View Full Version : The Return of Satine

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jun 20th, 2001, 11:56:54 PM
::The door to the main entrance of the Jedi Living Quarters...slid open quietly. A cloaked petite Jedi Master is seen bring in over her right shoulder an injured Satine::

::She quickly turned to the first padawan she saw in the hallway::

Excuse me...I need your immediate assistance. Please head to the med bay and send a medic droid immediately to Satine's room on the double. It is very cruical as he is in critical need of medical attention. He was severly injured during a fight with <a href=http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicfrm13.showMessage?topicID=259.topic>TSE's Miryan</a>

::The padawan did not hesitate and dashed off down the corridors towards the Medic Unit::

::Leia continued down the hallway until she came upon Satine's room. She placed his hand on the sensor to deactivate the security locks. Leia made her way to Satine's bed and placed him gently on it::

I am sorry I cannot stay but I have other business to attend. Rest assured Satine..you will be taken care of. A medical droid should be here shortly.

::She looked on once more at the drugged Jedi before turning her back and exiting his room. Leia walked very casually down the hallway before making her way out of the living quarters. Moments later....Leia embarked once again on her NR ship and quickly headed out of GJO territory towards hyperspace::

Satine Capashen
Jun 22nd, 2001, 09:44:34 AM
Hours later, Alpha coughs as he regains conciousness, looking up at a med droid.


"Hold still, and do not move," The droid says. "I am giving you an injection for the pain, and to let you sleep"

"Wait, I..." was all Alpha could get out before getting injected again, the droid treating his wounds.

Satine Capashen
Jun 24th, 2001, 09:17:18 PM
A day later, Alpha wakes up, feeling groggy--and not a little sore. He groans as he gets up, and throws on his loose training clothes, slowly heading towards the Bar...