View Full Version : Back in his room
Christian Lightheart
Jun 27th, 2001, 06:07:26 PM
*Lightheart lay in his bed, his eyes glued on the cieling. It would be a few days at least till his own personal shuttle would be finished, and training had slowed down once again.
But the young boy was not complaining. He would wait his whole life, if it ment to protect the galaxy. "Patience... no adventures... peace... calm..."
Lightheart smiled as he thought of the future, and his past. He was content with his life up to know, and wouldn't change it for the world.*
Jaina Organa Solo
Jun 30th, 2001, 09:12:12 PM
:: Jaina lightly tapped on the door. :: "Mind if i came in?" :: She asked softly, not wanting to disturb Christian. ::
Christian Lightheart
Jul 1st, 2001, 02:14:07 PM
Not at all.
*The soft, easing voice of Lightheart was not timid, like usual. He sat up on his bed and watched as Jaina stepped into his room. With a smile, Christian spoke again.*
Please have a seat. How have you been?
*The white heaired padawan motioned to the chair in his room across from the bed.*
Jaina Organa Solo
Jul 1st, 2001, 09:05:05 PM
"Fine thank you, lots of new promotions and jobs, my head is starting to spin" She said with a laugh "the past two months have been really hectic at my parent's place. lots of new allies and i just moved up in Wraith Squadron."
Christian Lightheart
Jul 2nd, 2001, 08:52:19 PM
Well congratulations on the promotions and whatnot.
*Lightheart said with a smile. He glanced at Jaina before standing up.*
Would you like to go to Yog's? Maybe have a bite to eat or a drink? My treat and it would help clear your mind.
Jaina Organa Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 07:44:04 PM
"Sure. A drink would be great. Say, do u know when they are going to get around to putting a coke machine in the Living Quarters?" she said with a soft laugh.
Christian Lightheart
Jul 6th, 2001, 12:41:37 PM
*Christian laughed a bit to himself and flashed a smile at Jaina.*
Please, after you.
*He motioned to the door and followed her out. They walked down the stairs at the end of the hall out of the Dormitories, headed for Yogs.*
ooc: i'll post a thread in the B&G sometime soon, or you can post it. Whoever gets to it first. :p
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