View Full Version : Entering into the silence......
Dec 30th, 2001, 04:20:36 PM
Shade and Xazor walked into the Jedi Living Quarters hand in hand. They walked to the middle of the main hallway and stopped. Everything was silent. There was no movement or noise throughout the whole complex. Xazor could hear her heart beating. She looked over at Shade and smiled.
My room is this way....
She said, leading him down a hallway to their right. It was very dimly lit, but light enough that they could see their way......and each other.....
Shade Magus
Dec 30th, 2001, 11:54:59 PM
Shade looked at Xazor and smiled, playfully bumping into her. He had very rarely been on this side of the Jedi Quarters, but it seemed he would be making frequent visit now.
" know, I have been meaning to move into a bigger room and seeing as how this side of the living area has more, maybe it is time to make that move."
Shade gave Xazor a wink and smile.
Dec 31st, 2001, 12:46:00 AM
Xazor playfully bumped back into him. She smiled and looked into his eyes when he mentioned about moving over to that wing.
I would really like that, Shade....
She whispered.
You wanna......check out my room?
She asked.
Shade Magus
Dec 31st, 2001, 01:04:56 AM
Shade was startled at that last question.
"Umm....sure I guess I could."
Shade swallowed and let out a deep breath.
Dec 31st, 2001, 01:13:47 AM
Xazor looked at him and saw his expression change.
Are you alright........?
She questioned. She closed her eyes for a moment and quickly probed his mind for feelings. She picked up on nervousness and wondered why. They were comfortable together........what would have caused this disturbance? She opened her eyes and thought about it for a minute.
Shade Magus
Dec 31st, 2001, 01:50:45 AM
Shade shook his head and smiled.
"I am fine...just a little surprised."
Shade then held her hand up to his lips and kissed it.
Dec 31st, 2001, 01:54:55 AM
Xazor smiled as he kissed her hand.
A little surprised.........? About what Shade Magus?
She playfully teased.
Shade Magus
Dec 31st, 2001, 01:56:36 AM
Shade decided to play this little game.
"About something..."
Dec 31st, 2001, 01:59:40 AM
Xazor stepped closer to him and looked into his eyes. She kissed his forehead and looked back at him.
And what might that be........?
She asked putting her arms around his neck.
Shade Magus
Dec 31st, 2001, 04:21:55 PM
Shade smiled as he leaned forward to kiss her, but stopped short.
"Surprised that I could ever have been so lucky as to meet someone like you."
He then leaned forward and kissed her.
Dec 31st, 2001, 04:24:17 PM
She smiled and kissed him back. She looked into his eyes and quickly probed his mind and his heart. She still sensed his nervousness.
That isn't what you really wanted to is?
She smiled at him again.
You can tell me anything.......
She took his hand and started walking down the hallway again.
Shade Magus
Dec 31st, 2001, 04:39:08 PM
Shade smiled.
"For now it is...the rest will come in due time."
Tehy continued to walk down the hall and Shade looked at the other rooms they passed. Some of the doors were open and in them, the Padawans were meditating or practicing and the others were closed.
Dec 31st, 2001, 04:49:21 PM
She looked at him and smiled as they continued walking down the long hallway. They got to the end of it and had the option of going left or right and she led them left. They approached the middle of the hallway where a beautiful waterfall stood. They stopped and looked at it.
This is one of my favorite places here.....
She looked into his eyes and said. There were vines covering the walls in this part of the complex. Flowers sprouted out of them and it was absolutley beautiful.
Shade Magus
Dec 31st, 2001, 06:16:25 PM
Shade looked at the waterfall and the surrounding areas. He nodded. He could see why it was a favorite place of hers.
"It is beautiful....but not nearly as beautiful as you are."
Dec 31st, 2001, 06:25:27 PM
Xazor blushed at his words. He really thinks I am beautiful.... She smiled as she thought to herself. She bent over and put her hand in the water. It was cool and refreshing. She looked up at Shade and playfully splashed some water on him. He looked shocked for a moment, but had a look of playful retaliation in his eyes.
Shade Magus
Jan 1st, 2002, 02:59:30 AM
Shade looked at her with a sly grin on his face.
" wanna play like that eh?"
Shade didn't wait for a reply as he concetrated on the water behind Xazor and an amount of water about the size of a very small glass came down on her head. It was just enough to make her hair a little damp.
Jan 1st, 2002, 04:23:08 PM
The water was very cold as it came down on Xazor's head. She couldn't believe that he would do that.
If I didn't love you so'd be in big trouble! You are anyway!
She said as she took her hands and faced her palms toward Shade. She used the Force and pushed him into the water. She started to laugh at the now soaked Shade.
Now what are you gonna do.......?
She flirtatiously asked.
Shade Magus
Jan 1st, 2002, 04:48:48 PM
Shade brucshed his hair back out of his eyes and looked at Xazor. He had not been expecting that, but he guessed he deserved it. He would let it slide, for now atleast. He had his ways of getting back at others.
"Well...that was a shock. I'll let you get away with it................for now atleast."
Shade flashed a small grin and then looked down at his clothes.
"My oh my.....what am I to do now? I don't think they would like it very much if I walked acrss the Temple soaking wet, and unfortuately I don't have any spar clothes with me......what is one to do?"
Jan 1st, 2002, 04:52:46 PM
Xazor brought a slow grin across her face. She looked at Shade for a moment and pretened to think hard about something.
Well...................I have some spare clothes in my room.......I guess you'll just have to borrow those!
She said with a laugh.
Shade Magus
Jan 1st, 2002, 05:00:22 PM
Shade smiled mischievously.
"Well it looks like I have no choice."
Shade got up and the water dripped down to the floor. He put an aura around him that caught the water just millimeters from the ground. It would hold just long enough for him to get out of the wet clothes.
"So which way is it?"
Jan 1st, 2002, 05:10:59 PM
She smiled and took his wet hand.
I guess you don't have a choice......this way.......
She said as she led him down the hallway that they had started down.
Shade Magus
Jan 2nd, 2002, 12:40:29 AM
Shade pulled her back towards him.
"Don't think you are getting away that easy!"
Shade wrapped himself around Xazor with his arms and gave he a big wet hug.
Jan 2nd, 2002, 11:24:46 AM
Ahhh! That is so cold!
She said as she tried to escape his wet hug.
You really do need some dry clothes soon.....
She smiled and took his hand again.
My room is just around the corner....
She led him around the corner to their right and led him to the end of the dark hallway.
Shade Magus
Jan 2nd, 2002, 02:34:25 PM
Shade followed her, noting the way to her room as it seemed as if he woud be making frequent stops here. He looked over at her and watched her as she lead hi down the hallway. He could just not give over the fact that she was so beautiful.
Jan 2nd, 2002, 02:42:02 PM
She approached a door at the end of the hallway. She placed her hand upon the door and spoke the words open. The door opened and she and Shade walked into the dark room. She turned the lights on with a clap of her hands. She took him to a spare room that she had and handed him a new pair of robes and undergarments.
Here you go....
She laughed as she handed him the clothes and eyed his wet ones. He was still dripping. She reached into the bathroom and grabbed him a towel.
Try not to get everything wet......
She lauged again as she shut the door and walked into the living room to wait.
Shade Magus
Jan 4th, 2002, 12:46:08 AM
Shade quickly put on the dry clothes and walked into the living room with Xazor. He looked around as he walked over to her and kissed her.
"This is a nice place you got here."
Jan 4th, 2002, 01:03:31 AM
She smiled and replied.
Thanks.....I did what I could to it....
She walked around the livingroom and lit a bunch of candles. There was now a warm glow about the whole living chamber. She walked over to Shade and kissed him back.
Do you want to sit down and have something to drink...?
She asked quietly.
Shade Magus
Jan 4th, 2002, 04:04:13 PM
Shade smiled and nodded.
"Yes..a drink would be nice. Thank you."
He looked around as he took a seat. He noticed all the small things about the place and smiled. He could feel the air getting warmer with each candle she lit.
Jan 5th, 2002, 12:49:53 AM
Well, what would you like? I have a great selection....
She said as she walked over to the kitchen. She then opened a cabinet to reveal a wine rack with several kinds placed in each holder.
Or would you like something else? I have a lot of water...
She joked with him.
Shade Magus
Jan 5th, 2002, 01:07:52 AM
Shade smiled at her joke. He would get her back all in due time.
"Soem wine will be fine thank you."
Jan 5th, 2002, 11:28:35 AM
She pulled out a bottle of red wine from the rack and set it on the counter. She then brought out two glasses and poured some in each. She placed the bottle back in the rack and put it away and then took the two glasses and walked over to Shade.
Here you go...
She handed it to him with a smile.
Should we make a toast?
She asked and held up her glass.
Shade Magus
Jan 6th, 2002, 01:15:50 AM
"Yes...a toast to this new life and new freindship and what may come of it."
Jan 7th, 2002, 08:12:02 PM
Very well!
She said with a smile and toasted her glass. She took a sip out of it and looked back up at Shade.
Did I tell you that a Master was assigned to me?
She asked him with a smile of joy. She had waited a long time for one and she finally began her training.
Shade Magus
Jan 7th, 2002, 08:20:41 PM
"No you haven't, but I saw your name on the list of Padawans that didn't have a master the other day and when I looked on it earlier it wasn't there. Kudos."
Shade took a sip of his drink and then put it down.
"So...who are they?"
Jan 7th, 2002, 10:26:47 PM
Xazor smiled. She was so glad to have a master now.
I am training under Verse Dawnstrider. He is a great Master. I have learned so much already even though it has only been a few days!
She exclaimed with joy.
Shade Magus
Jan 8th, 2002, 12:12:34 AM
"Ahhh....Master Verse. I have heard much about him. I have even had the pleasure of meeting him myself on time. You are lucky to have someone as great as him as your master."
Jan 8th, 2002, 12:21:24 AM
I know........he is helping overcome my fear.....of the darkside.
She smiled and looked at the floor.
He also accepted me after I told him about my past..........the Jedi are such a great people and I am so privaledged to be a part of them.
She looked up into his gentle eyes.
Shade Magus
Jan 8th, 2002, 12:39:49 AM
"Even though others may disagree with me, but I think that it is we that should feel honored to have you as part of us."
Shade slide closer to her and put is arm around her.
Jan 8th, 2002, 12:46:46 AM
She smiled and blushed and then rested her head on his shoulder.
Shade Magus
Jan 8th, 2002, 12:53:33 AM
Shade laid his head back and closed his eyes. It had been a long time since he had been able to relax liek this. He wanted themoment to stay there forever. He closed his eyes and leaned over to kiss Xazor.
Jan 8th, 2002, 07:42:17 PM
Xazor closed her eyes and leaned in to his kiss. The room was silent except for the quiet beats of their hearts.
Shade Magus
Jan 8th, 2002, 10:21:56 PM
Shade pulled back from the kiss only long enough to speak a few words.
"I love you..."
He then leaned back over and kissed her again.
Jan 9th, 2002, 12:25:17 AM
Not wishing to break from the moment, she spoke back to him through the Force.
I love you too Shade.....
She said in his mind.
Shade Magus
Jan 9th, 2002, 11:56:41 PM
Shade heard her words and put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him as he embraced the passion they shared.
Jan 10th, 2002, 12:00:01 AM
Xazor could feel the love they had flow between them. It was an unbelievable thing and something that couldn't be explained. She wanted this moment to be frozen in last forever. She could hear her heart telling her that they were meant to be.........and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. He made her feel so loved.........and she had never felt this way before.
Shade Magus
Jan 10th, 2002, 12:29:20 AM
Shade could sense her thoughts and used what little power of the Force to reach out in the time stream and slow it down. It was incredible for the sensation felt. He felt everything around then almost freeze in time andmove so slowly except them.
Jan 10th, 2002, 12:31:55 AM
Xazor thought for a moment about what had just happened around them. She knew he must have read her thoughts.
You're incredible, Shade Magus.......
She told him through the Force.
Shade Magus
Jan 10th, 2002, 12:36:15 AM
Shade didn't respond, just kissed her deeper hoping she would know that he thought the same about her.
Jan 10th, 2002, 12:37:35 AM
Xazor didn't need his words for him to speak to her.......she felt every single one in his actions and passion.
Shade Magus
Jan 10th, 2002, 01:14:40 AM
Shade pulled her closer and embraced her harder, as he managed to keep the time slowed.
Jan 10th, 2002, 07:53:46 PM
They were so close now......both phsically and emotionally. This moment was really frozen in time and they were the center of it all. The world revolved around them their great moment of love. Xazor reaced her hand up and brushed through his hair and then placed her hand on the side of his face.
Shade Magus
Jan 10th, 2002, 09:20:25 PM
Shade felt her hand on his face and pulled his hand up to cover it as he pulled away from her.
"I love you.."
Jan 11th, 2002, 04:41:15 PM
I love you too......
She said with a smile.
Can I ask you something.......?
She questioned.
What do you think about.......our.........future together? Where do you see........well, us?
She asked with an embarrassed smile. She didn't want him to see her blushing, but she couldn't hide it. She thought about the question and quickly assumed that it was a dumb one. She scolded herself for her foolishness.
Shade Magus
Jan 12th, 2002, 01:00:47 AM
"Honestly...I haven't thought about it to much. I have always lived in the now and here. I think it might be good though...."
Shade looked at her and saw she was blushing to the extreme.
"What do you think?"
Jan 12th, 2002, 01:38:12 AM
Xazor took a deep breath and looked up at Shade with a smile. Her face felt hot as he returned the question.
Ah........well........we make a great team, Shade.....and, well......I have decided that I......ah.......
She was on the brink of saying it. Her heart skipped a beat. She knew that he could read her thoughts and would gather her words from there regardless of what she said, so she continued nervously.
I ah...........want to spend rest of with you!
She quickly said and almost jumped up. She looked down at the floor quickly to hide her red face. I can't believe I just told him that! What is wrong with you, he's not going to accept.....will he ever want to ma...
Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by his hand underneath her chin. He raised her head up so that they were now eye to eye.......she spoke no words but kept to the silence.
Shade Magus
Jan 12th, 2002, 01:54:04 AM
Shade looked into her eyes and smiled.
"That sounds like a good plan to me."
Jan 12th, 2002, 01:56:10 AM
She was blushing even more so now. She looked into his eyes and sighed with a smile. does...
She replied.
Shade Magus
Jan 12th, 2002, 02:05:35 AM
Shade smiled a goofy half-smile and leaned over to kiss Xazor.
Jan 12th, 2002, 02:45:45 PM
Xazor leaned into the kiss and kissed back. All was silent in the room.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 12th, 2002, 03:01:40 PM
*Suddenly there was a heavy knock on the door*
I have orders from the Empire of the Most High to question every person on this wing as to the where-abouts of a young woman. Now open this door or I will have to break it down.
*The rough voice ordered*
Jan 12th, 2002, 03:13:43 PM
Xazor and Shade immediatly broke from their kiss and looked at the door. She felt a sudden rush of cold and darkness come over her body. Her heart started to beat quickly as she listened to the words that he spoke. His voice was so familiar and the feeling that she got was too....
Shade......I gotta hide or something......oh no, please, you can't let him know I am here!
She whispered in a panicked voice. She then looked around and stood up. Where is it.........? She asked herself outloud. She then walked over to a shelf and took a silver sword off of it. Shade watched her in confusion as she did this.
Please.......keep him away from the back room........I will be there!
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 12:30:09 AM
Shade stood up in the confusion and nodded.
"Ok...but who is it out there?"
Jan 14th, 2002, 12:36:58 AM
Xazor sighed. She knew very well who was out there, but was afraid to tell Shade.
It is someone I know all too well...........his power is great and I am afraid he will sense me here....but I must do what I can. is my Sith Master! It is the one who would kill me if he ever found me again........please.......I beg you not to tell him I am here.
She said kneeling on the ground and crying.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 14th, 2002, 12:47:24 AM
*The knocking on the door persisted as the man outside grew impatient*
I demand that you open this door immediatly!
*His rough voice yelled again. He scanned the room with his senses to see if anyone was there at all. Then he picked up on something interesting..........there were two Jedi in there.......a male and female. He picked up on the aura of the female immediatly. He scanned a little deeper and tried to pick up on a visual...but there was none. The aura of the female was bright though.....that he could tell. She would have the information he was looking for.........and maybe his search would end here*
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 12:48:11 AM
Shade knelt beside her and put a hand around her.
"Don't worry...I won't let him get you."
Jan 14th, 2002, 12:56:19 AM
Xazor took his hand and quickly stood up. She embraced him and cried into his chest.
My whole world can fall apart in a second......
She whispered to him.
I have no place to go......
She said through her tears.
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:01:03 AM
"Here..go out this way..."
Shade walked over to the farthest wall and felt around till he found a switch. It would open a secret passage. Most rooms had one from back during the Clone Wars. He switched it and then turned back to Xazor.
"Here go down there and walked about a half a kilometer. You should come to a small room on your right. That is my room stay there until I come for you."
Shade pushed her in the passage way and slammed the door shut. he then turned back towards the front door and walked towards it. He stood two meters there and opened the door via the Force. He held his lightsaber in his hand ready for anything.
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:06:36 AM
Xazor ran down the passageway to the door that would lead into Shade's room. She opened it with the Force and shut it behind her. She fell against the door and breathed heavily. She then got up and rushed to the bedroom area. She didn't want to stay too close to the front in case he tracked her there. She collapsed in exhaustion on the bed and fell asleep.......unaware of anything that was going on around her...
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:12:29 AM
*The door flung open to the sight of a Jedi standing there....armed with his lightsaber. The Sith Master laughed at the sight and drew his double-bladed red lightsaber. He stepped closer to the Jedi and spoke*
I suggest peaceful dealings with me......for those who choose to be stubborn are not so fortunate.
*He told the Jedi. He glared into his soul and saw that he was hiding something*
Do you have something here you wish not to reveal to me.....?
*He calmly questioned as he stepped forward with his lightsaber again. The Jedi got on the defense and also stepped closer*
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:20:00 AM
Shade stepped forward and raised his lightsaber in a defensive position.
"I don't wish to fight here and I have nothing to tell you. Now I suggest you leave."
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:23:59 AM
Oh how naive you are, young Jedi.....
*The Sith Master said as he walked forward. His lightsaber was in a raised position*
I think you have much to tell me......and if I have to fight it out of you.....I will.......
*He said with a cunning smile*
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:29:08 AM
Shade closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"If you wish to fight then here I am...I will not betray a freind or a lover...."
Shade put both hands on his lightsaber hilt and activated it. He relaxed his muscles and allowed the Force to flow into him. He allowed it to strengthen his muscles and and increase his refelx speed. he would have to be at his max if he wanted to fight this guy.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:31:51 AM
You wish not to betray a friend...........or a lover? So you are hiding something. My instincts were right all along. And if you wish to fight won't be here long either.
*He replied as he positioned his lightsaber into an offensive position above his head. He glared at the young Jedi and smiled in an evil way*
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:36:04 AM
"I'll be here longer than you think."
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:39:20 AM
You assume too much young Jedi....
*The Sith Master growled*
You, being a Jedi should not assume things.....for, isn't that the way of the Sith?
*He smiled a toothy grin*
Now what is it you are hiding from me boy!?
*The Sith Master demanded as he swung his lightsaber toward the young Jedi. He barely missed his head and skimmed just an inch above*
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:44:30 AM
"I hide what I want to and I do not assume..I present the truth."
Shade ducked down and brought his lightsaber up in an uppercut fashion. he missed the Sith on purpose, but he then swung around on the ball of his heel and aimed at his foes mid-section.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:49:56 AM
*The boy hit him and sliced hard across his stomach*
*The Sith Master yelled in pain. A Jedi had never struck him before......and this recalled memories of a deed he comitted in the past. It was finally catching up with him. He fell to the floor and placed his hands on the wound. He focused the Force on it and quickly recovered*
Present the truth? If you want to remain a living part of this galaxy, I suggest that you share your little secret with me.........Shade Magus
*The Sith Master swung his lightsaber behind his back and over his head. He then sliced it across the upper part of Shade's right arm.......*
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:56:23 AM
Shade jerked his arm away, but not quick enough. He would have a scar there, but he pushed the pain away. He focused on the here and now and sturck again. He thrust the saber at the Sith left arm and just before it it, Shade made a zig-zag pattern with hsi blade, cutting at the Sith's chest. He then backed away enough to get a better look at his wound.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:01:11 AM
*The saber landed in the Sith Master's chest. It went in pretty deep.....he had not enough strength to heal a wound of this magnitude. He looked down at his chest and saw blood rushing out from the wound..*
You're a quick one.........aren't you........
*He said, gasping for breath. He stepped closer to the Jedi and swept his saber under his feet. He missed and stood back up. He was loosing a ton of blood.............if he didn't tend to it somehow, he would slowly die....*
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:04:14 AM
"look...I suggest that you give up this search and let me take you to our med-bay. I have no desire to fight, but I'll do what I have to to defend myself and others. What is you desicion?"
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:06:51 AM
I would rather die with honor then fall prey to a stupid do you think I am? I must find her and give her what she deserves.......
*He said......his voice faded off and he fell to the floor in a puddle of blood....unconscience*
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:11:02 AM
Shade pondered what he meant for only a moment. The Sith fell unconious and he ran over ot him, deactivating his lightsaber. He kneeled down and placed a hand on him to allow the Force to keep life in him. He then used the Force to pull him into the air and lead him to the med-bays in the Temple. After he got there he would go talk to Xazor and make sure she was ok.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:12:55 AM
*The Sith Master had no knowledge of what was going on. He was unconscience and at the hands of a Jedi. How much worse could it get?*
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 08:33:32 PM
Shade took him to the med-bayt and told the droids to take care of him. He made sure the Sith was properly restrained and then made his way to his room. He walked in the room as the door opened and he walked into his bedroom. He found Xazor laying there alseep and decided to let her alone. He went to the small kitchenette and grabbed a glass of water and he grabbed something to bandage his wound.
Jan 14th, 2002, 08:42:01 PM
Xazor laid fast asleep on the bed. Her breathing was slow and deep for she had sub-consciencely put herself into a healing meditation. She would not wake up on her own. It was almost as if she was in a coma. It was not unhealthy......but if left there without anyone waking her up.......she would be stuck in it forever.
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 08:50:05 PM
After about an hour Shade went in the room to try and wake up Xazor. It was getting late and he wanted t see if she wanted anything to eat or drink. He walked into the room and laid a hand on her shoulder.
" is time to wake up.
Jan 14th, 2002, 08:54:08 PM
Xazor rolled over and slowly opened her eyes. She saw Shade standing over her, shaking her gently. She sat up and rubbed her eyes slowly. She then looked at him again, but didn't say anything.
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2002, 09:01:57 PM
""You ok?"
Jan 14th, 2002, 09:10:37 PM
Xazor looked at his arm and saw the blood dripping down. She looked up at him and tried to regain herself. His words were unclear in her mind..... Are you o.k.?........she was overcome by emotion. It had just hit her then.......her Sith Master had given him the same wound that she bore on her arm.....she looked up at the ceiling and then shook her head to try to get her thoughts straight again. She could then clearly recall his question.... Are you o.k.?......she looked into his eyes and nodded yes. She brushed the hair out of his eyes and suddenly placed her arms around his neck in an embrace. Tears poured out of her eyes...but they were not just normal tears......not from the surface. These tears flowed from her soul....deep within there was a pain. She hurt for him.......and for herself. She then broke from the embrace and looked into his eyes again. She then spoke for the first time.
Wh.........what happened back there?
She questioned through her tears.
Shade Magus
Jan 15th, 2002, 12:59:28 AM
Shade stroked her hair and put his forehead against hers and smiled trying to calm her.
"'ll be alright...we just got into a fight. Don't worry the Sith is unconsious in the med-bay. I restrianed him there."
Jan 15th, 2002, 07:17:40 PM
She took a deep breath at the news. She was glad that he was finally away from her.
He won't be able to leave there........will he?
She asked with concern. She then looked at Shade's wound again. It looked so bad.
Are you going to be alright.....?
She asked, putting her warm hand on his face.
Shade Magus
Jan 16th, 2002, 12:35:17 AM
Shade nodded.
"My wound will be fine, and don't worry about the Sith..he won't be going anywheres for awhile. I made sure the med-droids gave him plenty of sedatives when he started to wake up."
Jan 16th, 2002, 05:56:50 PM
Xazor couldn't really say anything.
I am just glad that you are okay....
She said as she hugged him again.
Shade Magus
Jan 16th, 2002, 06:28:46 PM
"'ll be alright."
Shade spoke these soothing words as he stroked her hair.
Jan 16th, 2002, 06:40:47 PM
Xazor was feeling tired again as he stroked her hair. This was soothing to her after all of the terror of the day. She slowly closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Shade Magus
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:12:03 PM
Shade slowly laid her back down onto the bed and then got up and went inot the small living area and laid on the couch. He closed his eyes and recalled the events of today. Who was that? What did he want?
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:24:54 PM
As Xazor slept, she had a terrible dream. The Sith Lord had escaped and returned somehow. He went after Shade and raised his saber over him saying, Say goodbye to your lover now.......this is the last time you'll ever see him! He ran the saber all the way through Shade and then cornered Xazor, who was in the back of a room crying unstoppable tears. He grabbed her by the hand and put a blaster to her head. He told her that if she didn't go with him, he'd kill her too. She followed him as they stepped over Shade's body and out into the hallway. The Sith Lord shut the door behind them and proceeded. Xazor screamed through the Force for anyone who would hear her. Suddenly a familiar figure stepped into the way of the Sith was her present Master, Verse Dawnstrider. I heard your screams young calm...He said to her through the Force. He quickly drew his lightsaber and slew the Sith Lord. He took Xazor to his room and she told him the story of what happened. Her tears flowed from her soul. She cried for the one she loved. He's gone! Now I'll never get to see him again! She screamed. Suddenly she sat straight up in the bed. She was cold and shaking. She felt her heart, which was racing.
Shade! Shade!
She got up and ran toward the living quarters. She wasn't sure if it had been a dream or not....she was panicking........
Shade Magus
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:35:19 PM
Shade sat straight up on the couch as Xazor tore into the room. He jumped across the couch and landed in front of her. He grabbed her and both of them fell to the floor as she was crying.
"Shhhhhhhhhh.............what's wrong?"
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:38:37 PM
Xazor was crying hysterically now.
He killed you! He killed you and took me.........I would never see you again......and my Master was were on the floor......the Sith came back and killed you.......
She cried to him. She then looked around her and back into his eyes.
It was all a dream.......
She said as she looked at the floor and wept.
Shade Magus
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:57:15 PM
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh...............who..who killed me?"[/i]
Shade was confused was she wept hysterically.
Jan 17th, 2002, 05:01:26 PM
My Sith Master! He escaped and came back. He killed you..........
She embraced him and wept into his robes. Her tears casaded off her face light a natural waterfall in the jungle. She pulled back for a moment to look into his eyes. The dream had been so real that having him then and there was almost as if he had come life...
Shade Magus
Jan 17th, 2002, 11:31:07 PM
"Shhh...shhh...don't worry I am alright...
Shade cradled Xazor in his arms.
"Everything is okay.."
Jan 18th, 2002, 12:07:11 AM're okay........
She embraced him as he lovingly cradled her. Her crying dissapated to light tears falling now and then. She rested her head on his shoulder and felt the warmth from his soul. She focused on it and tried to calm herself down.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 18th, 2002, 04:24:12 PM
*In the med-bay the Sith Lord awoke. He was bound and shackled to the bed that he lay in. He felt a sharp pain start at his stomach and run to his toes. He sat up fast and as far as he could. His shirt had been removed and he could see the wound the Jedi had given him. It had been stitched shut, but his blood still lightly flowed out of small places along it. The wound itself was a sight that made him feel sick. It stretched from the area just above his hip all the way to his solar plexis*
Scarred for a Jedi!
*The Sith Lord yelled at the top of his lungs. Suddenly a man came rushing in. He had shoulder length black hair and piercing blue eyes. He spoke then*
What is wrong sir? I heard you yell. Are you in pain?
*He asked the Sith Lord*
Am I in pain?.........Of course I'm in pain you idiot!
*The Sith Lord yelled at the young man. He quickly turned around and exited the room. The Sith Lord relaxed and laid back down. He started at the ceiling for a moment. I'll get out of just watch me, Jedi boy! He thought to himself. He looked at the restraints that held him there. There were thick ropes and steel chains around his wrists and ankles. He started at the ropes and burned them off with his eyes. He was not able to move much more than before....but it was a start. He then focused the darkness and hatred within him and built up more strength. He raised his arms and broke right through the chains. He then sat up. It hurt when he tried to bend over to reach his ankles, so he used the darkness to lessen his pain. He then reached forward and ripped the chains off of his ankles. He quickly and quietly got off the bed and stood up. He found his robes laying on a chair across the small room. He walked over and put them back on and then left the room without anyone noticing.....*
Jan 18th, 2002, 04:40:38 PM
Xazor quickly pulled herself from Shade. She held him at an arm's distance away and looked into his eyes. She didn't say a word........she listened. All was quiet around them.....but she could hear something. She closed her eyes and opened her senses to the Force. Suddenly she opened her eyes and stood up. Shade rose with her.
What's wrong?
He asked her with a confused look.
There's a disturbance in the Force.....can you feel it?
She said as she looked around.
We are in great danger............he has escaped........
She whispered to Shade. She had fear in her eyes, but tried not to let him see it. Maybe the dream she had was not mere coincidence.......
Shade Magus
Jan 22nd, 2002, 12:35:37 AM
"Don't worry...he can't get in this side of the temple..this is where all the Jedi Masters stay and I don't think he would like to have to deal with them..."
Shade looked at the door just to reassure himself.
Jan 22nd, 2002, 12:37:16 AM
Xazor saw him eye the door and she wondered what was going through his mind....
He'll do whatever he matter who is around.......
She said through tears.
Shade Magus
Jan 23rd, 2002, 12:15:36 AM
"Don't worry...he won't hurt you...I promise you..."
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:37:44 AM
I don't know how you can be so sure.........but I hope you're right.....
She said as she tried to wipe all the tears away. She failed to do so and instead of worrying, she collapsed in Shade's arms and just laid there for a moment.
What if he does come back here......? What then? What will I do if he tries to take me back with him?
She asked him again. She knew that fear was of the dark side, but that is what she feared most.......the dark side.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 23rd, 2002, 12:35:36 PM
*The Sith Lord made his way down several hallways and then stopped. He opened himself to the Force and focused his hate. He searched the nearby area for the Jedi who had almost killed him. He picked up on him right away and walked down several other hallways until he reached the room where he was at. He also sensed that Xazor was with him. He knocked on the door and thought of something to say*
This is a member of the NRSF and I am here by request. I have a registered request for assistance by a.........Xazor Kama. I am at the correct room, according to this, uh.......request form. If you will be kind enough to let me in.......I shall....uh.....assist you.
*He lied through every word. He waited for a moment but did not hear anything. He knew they were in there, though. The Force never lied........*
Jan 23rd, 2002, 03:56:54 PM
Xazor heard the knock on the door and the words that the man spoke outside.
I never called for NRSF assistance..........did you?
She asked Shade. She then scanned outside of the room for the man's aura. She picked up on it immediatly. It was not that of the was not even neutral. It was that of a Sith. She knew that Sith were not members of the NRSF..........and she knew that they didn't make "house calls". She scanned his aura deeper and then panicked.
It's him! He's back, he's here........I don't know what to do!
She said through the Force. She tried to calm down for she didn't want the Sith Lord to know of her presence. She then remembered Shade's promise. Don't worry...he won't hurt you...I promise you...
This brought comfort to her amist the terror that ran through her blood.
Satine Capashen
Jan 23rd, 2002, 09:26:20 PM
Satine was sitting in his room, polishing his weapons, until the Warrior Jedi Knight sensed a dark presence in the force. Grabbing his weapons, Satine jumps up, and runs through the halls, running down a few Mastres, but not even apologizing. This presence was of a kind he knew well. A Sith, and that meant this was no time for niceties like apologizing to people. Satine stretches out his senses, and feels the Sith in front of the door in another wing of the Living Quarters. He recognized Shade and Xazor in the room, and he growls, and opens himself to the Force, his Force presence burning brightly enough that all three of them could sense him coming. Speeding up with the Force, Satine makes great progress, and soon finds himself behind the Sith. Unsheathing his no-dachi from his hip, Satine growls.
"End of the line Sithspawn. Get out of here, and away from my friends, or else you find out what a Sith turned Jedi can do. And it won't be pretty..."
Shade Magus
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:58:35 PM
"No! Satine don't....atleast not without me."
Shade smiled as the door opened and he stood there with Xazor in his arms. He put her down and stood up, activating his lightsaber once more.
"If this will happen then let's do this together...I was lucky the first time, but I don't think I will be now...."
Shade raised his lightsaber in a defensive position and nodded at Satine stating he was ready.
Satine Capashen
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:11:51 PM
Satine nods, and asks, "Is Xazor alright? she doesn't look too good..."
He raises his no-dachi, holding the large sword two-handed, and keeping it at an en guarde position.
Shade Magus
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:24:24 PM
Shade looked at Xazor and nodded.
"She will be fine...I think she is just shaken up for the most part."
Satine Capashen
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:32:34 PM
"Well, let's get rid of this dude so she can get some peace"
He holds his no-dachi menacingly, and his silver eyes flash dangerously.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 24th, 2002, 12:04:44 AM
*The Sith Lord was shocked by the presence of both Jedi. He saw that he was basically cornered. He quickly took out his duel-phased lightsaber and put it in the defensive position. He looked at both of them..and then noticed Xazor. That is why he was there*
I won't have to kill both of you....if you put your weapons down and give me the girl......
*He growled at them. If need be, he would fight his way to her*
Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 12:13:36 AM
Shade shook his head at the Sith.
"I am not sure how your memory is, but look at yourself. I did that. What makes you think I couldn't do it again if need be?"
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 24th, 2002, 11:46:43 AM
You can't touch me.....
*The Sith Lord growled at the Jedi*
I am sure that Xazor wants to come with me anyway....
*He said with a cunning smile. He looked at Xazor and saw her shaking her head now. He sent a strong Force push her way and threw her against the wall of the room she was in. This sparked anger from the two Jedi and they moved in closer. He looked at the one behind him and scoffed at him*
A Jedi turned Sith? I think that is what your little friend is trying to do over there. She will never succeed....the dark is too strong in her. I don't know how you can say that you are a Jedi...once a Sith, always a Sith.....
*He said as he clenched his right fist. He held his duel-phase lightsaber in his left hand as he looked back and forth from the Jedi in front of him to the one behind. He was much wiser than they thought...*
Jan 24th, 2002, 12:10:29 PM
Xazor was dazed for a moment. It felt like the wall had come and hit her instead of her hitting the wall. She shook her head and focused the Force to regain her strength.......or what was left of it. Once she was okay she got on her knees and put herself into almost a mode of meditation. She heard the things that the Sith Lord was saying.
How very little you know of me....Xander.
She said, calling him by his first name. She thought of her training with her new Master. She drew on those memories for strength and then remembered something he had taught her. She didn't know how well it would work.....but she would try. She focused all of her energy on the Sith Lord. She sat there for a moment and then suddenly reached out her hand. His lightsaber flew into her hand before anyone could blink. She smiled at Shade and Satine who looked shocked. She jumped up to her feet and slowly raised the duel-phased lightsaber above her head. None of them knew that she could fight with one of these.
I remember this saber well. It's a funny thing that you have held onto it this long....scarred me for life it did. Now you shall fall under the power of your own weapon......and former apprentice. You are wrong when you say that the darkness is still in me.....I am almost a Jedi Knight.
She smiled with pride. She crept forward until she was standing next to Shade. The lightsaber was still in a defensive position above her head. Shade looked at her and shook his head.
I can fight him........I am not afraid.
She told Shade as her eyes pierced the Sith Lord's soul.
He is surrounded now..........three to one.......
She growled at him. He was becomming nervous.......the sweat rolled off of his forehead and dripped down his face. Xazor scanned his thoughts and came back to her own with only two words.
He's scared......
She said with a bit of a laugh. Silence engulfed the room as they looked at each other.....almost as though they were cultivating a secret plan.
Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 05:40:54 PM
Shade nodded at the others as he held his lightsaber there waiting for a move to be made.
Jan 24th, 2002, 05:49:59 PM
Xazor glared at the Sith Lord. The hatred she had for him welled up inside her soul. She surpressed it so that she was calm.
What are you going to do now Xander?
She asked in a mocking tone. Suddenly with a swift and sudden movement, she slashed his lightsaber across his right him the same cut he had once given to her. She drew back the saber as he placed his hand on the wound. Blood came streaming out of it. He looked up at her....his eyes almost seemed to cry a plea.
I am not the one running from you now.
She growled at him. Then with a quick twist, she slashed the saber hard across his left arm. He placed his other hand on this wound as blood came flowing out. He looked shocked for a moment, as if he didn't know what happened.
Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:01:17 PM
Shade looked stunned at Xazor. He quickly held out his hand and her lightsaber flew into his. He deactivated it. He could see everyone's surprised look on their faces. He shrugged and looked back at Xazor.
"I think it is best that you go back in there now. You are letting your anger get the best of you and it is turning you."
Shade looked at Satine and hoped he knew of a plan cause right now he was all out of them.
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:13:34 PM
Xazor looked at Shade for a moment. She knew that what he did was for the better. She sighed and then spoke.
I was doing fine, Shade.....
She looked at the Sith Lord again and spit near him. It was true, her anger had gotten the best of her and now she would have to cleanse herself.
Don't ever think that you've defeated've only begun to lose......
She scoffed at him. Shade took her and physically moved her away from the situation.
What are you doing? I was going back here......
She asked him. She knew that, again, this was for the better.....but she wouldn't admit it. She didn't want Shade to think she was mad at him, but she didn't have words to explain the different emotions that ran through her blood at this moment.
Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:27:56 PM
"I am sorry to do this, but maybe when you are calm you'll understand later."
Shade raised his hand and brought it down as a chop on her neck. He knew just where to hit so that she would lose consiousness for a few hours. He then picked her up and took her in his room and laid her on a couch and returned back shutting the door and slamming his fist into the control panel so no one could get in. He then turned his head slightly to the side.
"I am sorry for this."
He then returned his attention to the Sith and his freind.
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:35:00 PM
Xazor saw Shade raise his hand to her and she closed her eyes. She felt a sudden shooting pain in the back of her neck. When she went to open her eyes, she couldn't. She thought that she was dead. She felt like she was floating on clouds but when she looked around, all she saw was darkness. Where am I? She asked herself. This feeling reminded her of when she put herself into deep meditative trances. She didn't know how to get out of the darkness that surrounded every inch around her. She started to run, but she went no where. This is all in my mind....... She said to herself. She was just dreaming all of this while her body was actually out cold. She calmed herself and focused the Force within her. Soon she just went with it and fell asleep as she would have at night.
Satine Capashen
Jan 25th, 2002, 12:17:46 AM
Satine looks from Shade to Xander, and back again, wondering what to do.
He sends a message through the Force to Shade, frowning.
You got a plan?
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 25th, 2002, 12:25:38 AM
*The Sith Lord grinned at the two Jedi. He knew that they didn't have a plan.....*
What are you going to do now, Jedi?
*He scowled at them*
Jan 25th, 2002, 01:40:15 PM
As Xazor laid in the bed in an unconscience state, she dreamed. It was an awful dream that she had too. She envisioned Xander standing over her with his lightsaber raised over her head. Just as he was about to slice through her arm, the man transformed into Shade. He slashed the lightsaber through her arm and then stormed out of the room without speaking. The scene played itself over in her mind. Her body tossed and turned although she had no comprehension of what was going on around her.....
Shade Magus
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:27:13 AM
Shade looked at Satine and nodded. He spoke out loud, not fearing the Sith.
"Yes....I have a plan. We fight and we win. I am through running from my fears. Now is the time to confront them."
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:30:42 AM
*The Sith Lord laughed loudly*
Fight? You really want to fight me? How can you conceivibly think of winning against me?
*He said with a laugh again*
Shade Magus
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:52:20 AM
"Yes..I can because the light wil always wash away the darkness."
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 26th, 2002, 02:52:57 AM
*The Sith Lord laughed in a mocking manner*
How can you be so sure, Jedi boy? I have defeated many like you........claiming the light will save them. Heh.....the light. Betrayed me long ago..........
*He said as he glared at the Jedi. He wondered what he was going to do. They didn't have a plan.....but he did......*
Shade Magus
Jan 26th, 2002, 03:05:57 AM
"The light betrays no was you that betrayed the light."
Shade raised his lightsaber, ready for any attack.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 26th, 2002, 03:13:11 AM
*The Sith Master scoffed at the Jedi*
What would you know, Jedi boy? You'd better hope the light protects you against what I'm about to do to you......
*A sly smile crept across his lips. He studied the Jedi for a moment and then with a swift action, pulled his own lightsaber out of his hand. He engaged it and the duel-phased saber was quickly positioned above his head in an offensive position*
Say your prayers, Jedi
*The Sith Lord did a front flip and twisted around, swinging both sides of the saber toward Shade. He totally disregarded the other Jedi who was standing behind him. The Jedi boy blocked both strikes well, but the Sith Lord wasn't done yet. He tried to sweep his feet with one end of the saber and then he came back around to sweep his head right off his shoulders. The boy jumped and ducked with precise accuaracy.....escaping both attacks. The Sith Lord stopped for just a moment and pondered him*
You're a skilled fighter......I'll give you that. Not as skilled as me, though!
*He yelled and lunged toward the boy with a spin attack to the mid section. He brushed his stomach lightly with the end of his saber.....just enough to give him a small cut.....but a big message*
Shade Magus
Jan 26th, 2002, 04:30:12 PM
Shade stood there as the blade cut through him. He had had many injuries worse than that. It would not bother him.
"I don't think that will 'cut' it."
Shade placed his hand back on his lightsaber hilt and he raised it nodding to Satine that they should attack together.
Satine Capashen
Jan 26th, 2002, 08:35:25 PM
Satine catches the drift, and jumps at Kama, his black blade glowing dully in the light.
"Let's see you take on a warrior Jedi Knight, Sith!"
Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2002, 12:37:12 AM
Shade thrust his hadn out and Force pushed Kama back towards Satine so he would have a clearer shot.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 27th, 2002, 04:06:42 PM
*The Sith Lord was pushed backwards and the blade of the other Jedi's weapon slashed across his back. He yelled out in pain and then quickly turned around to face him*
Warrior How well can you match up to a Master Warrior Sith though?
*He said with a cunning smile. He used the Force for the first time in the scuffel and took the boy's sword away from him. He then held it in the air in a defensive position*
What are you gonna do now, Jedi?
*He asked the Jedi in a mocking tone*
Satine Capashen
Jan 27th, 2002, 04:52:17 PM
Satine ducks underneath a slash from Kama, and spin kicks the sith Mastre, knocking him towards his fellow Jedi.
Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2002, 11:11:20 PM
Shade gripped his lightsaber firmly and slashed at the Sith Master's hand that held the sword of his comrade.
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 27th, 2002, 11:19:28 PM
*The Sith Master howled in pain as the Jedi boy slashed through his hand. He looked down and saw blood gushing out of it. He was cornered now......he didn't have any weapons left*
Think you have me, do you?
*He asked the two Jedi. He suddenly used the Force and pushed both of the Jedi away from him and then smiled an evil grin......*
Satine Capashen
Jan 28th, 2002, 12:41:03 AM
Satine is pushed towards the wall, and the Jedi Knight jumps onto it, and pushes off, tackling Kama. Punching repeatedly, Satine begins to make the Sith's face look like he got hit with a landspeeder.
I'm not gonna lose another friend! Satine thinks, hammering away...
Shade Magus
Jan 28th, 2002, 09:46:18 PM
As Satine's hand comes up for another blow it is caught by Shade. He holds it firmly and when his freind looks at him he just shakes his head.
"It is through...there is nothing more he can do."
Shade pointed to the Sith on the floor. His face was bloody from Satine's beating and his old wounds had re-opened.
"What should we do with him now?"
Satine Capashen
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:07:46 PM
Satine sighs, desperate to control himself again, and says, "We could always lock him up in one of the caves around here. I'm sure we could find one with only a few rats..."
Shade Magus
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:10:22 PM
Shade thought about it for a moment, but shook his head.
"I i think the council needs to see him first."
Satine Capashen
Jan 30th, 2002, 01:46:02 AM
"Fine. But you might want to have him in your custody. I have no stomach for Sith Mastres who prey on the weaker of our order. I'm not sure if he would be in one piece by the time we got to Avalon..."
Sith Master Lord Kama
Jan 30th, 2002, 10:22:19 PM
*The Sith Master rolled over as he lay on the ground. He was surrounded by his own blood as more was flowing out at a constant steady rate. He looked around him but everything was one large blur. He couldn't see straight or hear anything. He saw the figures of the two Jedi as they circled around him*
She' ............she took the..........mark...........
*He said weakly and then passed out on the floor*
Satine Capashen
Jan 30th, 2002, 10:35:44 PM
Satine looks in puzzlement.
"What did he mean about that?"
Shade Magus
Jan 30th, 2002, 11:39:06 PM
Shade looked at his door and nodded towards it.
"You'll have to ask her...I don't know if I should be tling about it...."
Shade then walked over to the Sith and took a peice of the Sith's cloak and used it to put pressure on the wound. He then used the Force to lift him off the grounf and started towards Avalon. He looked back at Satine.
"You coming? I don't know if I will be able to handle him alone if he wakes up....besides I need you to get into Avalon."
Jan 31st, 2002, 01:26:08 PM
Xazor stirred in her sleep. She suddenly saw a bright light in her mind. It was getting closer and closer to her. She reached out to touch it and then her eyes opened. Everything was a blur at first, but quickly came into focus. She heard quiet talking in the room adjacent to the one she was in...........and then remembered what had happened. She remembered that she was in Shade's bedroom and he and her friend Alpha were out in the living area with her Sith Master. She sat up and tried to look out into the room, but couldn't, for the door was closed about half way. She gently rose from the bed and stood up. A sharp pain ran through the base of her neck. She winced in pain and placed her hand on the area where the pain was. She felt a large bump and it hurt when she touched it. She quickly pulled her hand away and quietly started to walk toward the door. She peered through the crack and saw the three. There was a lot of blood on the floor and Xazor gasped when she saw it. She then saw Xander hovering in the air as a result as a Force lift. She scanned the area and found that Shade was holding him up. The Sith Lord was unconscience and blood was flowing out of several wounds. What happened.........? She wondered to herself. She then spoke through the Force.
She said. She was not really asking a question. She knew it was him, but she wanted him to know that she was awake. She knew that he didn't want her out there, so she stayed in the room. The pain in her neck was really bad now, so she went and sat back down on his bed and waited for either Shade or Alpha to come talk to her.
Satine Capashen
Jan 31st, 2002, 10:24:11 PM
Satine could feel Xazor's emotions, and looked at Shade.
"We might want to talk to Xazor before heading towards Avalon. I have some durasteel wiring in my pouch we can tie him up with..."
Shade Magus
Jan 31st, 2002, 11:07:54 PM
Shade nodded at Satine and walked over to the dorr. He held out his hand for Xazor.
"It's ok can come out."
Jan 31st, 2002, 11:11:39 PM
Xazor got off the bed and walked to the door, taking his hand.
Are you okay?
She asked with a concerned voice.
Satine Capashen
Jan 31st, 2002, 11:18:52 PM
Satine sees Xazor, and he feels that void in his gut open up again. Damn this time of year. Since it was around the time Iyza died, Satine's emotions were stil fairly raw, but the Jedi Knight pushed them down, and buried them, and he smiled at Xazor.
Shade Magus
Jan 31st, 2002, 11:39:51 PM
Shade nodded at Xazor.
"I am fine, but are you ok? You were shaken up before I put you in there....."
Shade looked down guilty. He was sory for what he did, and felt extrememly guilty even though he knew it had to be done, to keep her safe.
Jan 31st, 2002, 11:59:41 PM
Xazor nodded, but it hurt her neck when she did. She then shook her head as she suddenly remembered everything that had transpired that evening. hit me, Shade........
She looked down at the floor as tears started to fill her eyes. She didn't understand why he had done it...but all she knew is that he had hurt her.........
Satine Capashen
Feb 1st, 2002, 12:02:48 AM
Alpha didn't quite make out what Xazor said, but he did see her begin to cry. The Jedi Knight looks in alarm.
Shade Magus
Feb 1st, 2002, 12:08:02 AM
Shade looked at Xazor and nodded, his eyes filled with shame.
"I did. I knocked you out because of how you were acting. You were being so agressive. I did it because I thought you would let your hatered get the better of you........I am sowwie....I understand if you don't want anything to do ith me...."
Shade lowered his face and turned and began to walk away.
Feb 1st, 2002, 10:35:45 AM
No! Shade..........
She ran after him, her neck hurting badly. She ran past Alpha and her Sith master and reached Shade. She walked around him and stood there, blocking his way out. She took his hands in hers and looked into his eyes.
I want everything to do with you! I love you, Shade.........and nothing you ever do will affect that.
She said in a gentle voice. She then looked down at the ground.
You were right in what you did and I thank you for it...............I was letting the darkness take over by doing that, you stopped it. I understand.........................I do...............
She let the last words almost stay in the air for a moment as she looked at him.
Satine Capashen
Feb 1st, 2002, 10:55:01 AM
Seeing the two were occupied, Satine takes the time, and takes out the durasteel cords in his pouch, and ties the Sith Lord up, his hand on a blaster after he finishes, in case he tries something.
Feb 1st, 2002, 05:10:17 PM
As Xazor was waiting for Shade to speak to her........she saw Satine bind her Sith Master with durasteel cords. She smiled at Alpha for doing so.
Good work.......
She said to him through the Force. The Sith Lord was unconscience and his body slumped over. Blood ran out of several wounds all over his body.
What are you going to do with him?
She asked Alpha using the Force again to speak.
Satine Capashen
Feb 1st, 2002, 06:02:14 PM
"Well, the thought of ejecting him into a sun is tempting..."
Feb 1st, 2002, 06:03:05 PM
I know.........isn't it?
She growled as she glanced at the Sith Lord.
Shade Magus
Feb 2nd, 2002, 12:40:45 AM
Shade looked at Xazor with tears in his eyes. What had he done to deserve this from someone like her? HE looked at her and nodded.
"Thank you........."
It was all he could get out without breaking down.
Feb 2nd, 2002, 12:44:36 AM
Xazor could see and feel the emotion that Shade was feeling. She couldn't help it as a few tears clouded her eyes and then fell onto her face. She walked up to him and put her arms around his neck in a tight embrace. She let her love flow through the Force and into his body.
I told you I love you..........that means forever.....
She whispered to him.
edit: spelling <img src= ALT=":)">
Shade Magus
Feb 3rd, 2002, 03:23:59 AM
Shade hugged Xazor more closely and just rocked her in his arms.
Feb 12th, 2002, 05:45:46 PM
They stood in an embrace for a few minutes and then Xazor pulled only a few inches away. She kissed his forehead and smiled.
Everything is we need to figure out what to do with him. I think it wise to bring him before the council for judgement.
She resolved in an informing voice.
Shade Magus
Feb 12th, 2002, 06:53:37 PM
Shade nodded.
"I shall take him."
Feb 12th, 2002, 08:14:05 PM
Xazor smiled at his willingness.
Be not underestimate his power...........even when he is down.........
She said quietly. This was not a simple warning..........she was speaking from her heart.
I say this with experience...........
She lowered her head as painful memories flooded her mind. She shook them out and looked back up at him as a tear fell from her right eye. She couldn't help it, and let it fall. She had been so emotional lately, and she knew why. She could not bare to speak of these things to him right now, though.........they were to painful. She sighed and walked closer to him.
You must go, and take him now before he regains his strength.........
She reached her left hand across her body and placed it on Shade's chest above his heart.
May the Force be with you......
She spoke to him with her mind. He looked confused for a moment, but then smiled at her. She slowly brought her hand back to her side and stood there in the silence of the room.
Satine Capashen
Feb 13th, 2002, 11:10:13 PM
"Xazor, if you'll be ok, I think I'll accompany Shade. Couldn't hurt to have a second person. Unless, of course, you would like to come too."
Satine absent-mindedly brishes a stray lock of silver hair out of his eyes.
Feb 13th, 2002, 11:14:35 PM
Xazor nodded to her friend.
I wish to accompany both of you, if you do not mind, that is.
She gave them a weak smile.
Shade Magus
Feb 14th, 2002, 12:54:59 AM
Shade smiled at her and nodded.
"Please follow us. We would be honored."
Satine Capashen
Feb 14th, 2002, 10:16:16 AM
"Yup." Was all Satine said, nodding emphatically.
Feb 14th, 2002, 11:53:36 PM
Xazor smiled at both of them.
We should take him now, then....
She said, motioning to the Sith Lord who sat, bound and motionless.
Satine Capashen
Feb 15th, 2002, 09:52:54 AM
"Alright then..."
Satine strides over to the Sith's limp form, and grabs the cords, lifting him off of his feet, and motioning in the direction of the Temples.
"Shall we?"
Feb 15th, 2002, 09:10:58 PM
We shall. Thank you both for helping me..............I don't think I would have been able to stand against him on my own...........
She looked to Shade and Alpha as she said this. Nodding to both, she stepped out side the door and waited for them. As she moved, she felt the sharp pain return to her neck. She put her right hand on the base of her neck and pushed healing Force powers into it. The pain slowly dissipated, but a look of discomfort remained on her face. All she could figure was that Shade had clocked her pretty darn hard. She was grateful, though.
Satine Capashen
Feb 15th, 2002, 10:28:15 PM
Satine follows Xazor, and notices her rub the back of her neck.
You ok, Xazor? the Jedi asks through the Force.
Feb 15th, 2002, 10:33:38 PM
I don't neck hurts pretty bad again..........and everything is getting kind of blurry.
She replied to him through the Force. She didn't want Shade to hear her, for she didn't want him to think she was upset with him.
Satine Capashen
Feb 15th, 2002, 10:46:26 PM
Maybe you shouldn't go...I mean, you might have a concussion, or worse..
Feb 15th, 2002, 10:49:10 PM, I'll be oka.......
Suddenly as she said this, she collapsed on the floor of the hallway. Her body laid there motionless. A combination of the stress from the whole situation, and the knock to the head she received by Shade, did her in.
Satine Capashen
Feb 15th, 2002, 10:59:04 PM
Satine throws Kama into the wall, just to get rid of him, and runs to his best friend. He kneels beside her, and shakes her to try and wake her.
"Xazor! Xazor?!"
Feb 15th, 2002, 11:10:27 PM
His calls do nothing for her. She laid there on the floor limp, and lifeless. Her hair fallen around her shoulders and her eyes shut. She looked almost.............dead. She was not, though. She was breathing, but it was very shallow, and her heart was beating irregularly. She was awake in her mind, and tried to make her body react. She still had some Force ability in this state. From her mind, she reached out with the Force and barely heard the voice of her best friend......and brother. She tried to call out to him from this altered state with her mind.
Alpha............friend and dear me............
Suddenly her mind joined her body in the state of nothingness.........and she was basically gone. Her life was still in her..........but she was now fully unconscious.
Satine Capashen
Feb 15th, 2002, 11:21:30 PM
How do I help? Xazor? Xazor! Sister, where are you? Satine sends his thoughts into Xazor's mind, desperately searching for her anywhere in her mind. After a while of this, and not finding anything, Satine turns to Shade, a helpless look on his face.
"I'm calling the med bay." He says, activating his wrist-comm, and sending the message, requesting an emergency medical team to his location. Once that is done, Satine begins his search again, using every ounce of power he had to look...
Feb 15th, 2002, 11:25:39 PM
There was a calling in Xazor's heart............a stirring of the Force that somehow woke her mind again. Her body was still in the lost condition, but she regained her mind again and heard his cries to her.
Use the Force! I don't know, my body won't let me wake up! I can't do anything.......
The words faded in and out as she yelled this to him through the Force. The connection was very weak, but it was amazing that there was a connection at all.
Satine Capashen
Feb 15th, 2002, 11:30:09 PM
Satine suddenly has an idea, and he growls a bit at what could have happened.
"Kama, you did this, and you will be ejected into the sun..." he mutters to himself, opening himself fully to the Force.
Bathing Xazor in the healing rays of it, Satine scours through her mind, being as gently as possible, but still firm, and looking for any traces of a Sith poison.
Feb 16th, 2002, 12:13:00 AM
She felt him scouring her mind. It stung a little bit as he did so........but she dealt with it. She knew what he had suspected...............and it was true. Kama had somehow managed to get into her mind, even in his altered state. She had warned them that he was powerful, even when he was down. He had poisened her mind so far, that it would take a ton of Force power to bring her back.
Help me..........
Her mind's cries became weaker with each second.
Shade Magus
Feb 16th, 2002, 01:08:09 AM
Shade stood by Kama. He was in total shock. Before he knew what was going on he threw Kama against the wall again again, trying to get him to releae his hold on Xazor.
Feb 16th, 2002, 01:12:09 AM
Suddenly a sharp pain ran through her mind. She felt it...........and it must have had adverse effects on her body as well. She convulted twice, and then was calm again.........but the pain in her mind grew and grew. She felt as though she had lost connection to the outside world. She tried to yell out, through the Force. me............I won't be able to wake up until you ki.............
The words were cut off and her communication with them was severed. It was definatly Kama......he had a hold on her so tight, that only one thing could release his grip. She had tried to relay this to them, but he would not allow her to say the words that would set her free.
She used all of the Force she could gather to call out his name........
Shade Magus
Feb 16th, 2002, 02:22:03 AM
Shade heard her call his name, but it was so distant. The only thing he couldn't think about was getting rid of Kama. He continued to kick and kcik and he felt his passion and agression rise, fueling his anger.
Feb 16th, 2002, 02:26:38 AM
Suddenly, Xazor felt a release in her mind. He was letting go! That meant that someone was.......killing him. not give up...........
She tried to yell to them through the Force. It was still so distant. Her body temperature was beginning to drop rapidly, and she began to shiver unconsciously.
Shade Magus
Feb 16th, 2002, 02:32:39 AM
Suddenly Shade lost it and he drew his lightsaber. He ignited it and held it at Kama's throat braely touching it.
Feb 16th, 2002, 02:38:54 AM
ooc: I'm too lazy to switch characters right now, so I will play him off of mine! <img src= ALT=":)">
The Sith Lord couldn't move much, and his head was pounding........but he was still powerful and in control of Xazor. Once threatened by the Jedi, he sneered and a weak laugh came from his body.
Never...........Jedi boy..............never..............
He spoke weakly to Shade. In the meantime, Xazor began to convulse again, for obviously, the Sith Lord's grip on her life was getting stronger. She was shaking horribly, and her skin was the same color blue as her robes.........
P.........please.....................Sh........... ...ade.........
She managed to get out through the Force. It was so faint though.........she hoped Shade heard her.
Satine Capashen
Feb 16th, 2002, 07:40:49 PM
Satine can sense Xazor weakening fast, and Kama resisting, and he opens the force up to him even more, becoming blazingly bright in it. First he heats up the air around Xazor, keeping her warm--heat and fire was one of his specialties--and then he throws Kama into a wall with bone shattering Force.
"Kama! Let her go now, and I promise you'll die quickly. Refuse, and I'll make sure you die slowly and painfully!"
As Satine's anger begins to get the best of him, another voice in the back of his head begins to talk to him.
Yessss! That's it Satine. Use your anger, burn him! Burn him! the voice chanted.
And Satine began to listen. Flames began to surround the Jedi Knight, and his eyes began to glow a dark silver-black color as he began to let his anger take hold. For one instant though, common sense kicked in, and he pitifully turned to Shade.
"Stop me..."
As soon as Satine says this, his normal personality is swallowed up by his anger, and he creates more and more flames, ready to send them at Kama...
Feb 16th, 2002, 07:59:26 PM
Not aware of what was going on around her, Xazor could only do so much to fight. Suddenly, she felt heat around her physical being. Her temperature began to rise slowly, but it was enough to start to bring her back. Then, she heard a was that of Alpha. She could feel something strange about him.....he was different.........................and she was sure it wasn't good. Through her mind, she reached out with the Force, feeling for the change. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks...........darkness. Anger, hate, rage.........things she was all to familiar with. She suddenly realized what was happening. She had to do something. She used all of the Force she could strengthened her and allowed her to gather more. She fought and fought................then all of a sudden, she sat up screaming.
NO!!!! Brother let go! You must stop right now!
Her whole body was so weak still, but somehow, she managed to stand up. The fuel inside of her was fed by a promise that she and Alpha had made to one another.............She ran up to him and looked into his dark eyes.
We are strong in the light. We shall rise in victory against the darkness, for we are united in the Force. We shall never let the other fall............
She spoke this gently, in almost a whisper. Using the Force again, she reached out and touched his soul with hers. A loving, cooling effect should have come over his body. She hoped it worked. Tears fell from her eyes..................she couldn't lose him...........not when they had gotten so far. Not now.........
Satine Capashen
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:02:31 PM
Satine's eyes slowly turn back to his normal silver color, and a tear falls from his real eye, the flames beginning to dissapate. Just as suddenly, Satine falls to his knees, aware of what he had almost done.
"Xazor...sister...What did I just do?"
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:13:02 PM
She too falls to her knees and embraces him tightly.
You almost fell.............but I caught you! You defeated the darkness with the light........and now you are victorious...............just like our promise says.............
She was now crying..............again. She didn't care how much she did it, though........she was glad that the darkness was not strong enough to take him away from her.
Satine Capashen
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:22:51 PM
Satine hugs Xazor back, and, as she releases him, he leans against the wall. Even that little brush with Darkness had weakened him beyond what a normal fight would normally do...He needed to just sit down and think. He smiles as Xazor sits down beside him and says:
"Thank God you were there to catch me. If you hadn't..."
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:29:13 PM
Xazor nodded and finished what he was going to say in her mind.
I would be gone..........
He had intended to say, but did not.
You are strong...............fear not the darkside, that is what will draw you to it quicker.
She said through the Force. Her body felt so weak as she spoke to him about strength. There was nothing she could do to regain her strength. Kama had started pulling the life from her body, and he took a pretty good portion of it.
Satine Capashen
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:34:14 PM
Satine could sense Xazor's weakness, and looks at her.
"Let me try something..."
Opening himself to the Force again--this time a little more carefully, for his little brush would cause him to be cautious for a while--Satine sends Xazor a portion of his own strength, splitting it so that they both could actually do something aside from sitting against the wall. After that is finished, Satine uses the Force to revitalize himself, gaining back his energy.
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:45:41 PM
Xazor feels the strength enter her body. She felt a lot better and smiled.
Thank you.......I needed that.........
She then used the Force to regain the rest of her strength. She stood up and looked at Kama. She turned away quickly for she felt anger start to surface. She knew that it wasn't a good thing.
I cannot look at him...........we must do something with him though...........he is trying to make me angry.............he is trying to use the last bit of his strength to bring me back to the...........darkside...
She focuses on Alpha, as to not look at Kama.
Satine Capashen
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:52:27 PM
Satine motions for Xazor to stop for a second, and sends her a Force message.
Sis, me and Shade'll take what's left of him to Avalon. The JEdi need to be alerted of him...
"Shade, we need to take him to Avalon."
{OOC:Wow, 201 posts...}
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:56:01 PM
She nodded in agreement.
Please do before I begin to loose it..........
She said to him through the Force. She didn't want Shade to know the inner struggles she was facing. She did not wish to burden him with that. She smiled weakly at Alpha.
You have been good to me, brother..........I cannot find a way to thank you...........
She spoke to him again, using the Force.
ooc: wow, that's a lot of posts! <img src= ALT=":)">
Satine Capashen
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:58:22 PM
{OOC:I know!}
You're quite welcome. You're my sister after all...I would reccomend taking a small nap or something.
Feb 16th, 2002, 09:47:58 PM
She nodded and smiled. Looking to Shade, she spoke.
Do you mind if I rest here? I am unable to go with you...........I shall explain later......for now, I must regain my strength, both physically and mentally........
She gave him a look of reassurance as she asked.
Shade Magus
Feb 17th, 2002, 02:10:19 AM
Shade nodded as he shook.
Feb 17th, 2002, 03:09:17 PM
Xazor noticed him shaking and wondered why.
Are you alright? Maybe I should go with you.............
A curious expression came across her face as she wondered what was wrong.
What's wrong with him..........?
She asked Alpha through the Force.
Satine Capashen
Feb 17th, 2002, 04:14:27 PM
I dunno...This worries me... Satine sends back, walking to Shade and clapping a hand on his shoulder.
"You ok buddy? Maybe you and Xazor both should rest. I can take Kama to the Council myself..."
Feb 17th, 2002, 04:20:20 PM
Xazor shook her head.
That isn't a good should not go alone. He can regain strength in a matter of seconds.....why he is not doing so now baffles my mind. I shall accompany you. I am strong enough. Shade should rest or something. He doesn't look right at all. Anyway..........I need to see justice brought upon Kama............
She says to her friend. She quickly glanced at Kama and growled deeply at the Sith Lord, then returning her attention back to Shade and Alpha.
Satine Capashen
Feb 17th, 2002, 04:28:51 PM
Alpha looks at the mass of broken bones and wounds that is Kama and laughs.
"I really doubt that, Xazor. I mean, look at him! But if you think he's that dangerous, I'll listen to oyu."
Feb 17th, 2002, 04:31:45 PM
A look of concern came over her face.
I know he is capable. I have seen him use massive power when he has been worse off.......I don't understand why he is not doing anything now...........unless...............
She didn't finish what she was about to say. If she did, he would become violent she held her peace.
It is best if you listen to my me, brother.............
She said, avoiding looking at Kama again.
Satine Capashen
Feb 17th, 2002, 04:38:58 PM
"Alright. But do you by any chance have some other things to bind him with. I'm suddenly doubting my durasteel cables will hold him...Maybe one of those creatures that pushes away the Force...I can't remember what they're called."
{OOC:Actually I just can't spell it! <img src= ALT=":)"> }
Feb 17th, 2002, 04:46:32 PM
Xazor nodded.
I do...........but they're in my room. I cannot go back there right now...........there is still blood on the carpet and everything...........
She shook at the thought of it.
It is a good idea to use one of them, though.......
ooc: I am having a hard time spelling anything today! LOL, I can't spell it either.
Satine Capashen
Feb 17th, 2002, 04:48:54 PM
Activating his wrist comm again, Satine speaks into it.
"This is Capashen. I need a ylasmirir (sp?!) quick. Trace my signal."
Shutting off his comm, Satine smiles. "The good thing about being a Warrior Jedi Knight. You can get supplies fairly easily."
Feb 17th, 2002, 04:51:54 PM
Xazor flashes him a quick smile.
That is a good thing........
She said softly.
ooc: nice spelling, that's better than I would have done......hehehe <img src= ALT=":)">
Satine Capashen
Feb 17th, 2002, 07:51:36 PM
"Yup. And now we wait. But this time..."
Satine trails off, drawing a blaster from his hip, and aiming it at Kama's head, sitting down next to him. He notices a concerned look on Xazor's face, and gives her a smile.
"Don't worry sis. MY head is perfectly clear..."
Feb 17th, 2002, 08:00:44 PM
Xazor coughs slightly as a lump rises in her throat. She looks at Kama and feels angry again. She didn't hide it........or try to surpress it. She knew it was wrong.........but she didn't care right now.
You could pull the trigger if you wanted to............
She growled, looking right into Kama's dark eyes.
Satine Capashen
Feb 17th, 2002, 08:54:03 PM
Satine's eyes widen in shock at what she says and at the emotions radiating off of her.
"Xazor?" When he doesn't get a reaction from that, Satine tries a different tactic. "Xazor Leo Kama! answer me!" He says, his voice louder, and a silver flame appearing in front of Xazor's face. It was silver by a little mind trick he knew of. Now that he had her attention Satine dissapates the flame.
"Listen to what you're saying! You! Who just caught me from falling to the dark side. Listen to yourself! Kama is getting to you!"
Satine slowly puts his blaster's barrel to Kama's temple, pressing it in enough that the Sith Lord knew it was there.
"Now, Kama," Satine growls, "release her from your little influence, and you live a little longer. IT won't be out of anger that I kill you this time, but out of a friend's defense."
Feb 17th, 2002, 09:01:21 PM
Xazor looked at her friend and growled slightly at him.
Speak of me not like that. I bare his last name...........and his eternal mark. I speak what is on my heart.........
She says this, almost unconsciously. Then, realizing in the back of her mind what was going on, she called out to him through the Force.
I feel myself fall...........
Satine Capashen
Feb 17th, 2002, 09:06:10 PM
And I catch you... Satine sends, reaching out to Xazor with the Force.
He fills her aura with his comforting warmth, trying to bring her back to the light...
Feb 17th, 2002, 09:14:13 PM
Xazor suddenly shakes her head as she feels his warm light.
What am I doing!?
She questions loudly. She flashes Kama an angry look and then looks at Alpha.
Brother.............I am sorry..........
She says this and then storms out the door. She makes it about halfway down the hallway and stops. She kneels to the floor and lowers her head and begins to cry........
Satine Capashen
Feb 17th, 2002, 09:19:41 PM
Satine sends Xazor comforting thoughts, and then a Force message. Sister. It's ok. Just please...
"Don't hold it against yourself for what you did." Satine says, standing right behind Xazor.
Feb 17th, 2002, 09:27:01 PM
With a bit of shock and surprise, she turns around and sees him. All at once, she stands up quickly and wraps her arms around his neck and breaks down into sops.
I.........can' it. No matter how hard I try. It has a hold on me and I am.......not fit to be called a Jedi...........
She gets these heavy words out through sobs.
Satine Capashen
Feb 17th, 2002, 09:35:49 PM
"Don't say that! You have been more of a Jedi just now than I was when I was in your shoes. When I confronted Seyester..."
Feb 17th, 2002, 10:05:26 PM
She suddenly stopped her tears and listened to his emotional words.
What.........when you confronted him.....what?
She asked quietly. She hadn't intended to pry into his past like this..........but she did anyway.
Satine Capashen
Feb 17th, 2002, 10:46:09 PM
"Graem and I had hunted him down. I gave into my anger and let loose with all I had--much like I almost did with Kama back there. Far as I know, though I'm not certain, he died because of the wounds I took great pleasure inflicting on him. I fell...But Climbed back up..."
Feb 17th, 2002, 11:16:30 PM
Releasing him from her embrace, she walked a few steps away and faced the other direction.....avoiding eye contact with him.
Killing was such a common thing to became second nature. I never really thought about it much.........I only took great pleasure in the feeling I got from taking the life of another........
She paused and wiped a tear away before continuing.
Unlike you.........I never stopped. The grip that darkness had on my soul was so strong......there was no way I could see the light. I finally did see it one day...........and somehow............I escaped.......
She lowered her head and sighed as she spoke in a quiet tone.
Shade Magus
Feb 18th, 2002, 12:00:04 AM
Shade watched the two in the hall and then looked back at Kama and then back at the pair in the hall. Shade then stopped shaking and ran towards the two. As he neared they looked up but he darted past.
Feb 18th, 2002, 12:04:13 AM
Xazor wasted no time before she was on here feet after Shade.
Shade! What's wrong?
She yelled to him as she caught up. She didn't stop running and she looked back to Alpha.
He left Kama in there alone! You gotta go make sure he doesn't go anywhere!
She shouted over her shoulder and continued her pursuit.
Shade, wait up!
She yelled to him as she caught up and was running beside him.
Shade Magus
Feb 18th, 2002, 12:09:24 AM
Shade didn't slow his pace or look at her.
"I am sorry for the pain I caused, and I wish I could repay you but I may not..............."
Satine Capashen
Feb 18th, 2002, 01:10:42 PM
Satine's eyes take on a confused look until Xazor tells him to get to Kama. shaking off the feeling, the Jedi Knight runs to where the fallen Sith is.
Feb 18th, 2002, 07:58:32 PM
Xazor was confused by his words. What pain had he caused her? She couldn't think of anything.
You must tell me what you're upset about! Please!
She grabbed his right arm in attempt to stop him. It didn't work and he kept running. She stopped and gave up her pursuit.
Why me? Why is it that my heart is always the one to break..........
She asked herself this and her voice trailed off. She fell to her knees and put her hands up to her face and began to sob. She had lost him for reasons unbeknownst to her. She leaned up against the wall and took a few deep breaths. Everything wrong was happening to her, and she couldn't figure out this.
Maybe the galaxy would be better off without my pititul life in it........
She said quietly. Thoughts of ridding herself from this place flashed through her mind. She quickly shook them out of her head and sat there in the silence of the complex. She could hear her heart beating.......
Satine Capashen
Feb 20th, 2002, 12:11:42 AM
You are NOT going to commit suicide. I wouldn't let any of my friends--let alone my own sis, blood-related or Force-related--do it. Satine sends, his voice stern even through the Force. He then reaches out and sends a message to Shade, his voice making him fall to his knees at the volume.
Shae! Get back here! Explain to my sister what you just did!
Feb 20th, 2002, 12:26:11 AM
Xazor continued to weep. She knew he was was no solution.......but she could not avoid her feelings.
I'm's true, though.........
She spoke to him through the Force, her voice shaky as she did.
Satine Capashen
Feb 20th, 2002, 12:32:29 AM
What's true? The galaxy being a better place without you? That's a big pile of drackma! Why the frell are you letting yourself think these things?
Feb 20th, 2002, 12:33:57 AM
Xazor shook her head. It was almost as though she was not the one in control of her words.
Maybe he was right all those years.......I was just a waste good for killing........
She cried loudly in the hallway......
Satine Capashen
Feb 20th, 2002, 12:39:54 AM
"out of it!" Satine says, grabbing Xazor by the shoulders, and giving her a little shake. He had come to the point that Kama could just run off for all he cared. He had just gotten a sister, and he wasn't about to lose her.
"I'm not going to lose you. I just found a sister, and don't want to become an only child again..."
Feb 20th, 2002, 06:26:11 PM
Xazor tucked her hands inside the sleeves of her cloak and put them up to her face. She cried hard into them as he spoke. She knew he was right.......but couldn't avoid how she felt.
Why? If I am so worth it, why did he leave?
She shouted through tears in reference to Shade. She shook her head and cried into the sleeves of her cloak again.
That's what I thought......
Emotion consumed her soul and she cried harder. She then reached up and pulled Alpha down to her in an embrace. She cried into his shoulder as he sat there.
You didn't leave me.........
She began to calm down a bit......realizing what she did have.
Satine Capashen
Feb 21st, 2002, 12:07:27 AM
"That's right. I didn't leave. and I think Shade will be back once he has time to think. Just give him time..."
Satine hugs Xazor tight as he says this, hoping to calm her a bit.
Feb 21st, 2002, 12:16:09 AM
Xazor holds him close to her and takes in his words. She hoped he was right. She breathed deeply and tried to make her heart slow down.
I just don't understand why he left...........
She spoke in a quiet and puzzled voice. Taking comfort in Alpha's strength, she remained in his tight embrace.
Satine Capashen
Feb 21st, 2002, 12:34:12 AM
"I'm not sure either....He might have ran because his mind was basically overloading during all this..."
Feb 21st, 2002, 03:57:12 PM
Xazor assumed that he was right. He seemed to know a lot more about things than she did, so she trusted him.
You're probably right.......I'm sorry for saying that I was going to.........
She paused for a moment and thought. She let her mind finish the words she could not speak to him. She could not imagine leaving him after they had just become so close......she would hate for him to think the same things and maybe even attempt it.........thoughts raced through her mind, along with "what if's".
Satine Capashen
Feb 21st, 2002, 10:36:29 PM
Satine cuts Xazor off with a stern glance as he senses her going into the "What Ifs?".
"Sis, don't go there. They only lead to troubled thoughts..."
Feb 21st, 2002, 11:47:55 PM
Xazor nodded in agreement.
I'm sorry......I won't.......
She looked at the ground in shame.
Satine Capashen
Feb 22nd, 2002, 11:35:55 PM
"It's ok. Now, go find Shade. I'll take Kama to the Temple."
Feb 22nd, 2002, 11:44:05 PM
Xazor nodded and rose to her feet.
I will......I promise.
She said softly. Wiping a few remaining tears from her eyes, she offered him a half smile.
Thank you.....
Her voice was very sincere as well as her heart when she said this. Taking his hand in hers, she repeated these words to him through the Force.
Satine Capashen
Feb 23rd, 2002, 12:42:54 AM
"You're welcome." Satine says, giving Xazor's hand a little squeeze.
As Satine makes his was to where Kama was left in a heap, he rubs his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things.
Xazor! Shade! Wasn't Kama bound in my durasteel cables? After getting a reply through the Force from both of them he continues. Then why are the cables on the floor with no Sithie in them?!
satine ignites his lightsabre with a hiss, and he moves the dark, black, blade around, looking for, and sensing for, the Sith Lord.
Feb 23rd, 2002, 12:48:50 AM
As Xazor hears this message from Alpha, she is around a corner in some hallway of the living complex. She suddenly felt a wave of darkness and then was tackled by a massive body. Sprining to her feet, she sees the Sith Lord. He flashes her an evil grin as his eyes pierce her soul. She shakes her head and sends him a Force message.
You really don't want to be doing this......
She warned him. Suddenly, he lunged forward at her. Using her new training, she calls on the Force. She gets just the right amount and shoots a heavy Force blast at him, knocking him back several yards. He growls as he attempts to stand up. Quickly she draws her lightsaber and runs over to him. Bending over, she slaps him in the face with her left hand and then holds her saber at his neck with her right.
I told you not to mess with me......
She growled at the Sith Lord.
Satine Capashen
Feb 23rd, 2002, 10:50:10 AM
Satine hears the other sabre ignite, and runs towards the sound, seeing Kama engaged in combat with Xazor.
"Sis!" The Jedi Knight calls, using the Force to throw the Sith Lord backwards.
Shade, wherever in the Nine Hells you are, get over here. Kama is attacking your girlfriend. Satien sends to Shade, hoping he can come quick.
Feb 23rd, 2002, 01:47:04 PM
Xazor hears Alpha's call and sees the effects of his Force blast.
I can fight him!
She yelled, her voice ringing through the hallways of the living complex. She charges at the Sith Lord again and gets right on top of his chest, pointing her saber at his neck once more.
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