View Full Version : Home is where you hang your datapad. (open)
Viper Pliskin
Apr 20th, 2002, 09:41:48 AM
It would take some time settling into his new room at the Greater Jedi Order. It was plain and simple really. A bed, wardrobe, curtains on the window too. A nice view outside as well. part from that, nothing overly exciting. That would need to be rectified quicksmart. He decided to brighten up the place and make it more welcoming. But that would cost money. So he'd need to find some way of making money. And somehow, counterfeiting didn't quite suit him! He sat down on the bed, and started typing on his datapad. He thought it a good idea to keep a diary from now on...
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:04:37 PM
Xazor was walking down the hallway when she suddenly felt a something. It was a familiar presence behind one of the doors....a new presence. She smiled, glad that whoever it was must have found their way to their room okay. She silently approached the door and knocked lightly, hoping someone would answer....
Viper Pliskin
Apr 23rd, 2002, 05:32:55 PM
There was a ratatatatat on the door. Ames walked over and opened it. He smiled at the sight of a familiar face. Xazor, the girl who'd greeted him when he arrived at the Greater Jedi Order. He would have said hello if he could. But all he could do was smile and step to one side to allow her to step inside...
Apr 23rd, 2002, 06:08:48 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded her head. She had understood his silent greeting and stepped into his room. She looked about and thought how her room had looked when she first moved in. She turned around and faced him, with a bow of greeting.
Greetings friend. I thought I would stop by and say hello as I was passing....
She said with a gentle smile.
Viper Pliskin
Apr 27th, 2002, 06:41:31 PM
Ames gently closed the door again, but didn't lock it. More visitors might arrive. He hoped so anyway. But as Xazor spoke to him in her friendly tone, all he could do was smile and nod, and lift his eyebrows happily to see her. An uneasy silence would quickly fill the room. This was bad. He felt awkward. And whats more - it was a girl. To break the ice, as best he could, Ames reached for the jug of liquid on the desk and an empty glass. He held both up to Xazor, and looked at her questioningly? Despite him not being able to actually tell her what it was, the ingredients for the refreshing drink were only a foot away on the other side of the desk. An assortment of fruit remains resided in a glass bowl directly underneath the shelf above the desk.
The way he grabbed the drink suggested that he was desperate for her to drink, as if she was about to die of thirst and it was the only drink in the galaxy left. But he was only trying to keep the...... conversation......going.
Azhure Darkstone
Apr 27th, 2002, 08:46:00 PM
::Azhure watched by the door at him offering the drink, more thna offering the drink it seems and smiles. He seemed interesting too, many peopel to meet but her ships repairs called. She would get a chance to meet him later::
Apr 29th, 2002, 12:52:40 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled, letting him know that she would appreciate a drink.
Thank you friend.
She said with a smile. Suddenly she was aware of her friend's presence at the door. She turned her head and spotted Azhure Darkstone. With a smile, Xazor waved her in.
Join us, would you please?
She questioned with a gentle smile.
Viper Pliskin
Apr 29th, 2002, 05:44:56 PM
More company...goodness!"
Ames thought to himself as Xazor called out to her friend. Ames turned round nervously to see another unfamiliar face. He held up the jug again, this time to Azure, offering her a drink as well. He only had two glasses, so had to make do with a cup. But he quickly poured the contents of his glass into the cup, and held the clean glass with the jug...
Apr 29th, 2002, 05:53:32 PM
Xazor smiled gently as she observed this man's kindness.
You have a gentle heart...
She spoke in his mind, wondering if he could hear her telepathic voice. Most that were Force sensitive could, but there was always an exception. She smiled and waved her hand, motioning for Azhure to join them.
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:29:03 PM
OOC: It's azhure here but cant get into the other name account. forgot password, will find it...somehow.... heh.
so forgive the name change for now ><
::Azhure lookeds around and then shrugged her shoulder, why ever not? She walked into the room and smiled at the man who's face was unfamiliar and accepted the drink::
Thank-you, I hope I'm not interupting anything.
:;She turned her attention to the man, and nodded. Xazor was right perhaps, though she was not as telepathic as Xazor. Time would tell to see how strong it became. He was kind and there was somethign that told her he was perhaps a bit unsure of something though she could nto tell what. It was something about the way he had offered the drink before.
She held out her hand::
Azhure, and you?
Viper Pliskin
May 6th, 2002, 01:32:31 AM
His lips moved, but nothing came out. Azhure looked at him as if to say excuse me?. Perhaps she couldn't lip read like he'd hoped. He looked around momentarily, his eyes catching sight of a slightly dirty cloth on the white desk. He took the cloth and wrapped it around his index finger, then wrote on the desk. A dirty, black, yet faint, smear appeared on the white surface.
He then smiled to himself, and added a slash to the name, followed by a few more letters...
Then, he put the cloth back to one side, cleaning his hand son another, cleaner one...
Azhure Darkstone
May 7th, 2002, 04:22:18 AM
OOC: Hah, found it! see, told ya! Sorry about not responding too soon, been busy. school and that stuff.
::Azhure smiled, she had caught a word similar to that, but had not been sure. She nodded and sipped the drink given to her. Not bad. She looked at Xazor for a second and noticed a soft smile::
Nice to meet you Amos, or Viper, whichever you perfer
::He was resourceful, that was proven. She picked up the cloth for a second and frowned. She thought the people hired to clean would have cleaned the room before being occupied but she merely frowned and put it down again::
What brings you here to be a jedi? By the way, welcome
May 7th, 2002, 08:35:55 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded when he told his name.
"Thank you for your kindness Ames......"
She said softly and smiled gently as Azhure and he began a conversation of their own.
Azhure Darkstone
May 17th, 2002, 01:54:46 AM
OOC: whos go is it?
Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 05:17:27 PM
ooc: Viper's! :) Or yours if you really want to, I don't think he'd mind.... :)
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