View Full Version : :a new room:

Shade Magus
May 31st, 2001, 09:48:04 AM
:Shade Magus walks into the living quarters carrying his bags, looking for a new room,hopefully one with a window. After searching and finding a room he walks in and sets his stuff down and looks around:

"Well, I guess this is home for now."

:Shade starts to unpack his stuff and rearrange his room the way he would like it. After about an hour of straightening the room up, he stands and admires what he did:

"Well i guess now it is time to rest."

Shade Magus
Jun 16th, 2001, 07:27:35 PM
::Shade gets up and starts walking around rearranging his room and placing his personal belongings in thier new place. After about an hour of doing so he was finished::

"There is should be good enough."

::Shade takes one more look around his new room before he turns around and goes and lies on his bed while looking at the ceiling::