View Full Version : In search for a room.

Darcas Kesann
May 1st, 2002, 08:27:57 PM
Darcas slowly padded down the halls of Living Quarters. Looking at each door to see if it was occupied, which they all were. Soon he began to wonder if it was much easyer to sleep in the hangar with his ship.

He look a left at a 4 way interection and continued on, suddenly he wondered how his familiar that most did not know of was fairing in the place familiars go to when they are not needed or are tired. He figured once he found a room, summoning the familiar would be next. Seriously he needed the little dragocat to speak with. Continuing on the feline warrior strolled the halls looking for a room.

Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 01:02:46 PM
Sejah was having similar luck in locating a room for himself. Though he had not been fully accepted yet, he was told that he might stay in the complex for the night, at least. So, his sandals quietly thapping a rythm on the polished floor, the brown Nehantite continued on down the hallway, and rounded a corner.

Immidately somethign was in front of him, and he skipped sideways neatly to avoid a collision. "Excuse me- I did not mean to nearly run into you like that," Sejah apologized, shrugging his bag up on his shoulder again, as that it had a terrible habit of slipping off. It was then that he finally got a good look at who he had nearly bowled into, and his pink eyes went wide with the wonder of it. Shaking his head, to clear his dumbstruck awe, the mongoose cleared his throat and said, "I am sorry, I did not mean to stare. It is just, I have seen very few other species that have qualities like ours seem to. What planet are you from?" He asked inquisitively.

For all his life, Sejah had lived on-planet, and had only seen a few foreign species in person, and most other common ones on holovid programs. But he had never seen a species like Darcas.

Darcas Kesann
May 3rd, 2002, 02:37:35 PM
Darcas attempted as close to a smile as any Vah Shir of his warrior race could muster;

"Don't fret much, I get stares from many. My homeworld is Luclins. It is most likely uncharted in the public star-maps around this area. Where do you hail from?" He asked cocking his head to the left slightly.

Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 02:46:20 PM
"Nehantish, it's probably not well-logged either," Sejah replied, a smile lightening his face as well. "Don't worry if you never heard of it, few have. Did you come here for training, too? Some Jedi found me on my world and said I should come here to train. Hope I can cut it."

It was small talk, but Sejah knew that to make it through any task, it was better to have friends, or at least aquaintences, instead of going alone.

Darcas Kesann
May 3rd, 2002, 02:58:32 PM
"Aye, I also hope I can make it into the ranks." He stole a look down the hall behind Sejah quickly then returned his attention to him.

"This place seems pretty packed. By the way, I'm Darcas." the Vah Shir extended a hand torward Sejah.

Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 03:06:22 PM
Sejah took grasped his hand with his own and shook it firmly, both of them applying decent pressure, but he could tell that Darcas could easily overpower him if he wished. "My name is Sejah, Sejah Haversh. Good to meet you."

Releasing his hand, the brown mongoose rolled out his left shoulder, making sure not to accidnetally hit him with the pommel of the burlap-wrapped sword he held in his left paw. "Yes, I have had trouble finding a room as well. There is no room in the East wing, so I was headed down here. I wonder if thet'll make us room with others if there are no spare rooms left."

Darcas Kesann
May 3rd, 2002, 03:13:19 PM
"Maybe, That is always a possibility. The North wing is full also, West and South are left now." Darcas turned to look down the north wing again, That is when Sejah noticed the rather large greatsword strapped to the Vah Shir warrior's back, turning back to the conversation he pointed down the west.

"Maybe there are two spare rooms down there.." Darcas shrugged slightly, "If Chance was here, she could check that one.."

Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 03:22:58 PM
"Chance? A girl you know?" Sejah inquired, then turned as they both began down the West hallway.

His sandals were not suited to the fine polish on the floor, and he made a note in his head to scuff their soles for added traction later on. The leopard-like man next to him was intruiging, not only was he smililar in type of body, but he also bore a real sword as well. Having been a fencing instructor to help with his bills himself, Sejah had enormous respect for blades, and those who could use them properly. Finally his interest overtook him, and he asked,

"I can't help but notice your sword, were you in military of some sort, or was it a personal choice to practice with a blade?" Lifting his wrapped sword up and pulling the burlap sacking down from the handle to show what it was, the mongoose cracked a small smile. "I practice, too. I was an instructor for a while, that's what got me here."

Darcas Kesann
May 3rd, 2002, 03:32:45 PM
"Chance is my familiar, or... rather, a advisor." Darcas grinned a bit, "I was im the military, On my homeworld our race has no use for long range weapons such as blasters. We keep to blades in wars. This particular blade has kept many at bay.. and is my curse now. Warriors train to kill, I train to save now." He relapsed into a silence for a time, "I've vowed never to use this blade in cold rage ever...."

Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 03:37:41 PM
Tenatively, Sejah ventured his next question, "So, um, you've killed before?" As soon as he asked, he wished he hadn't.

Darcas Kesann
May 3rd, 2002, 04:13:03 PM
Darcas glanced at Sejah, "Yes, I have killed before.. Hundreds of deaths are on my hands and blade."

Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 04:23:13 PM
Hundreds? Sejah swallowed a bit hard and focused ahead, not wanting to think about that many. His own blade in his paw seemed pathetic after that figure.

Finally able to reply, though his voice was audibly affected by Darcas' response, "I've never taken a life. At least, not a sentient one. I mainly fought for competiton and to advertise my school. But I never had important pupils, I was more a tutor than an instructor." Thinking back, Sejah tried to remember anythign important he had done in his life, but in all his twenty-five years, all he could think of were a few minor trophies and certificates.

Because he was not of an important house, Sejah was not allowed to compete in national and state-run competitions, only minor ones.

Darcas Kesann
May 3rd, 2002, 07:36:51 PM
"Interesting.." He mummbled, continuing down the corridor. So far, all the rooms were already occupied.

Sejah Haversh
May 4th, 2002, 02:19:46 PM
Sejah was about to say something else when he spotted a door open. As they came to it, it was actually discovered to be empty, but it seemed to be the only one in tat wing that was so.

Hanging back and letting Darcas go to it, the brown mongoose shrugged, "Well, there you go. I'll go and explore the last wing back that way. Good meeting you, Darcas, perhaps we'll see each other around sometime." With a nod, Sejah stepped back and turned to head off and find a room for himself.

Darcas Kesann
May 4th, 2002, 08:10:04 PM
"Aye, Good luck in finding yourself a room. Nice meeting you also, Sejah." Darcas returned the nod, turned, and entered the spare room with a wave.