View Full Version : The Braids of a Warrior (Xazor)

verse dawnstrider
Apr 30th, 2002, 05:47:04 PM
::Verse sat in his room. Golith sat on the other side of the room. The Walk was the size of a car, yet was gentle to Verse and all his kin. He sat and waited for his Daughter.::

Apr 30th, 2002, 05:53:17 PM
Xazor got the note her Father had left her and quickly made her way out of her room. Locking the door behind her she lead her Wolf companion, Kaukauna, down the hallway. Turning the corner, she arrived at a door and stopped. The Garou didn't bother knocking, but instead, pressed her hand on the door and it opened with a hiss. Verse was sitting, waiting for her. She smiled as the door hissed shut behind her and Kaukauna readily approached her father.

" He is deaf but Force sensitive. "

She said to Verse as she pulled up a chair. Smiling brightly, she said something in sign language to the gentle beast and he replied by sitting down beside her father.

" He understands basic sign language also. "

She smiled, forgetting to even say hello since she had walked through his door.

" I am sorry father, greetings and how have you been? "

She leaned over and hugged him gentle before returning to her chair. She smiled, recalling why he had wished her presence at this time. She would finally have Garou Warrior braids, and it was an exciting time for her.

verse dawnstrider
May 1st, 2002, 08:53:00 PM
::Verse smiled::

"I am fine. Now, let us start."

::Verse took a strand of his long hair. His hands moved slow. Pulling the strands apart into three pieces.::

"You try."

::Verse looked at the wolf. Verse could tell he really was deaf. He was strange. A wolf that could not hear..::

"Maybe you can braid his tail later."

May 1st, 2002, 09:23:59 PM
Xazor took a strand of her long hair as Verse had done. She smiled and parted it three ways as he had shown her.

Alright.....I have done as you have shown me.

She smiled and noticed him looking at Kaukauna.

Yes, it would be nice to braid his tail. That would be pretty....

She said softly. She waited for him to continue...

verse dawnstrider
May 1st, 2002, 09:59:01 PM
::Verse moved his fingers slowly.::

"Do as I do. In and out..."

::Verse's fingers moved slow for Xazor to see.::

"So, how does Shade do?"

May 1st, 2002, 10:39:40 PM
Xazor watched Verse carefully move his fingers in and out. It looked hard at first, but then she caught on as she began mimicking the movements. Slowly at first, she began weaving her fingers in and out as he had done. She then felt confident and picked up the pace a little bit.

Shade does well. We are still making wedding planes.....so much to do.....so little time. Everything will work out, though....

She said with a smile, continuing to weave her hair as he did.

verse dawnstrider
May 3rd, 2002, 11:09:36 PM
::Seeing that Xazor was getting it, Verse took some strands of her hair on the other side of her head. He started to braid them. He pulle dout a coin from his bag on his bed. It had a hole in the center.::

"Slip it through the center strand."

::Verse showed her and kept going placing more coins in. He looked at the wolf.::

"How did you come by getting him?"

May 3rd, 2002, 11:54:24 PM
Xazor smiled as she saw him slipping coins into her hair. They were beautiful and it complimented the braids nicely. She did as he showed her and took a coin, putting it through the middle strand. She did this several times until she developed almost a type of pattern. It was coming along nicely.

"I went back to Cysaria to search for answers. I used to have a wolf companion when I was there as a child, but he was killed in a battle. When I went back, I found his brother.....this very wolf. I felt badly for him and decided we could do each other the favor."

She said with a gentle smile, continuing to braid her hair, slipping a coin in every once and a while.

"And how did you come across your giant beast?"

She laughed slightly, her eyes falling on the car-sized creature.

verse dawnstrider
May 5th, 2002, 01:23:34 PM
:Verse smiled slightly as he kept braiding.::

"Golith? He is a Dire Wolf.Very rare beasts on Eden. My tribe breed them to ride in battle and to live with. Golith has a brother named Cerebris. Pivo owns him. Chaos...sorta has one. He had teh feus of one, then changed it. MAde it bigger and faster. Now it is a new beast. He calls it a Hell Hound, but back to Golith. When I was young I wondered into teh holding area for the Dire Wolfs. I was about to fall in the feeding area, when Golith pulled me away. He was just a puppy. Ever sence me and him have been together."

::Verse smiled at his childhood memories.::

"Much has changed sence you have been gone my Daughter. I will be glad when you see it again. When we finally run Kama's troops off the planet."

May 5th, 2002, 01:46:07 PM
Xazor smiled as he told his story. The creature looked deadly....but at the same time, gentle. She continued braiding as she thought about seeing her home once again.

I wish I could remember more. There are nights when I have dreams.....they are like flashbacks and dreams all together. It is an odd thing...but everytime I have one, I remember more. I am anxious to see Eden once again. Perhaps that will be all I need to remember everything.

She smiled, thinking of the time when she could remember everything. She then got an idea.

Father.....I do not ever want to be taken away from you again. Now that I remember how I was brainwashed and my memories were taken away, it brings great sadness to me. You know Marcus Q'Dunn.......remember how you met him that one day in the med bay? He and I share a Life Bond, and have become close friends. If ever I need help, I know he knows it because he experiences the same things I do, and vice versa because of this life bond. It is something held between mates, family members, and good friends. I am pretty sure you know what one is.....

She slipped another coin in her hair and had to stop speaking for a moment so she could hold her concentration and not mess the braid up. Once she got to the part of weaving the hair in and out again, she continued.

I would like to share a Life Bond with you also......I think it is important. That is....if you want to.....

She didn't know if he would find this request strange, but she hoped not. She continued braiding and Kaukauna came over and laid his head in her lap. She smiled and stopped to pet him for a moment before resuming weaving her hair in and out once again.

verse dawnstrider
May 7th, 2002, 09:00:45 PM
"I would like to do that."

::Verse finished teh last of the braids on his side of Xazor's head.::

"How doe sone create one though?"

May 7th, 2002, 09:24:46 PM
Xazor spun around on her chair to offer the unfinished side to him. She had been working on a few braids, but she was a lot slower than he was. She smiled, looking at the finished side in a mirror. It was beautiful.

"I am not exactly sure.....I was dying when Marcus and I created one....it was because he had gone deep inside my mind and soul, sharing our lives together at the same moment in time. I cannot describe the feeling either. Perhaps we should ask him. He suggested Shade and I take up one also."

She said softly, continuing to braid some hair on the unfinished side.

"Here let me try...."

She took some of his undone hair and began braiding it, periodically slipping coins into the intricate weaving. She smiled as it began to take shape and she could really see how it was turning out. She laughed to herself when she got her finger stuck in it, and then had to pull it out. She didn't try to pull his hair, but it was difficult. She smiled with relief when she finally did so without causing him pain.

Verse Dawnstrider
May 19th, 2002, 09:42:46 AM
OOC: Oops, forgot to reply to this one....


"We should ask Marcus. He would know how. Shade and You should have one. If you plan to spend the rest of your life together, then it would be fitting."

Xazor Elessar
May 19th, 2002, 01:58:07 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded brightly as she continued braiding his hair.

"Yes....that is a good idea. I know where Marcus is right now...and I shall seek him out. Perhaps he can do something special in the wedding...oh yes....don't forget, you have to walk me down the aisle."

She smiled brightly. This was indeed a most joyous time, and spending extra time with her father made it even more special.

Verse Dawnstrider
May 20th, 2002, 08:36:12 PM
::Verse smiled as his daughter braided his hair.::

"That will be a hard thing to do, I jut found you and it is hard to give you up so soon."

::Verse looked at braids Xazor had finished. She was doing a good job. She caught on really quick.::

"Shade will make a good son-in-law. He is a little rough around the edges, but you will wear him down. I think it would be good for Marcus to create a Life Bond between you and Shade at the wedding. It would be a good symbol of a lasting future."

::Verse looked at his robes. Most were made of fur. One sat alone. It was his nicer robes. Ones he never really wore before. He prefered teh fur ones he made. The one in the corner was silk though. It was deep blue. Much liek Xazor's.::

"I think I will wear those robes. What do you think?"

Xazor Elessar
May 20th, 2002, 08:40:28 PM
Xazor smiled at his words, so glad to hear that he was accepting of Shade. She nodded in aggreement when he spoke of creating a life bond between she and Shade at the wedding. It would be most symbolic. She then eyed the robes in the corner of the room where he was talking about. She smiled brightly when she saw the color.

"That is perfect! It will go so well with my dress too."

She sighed slightly, recalling what he had said about just finding her and then having to give her up.


She paused a moment; she had never called him that before...and she felt like such a little girl. A smile danced across her lips and she giggled.

"I don't want to let go either, and we won't have to. He is just...well, he's like an addition to me. You're not losing me at all!"

She said as she continued braiding his hair. It was hard to explain, but in a way, she did feel as though they were being pulled apart...and it did hurt.

Verse Dawnstrider
May 20th, 2002, 09:13:14 PM
::Verse smiled.::

"The life of a Jedi is hard. I am proud to know you a Jedi. It just takes away some of out time. I promise to spend more time with you when the wedding is done. I may start wearing my blue robes more as well."

OOC: I plan to be on like 24/7 when school is done. WhenI am done you will be sick on me. hehe.

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 07:27:33 AM
Xazor smiled brightly.

"I would love to spend more time with you...I know that we have not...this is a first time in a while. The most time we have ever spent together is that time when you and Alpha gave me that very long lecture...."

She thought back to that for a moment and then remembered something that had been bothering her for quite some time...but she had never asked.

"Father...I wanted to know. Why was it that you had your sabers there...and you appeared as though you were going to use them?"

She questioned a bit nervously as she continued braiding his hair.