View Full Version : Walking...

Nash Stolar
Mar 27th, 2002, 11:19:43 PM
*Nash walked down the long halls, But this was diffrent.. He had his Padawan Sling over his sholder.. But took great care as to not hurt her as he walked.. He checked to make sure bunny was still behind him and smiled as he saw her..*

"It is not far from here.. We should pass sia's door soon.."

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 28th, 2002, 12:46:15 PM
Sia-lan steps out of her quarters and almost runs into Nash.

"Oh hey. Nash. hows it going?" the jedi knight asks him.

She looks a bit confused because her quarters and his where in different parts of the LQ. She wondered what he was doing down at this end.

Bunny Rourke
Mar 28th, 2002, 05:18:04 PM
*Bunny, in her tight black outfit with black gloves, black boots, and black sunglasses on with a blaster at her side walks just a couple of steps behind Nash. She nods silently at what Nash says to her and then stops as she sees a lady come out of one of the rooms and almost walks into Nash*

Nash Stolar
Mar 28th, 2002, 09:38:34 PM
*Nash keeped himself from stumbling after he almost ran into sia.. He straighted up and smiled*

"Sorry about that.. Anyways.. I have someone for you.."

*He looked back and signaled to bunny*

"She wants to speek with you.. She seems fine to me.."

*Salemn moved slighty on his sholder*

"I have to get her to her room.. If you don't mind. I should get going."

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 28th, 2002, 10:33:16 PM
Sia nodded and steped out of Nashes way. She nodded again to the stranger and waved her hand twards her door.

"Would you like to come in and have a seat?" she asked. Sia walked in leaving the door open. She sat down in a chair beside the bed where a small lump was sleeping.

Bunny Rourke
Mar 29th, 2002, 03:18:59 PM
*Bunny stepped forward towards Sia when Nash motioned towards her. After Sia goes back into her room, she follows and closes the door behind her. With a quick glance around the room to make sure that there is nothing that could harm her here, she goes and takes a seat, her hand resting on her blaster. With her other hand, she removes her black sunglasses and looks at Sia with her ice blue eyes*

I take it you would be Sia Lan Darkheart?

*Bunny says this as a statement, not as a question*

Of course you are cause Nash said that I wanted to speak to you.

*Bunny smiles ever so slightly*

And I hear that you are training a young child by the name of Natia Lerf.

Tell me of her.

*Bunny leans back in her seat looking steadily at Sia*

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 29th, 2002, 08:37:41 PM
"Ah, Natia. My frist and so far only padawan. She is a young girl. Rather polite and well kept but she is a bit shy and it takes a bit for her to trust you. She has eyes much like yours but a bt younger. Before I go on might I ask why you need this information?" Sia asks Bunny.

Mar 29th, 2002, 11:24:50 PM
Xazor felt a disturbance in the Force and ran down the halls of the Living Quarters as quickly as she could. She stopped at the door she felt as Sia's and knocked impatiently. She did not get an answer, so she just decided to let herself in.

Seeing a woman sitting and conversing with Sia, she smiles sheepishly. She then walks over and sits next to Sia in an empty chair.

Greetings my friend.....

She said softly. She scanned the thoughts of both she and the other woman to gather that they were talking about someone she knew very well....Xazor did not care if she was being rude...she felt it was her calling to be there....

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 30th, 2002, 01:23:23 AM
"Xazor. perhaps you could help us out. This woman is trying to get information on Natia." Sia glanced at her bed "Perhaps you could help. Xazor is one of Natia's best friends here. Along with mine."

Mar 30th, 2002, 01:18:24 PM
Xazor smiles gently on Sia as she speaks of their friendship. She then moves her deep blue eyes to the woman across from them. Noticing she has a gun, Xazor shifts uneasly in her seat. She then rests her hand on her lightsaber.

What do you wish to know of my Force-Sister?

She questions the woman. She looked so much like Natia......and Salemn. It was almost scary and it sent a chill up and down Xazor's spine. Wondering deep within her mind what this was all about. I would die before I let anyone take her back to the hell she came from.... She thought to herself so no one, not even Sia could read her mind. She sat in the silence, waiting for this stranger to answer her.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 30th, 2002, 01:44:29 PM
Sia could read Xazor's mind but she could sense her uneasyness to talk to this woman about Natia. Sia sents a message to Xazor through the force. < Don't worry. I think we can trust her for now.> she says softly to Xazor.

Mar 30th, 2002, 02:02:01 PM
Xazor keeps her eyes on the woman before them, yet speaks to Sia through the Force so only she can here.

I do not know what she wants with Natia.......but I have mixed emotions. There is a great disturbance in the Force and I think many things will be revealed to us soon.......

She was sincere in the feelings that layed in her heart....

Bunny Rourke
Mar 30th, 2002, 02:22:04 PM
*Bunny watches Sia for a moment and then another lady came into the room. She looks at her with her ice blue eyes and then back to Sia*

The reason why I wish this information is so I know what to expect when I take her into my care if I find you unsuitable.

*Bunny is not trying to hide the fact that she is keeping something from the two ladies that are sitting there*

I wish to know everything I can about Natia. I know of her parents and I know how her Father treated her. But after her Father died, I know nothing other then I have been trying to find her for about 3 years now. And remove your hand from your lightsaber, it has no need to be there and besides, if I tried to hurt you here, I would not make it out alive, even with my training.

*Bunny watches Xazor and Sia with an amused expression on her face, knowing that they are communicating to one another via the Force.*

I do wish that you would speak aloud right now if you have any thing to say. It is only polite, or have I been misinformed about Jedi and they aren't polite.

*Bunny says this with a slight bit of distaste in her voice as if she has no care or respect for Jedi*

Mar 30th, 2002, 03:05:27 PM
Xazor shakes her head and looks at Sia for a moment.

I will keep my hand on my weapon. If I need it, I will use it and no one will tell me otherwise.

She shifted her weight uneasily.

Sia, she has bad intentions I think......I feel it in the Force......

She said to her friend, telepathically. She looked at the woman again and shook her head.

You are keeping something from us, so we shall keep our Force conversions from you. The Jedi are a people of peace, and yes, we are polite.

She added rather roughly. Xazor was not going to be angered by this, but she would not let any harm befall her Force Sister and best friend. She closed her eyes and searched out the woman's aura and thoughts to find out something surprising......she was Natia's sister.......

I will tell you nothing. Not until you gain my trust.....I have my doubts and instincts and they have never proven me wrong. Give me a reason to trust you.....

She was not asking, she was demanding it more less. She kept close watch on the woman as she sat in silence before them.

I know your secret....

She told the woman through the Force, not caring what she thought of Xazor then.....she would not hide the fact that she knew...

Bunny Rourke
Mar 30th, 2002, 08:39:44 PM
*Bunny smiles slightly*

If you know my secret, then you should also know that I would not let any harm befall upon the child. And that it is not much of a secret and I only want what is safe for my sister Natia. I have been searching for her for 3 years now. I failed her once before, and I shall not fail from protecting her now.

*Bunny laughs slightly*

If Jedi are polite, then why are you being slightly rude? Your not giving Jedi a good impression.

As for the reason to trust me is the simple fact that I am Natia's oldest and perhaps only living relative. If I deem things unsafe for her here, then I shall take her from here and place her in a spot where I know it will be safe for her.

*Bunny shakes her head slightly, not believing that this Jedi is feeling threatened by her. She only cares for the safety of her sister and she will keep her safe through any means necessary and if it means using her Force powers, however little trained she is, then she will*

And if I decide that it is safe for her to remain here, then if you harm my little sister in any way, then I will personally come and kill you. I would have done just that to my Father, but, you have probably heard of what he was like from Natia.

Now, tell me what you know of my sister.

*Bunny is definately getting frustrated with this*

And where is she?

Mar 30th, 2002, 08:46:22 PM
Xazor stands up, her hand still on her saber. She glares into the eyes of the woman sitting across from her.

I am a Jedi and it is my duty to protect the defenseless. Excuse me if you expected me to be perfect but I'm not.

She looked at Sia who was shocked. Xazor was not acting out of anger, but out of defense to all involved.

And it you threaten to kill me, so be it. If you come back here and try to take my life, you will be sorely surprised. I am almost to Jedi Knight rank and my power over the Force is greater than yours is right now.

She sighed and sat down for a moment, thinking of what she was feeling inside.

No, I shall not tell you anything. What you have displayed here shows me enough not to trust you...not right now. Natia is also my sister through the Force and it is my duty to protect her. I can assure you that she is perfectly safe here. She is training to be a Jedi and does not wish to leave.....and if anyone tries to take her back to the pure hell that she came from.......damn them to the nines of hells!

She thought for a moment as she stopped in her words. She was sounding more and more like her own Master everyday. She smiled gently, loosening her grip on her saber.

Natia Lerf
Mar 30th, 2002, 09:05:04 PM
*Natia, who was asleep on the bed a short distance away from everybody else sits up rubbing sleep out of her eyes. She woke up to Xazor's voice sounding extremely defensive. She then looks at the room who Xazor is talking to and smiles*

Your the girl from the picture.

*Natia knows from the words that Xazor has been saying that this girl is her sister. She can also feel it down inside herself*

Xazor, that's my sister. That's my sister, I know she is.

*Natia looks around for where her crutches are, because she's wanting to get up and take a closer look at the girl. She suddenly raises her voice to that what sounds almost angry*

Don't yell at each other. It's not needed. Nobody is taking me back to the hell I came from because that hell is gone. Remember, I was there when it was destroyed.

*Natia is angry that her Force Sister is basically yelling at her real sister and wants both of them to quiet down and talk nicely*

Mar 31st, 2002, 12:04:07 AM
Xazor suddenly is aware that Natia was awake and had heard everything.

Yes, Mara......this is your sister........but I have a bad feeling about her being here.......

She said to the little girl through the Force. She could not ignore her feelings.....she just......knew......

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 31st, 2002, 12:40:53 AM
Sia moved over to Natia and placed a hand on her sholder. She sent calming waves through her with the force.

"Natia, its ok. The three of us are only trying to do what is best for you. Even if they are in different ways."

Salemn Lysce
Mar 31st, 2002, 05:24:49 AM
Salemn could feel herself being carried by Nash through the HQ. She felt .. hollow; dead. She opened her mouth and silently whispered, Nash ... He, of course, couldn't hear her. Struggling to move, she could feel her body twitch then slump once more. What was going on !? Panic rose like a lump in her throat while her eyes went wide with fear.


"Salemn, help me!" A little boy sobbed as he reached out, burning debris trapping him. "Salemn! Salemn! SALEMN!" His screams rose in altitude as the flames licked at his skin, hissing promises of their next meal to be consumed.



She could feel little beads of perspiration form on her forehead as her body temperature began to rise. Her lips became parched and it soon became difficult to swallow. Keto. Keto. Keto. The word kept repeating itself in her mind, tormenting her mind. Her helpless body then began to convulse wildly, almost like she was having a seizure. With the last of her efforts, she sent out a scream through the Force.


Natia Lerf
Mar 31st, 2002, 05:29:19 PM
*Natia calms down slightly and looks at Xazor*

If that's my sister, then I want to talk with her and to get to know her.

*Natia smiles as she sees Sia coming over to her and placing a hand on her shoulder*

Why don't the three of you ask me what I want. Nobody ever has done that before and it would be nice if somebody finally did.

*Natia says this, her voice full of anger*

I want to get to know my sister, but I also want to stay here and learn. I'm happy here and I'm also happy that I can finally see my sister, but if any of you try to stop me from doing what I want to do for a change, I will run away from here and never come back and never talk to any of you again.

*Natia looks around at the three others in the room and could see the shock and surprise on all of there faces at her words. She doesn't care right now because she is finally standing up for herself and saying what she wants to say instead of keeping her opinion quiet like she normally does*

I think I'm old enough to know what I want and I think I'm mature enough to be able to tell what's right and wrong. And it's wrong to try and keep families apart just as it's wrong to take somebody away from where they are happy and I'm happy here so I'm staying unless somebody tries to force me to leave or prevents me from being with my sister and then I WILL run away and never come back and never talk to any of you again.

*Natia crosses her arms stubbornly, her eyes flashing with anger*

Mar 31st, 2002, 08:19:04 PM
Xazor looks at Natia and shakes her head disapprovingly.

Jedi are not to be angered......you let your anger control you.......that is the way of the darkside and it will bring nothing but suffering for you and the galaxy.......take it from one who knows.......

Xazor says softly, her eyes are filled with pain and sorrow. She rises from her seat and bows to everyone in the room.

Excuse me......I must go meditate or.........or something!

With that, she rushes from the room, nearly knocking the other woman off her chair. She exits and slams the door behind her........then runs down the hall to her room....

Salemn Lysce
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:04:32 PM
Salemn could hear footsteps running down the hallway. Who was it? Her vision was blurred by the tears that formed in her eyes. Licking her dry lips, she strained her eyes to see clearly. No result. Everything was a mass of colors, swirling and blending. (What's the matter with me ?! What's going on ?!) These were the thoughts that ran through her head as the changes were taking place in her body. (Please ... If anybody can hear me ... Help ..) The darkness began closing in on her and she closed her eyes. What was the use in living anymore? She might as well accept the inevitable and let herself slip away into the Realms of Paradise ... Then, maybe she could see Keto ...

Mar 31st, 2002, 09:12:26 PM
Xazor could suddenly hear someone's voice speaking in her mind. They needed help.....and she could feel their fear. She suddenly stopped and ran the other way in the hall and then stopped at a door. She knew that the voice came from the person inside that room. She didn't hesitate but entered the room without knocking. She then saw Salemn. Xazor rushed over to her and kneeled beside her.

Salemn! What's wrong?

She asked, a bit of panic running through her voice.

Salemn Lysce
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:19:47 PM
She was slipping away ... Slipping away into the silence that welcomed her into its shadowy folds. She could feel herself being torn apart from this life and pulled into another; a life where there was no such thing as sorrow or pain. She was almost there ... almost there until a voice disrupted the peace. It flooded the Light back into her mind, pushing away the Darkness. Salemn tried to open her eyes but couldn't. They seemed to be stitched tight together, leaving her blind at the moment.

W..Who's there ...

She asked weakly through the Force.

Mar 31st, 2002, 09:23:19 PM
Xazor placed her hands on Salemn's temples and pushed healing Force waves into her body.

It's me, Xazor!!!

She yelled loudly, sending it through the Force as well as verbally. She hoped that Salemn would hear her.

Salemn Lysce
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:31:21 PM
The air in Salemn's chest seemed to be squeezed out when the soothing waves of healing was sent through her body. She opened her mouth in hopes of getting some breath, but found she couldn't breathe. (I...It's Xazor .. No us-use .. I'm g-going to die ... aren't .. I?) She began to feel lightheaded from lack of oxygen and could feel her mouth closing, sealing her lips together. (Y..You're too ... loud ... Dis..Disturbing the Peace...)

Mar 31st, 2002, 09:35:45 PM
Xazor placed her hands on the girl's temples and focused the Force deep within her. She pushed the Force through her hands and into Salemn's body, forcing the lungs in her body to rise with air.

Salemn.....come back to me........

Xazor said through the Force, as she created an image of herself in the girl's mind. She held out her hand and beckoned Salemn to grasp it........pulling her back into life.

Nash Stolar
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:45:25 PM
*Nash knelt down and set salemn against a wall for support... he looked at her and sighed quietly.. He had no idea what was going down with her.. and did not want to lose his padawan to something.. Then in a tone.. One that was very gentle and calm.. it seemed out of place comming from nash he spoke to her quietly..*

"Salemn.. whats happening to you?"

Salemn Lysce
Mar 31st, 2002, 10:05:03 PM
Too many hands kept pulling at her, breathing in the air that was rightfully hers. But it wasn't hers. Was it? Her whole body began to tremble as her skin turned a sickly white.

I...I'm dying .. Aren't I ?

She could feel air in her lungs, but her breathing was abnormal, coming in short, unsteady gasps.

If.. I.. I go.. Use Monarde ..

After much effort, Salemn opened her eyes and gazed at both Nash and Xazor. It was almost like she was going to say something when her eyes began to glaze over.

Then, her body went limp.

{OOC - Salemn isn't "dead", instead she's in an astral projection sort of stage. When Nash uses the Monarde from her Herb stash, she'll come back and etc, etc. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> This was already planned out.}

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 31st, 2002, 10:51:07 PM
Sia wishes to go after Xazor but feels she must stay with her padawan for the moment. Sia kneels down infront of Natia and looks at her. She sends another wave of calming through Natia.

"Natia please settle down. I am sorry, I haven't been thinking about what you wish. I am truly sorry. Please forgive me. I am sure we can work something out to try and fufill your wishes." Sia says to her.

Natia Lerf
Apr 1st, 2002, 04:16:43 PM
*Natia listens to what Xazor says to her and then watches her leave. She then looks at Bunny and Sia who are left in the room with her as she takes a couple of deep breaths like she did when things got tough back home for her*

What I want nobody seems to care about. They never care. Not home, not here, not anywhere. Yes, I want to stay and learn. Yes, I want to get to know my sister. But no, nobody asks me what I wish or want. Everybody thinks they know whats best for me.

*Natia takes a deep breath and tries to keep herself calm*

But if I have to, I will leave if nobody listens to what I want for a change. I don't want to leave. I want to stay and learn because if I don't learn, then I will not be able to help others like you Sia. You have helped me out alot.

*Natia turns her gaze to Bunny*

And you, I want to get to know you. I don't even know your name, but I do know that you are my sister.

*Natia's eyes show that she has calmed down immensly, though there is still a slight look of anger in them which is diminishing*

Bunny Rourke
Apr 1st, 2002, 04:42:25 PM
*Bunny watches Xazor with an amused expression on her face. She then turns her attention to Natia, who had woken up and st up on the bed. She smiles when she gets a good look at her sister*

Natia, my sister, forgive me if I have upset you. I wish only to make sure that you are safe and to keep you from ppl that wish to harm you.

*Bunny smiles at Natia*

I have searched for years to find you little sister. You aren't that easy to find you know.

*Bunny turns and looks at Sia*

Sia, I have no wish to harm my sister or those that she cares about. But you can understand that with the way I grew up and the way that Natia here has grown up, I care deeply about her even though I do not know her. If you wish, you can check my intentions through the Force, but do not dislike me for the training I have recieved. Do not let that cloud your opinion of me. I only wish the best for my little sister.

*Bunny turns to look at both Natia and Sia*

Just so you both shall know, my name is Buneka Rourke. I go by Bunny cause it has a nicer meaning.

*Bunny's eyes are calm as she looks at both Natia and Sia*

Natia, if you wish to stay here and I know you are safe here, you may stay, but if there is a single threat of your legal guardian finding you here, I will remove you to keep you away from him.

*Bunny's eyes darken slightly as she mentions Natia's legal guardian. She then does some very quick hand movements for Natia to see, knowing that Natia will at least understand most of it*

Sia Lan Darkheart
Apr 1st, 2002, 05:37:50 PM
Sia nods slightly.

"Thank you. I am sure that, if you wish, the council will alow you to stay in the temple. That way you and Natia can get to know each other and she may be able to stay her as she wishes." Sia sugests to the two of them. She is still trying to calm Natia down through the force.

Natia Lerf
Apr 2nd, 2002, 06:48:06 PM
*Natia looks between Sia and Bunny*

You mean Bunny?? I can stay here because the ppl are nice to me and they would never do anything to harm me. I'm to be a Jedi if I pass my training here. They haven't sent me away yet so I don't think that they will.

*Natia looks around again for her crutches, not remembering where she put them*

Sia, where did I put my crutches again?? I seem to have misplaced them again.

*Natia hangs her head slightly, knowing that she shouldn't misplace things because it's not good to*

Bunny Rourke
Apr 2nd, 2002, 07:59:26 PM
*Bunny looks at Sia for a moment as she runs her hand through her hair, not quite sure of what to make of this. She then turns her attention to Natia for a moment*

Yes Natia, if things are truly safe for you here, then you may stay. And no, the Jedi won't turn you away. You deserve to be here to learn the good things in life. No matter what Father told you, you deserve a good life, that's why I tried to help you when you were born. I tried to take you from Father so you could have a good life. Now that he is dead, you can have a good life and I am going to make sure that you do little sister.

*Bunny turns to look at Sia and smiles slightly at her*

I highly doubt that the council will allow me to stay here amongst the Jedi. Once they find out my training, they will either want to train me in their way, or keep me away from all the young Jedi.

*Bunny takes a deep breath before continueing*

You see, what Xazor probably sensed in me was the training I have recieved for my powers and I can tell you that it wasn't in the Jedi way that I recieved my training.

*Bunny looks at Natia and then at Sia. She uses the Force to speak this next bit to Sia*

You see, I was trained as Sith, but I didn't agree with everything they were training me with. And well, I don't have much of a like of Jedi because of it, but I do know that Jedi are the defenders of the Galaxy, and the Sith aren't.

Remember this though, just because I have had training as Sith, that does Not make me one.

*Bunny again looks at Natia and smiles*

At long last, my search for you is over. And I think that you will do fine here little sister. If this is where you wish to stay, then you may.

*Bunny looks at Sia*

You of course will take good care of my younger sister won't you?

*Bunny says this as a statement, not as a question*

If I know my Father well enough, he probably had a bone removed from each of Natia's ankle when she was learning to walk in order to keep her under control. I know this because he did the same to me. Do you by chance have any questions that could help you in the care of my sister??

Nash Stolar
Apr 3rd, 2002, 05:42:30 PM
"Monarde....? Salemn..?"

*When there was no answer worry started to grow in his voice*

"Salemn! .....SALEMN!"

*There was a glint in his eyes but he shook his head and growled.. The force told him she was not really 'dead' but if she stayed this way it would not matter.. He found that he had to find what Monarde was.. and as fast as he could. He picked up his padawan again then stood up.. Maybe what he needed was at her room.. she seemed to know what was needed.*

Natia Lerf
Apr 3rd, 2002, 07:48:56 PM
*Natia looks back and forth between Sia and Bunny, wondering what there private conversation is about. Shrugging slightly she says cheerfully, now fully calm again*

Bunny, you will be staying here won't you?? Now that you have found me that is. You aren't going to just leave and never return right??

*Natia has a slightly worried look on her face*

I only just met you Bunny, but you are my sister and we should know each other. How many other siblings do I have?? Why didn't you come back for me sooner?? Why did you leave me with Father if you knew what he was like??

*Natia starts sounding angry again part way through asking these questions to her sister*

You ran off and just left me to be beaten and now you expect me to welcome you into my life?? Well forget it Buneka. It's not going to happen. Just stay out of my life and leave me alone. I don't want to see you again. I Hate You.

*Natia says this last bit with anger and hatred in her voice. She then goes to turn herself away from Bunny so she doesn't have to look at her*

Sia Lan Darkheart
Apr 5th, 2002, 02:33:05 PM
Sia nods slighly to Bunny's comments in her head. She replys through the force.

< I was raised as a sith from my mother and father. I understand. There are places around the temple that others live in if you would like to stay there. > Sia sugests.

Sia then pull the crutches to her with the force from the corner. She once again starts sending calming waves thought Natia after handing her the crutches.

Bunny Rourke
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:05:08 PM
*Bunny nods slightly to what Sia says to her and replys via the Force to Sia*

That would be nice since I do wish to be near my sister even though she has some hard feelings towards me right now. In time she will understand

*Bunny looks at Natia and says calmly*

Natia, you are away from that hellhole now and nobody is going to take you back there. You are much better off then I was when I was at your age. You are in a nice place with ppl that care about you. They will make sure that nothing bad happens to you while you are here.

Natia Lerf
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:19:57 PM
*Natia takes her crutches from Sia with a thank-you. She then carefully stands up and turns to look at Bunny*

Bunny, I don't care what lies you tell me. I'm not believing any of it. You left and when you did, you left me behind. If you truly did care for me, you would have taken me with you.

And no matter what you say, I'm staying here where my friends are. Where the ppl are that really care about me are. Not somebody who pretends to care about me so just leave me alone and just stay out of my life. I want nothing to do with you.

*Natia's voice is full of anger still, but it doesn't sound like it has as much anger in it*

Bunny, just leave me alone and let me stay here with my friends.