View Full Version : Dylan's quater's (at your service)
Captain Delen Hunt
May 24th, 2001, 10:27:35 PM
**Dylan's bring his all his quipment and sees his room. And in no time he started personalicing his room whit pictures of his old crew, his missing wife and all the log that he has writen after a succesful mission and also the unsuccesful ones. After he finished un loading his trunk Dylan sees his wrong looking pretty much like he's old quaters. Taking off his rank pin Dylan put the pin in front of his wife picture and say**
Honey, im sorry that i missed our 2nd aniversary because of work. If I wouln't cancel maybe thing might have turned out for the better, you wouln't have taken that mission and today we might be together. I'm sorry that i never said goodbye on our last conversation. I promise that I would use all my power to find you, and still you keep being mising. Just give me sing if your dead or alive, its that too much to ask.
**Dylan after talking to his wife picture turned to the door and put a plaque that said Dylan Hunt quaters**
I hope that people find use to me here.
May 28th, 2001, 08:48:30 PM
*Shakes his head softly.*
"Hello Dylan I didn't know that you had Jedi ablities."
Shadow LeFae
May 28th, 2001, 08:55:13 PM
"me neither." Fae said cynically from the door way.
Captain Delen Hunt
May 30th, 2001, 05:00:22 PM
Well, there is a lot about me that you don't know. By the way it was noce seing you two.
May 30th, 2001, 06:03:47 PM
"Nice seeing you as well. There's also much that you don't know about us."
Captain Delen Hunt
May 30th, 2001, 10:28:47 PM
Well, you're right in fact. Il' be great to know you guys at least. I know that i can count on a couple o friends when I need some. You know what? this is the perfect place to know you guys. Well if it no much troble what can you tell me about you two?
Jun 2nd, 2001, 12:37:36 AM
" background many wouldn't lie but. I watched my parents die this was will my father was training me to become a Jedi. He died and my mother. The sith than took my brother and left. I than went from job to job and finally became a mercenary and became the deadliest of them all. Than I heard of the GJO and came here to become a Jedi. I also joined the NR and became a Commander than I was promoted to Major."
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 2nd, 2001, 10:50:00 PM
im very sorry to hear that, I din't have a father or mother. My father died before i was even borned and my mother comited suicide after i was born. luckly my father had a good friend he was Acralis. He raised me and I went to the clan's navy. There i rosed up to captain. During that period i was married, to my wife. She was beutiful, her beuti could light up the very start. And because of me she took a posting as a science officer onunkknow space, then she disssapear. And i missed her a lot.After that the collapse of the clan i was left out whit nothing only my ship and moths later i lost that too. When i went back to my homeplanet i met whit Acralis and he gave me the only link or clue as to what happened to my father and that is this **Dylan shows Kyle his father lighsaber and show him on the sidde that said "sword of justice"** I don't know what it means but, sonner or later i will find out. After i became lost a friend told me about the GJO and i follow his advice there i met my mento Jedi Master Leia Solo. And here i am.
Jun 3rd, 2001, 01:21:33 PM
"Your lucky though. You never had to see your victim's face's. When ever I killed someone I always saw his face. You never lose that image...never."
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 3rd, 2001, 09:13:33 PM
I guess i am lucky after all, I never killed a man in cold blood, The hardest thing was seign my friends killed. I never killed a man in cold blood, always in self defense and using diplomacy first But, the important thing here is who you are now a, person who want to redem hiself and do what right. I really respect you for that. But, being that in the past made you, who you are now, a hero. That what matter in life and also as confuncios says the greatest glory, is braver to fall and then to rise up again, that to never have fallen at all.
Jun 4th, 2001, 08:46:32 AM
"I'm not in the Hero business. My first mission as a mercenary. This crazy lady came running at me with a blaster rifle blazing. she was weaving it bac and forth but it was going over my head. I just stood their thinking what a waste she was. Than raised my blaster pulled the trigger twice. the first bolt caught her in the throat the second in the shoulder. She was still alive and sturggled to attack me. I walked to her fallen body. Placed the blaster to her face and pulled the trigger...Whenever I thin of what I am today my mind goes back to than. That's when I lost my heart. That's when I stopped being kind. I stopped being Kyle Horn Jedi apprentice and became a cold blood killer. You never forget that day the first time you kill someone like haunts you for the rest of your life."
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 5th, 2001, 09:55:52 PM
**Dylan looks at his wife pictures and smiles to Kyle** my wife told me when i got command of the Phoenix, about the story, she said that the Phoenix was a legendary bird that rises from the ases. It could be interpreted has hope and she told me that i had a noble name for my ship. Kyle, my point is that I believe like my wife about hope and change, you can't change the past but you can make a better future and I don't believe that you are cruel or inhuman as a metter as fact that mistakes is an inevitable part of being human. And i don't believe that you are the mercenary now. To me you are a different Kyle, the one that i can trust to guard my back when fighting against enemies. Back there you were listening to something else, but totoday i know that you are listening and following you're heart and for me and if you meet my wife (someday) you'l find out that is just enoth. Besides I will be whit you every step of the way so you will always have a backup, and always to listen to your heart.
**Dylan opens his hand expecting a shake of hand**
Jun 5th, 2001, 11:46:58 PM
Kyle smiled and shook. Dylan's hand.
"Three years ago I would have pulled my blaster out on ya. Just to inform you...I don't believe in hope anymore, or change. We can never change who we are. We can just reform ourselves."
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:44:03 PM
**Dylan smiled at Kyle**Just to inform you three years ago,I think you would have needed this **Dylan show Kyle a little part of his blaster**i think you need this it goes on top of the energy pack, whit out this you vould blow up.....**Dylan continued to smiled at has he puteng a joke on kyle**Don't worry your blaster is going to be fine. If you would has just fire the triger it is bye bye blaster. a trick that you learned in special ops school. Besides do you know how many merc, they send to kill me and look at me now. No ofeense, but a few a you Merc suck big time. Also if this was 3 years ago, i would already have your name and file and you could be catalog as dangerous, I would have a gruop sorrunding you as you aim to kill me. But that is on the past and like to said you made a reform and that makes you a lot braver that half of those cowards that tried to kill me. Besides now I trust you more than before. You are honest and that means a lot to me.
Jun 6th, 2001, 11:20:14 PM
Kyle laughed.
"Dylan you are a good man. Just to let you now. I spent some years in Corellian Military Academy and served a few years on the force. That's how I gained the Corellian Blood Stripes. Also 3 years ago, you would have met the most terrifying merc of them all. Wherever I went people feared me. I even came across of your people's groups a couple of times. A full team of them against me...none of them survived. One blaster charge wasted and than went hand to hand with them. Also half those cowards you killed happened to be friends of mine that thought they could tae on the universe. They diserved to learn the hard way though. They never thought of how things would turn out if they where out gunned. Well at least your here...also I've asked a couple of those cowards that you actually did arrest and have gotten out, to help search for your wife. They wouldn't backstab me. Their to chicken. I promise you this your wife will be found."
Kyle decided against telling Dylan about his family problems. the man would understand but Kyle couldn't stand it himself. He had also lost someone that he loved. Excpet she had been killed in front of his face...he had barely escaped with his son.
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:44:07 PM
**Dylan look at Kyle dirrecty on his eyes** Kyle, proably you haven't loss a battle 3 years ago and me neitheir, the important thing is not debating whofought better than who in the past. We never meet in the past and we can never know if the best merc could have defeated the best High Guard officer. Look about my wife thank's really. But, i already searche for her for 3 years. I personally command thefind and rescue of m wife and the crew, none of them ever apperad again. But, i apreciated the gesture, there is a part of me that always tell me she is alive and that any minute now she is going to enter trew that door and say"Dylan, i have passed a increadible adventure, and by the way it was something scary like the time we meet"She always told me that I was going to die first because of the Argosis Special operation division. But, because of a mission i meet her. Kyle if you think that i am stuborn, you should meet her.
But, i apreciate the gesture of looking for her. Who knos maybe we can meet her on a mission or something? How about you had any famaly, i already told you about mine and about Sarah Hunt.
Jun 9th, 2001, 08:07:22 PM
Kyle stared at him, but recovered.
"My father is dead, my mother is dead and my brother is in training to become a Sith Knight...I had a few relationships but nothing that lasted more than a year."
Kyle decided that leaving his last relationship out of it was the best idea. He had no idea where his son was but he would find out. Someday but no one would find out about him.
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 9th, 2001, 10:18:43 PM
**Dylan look to Kyle,**
Im' very sorry to hear that. I wish there is something i could do to help. Hey proably i can try to turned your brother to the ligh side, hey you are here. And also if it me, I sensed that you are holding something like a deya voo or something? I don't know. But i know this, you are going to have a wonderful famaly and im going to make sure of it. And that is my promise to you.
Jun 10th, 2001, 04:59:04 PM
Kyle smiled and looked at Dylan.
"Samuel choose his path. When the time is right he will come to the lightside. I though will not force it for that is not appropriate."
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 17th, 2001, 10:56:27 PM
I understand Kyle and when the time is aprropiate and when he chosse to be on the light side if he need help im here for you also if you need help for anything you just have to call and ask for help.
Jun 20th, 2001, 09:03:24 PM
"Samuel though msot liely won't he's spent most of his life as an outsider and being hunted by me. I had a personal problem with the sith that had killed my family I swore I'd kill her and her students at all cost...I had no idea that she was teaching of those flares I told you about. I had a son. I had no idea where he was until recently. I mentioned the GJO to him and he said he'd thin about it...he doesn't like me I can tell you that. I have a favour though. i don't want you to tell anyone about him. Not anyone. When he's ready to tal to others than he will. Until than I want to leave him alone."
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 20th, 2001, 10:52:07 PM
Kyle don't worry i promise to keep Samuel secret, but if you want to kill her and her student, I think that you might need help, I understant you're need for justice, but if you kill them you are no better than the people that murdered you're famaly. Kyle I promise to keep this as a secret. And i Promise you this I going to help you every step of the way. Besides i want you to see this
**Dylan goes to his desk, and grabs a mini-computer**
It's a recolection of all the highguard files. of course there are outdadted, but it might help you. You were rated as a M5 mercenary that the best, very rare only fought one in my life and he was genetacaly enginired human. You can see any file of the highguard there proably some valuable information for you
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:42:37 AM
"Samuel's now at the TSO getting the rest of his training.....mainly cause his master is dead. I killed her out of pure anger, out of pure hatred. The day though will come when will be forced to fight my brother again...when that day comes. I hope that myself and him are prepared for it, mentally and emotionally. But I'll still take the stuff. There's still more the fifteen of her apprentices out there that would now exactly what the info on the cards are about. Thank you for your help Dylan I appreciate it a lot."
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 26th, 2001, 03:43:09 PM
Don't worry about it Kyle, just in case there are 15 and i think you need someone to wathc your back, just in case. Also learn this evry time you see something try to see the good and that person not the evil, because if you in the long run that it is going to destroy you. Soo, you want to start looking for thosee aprentice?
Jun 26th, 2001, 08:20:52 PM
Kyle raised his eyebrows.
"In other words you want to find Sith apprentices to battle."
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 26th, 2001, 08:34:12 PM
No, not to battle to reaon whit them to use diplomacy whit the sith. I know im idealistic, but my idealism has got me this far so i believe that is doing something right. By the way what if you say is true then you'll need backup.
Jun 27th, 2001, 12:50:33 AM
Kyle grinned.
"Yes we will aid each other when it is needed. I just hope though that you will not let your Idealism get the better of you."
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 29th, 2001, 12:32:44 PM
Dylan smiled:
Don't worry about my idealims, it has got me this far alive. I betting that is doing something right because im not dead. Besides i believe that optimism is a way to live a happy live. The pesimist always worries about everything goign bad and he worry too much. I worrie about a problem when im in front of it. Every problem has a solution learn that and givin up is never the solution. Acralis, that was my mentor told me that me and my father we are the same, idealist and optimist the only diference that he is dead and im still alive.
Jun 29th, 2001, 06:06:43 PM
"Ya well I guess I'm a lot like my dad. Ask me to do something that is well in reason and I'll do it. Nothing will ever be able to make me back out of it."
Shadow LeFae
Jun 30th, 2001, 09:07:19 PM
:: Fae listened to the conversation between the two, and when they started talking about parents, a tear started to slide down her cheek. She then got up off the bed where she was sitting, and headed towards the door. She didn't want to relieve the memories, fresh or otherwise. And she didn't want them to know that her life wasn't all people cracked it up to be. :: "I must be going now..." :: She said as she reached the door and place her hand lightly on the doorknob, and tried to gain her composture. ::
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:03:15 PM
Kyle got up and saw Fae.
"Fae what's don't have to hide anything from us. We all lost someone in our time. We know how it feels. The only way to get over those times and not go back to them is to talk about them. I watched my mother die and my father. I have no problem thinking about it anymore. It strengthens me knowing that they gave their lives to protect me and my brother. You can tell us what's wrong Fae we won't judge you on what has happened in the past. There's been to much of it. You can tell us if you want. No one will force you but eventually if you don't that sadness can turn into anger, than rage."
Kyle spoke softly to Fae.
"There's othing to fear from us we're all friends here."
Shadow LeFae
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:08:34 PM
:: Fae turned and looked at Kyle. :: "Thanks, It's just, I dunno, My mother disappeared when i was 1, no one knows where she went, and my father died on my last trip to Utopia. Right after i abdicated my claim to the throne of my Kingdom. not only am i no longer a pricess, but i'm an orphan too." :: she said softly. as a few more tears rolled down her cheek. ::
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:15:52 PM
Kyle got up and walked over to her.
"I became an orphan when I was........about ten. Things like this are always hard to think bac to but you can never let it drag you down. These emotions, if you let them control you in a way of depression they will choose the outcome of your life as well. Sometimes when someone is extremely depressed they gain a lust for blood and they enjoy to harm others. I can see it in your eyes that you don't want that to happen. So you have to talk about your emotions. I now this may seem cruel to say, but how did your father die?"
Shadow LeFae
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:25:27 PM
"Poison." she said bluntly. "Sir Mage Naery Poisoned him. I don't wish to exact revenge, actually i don't care really, Fairys aren't the vengeful type." she finished.
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:27:29 PM
Kyle nodded.
"Was he put up to trial and tried for your father's murder?"
Shadow LeFae
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:31:28 PM
"No, Fairys don't do Revenge. plus, the only way he'd be charged with murder is if my brother comes out of Exile to claim the throne. if not, then Mage will take the throne and my Father's death will be stamped as an accident."
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:36:36 PM
Kyle shook his head slightly.
"That is wrong. That man should be tried and convicted. I won't say I understand your justice system. Where is your brother?"
Shadow LeFae
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:41:03 PM
"Our whole government is run by a monarch. There Word is Law. Mage is next in line to the throne. there was another assassination attempt earlier this month. My father got paranoid and stashed my brother in a secret location, not even i know where. he figured we were safe if we were both out of the court."
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:43:50 PM
"I could if you wanted send out word for your brother's where abouts. I could get my friend Corran Katarn to look or have some other guys I now. There's a couple smugglers, bounty hunter's and mercenaries that owe me plenty of favors i could call some in and get them to look for him...if you wanted that is."
Shadow LeFae
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:56:08 PM
:: Fae smiled, realizing that kyle was trying to be kind. :: "Thank you, but i don't believe you understand the depth of the situation. Utopia isn't even located in this Galaxy, i don't think. and i only have a guess as to where he may be."
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:59:41 PM
Kyle nodded.
"Remember if you ever need me to help you in anyway just ask and I'll help."
Shadow LeFae
Jun 30th, 2001, 11:08:49 PM
:: Fae nodded politely and gave Kyle a sisterly hug. :: "Thanks Sir." :: She said as she remembered how Kyle had rallied the rest of the Wraiths behind her when Gaven started being a jerk. ::
Captain Delen Hunt
Jul 3rd, 2001, 02:01:45 AM
Dylan inside his quater's he herd the entire conversation. Then he remember how he lost almost evrybody he oved on a terrible war. And the disapperance of his wife. And after hering Fae speking about her situation Dylan decided to make three back packs
Going in the the place were Kyle and Fae were Dylan spoke softly "Fae, it's ok to sometime need someone and to express your emotion. We are you're friends and I always learn that comunication is the Key to trust. And im sorry and i understant.
Dylan gave a bagback to Kyle and Fae
"Look, Fae there is somethig i don't understand about your justice system, but i promise you this im am goign to try to correct the wrong that hapened on your planet and i promise you this the proper and the best person will rule and so will justice. I have prepared bagback there are equippped whit ups, ration, survival .. the basic also just in case there is a blater and a few extra rounds just in case. My idea is this we go back to Utopia lucklily Fae know the way right? If so there must be a hint of were your brother went and luckly get him back to your homeworld. Kyle i know, it maybe risky but is the best chance to utopia be under a better rule and also to retore what llittle famaly Fae has left are you whit me? Fae, i know this maybe hard for you but it the right thing to do for utopia also im here to back you up. This is an adventue but most of all is a chance to put right were once went wrong. Whad do you guys say?
Fae DuFrene
Jul 3rd, 2001, 07:41:48 PM
"Delen, do you know the whole reason why the Utopians aren't rejoining this culture? It's because a few centuries ago, our three species were being persecuted here. King Raffel NeBrea moved us to Utopia, and we never looked back. I found out about this place, and I've never looked back. Utopia will survive. I'm no longer bound to that place, and they no longer bind me. Utopia is none of my concern, and, in time, they will forget i ever existed. Utopia can not have contact with this society, otherwise their whole way of live will be destroyed." :: Fae said on a Definitive note, clearly discouraging any opposition. then she turned and headed back into her room, leaving the two older men sitting there in silence. ::
Captain Delen Hunt
Jul 4th, 2001, 12:26:43 AM
Dylan stood up from the seat and ran toward fae.
"im sorry fae, bu ti see things difeently. What hapened in your history on the past it was wrong fromthis sociaty, but you people hide from it hapening again. Cutting themself from all other contact is not the way to solve those problem. Proably our species aren't that much appart humans tend to have fear from everything that is different that why in the past they persecuted your species. That is something to regret, but Fae you are different you live whit us and you aven't beeing destroyed. I also don't agree whit you on this "Utopia is none of my concern", if Utopia is burning will you let it to burn, i don't think you would. I was thauth that one has to do the right thing even f it was not from your race or species. My point is this the right thing to do is to find your brother and to put him on the trhone and to remove a tyrant. Im sorry if i am puchy on this. But, i do believe that is time to Utopia to change her ways to a more modern mind and way I promise you this, if they make contact whit this civilization they will not be persecuted, and i will protect there right whit my life if i have to. Please i ask you don't turn your back on them, you are a perfect example of coecistent whit thousand of species.
OCC:We can play a RP whit this I really like this story line
Fae DuFrene
Jul 4th, 2001, 10:52:55 AM
Fae turned around and shot Delen an icy stare, "I am not going back to Utopia, If i did, I'd... you wouldn't understand. Utopians don't want contact with humans. that's why i had to give up the throne in the first place. And don't try to get yourself there on your own, for only I know the location. Delen, drop the subject. The Utopians didn't want me, and i don't want them." :: she said as she teleported herself to the landing pad, into her carrier, and went back to her private retreat.
Fae DuFrene
Jul 4th, 2001, 11:14:43 AM
OOC: Delen, maybe u haven't guessed, but Fae doen't like u very much. ^_^
Captain Delen Hunt
Jul 4th, 2001, 11:52:46 AM
Dylan seiing Fae as she went to the teleporter though , and for his mind passed teh idea that maybe Fae dosen't want Dylan's help or a chance to but Utopia were once have went wrong. Dylan told to himself "Who i am kidding if she dosen't want to help her planet who am i to incist."
Dylan walked inside his quater's
Sat on his chair and started to look at his pictures
OCC: I hope that Fae not likeing me is not personal
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