one quick motion aimed and blew the lock to scrap. There was smoe echo, but not much. Not putting the gun away, he pushed the door open and walked in, closing the door behind him.

And saw there was not much at all. A few boxes and clothes. Nothing else.

He placed the gun down and began to open one of the boxes, now curious.

Satine Capashen
Jul 28th, 2001, 07:30:55 PM
Alpha, walking to his room after a late night of fighting and drinking, notices the door open to DT's storage room. The Young One slinks into the shadows, his black robes blending in, and grabs a blaster and a lightsabre from his belt. He had considered Darth Turbogeek his mentor during his first tenture as a Jedi, and yet he betrayed his trust. If he had the chance, he wouldn't do it again, but this had him pissed off. He heard somone rummaging around in the boxes it heard like.

The Jedi Padawan steps into the doorway, his blaster pointed at the crouching figure, his other hand's thumb close to the ignition button for his sabre.

"You have half a minute to explain yourself before I slag you here and now," he says in a soft, dangerous, voice.

Hart Kenobi
Jul 30th, 2001, 11:03:33 PM
*A soft hand guided Satine's blaster away from its trajectory: the intruder.*

"Patience, young man. Use the Force. If you had, you would've discovered that he means us no harm. Let him be. This is not the place for violence."

*Hart lowers his head and walks out of the late-Jedi Master's room without another word to return to his bed, trusting that the young Jedi will come to the right decision.*

OOC: Read FMH's second sentence.

Force Master Hunter
Aug 3rd, 2001, 03:49:07 AM
"Thank you Hart" was the quiet reply. Hunter knew the Padawans didnt trust him and Hunter wouldnt blame them. He was recorded as having the blood of one Darth Turbogeek on his hands and it must of served as a puzzle why the Masters didnt throw Hunter away from this place.

Hunter smiled internally. And some still hadn't worked it out yet either, those who had been told even. Who would suspect the Bounty Hunter was really the guy who guarded this place. He went back to searching quietly through the boxes, still wondering why the Jedi would have left all this.... junk here. Clothes. A datapad. Empty cans.

He continued to search quietly.