View Full Version : Nothing Is Ever Forgotten (CLOSED)
Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:43:13 PM
:: Soolin sits inside her ship, the events of the <a href=> previous night</a> replaying in her mind.
Xazor was an abhorrent creature, hiding from her crimes in Jedi robes. Five cycles ago or five thousand, it mattered not. She was a killer. She took pleasure in killing. Nothing could wash that away.
She had gathered supplies afterwards, intending to leave Arcan behind early this morning. Her mind becomes lost in which path to follow ... ::
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 25th, 2002, 12:27:41 AM
Navaria had already spent time speaking with Xazor last night; not too long after what happened at Yog's Bar and Grill. It was a night of anger and sadness from both Jedi, and rightfully so... but it was their lack of control that concerned the Knight.
Xazor had a history with these outbursts but little did she know that it was much more deeply rooted then that ... After her talk with Xazor and an interesting guest ... one that Navaria was still reeling over, things looked better.
With Soolin ... it was different. She was the last of her Clan and what happened last night could lead her on a path of consumption. Her emotions were powerful; mirroring that of Xazor..
But Xazor had those of the Order to help guide her... Soolin had no one. Well, Navaria considered Soolin a friend. Friends were hard to come by for the Warrior Jedi and it was so with her. They had not know each other long but Soolin already made an impact on Navaria.
There was no way she could let Soolin leave like this. If anything happened to Soolin, Navaria would be responsible.
Whether or not Soolin stayed wasn't the real issue as Navaria looked at the sealed ship. The real issue was in making sure Soolin was not heading on a darker path ...
She drew her hood back and waited. Navaria was standing in plain sight but saw no sign of Soolin in the cockpit.
Reaching out through the Force, one word reached the Jedi inside the ship.
Navaria was willing to do this the easy way first ...
Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 26th, 2002, 02:48:49 PM
:: They barely knew eachother, but Soolin had guessed right about Navaria. Knew that she would come here wanting to talk. Her eyes meet those of Grimya's as she stands up ::
"She must know ... all of it."
:: Soolin opens the boarding ramp and awaits her new friend ::
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 27th, 2002, 11:56:51 PM
The hissing sound of the hydraulics was a welcomed sound as the landing ramp started to lurch down. It set itself down on the ground with a resounding thud and Navaria stepped on, walking into the ship.
It didn't take long for the Knight to find Soolin. Her friend wanted to talk. By following Soolin's strong emotions, Navaria entered a small room, finding both she and Grimya waiting for her.
"I thought you would have been gone by now..."
She said simply but the corners of her lips curled slightly into a smile.
"... but I'm pleased that you haven't."
Soolin Anjhurin
May 1st, 2002, 01:22:27 PM
"You talked with Xazor last night."
Navaria Tarkin
May 2nd, 2002, 12:39:54 AM
"Yes... I did. Considering what happened afterward, I figured to leave you be. If you were still here today, I would talk to you then."
She looked around the room curiously.
"And ... so here we are."
Soolin Anjhurin
May 2nd, 2002, 11:51:28 AM
:: a silence passes as Soolin waits for Navaria to continue ::
Navaria Tarkin
May 2nd, 2002, 12:18:26 PM
Navaria had hoped that would have been enough invitation for Soolin to begin, but she was wrong.
Taking a seat across from Soolin, Navaria waited for a brief moment if her friend would say anything.
Nothing but silence.
She crossed her legs and stared right at her.
"Are you going to tell me what happened?"
Soolin Anjhurin
May 2nd, 2002, 12:32:11 PM
"Five cycles ago, my clan fought a crusade on Cysaria, to free it from the ruling Sith. Xazor was there. She was one of them."
Navaria Tarkin
May 2nd, 2002, 12:41:38 PM
She nodded.
"I gathered as much when I witnessed your argument in the bar. Xazor told me the same last night."
Soolin Anjhurin
May 2nd, 2002, 12:57:32 PM
"Do you trust her?"
Navaria Tarkin
May 2nd, 2002, 01:04:18 PM
"She has fought by my side and have helped the unfortunate. Xazor has suffered much to be where she is now. I truly believe that she wants to serve the Light now instead of fight against it... though she needs to learn to control her emotions better."
She paused.
"And so do you. I'm worried about you Soolin."
Navaria shifted in her seat and frowned.
"I know you didn't want to hear what I just said."
Soolin Anjhurin
May 2nd, 2002, 01:55:28 PM
"Do you trust me, Navaria? Would you open your mind's eye to me and allow me to show you that day?"
Navaria Tarkin
May 2nd, 2002, 10:36:51 PM
Soolin was asking a lot from her. In her heart, Navaria believed in her heart that no harm would come from this Jedi.
"Yes. I do."
With a small thought, Navaria let her barriers come down. Her mind was free. If what Soolin was going to do was what Navaria thought, Soolin could possible pick up thoughts and memories of her own.
Navaria didn't care. She had nothing to hide.
Soolin Anjhurin
May 3rd, 2002, 11:29:58 AM
:: Soolin reaches out with a hand, touching Navaria's cheek gently. The walls of the ship melt away as their minds merge, and Navaria finds herself standing on a battleground. She was no longer on Arcan, she was on Cysaria.
Two armies. One of light, one of dark. Sabres and bladed weapons clash between Soolin's Clan and the ruling Sith.
The battle rages around Navaria, then she hears a rumble from behind. A horde of Sith on reptilian steeds, clad in black scaled armor take the field, overwhelming the Jedi Warriors.
The tide quickly turns in favor of the Sith, and the battle turns into a massacre that is horrific to behold. Screams flood Navaria's ears as arms and legs are hacked away. Noble Jedi Knights are dragged to their deaths from horseback, or gutted and left to die as their guts glisten upon the field. Meat for the Vornskrs that are released after the battle.
The Vornskrs feed upon the spoils of victory. They growl at eachother, gnashing their teeth as they tear away flesh from the dying and the dead in large bloody chunks.
Only a few Jedi have been taken alive, back to the sith camp. Mounted upon spears are the heads of the fallen. Some of them are beyond recognition, the skin and hair peeled away. Skulls staring into the night with lifeless eyes. The sight of it almost makes Navaria wretch.
Now she sees Soolin, dragged helplessly across the ground on her belly and thrown at the feet of a Sith Lord.
One of the Jedi rips himself free, snapping the jaw of a sith warrior before the others pummel him down brutally. It's her Brother, Roh.
He cries out her name in anguish as she's stripped and lifted before the lord as an offering, and raped before his eyes. Soolin does not cry out, but Navaria can see the shame burning on her face as her innocence is ripped away from her ...
The vision fades away as Soolin breaks the link ::
Navaria Tarkin
May 5th, 2002, 06:16:40 PM
It was horrific. What else could this past memory shared be called anything but horrific?
The brutality all around her which turned into a slaughter and disgrace for the Jedi. They were nothing but pieces of meat for these Sith that took pleasure in killing them in the most painful manner possible.
Then Soolin... Navaria wanted to look away but was forced to watch everything play out how Soolin remembered it.
With her barriers down, the Jedi Knight was a victim to the emotions running wild. A victim of the curse that Daleethria had given her... the ability to sense and see things that most cannot.... even in memories.
Every death she felt. The hatred from the Sith and the pleasure from the Sith Lord ... she felt. Roh's pain and own horror as he could do nothing to help his Sister. Soolin's shame became her's as the crowd of Sith hailed their Lord in a mighty chant that reached the heavens...
When the link was severed, Navaria was kneeling on the floor, arms hanging limp before her while she stared down at the deck. The tears fell and probably had been fallen for some time now.
"I'm so sorry......."
She whispered so softly that Navaria wasn't sure if she actually said something, or it was just in her mind.
There were no words to describe how she felt after witnessing what had happened. One thing was certain in Navaria's mind. A part of her was scarred forever.
Soolin Anjhurin
May 29th, 2002, 10:11:57 AM
"Sometimes, I can sleep without the horror of it, but Draegen always comes back, to rape me in my dreams."
:: she pauses, reaching to Grimya for comfort ::
"He's still out there, Navaria."
Navaria Tarkin
May 29th, 2002, 10:31:56 AM
Her mind was beginning to find its peace again and Navaria moved back to sitting on the chair before Soolin. Even though it appeared that the Knight had collected her thoughts, it was evident in her eyes that the images she experienced were still quite vivid....
"Is there anything that I can do.... to help?"
Navaria wanted to help Soolin very much but she really didn't know how at this point.
Soolin Anjhurin
Jun 16th, 2002, 12:48:14 PM
"I don't know ... I don't know if Xazor is one of my Brother's killers or not. How long has she been here, Navaria?"
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 16th, 2002, 06:50:24 PM
"Far as I know. She has been here for many months. Not too terribly long though."
Navaria frowned.
"I don't know if she did either, Soolin."
Soolin Anjhurin
Jun 29th, 2002, 09:53:55 AM
:: Soolin closes her eyes, trying to force back the rage and pain that was rising in her ::
"I can't stay here."
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 30th, 2002, 07:31:52 PM
"And that's going to solve the problem? You can't run from this forever. Eventually the pain and rage that you try to keep bottled up inside you will explode."
The Knight frowned deeply with great sadness.
"And I know on that day I will loose one of the few friends that I have in this galaxy."
Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 1st, 2002, 01:32:39 PM
"By blood oath we are bound, held by more than mortal bands,
for the vow we swore was crowned by god-fires upon our hands,
to defend, or avenge."
:: Soolin reaches out and holds Navaria's hand tightly as she looks directly into her eyes ::
"That is the oath I took when I became a Jedi. Is there a place for me among your order? Will I be accepted?"
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Navaria Tarkin
Jul 1st, 2002, 01:44:20 PM
She returns the grip on Soolin's hand in kind.
"There are others that share a similar oath in their hearts, yet was never spoken. The Order is a home for all Jedi that wish to be a part of it."
Navaria covered the top of their hands and smiled.
"I hope that you do..."
Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:35:29 PM
"Will you represent me then, before your council?"
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:56:53 PM
"Of course. No matter what ... I'll always be at your side. When you need me."
Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 3rd, 2002, 08:58:15 AM
:: The words touched Soolin's soul ::
"Thank you."
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Navaria Tarkin
Jul 4th, 2002, 12:53:43 PM
"No, Soolin. Thank you. For being my friend and for staying."
Her eyes closed and when they opened again, Navaria was looking down at the ship's floor.
"It means more to me then you could ever know."
Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 6th, 2002, 12:13:25 PM
"Have you had breakfast yet?"
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 6th, 2002, 11:40:35 PM
"Actually no..."
She lay a hand across her stomach, actually noticing that she was quite hungry. Navaria didn't notice it before because her concern for Soolin was much greater then hunger.
"... I came here first before doing anything this morning."
Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:39:49 AM
:: Soolin stands up and smiles ::
"I've become highly attuned to Grimya through the lifebond we share, including the rumblings of her belly. I think we should go eat."
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 9th, 2002, 06:22:12 PM
"A lifebond?"
She looked a Grimya and smiled.
"I never heard of a lifebond with an animal before. Amazing."
Her stomach reminded her of food once again. It seemingly didn't care that something fascinating had just been revealed.
"Where did you want to go?"
Navaria asked standing up.
"We are in your ship. Arcan is not too far away, unless you wanted to go into the Temple?"
Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 17th, 2002, 09:11:34 AM
:: pets Grimya as the she-wolf nudges her leg ::
"Breakfast first, then we go to the temple."
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 17th, 2002, 10:04:25 AM
OOC~ continued here (
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