View Full Version : My First Time

Apr 14th, 2002, 08:09:48 PM
Oriadin entered the Jedi living quarters. He was new here and this was his first time. He was a human, standing at about 6ft tall. He was fairly well built but looked very agile.

He slowly walked around wondering who he would meet and if he would indeed become a Jedi Knight. Only the future will tell...

Apr 14th, 2002, 08:51:13 PM
Greetings, friend.......can I help you find your way around?

Xazor, a Jedi Knight of the Order said as she seemed to appear out of no where. She had met this man before and thought he was quite a nice person. With a gentle smile, she approached the padawan and bowed.

One can become quite lost in here ya know.....

She laughed slightly, mentally recalling her first time in the Living Quarters.

Apr 15th, 2002, 04:24:33 AM
Oriadin saw Xazor approach. He recognised her instantly.

--Please! This place is very large. No doubt I'll get lost a few times while im here!--

He said this as his eyes glanced over the huge area that lay before him, known as the Jedi Quarters. He inhailed the air through his nose as he raised his head. The air around him seemed very refreshing. This could be home for a very long time, he thought.

Apr 15th, 2002, 09:03:49 PM
Xazor laughed slightly to herself. Indeed, this complex was very large and a newcomer would get lost easily until he made his way around a few times.

Yes, we need to find you a room......which way do you wish to go? My room is down the first hall to your right.....which leads to many more halls. In fact, there are a few empty rooms down that way.....

She really loved her wing of the living quarters for the direction the windows faced. She could see every heavenly body from her windows.....the suns, the many planets and their moons, and the stars....no other wing had that kind of view. Not only that.....but each room overlooked the beautiful jungle.....

Apr 16th, 2002, 05:31:27 AM
--Well since I have no idea where im going, perhaps a good place to start would be down that hallway?--

Oriadin was at a bit of a loss. He felt a little out of his league because he knew nothing of the Jedi living quarters, but he had to stay somewhere!

Apr 17th, 2002, 08:10:48 AM
Yes, let's go...

Xazor said with a smile as they went down the hallway he had mentioned. As they walked Xazor felt through the Force, each lifeform behind the doors. She was searching for an empty room for her new friend, but it didn't look like there were any in this hall. With a quick turn to the left, they continued walking down the long halls. She glanced over at Oriadin for a moment and spoke.

So, how is training going my friend?

The Knight questioned with a soft smile.

Apr 17th, 2002, 09:28:58 AM
Oriadin was taking in everything that he saw as Xazor led him down the hallway. He was extreamly shocked at the size of the whole place.

--Training is going ok, ive got nothing to compare it with however to belive otherwise. Verse is going to teach me to use the force to help stay calm. I had another flash back. It was very painfull to say the least. I think Verse belives this Jedi trick will help.--

Apr 17th, 2002, 09:33:44 AM
Yes, the Force is your ally. My father will teach you so much! He is a wonderful teacher....

She smiled gently as they darted down another hall to their right. She could fell emptyness behind several of the doors.

Well, it appears that there is no one in these three rooms.

She pointed out a block of three rooms with a smile.

Apr 17th, 2002, 09:56:20 AM
--I am greatfull for the training. I just hope I will be able to use that training as best as I can to help others.--

Xazor told him the three rooms in front of them were empty. Oriadin looked at each one in turn.

--Which should I go for?--

Apr 17th, 2002, 10:01:26 AM
The Jedi Knight eyed the rooms and smiled.

The middle one....

Xazor said with a smile. She knew that the view in this room was exceptional and he would enjoy it immensly....

Apr 17th, 2002, 10:16:22 AM
Oriadin turned to the middle door, then turned to Xazor.

--Very well! do I just move in now?--

Apr 17th, 2002, 10:17:39 AM
She nodded and smiled.

Yes, you can!

The Knight motioned for the door.

Apr 17th, 2002, 10:55:52 AM
Oriadin dashed in front of Xazor and opend the door. He held the door open for her as they went in to inspect the room. As they entered, Oriadin asked Xazor how she was finding life as a Jedi Knight.

Apr 17th, 2002, 11:08:45 AM
She smiled brightly. The room was much like hers and faced out over the jungle as hers did. She looked around, knowing that once he put his personal items in here, it would be quite warm and home-like.

Life as a Knight is wonderful, but I hold a lot of responsibilities. I have four padawans now, and I seem to be a rolemodel for everyone....

She smiled and took a seat on a furnished chair that was resting against a wall by a table.

I have much to do everyday...there is hardly time for myself. I am not complaining, either...I wouldn't have it any other way. In the time I do have to myself...I am always trying to help others...that is how I found you! I wander around the Jedi base, looking for new comers and those that are too new to know their way around.

The Knight said, recalling several instances where people needed her help. It was such a good feeling to help others...

Apr 17th, 2002, 01:33:54 PM
Oriadin took a deep breath and nodded as he entered the room. He liked it. It was very bright and the view was amazing. He could see miles apon miles of the Jungle. There wasnt a great deal in the room but it was spacious and had everything Oriadin felt he would need. what with the training he was recieving he felt he wouldnt spend a great deal of time here anyway. The room was perfect.

--This room is just perfect. Thankyou for helping me find it. Im glad being a Jedi Knight has helped you to help other people, which you seem to enjoy so much. I can sense you are very well respected among the other Jedi here. I have a question though. Ive been doing my homework and reading up on a lot of old stories and Jedi Lore. I was led to belive that a Jedi Knight could only have one Padawan Learner? Was that just an old rule in the days of Obi Wan and Mace Windu?

Xazor could sense Oriadin had a thirst for knowledge. He was always keen to learn more about the Jedi and the force.

Apr 17th, 2002, 05:54:23 PM
Xazor nodded, walking over to the large window. She too could see miles of the jungle....it was very beautiful indeed. She listened quietly as he spoke, and smiled with a slight blush as he complimented her.

Yes, I suppose that was an old rule.......we do not follow that anymore. I have four padawans....though others prefer to have only one. I can see where it would be easier, but I am not out to take the easy road. I am here to serve the Jedi and others, whole heartedly.

She said with a confident smile.

Apr 18th, 2002, 05:37:12 AM
Oriadin gave a little smile as he saw Xazor blush slightly.

--I see. I am constantly learning off everyone here. Ive learnt so much already and I still have so far to go! Thank you so much for showing me around the living quarters and helping find a place to stay. Will you let me pay you back by getting you a drink at the bar?--

Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:07:51 PM
Xazor turned around and faced the man. She smiled gently and thought for a moment.

You do not need to repay me anything....though, company and a good drink at the bar sounds like a nice idea.

She said softly. He had a very kind heart...it was something rare these days. Even ones who wished to become a Jedi were filled with rage until they learned to overcome it. It was nice to see genuine kindness...