View Full Version : The Return Pt II
Marcus QDunn
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:16:47 AM
There was something about this place. It had a... power about it. I a feeling. There was something about a place that had Jedi walking the halls that was indescribable. It filled the Master as he walked quietly through the sleeping hall. It was 3 am and the place was deserted - exactly what he wanted. For the first time in years, he was walking undisguised and if you discounted the time, openly. Sword at his hip and even more to the point, face uncovered. Lean, strained, bearded, hair unkept. Sword at his side.
He got to the end of the hall to a door that clearly had not been opened for a long time. The reason was on the inscription on the door itself, for it was the room Darth Turbogeek himself had. No one dared come in here, even if the venerated Jedi was dead.
But what Marcus knew of the real Turbogeek...
He paused at the door, before touching the unlock code, which he had gained from Central, the main computer of the Jedi. The door squeaked a bit as he entered.... into a world of dust and memories, which flooded into his mind as he turned the light on.
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:22:26 AM
What are you doing?
Xazor popped her head around the corner to see who was invading the room that no one dared to enter. The figure turned around to reveal her friend, Marcus Q'Dunn.....undisquised. It was dim in the hall, but the life bond assured her that it was indeed him whom she spoke to. Her room was just around the corner, back to back with his. With an embarassed smile, she stepped out of the shadows and bowed.
Greetings, Master Q' first, I did not recognize your signature...almost neglecting to listen to the life bond. You startled one usually comes down this hall at 3 am. There are not many down here anyway. That is my room...and this one belongs to my friend, Thanatos. And down there is Shade, and over there is Sia-Lan. Oriadin is over here, and this is Nash Stolar's room. Everyone else seems to be on the other wing.
She whispered softly, pointing out rooms here and there of the people she knew. Stepping into the light a little more, the young woman pulled her robes around her. She had not been sleeping, but instead she was up studying the Garou ways in a few books she had found.
Kaman Jeris Deliai
Apr 18th, 2002, 05:48:13 PM
"Other wing, huh?"
It seemed to come from in front of Xazor and Marcus. The projected voice was that of Kaman Jeris Deliai, who was in fact sitting silently behind them in the corridor, reading. She wasn't really tired, anyways. She had already slept, and it was second nature for her to be up this early...
"Morning Xazor. Morning, Master Q'Dunn."
I suppose she didn't know I lived in this wing because I don't spend much time in my quarters. Oh well. What does it matter?
"You guys early risers too? Or are you just having a hard time sleeping?"
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:04:05 PM
Xazor turned to see her friend, Kaman. She smiled gently and bowed her head.
Greetings my friend. I was not sleeping at all.......but I was up reading some books on my race.
She said with a smile. She had totally forgotten that Kaman was in this wing also, along with her friend Maia, and Matthias Darkstone. She smiled, glad to see her nonetheless, it had been a while since they had talked.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:23:42 PM
A bit surprised, Marcus spun around. He relaxed as he saw Xazor - and immediatly went back on his guard as he saw someone he did not know. Which wouldnt be hard, he knew very, very few of the Jedi since he had returned.
"I was expecting not to be interrupted. "
Xazor kew whom he was and what he was identified as once. But the unidentified person...?
"Come inside and close the door behind you. I didnt think there was a need to be disguised as all others would be asleep. Or at least, that was my intention. Then again, I am not displeased your here Xazor, I can show you much of the past..... but forst, may I ask you who you are?" Marcus asked, turning to face the other woman.
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:33:07 PM
Xazor smiled and followed Marcus into the room as he shut the door behind him. She laughed a bit to herself.
Yes.......I was not asleep, and I heard someone over here. Then when I came out here and found you. Then Kaman found both of us....
She said, nodding toward her friend.
Kaman Jeris Deliai
Apr 19th, 2002, 12:39:13 PM
He must really be tired...Doesn't recognize me..
Kaman followed xazor and Marcus...
"Your new padawan, Marcus. If you didn't recognize me, you really must need some sleep. But, that's besides the point."
Apr 19th, 2002, 12:53:06 PM
Xazor laughed loudly, but remembered that she should be quiet......others were actually sleeping.
New padawan? Really.......that is wonderful that you're training someone, Marcus! And are very very lucky to have a Master such as him.....
She smiled gently, happy for both of her friends.
Kaman Jeris Deliai
Apr 19th, 2002, 02:19:29 PM
She sighed..
"Yes. My second master. The first disappeared, and I'm so far in my training. At such a high point, and he's gone. Well, you could imagine. I've been here since well before you got here, Xazor, my friend. But training has been extremely slow. So i'm thankful for the patience i'm graced to have."
Marcus QDunn
Apr 19th, 2002, 07:28:52 PM
OOC : Eh - my fault on something here. When I spoke to you in the Temple, I was speaking OOC. I was intending to meet you here for the first time IC. I should have made that clear and thence my apologies.
IC : He blinked, at the admonishment, before his brain clincked.
"Oh, my apologies Kaman. Sometimes I dont remember faces as well as I should"
This was not just a room - this was a complex.. There were a few rooms, a stairwell leading up, an open plan kitchen, a large dining / entertainment area which had what looked like a conference table, which Marcus now headed for.
"If you dont mind the dust, take a seat. It's been a long, long time since anyone has stepped into here by the looks of it". The visible areas also had technology buit in that was well beyond what would be expected, the Master looking totally out of place with his stained and battered clothes, more looking like he had been walking the streets of some backward planet, especially with the sword at his side. "Oh actually, now as I remember - Xazor, door on the left. There is a cleaning droid in there, called Mr Sheen. There's a row of three buttons on it's chest, toggle all three and it'll get to work. Tables and chairs first. And Kaman... I hope your not allergic to cats"
Behind her, a planative meow sounded out as a fairly large and sleek black cat came out of a ground set venelation grate, coming forward and looking at the newcomers.
Apr 19th, 2002, 08:19:07 PM
Xazor walked over to the door on her left and opened it to find a very well constructed droid.
Well, Mr. Sheen.....looks like today is your day to clean.
She laughed slightly and found the row of three switches. With a quick slip of her finger, all three were toggled and were turned on.
I am Mr. Sheen, I am a lean, mean, cleaning machine....
His eyes lit up as he said this and Xazor got a goofy grin on her face. She turned around and looked curiously at Marcus, pointing to the droid. this some kind of joke.....or was he really programmed to say that?
She laughed to herself as the droid made its way out of the closet and took its place in the center of the room.
Kaman Jeris Deliai
Apr 22nd, 2002, 12:56:09 PM
Kaman lights up a bit..
"Cats? Oh no, I love cats. I used to have a few pet cats. A few friends that were cats too."
She sneezes..
"Yikes. This place is a little too dusty, if I should say so myself..."
Marcus QDunn
Apr 22nd, 2002, 07:06:16 PM
"Yes it's programmed to say that. I have a strange sense of humour. Mr Sheen will have this place cleaned up in no time."
For a second, Marcus turned and called to the cat. It ignored him, sitting ddown and beginning to clean itslef.
"Well, the cat is Stig. I accquired him from a Jedi Master named Rmaio, whom kept many of them. You could hardly move in his room for the felines he had. As a punishment for wayward Padawans, we used to make them clean the kitty litter. And no it was not a joke. You can imagine Padawns were well behaved."
Maybe I should give Kaman a test to see how much she knows of the Jedi and also to begin to see what her stregths are....
Behind the Padawan, a vase on a table began to slowly begin to fall...
Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:45:02 AM
Xazor leaned against the wall, smiling to herself as she saw the scene unfolding before her eyes. She did not say a word, but sat in the silence of the room. The only thing that moved was the dust as it gently fell and continued collecting on the objects around them.
Kaman Jeris Deliai
Apr 23rd, 2002, 02:40:50 PM
Kaman had been relaxing, letting herself open to the day. The force was alive around her, in its vivid colours..She noted the change behind her. Sought to bring back the equilibrium of a few moments past, she caught the vase. This was a simple thing for her. She could lift her own weight, with her body strength and other venues given her. A vase was no problem. Kaman turned around. She decided to take the vase out of its position in the air, and look at it. It was a litte cool to the touch.
"Nice vase. Has a good weight to it. I'll just put this back where it was."
Marcus QDunn
Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:06:40 PM
The Master lifted an eyebrow.
"Not bad. You have a good feel for The Force. At the risk of seeming to have a lack of knowledge, what did your former Master teach you? And more to the point what is it you wish to learn?"
OOC : I just been reading up on your training and Bio, so if you just want to do a blah blah and not repeat what has been said before, that is okay. But I do want to know what you want to learn. Do you have AIM, MSN or anything like that? ICQ?
Kaman Jeris Deliai
Apr 24th, 2002, 02:57:08 PM
Kaman crosses her legs and arms, and sits back, relaxing in the chair. She thinks.
"I've learned...well, a lot. When I came here, I already had a great ability in the area of meditation, due to my need to relax and focus for my life previous activities. This made it far easier to orient myself in the Force to do whatever task given.
So we started with sensing things around us, seeing how high I could jump, with aid of the Force. 65 meters was how high I had jumped up a tree, I think. Also, we worked on using the Force when other senses, such as eyes, are unavailable.
He put me up against 3 droids...They were somewhat scrapped afterward."
She takes a breath.
"I suppose that's some of it. I've done a lot of meditation, to explore the Force more. I seem to have a natural ability to slip into trances. It's just the way I am. What I'd like to do...I don't know. I quite liked when combat was involved. With all that i've done in my life, I had a great deal of skill in that area also. But I can't claim to know everything. I don't even know my limits yet. I'd like to learn more in the area of combat. That's always interested me. Basically, whatever you think I can handle. I'm ready to try anything."
OOC: If you think it's necessary, go ahead and repeat some stuff. Though, I don't think it is needed. That's just my opinion.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:07:03 PM
"Combat, hmmm?"
He exchanged an amused look with Xazor
"You came to the right Jedi Master then. Xazor can tell of my skill in the fighting arts, it is something I have great knowledge in. But also, I know how to heal, how to research, to to contemplate the Force and learn what is it's will. I can teach you justice and honour... which is what I stand for. Without that, I think the Jedi would be nothing but a group of magicians."
He also took a seat.
"It has been a long time since I trained others, but I can tell you how I will train. I dont believe in doing the majority of training set execises or classes. I tend to teach as situations come up and I set an example for you. As Xazor can tell you"
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:12:45 PM
Oh yes. Marcus is skilled in Combat. He is a wonderful teacher.....I have learned much from him, though he is not my master. He is wonderful and talented.
She said to Kaman with an encouraging smile.
Kaman Jeris Deliai
Apr 25th, 2002, 02:22:39 PM
She smiles, sitting up straight in her seat.
"Excellent. That's more like the type of training i've been looking for. It would fit my life as it already was before. You never knew when something would come up and you'd be running to the job. Very tense sometimes. I look forward to it."
Marcus QDunn
Apr 25th, 2002, 05:49:20 PM
"Tense? That's an understatement for the things I get myself into. Tell me, what weapons are you skilled in? Do you have a sabre yet?"
Kaman Jeris Deliai
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:18:42 PM
She gave this half and half motion...
"I'm making a new sabre. There are these plans my father had made for one, that i'm guessing he never built.I'm working on it right now. I have my way for dealing with people. I've always liked the sabre."
She takes something from her side.
"This gun is the last weapon that was designed specially for my work. Very few are around. It doesn't really have a type or name."
Marcus QDunn
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:37:27 PM
There was no disgusing the look on his face - not of displeasure, but of interest.
"It's not Jedi-like, but I collect guns. I have for years and even designed one. In a room elsewhere, there is a display area with all I collected. I'll show you later and I'll also show you the ones I had when.... I was a Bounty Hunter and then a NR General. A sabre is a weapon of a Jedi, but there are times a gun is also useful. See, I'm not one to hold onto traditions. If it's a weapon, then I train to use it. In fact, the cleaning here can wait. We'll have something eat, I'll show you the rest of the rooms I have here and then we can go to the gunnery range. I would be interested to see your gun in action"
Kaman Jeris Deliai
Apr 27th, 2002, 08:49:07 PM
Kaman smiled.
"I'd like that. Though i'm not sure if the cleaning can wait. All this dust is hazardous to one's health."
Apr 27th, 2002, 10:10:11 PM
Xazor had just sat quietly. The whole conversation about the guns made her quite uneasy. She too used a gun.....a highly powerful blaster. She had acquired one from Nash Stolar, but the gun she normally used was something terrible from her past. She rubbed her leg where it rested in its holster. Only she knew about that gun..... She sighed slightly, knowing that her skills with the weapon were exceptional.....but she would rather not think about the times she had used it.
Well, it sounds as though you two have a lot to do...I guess I'll go back to my room and read up on the Garou some more.....
She said quietly, lowering her head so they wouldn't see the tears forming in her eyes. Her heart secretly ached...and she knew that Marcus probably had a good idea what was going on.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 28th, 2002, 05:13:46 AM
"Xazor, I would appreciate it if you came with us"
If you don't want to use your blaster, then dont. I seem to remember you had something else with you when we met of Xa Fel.... wasn't it a Rail Gun of some kind? I needed to talk to you.... about Helenias.
He was communicating to Xazor mind to mind by their Life Bond link... the words flashing by in a blink, more emotions than anythign spoken.
"And I have a better idea - we'll eat at the range"
He got up, walked around to where Xazor was, giving her a squeeze of support on the shoudler as he went by.
"Come on. My gun collection is this way"
Apr 28th, 2002, 01:51:31 PM
Xazor quickly wiped her eyes to make sure no tears had the idea of escaping. She looked up at Marcus and smiled, hearing his words in her mind.
"Alright...I will go with you. "
She said, her voice a little shaky yet. She brushed the thoughts away, focusing on the here and now.
I could use my blaster. I must get over things of my past if I wish to continue living now..... I do have a rail gun, it was a gift to me from Helenias...I shall use that also.
She too communicated through their Life Bond Link as he passed her and squeezed her shoulder in comfort.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:53:15 PM
Now that stopped him in his tracks
Helenias gave you the Rail Gun?????
Apr 29th, 2002, 09:36:53 AM
Xazor looked up as she heard his surprised words in her mind.
Oh yes, she did.....just before we left for Xa Fel. She also gave me a full set of armour. It is absolutely beautiful. Why do you ask?
She questioned through their Life Bond Link.
Kaman Jeris Deliai
Apr 29th, 2002, 04:30:35 PM
The thought of food suddenly made her stomach rumble...
Food? It hasn't been that long since my last meal, has it?
...but she just shrugged off the notion. She watched Xazor and Marcus. She knew they were discussing something private, telepathically. A thing, sadly, that she never developed with anyone here at the order. She knew it would be best not to pry, so she just looked over a few things on her gun, following all the while.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 29th, 2002, 07:57:56 PM
The name of the woman he was not ready to meet with really had thrown him completely.
And armour as well? THAT armour you were in on Xa Fel? She gave you that?!?! Those are tow great gifts Xazor. She must like you if she did so.
Outloud he spoke differently. Xazor, Kaman, follow me please
OOC : New thread, will be in the Training Forum. We will have gone through the weapory of Marcus - so you can be armed with whatever device that is legal in Star Wars, and a number of them. We'll have some fun now :) Food will be served as well.
Apr 29th, 2002, 08:04:46 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled.
Yes, that armour! She is a good friend and has a kind heart. I hope she likes me a lot!
She spoke through their life bond. She smiled and nodded when he spoke verbally and followe after him as he said to.
ooc: Alr
Marcus QDunn
Apr 30th, 2002, 07:00:40 PM (
Continuality link
Marcus QDunn
Apr 30th, 2002, 07:01:21 PM (
Continuatiy linkage thingie
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