View Full Version : Wake up!
Matthias Darkstone
Mar 13th, 2002, 11:20:57 PM
::He gently placed her onto her bed.::
(5 hours later....)
You alive yet?
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 13th, 2002, 11:24:02 PM
:;Azhure opened her dark brown eyes, her head hurt and she had a massive hang over it seemed. It had been a while, she'd forgotten what happened when you got drunk.
How was she here..? What had happened..?
Opening her eyes fully she looked around to se the man that reminded her of someone long ago, and remembered the wet stuff on her face::
What are you here for water boy?
:;She said this in a groggy but sarcastic tone, also grateful. She would have had a hard time coming here by herself::
Matthias Darkstone
Mar 14th, 2002, 10:55:31 PM
You were drunk, fair lady, so i did a gentleman's thing and carried you home.
Problem with that?
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 16th, 2002, 01:25:31 AM
::Confusion murmered into her head, so much like...why keep torturing herself. Why not?::
You remind me of my dead twin.
::She looked away for a second lettign the pain fade from her eyes from those words, then looked back at him with the hard eyes::
But thank-you. I am grateful.
The onyl problem I have was that wet feeling you caused to my face. I am now guessing it was water? was that necessary?
Matthias Darkstone
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:31:10 PM
::Matthias couldn't reply. He was pale.::
Dead twin?
::He knew it. This had to be her.::
Melindrin? ::He whispered.He shook his head. It can't be, she was dead! he saw her fall, her cry of toturous pain.::
Yeah, that was water. ::He replied, facing away from her.::
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 17th, 2002, 10:19:04 PM
OOC: I know its long but I gots nothing to do ^^ free period.
::Azhure got up suddenly, and groaned at the head ache, but her eyes intently staring at Matthias. Intent, demanding, pain and the rejection of hope. How..::
Who are you? who are you really?
::He had died on the steps of the darktower, died. Blood. More blood. Someone elses blood on her own hands. Blood mixed together in a dance between love and hate He had died in pain::
Your dead! Go away! dont haunt me! Go away Dante....stop haunting me..
::So many voices, too many voices. Voices of the dead, angry... Azhure turned away, her hands over her eyes, trying to block the pain, the cries of anger. Hours, days...Block!
Pain that converted to anger for protection seemed to peirce Matthias. Her voice was chilling, cold. They hid the soft broken part that no-one but her twin had ever been able to see. It must be crimsonsun, her old group. They always found her. Xazor had told her she had found a place to find peace but even here the crimsonsun's people found her.::
My twin is dead, and he's not coming back. No matter what I do he will never come back.
The old Melendrin is also dead, she died a long time ago, now there is only a body that is alike to her left. Whoever you are, you cannot kill me. For that part of me is already dead.
:;She looked at him, now very coldly, ice that made the room freeze. They never gave up, never. What did she expect? Feeling around her pants she held a dagger, and her hand wrapped around it familiarly. Her voice came out as cold as stone, frozen tears in denial::
Who are you? Someone who's punishing me for something. I come here to revive, to heal, to find peace.
Give me that! go back to your master and tell himto leave me alone.
Go and be sure tomorrow I wont be here, be sure an Azhure Darkstone will not exist.
::She thought she could become good again, but it seemed that past caught up to her. How she wanted to be a jedi but if was hunted down again and agian..where was the peace? Nine times the crimsonsun had tried this approach, confusing her, making her believe he might be alive, making her become more messed up. Not again.... No more mind games.
She did not see the tears in her eyes running down, did not hear the shakiness in her voice. Only the silence of breathing.The heart, boom boom boom. She tried to disconnect from feeling, go emotionless, finding it for the first time in years hard, impossible. Her heart seemed more in control now. Calm down, relax, dont kill... Threaten first, then see if you can do it::
If you are Dante, prove it to me, or I will show Crimsonsun what I think of them, with your head sent to them on a platter. Your master will enjoy that meal... just like the one he sent me a long time ago.
::She let the words sink in, even though she could feel the fakeness of the words, she could never kill now. The jedi had sunk too much into her. Kindness...anger::
Matthias Darkstone
Mar 18th, 2002, 11:19:13 PM
OOC: Touche lady.. me like!
::Matthias watched her in shocked silence, and his eyes filled with painful tears. This? His sister? Now so beautiful...
He knelt down in front of her, and tried to take her face in his hands, which she thrust away from him, but he never took his eyes off her.
It's impossible, he thoght, it can't be her!
He burst into tears and her feet, saying her name, over and over. She'd hurt him so, having no faith in him.. she was dead, and so was he. Dante, of long ago no longer was here.::
Melendrin, it is me, believe or not. I don't believe it is you either, but i can never disbelieve the truth.
::He didn't listen to her threats, but he felt her hand on the hilt of her knife.::
Let go of it Melendrin.
And do you really want me to prove who i am? You won't find it very pleasant...
He looked at her eyes for any flicker of recognition. He then went over to his backpack and pulled out a red velvet box.::
I was supposed to give this to you on your 16th birthday. But i want you to have it now, and accept a late birthday invitation to Endor Moon. We used to go there every year. And you laughed at me at how i couldn't ride a horse... i always fell off, and i said they make me fly...
So i perferred my podracer, which i once crashed and got a massive scar on my backside...
::He smiled::
But that was all past until now. So, will you come? Or will you leave me again?
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 19th, 2002, 06:17:05 PM
::Azhure looked at him, wanting to believe, knowing if she let her heart be broken if this was a lie again, they would have won. She would be emotionally dead.
Closing her eyes she let the knife clang to the floor, and let the tears out of her heart::
You better not be lying to me...
::She embraced him fiercely, and held on tightly, if he was a crimsonsun assasin he would stab her in the back right now. if he was Dante than this nightmare might start to fade. She let out the sound of pain and held on tightly, nto wanting to let go, wanting to believe this was her Dante::
YOu better not be lying to me...
Matthias Darkstone
Mar 19th, 2002, 06:24:38 PM
::Matthias embraced her back, and kissed her lightly on her forehead.::
No, of course I'm not lying to you. No crimsosun assassin would stoop this low, would they?
::He asked this last question moreso to himself than his sister.::
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 19th, 2002, 07:39:43 PM
:;azhure looked at him and grinned darkly, remembering past events:;
They have quite a lot of times. Dont knwo where they got your DNA to copy or what they did with the clones, nut they did. I sometimes felt like I was going insane, Dante's would come and go, but they would try to kill me.
They would, they have. They would have stabbed a blade right through my crimsonsun tattoo.
Matthias Darkstone
Mar 19th, 2002, 10:38:03 PM
::Matthias listned in shocked silence. He couldn't believe they'd do that. They did that with him once, but that involved memories to unpleasant to remember. ::
Do i look like the type who'd try to kill you?
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 20th, 2002, 02:32:40 AM
::She smield softly and squeezed his shoulder::
None of the clones looked like they would. They had your face, but not your heart.
::She smiled, somehtign was different about him from the others, something in those eyes. She let herself relax and wondered vaugely where that clone was. What did they do with clones? Perhaps practise targets? they may be clones but they had been given the breath of life.::
Why do we create clones just to kill them or let them know they are not the original? They can think like us, they are human. Just made by humans.
::She looked at Matthias and shook her head, babbling thoughts outloud again::
I trust you are not a clone. I believe you. your eyes are different.
Matthias Darkstone
Mar 21st, 2002, 10:57:51 PM
::He smiled at her lovingly. It was his sister all right. Not wanting to trust those who are suspicious...fair enough, he wouldn't either.::
Will you take your gift now?
::He held out the velevet box to her. It was something she had seen years ago and had fallen in love with, and it had taken him so long to save for it. But when she died, he'd kept it anyway, keeping a smallray of hope alive...::
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 22nd, 2002, 02:58:51 AM
::She took the velvet box and her hand ran across the soft feel of the material. She opened it, having a slight feeling what it might be, allowing a small smile to come across.
She had fallen in love with it a long time ago in a little shop on the corner of a street in Correllia, she ahd never told him why she fell in love with it. And there it was, a necklace of a shiny colour, almost gold, almost silver but not quite either. On it was a stone, the man had said it came from the Vong homewolrd, but she did not believe him. How would he have gotten it there? The stone was a vibrant blue, as blue as the ocean on a clear night, they had reminded her of a memory long ago, of a woman with clear blue eyes but she had never recognized who it might be. Smiling, she looked at Matthias touched. This really was him, but how had he gotten the money for it?::
::She gave him another bear hug, and let go after a while. It felt good, it felt..strange. he was here again, it wasnt a cruel joke. Looking at the chain again, opening the chains lock and putting it on her::
It's beautiful, but how did you afford it? I'll kill you if you wasted money you could have lived on with it.
I still cant believe your long..
WHat have you done all this time? Where have you been?
Matthias Darkstone
Apr 15th, 2002, 11:02:01 PM
I kinda worked for that. It took me awhile though. But then i bought justso i could remember you.
Azhure Darkstone
Apr 19th, 2002, 01:46:09 AM
::She smiled softly and looked at it again. It reminded her of somehtign else. Azhure looked at her brother silently for a minute then spoke her mind::
Do you remember anyone with bright blue eyes, like this stone? A broken nose seems familiar too. I dont know if its just a fake memory but thats what attracted me to this stone...
I'm glad your real.
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