View Full Version : Wandering.... (open)

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 01:10:15 AM
Maia was now a Jedi and she still felt at odds with herself. She knew if her parents found her they would probably kill her or make her life miserable. She missed her brothers and her sister, it was hard being away from all that you knew even when you knew it was the wrong place to be.

Maia rubbed her cheek on Ari's soft feathers. The people here were all kind to her and she had been made to fee at home but she was still scared that the darkness in which she was raised would show on her heart. Chirruping softly as if to offer comfort Ari moved in closer to her neck. "This is our new home Ari." Maia whispered. She leaned back against the wall her heart hurting with memories. She thought back to when she was just a little younger and the laughter she had shared with her brothers and sister. How they had loved one another before the darkness had stepped between them.

"Maia I'm gonna get you for that. "Her brothers voice said as she ran away from him and he laughed as he chased her for another prank she had played on him. She remembered the cold look in his eyes as he said good-bye to her for the last time when she left there home. She remembered the tears on his face when he thought she could no longer see him. She remembered begging him to turn away from the darkness that was consuming his soul. His answer always no even though she saw in his heart it was yes. He would never betray their parents. Is that how he thought of her now as a betrayer to her family? "Oh Ari I hope not." She said with choked voice her tears pooled on her eyelashes....

Mar 3rd, 2002, 01:28:06 AM
:: AB walked silently down the hallway, lit by the sun's rays through the overhead glass domes. In her hand, she carried a delicate pot, neatly ornate, yet simple. In the pot grew a small plant, now only a little stub with a few dark green leaves sporting small irridescent light blue spots. The plant itself wasn't rare, but it was unique. During it's life, and at every full moon, it would bloom one single flower of radient beauty. It's pettles would be of a silky blue color, and sparkle brilliantly when placed in the full moon's rays. That was how it came to be named Moon Flower. ::

:: Cradling the pot gently, she stopped at a door that was slightly ajar and knocked on it softly. When no answer came, she opened it slowly and looked within. Inside, she saw Maia, lost in thought. She cleared her throat, slightly startling Maia out of her reverie. ::

:: She smiled somewhat sheepishly. ::

I'm sorry. didn't mean to startle you like that.

:: She held up the small plant. ::

I just wanted to give you a gift... a sort of welcome gift.

(OOC: Maia, I'm thinking this thread should be moved to the Jedi living Quarters. I won't touch it, though, until you've agreed.)

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 03:13:03 AM
Maia jumped as her new masters voice broke through her bitter memories. She stood up embarrassment turning her cheeks pink. "Master AB I'm sorry I was lost in my own thoughts and I did not hear or see you." She stammered as she bowed. Maia's eyes lit up at the sight of the gift she was being given. Se reached out a soft smile played on her lips. She had never received a gift from anyone save her siblings. "I don't know what to say Master but I will cherish it forever. "She said as she looked into AB's kind eyes.

(ooc:Not a prob. with me AB ill look for it there<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> )

Mar 4th, 2002, 11:53:06 PM
:: AB smiled and handed the delicate plant to Maia. ::

You're most welcome. And please, call me Master Rie.

:: She walked in further through the room and looked out the small window. ::

You have a nice veiw into the jungles. Perhaps we shall start some of your training there once you feel you have settled into your new surroundings. No need to rush into things.

:: She turned around to look at her new Padawan. She had only felt a wisp of troubling thoughts from Maia as she'd entered the room before presenting the gift. She would not ask her Padawan about it until she felt she needed to share it with her Master. And, yet, there may come a time when AB would have to ask Maia. One must settle themselves away from negative thoughts and emotions to fully embrace the light. But, Maia was new. She would wait until she felt the time was appropriate. ::

:: Keeping the sensere smile, she spoke again. ::

Is there anything else you will need to make your stay here more comfortable?

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Mar 6th, 2002, 11:26:21 PM
Maia placed the gift on her desk where it would receive the moons rays and turned back to her master. There is nothing I require Master Rie everyone is treating me well and Xazor has been very kind in taking me as a roommate. Maia opened her mouth to say more but just couldn't seem to. There was so much that hurt but she just wasn't able to say it all right now.

Mar 7th, 2002, 12:10:42 AM
:: AB smiled. ::

I'm glad you are being treated well. I would expect nothing less.

:: She was about to walk out, when she suddenly turned, an idea forming in her head. ::

I know your training hasn't started outright, persay, but I feel you can handle a certain mission I will be going on. I will be leaving immediately as soon as I have prepared a few things for the trip, and I would like for you to join me.

I will be traveling in my fighter, so you will have to take one of the many transports that ferry between here and other worlds.

We are going to Arcan IV (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=5c4019d9829e91a731d8f026dcea5191&threadid=12048) to embark on a mission to destroy an artifact of evil.

:: She began walking towards the door. ::

Prepare what you will need. Only essentials. We depart in one hour. I will fly as escort for the transport to ensure your safety.

:: She turned at the door, smiling. ::

This will be a good learning experience for you, and a learning experience into the way of the Jedi.

:: With that she was gone to prepare, leaving Maia to do the same. ::

(OOC: Listen up, just follow the link I gave ya. Be sure you have an account for Maia at SWF, because that's where the RP is taking place. Basically this was a last minute thing on my part. I wanted to involve ya. Anyways, we're waiting on ya, so hop to it. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> )