View Full Version : The Advisor (Open, posts appreciated)

Sage Hazzard
Jan 9th, 2002, 02:50:44 AM
Sage Hazzard was home. Or atleast the home he had came to know. Lightsabres, as always, engulfed the wall.

"This place still looks like dung," Sage said, smiling anyway.

Sage found an old sign he had hanging once before. It read "Advice Given." Sage always was willing to advise young Padawans in their ackward stages. The Jedi path from Padawan Learner to Master is riddled with difficulties and troubles. Some are related to the Jedi way, some are not. Either way, Sage emphasized and sympathised with most. He was ready to help once more.

Walking out into the hall he placed the string attached to the sign over a small hook apon the door. He had installed the hook before for the same purpose.

A chair slid along the floor, Sage beckoning it. It came to a stop just inside the door. Sitting confortably in it, Sage twittled his thumbs to pass the time.

OOC - Think of me like a Campus Counselor. Someone to advise students in their lives. Both with the academy and social.

Christian Lightheart
Jan 9th, 2002, 05:11:16 PM
The young Jedi teenager slowly made his way around the halls, heading for his room to take a nice little nap. He had much on his mind, with the recent passing of his father and this new lifestyle he was in.

A door on his left was still open as he passed. Glancing in, he saw someone walk around the room and finally take a seat and began to twiddle his thumbs. Looking a bit lonely or bored, Christian wasn't sure which, the Jedi Learner knocked on the wall just outside the room's enterence.

"Mind if I enter?"

Sage Hazzard
Jan 9th, 2002, 06:27:57 PM
Sage smiled.

"Not at all."

The Jedi Master regonised the man, it was Christian Lightheart. Knowing this, he called him by name.

"Christian, what's on your mind? May I be of help?"

Christian Lightheart
Jan 11th, 2002, 08:46:41 PM

Lightheart said nothing as he entered Sage's room, glancing here and there to see the placement of his stuff.

"Not too sure, in all honesty.... You're Jedi Master, Sage, aren't you?"

He looked at Sage, still standing, leaning against one of the tables in the rom. He saqw the picture of this famed Jedi in the recruitment center his first time ever setting foot onto these grounds.

Sage Hazzard
Jan 12th, 2002, 03:45:01 AM
Sage nodded.

"That I am."

The Jedi Master smiled as he swiveled to face Christian.

"I'm also a friend. Are there any troubles you're having?"

Christian Lightheart
Jan 23rd, 2002, 06:06:40 PM
"I ..."

Lightheart looked down at his feet, not really sure if he should tell or not, or whether there was anything to tell at all.

"Well... ever since my papy passed..."

He closed his eyes, and dragged the two of his boot in a small circle along the carpet, anything to not have to make eye contact with the Jedi Master, and to get his mind off of the subject.

"...I don't know."

The boy shook his head, the white hair on top moving from side to side.

"I'm sorry... this was..."

Trailing off into an incoherent blur, Lightheart sighed and began to walk slowly towards the door. He reached the doorway and stopped, looking up, then twisting to look at the Jedi Master. I can't keep these pent up forever. It would help me to get them off my chest...

Christian slowly turned around, closing the door as he made his way back into the room, replacing himself leaning against the wall.

"I thought I was past it, that I had moved on... I guess... I haven't..."