View Full Version : Searching for a room...(Open)

Lance Stormrider
May 5th, 2002, 08:28:27 AM
:: Lance walks silently into the Living Quarters not wanting to be noticed or anything he sighs at the fact that he has to search for a room and since he has no friends here at the greater jedi order, Lance has to find an empty room for him alone.

Walking through the halls of the living quarters the young man scatters all the corners and the end of the halls, finally he turns around and eyes the room in front of him.

The room was at the end of a long hall, Lance thought the room was perfect, he now presses the unlock button next to the door and the door opens automatically.

He now scatters the room to see if it's really empty. Seeing no one or anything belonging to no one, Lance takes his backpack and other stuff and brings them into the room. He looks at the bed seeing that it has two floors....Lance thinks to him-self.

This would've been perfect..for two..but ah...

:: Lance sighs deeply now feeling very lonely::

Clay Dennatta
May 5th, 2002, 07:15:59 PM
Clay was walking through the halls when he spotted someone entering one of the two room dorms. He knew that room wasn't occupied so he went to investigate. He looked inside and noticed a man inside who looked very lonely. Clay approached him and said,

"Hey, my name is Clay Dennatta. I have a tww person room with one vavancy if you would like to room with me."

Lance Stormrider
May 5th, 2002, 08:35:05 PM
:: Lance looked at Clay and decided to accept his invitation, this was the chance to make new friends::

Very well..then my name is Lance Stormrider and yes it would be very kind of you to share your room with me

:: Lance takes back his stuff and follows the man to the other room::

Clay Dennatta
May 5th, 2002, 08:40:10 PM
Once they got back to the room Clay showed him around and showed him where the room that he was not allowed into was. It was Clays room and many things in there were not for the weak of heart. So he didn't take a chance and just made it so no one was allowed in, not even a Jedi Master.

" Your room will be upstairs and you have your own bathroom to go with it. "

Inside the room it was a lot different that the one Lance was in a moment ago. The kitchen was joined with the dining room and next to that was a siting area.

" Anything in the kitchen is up for grabs. Label things you don't want me to have and i will do the same for you. Hope you like it here."

Lance Stormrider
May 6th, 2002, 06:18:54 AM
:: Lance listened carefully to Clay::

Yeah this is perfect..thanks

:: Lance started walking up stairs bringing his stuff to his room. He started with his cloths, he puts his Trenchcoats and other types of coats in his closet.
He also put his lightsabers and other cloths inside of one of his drawers, and on the night table he had putten a picture of him and another mysterious man next to him, both of them were clothed like Striders on the picture.

Lance took a look at the picture and then rested on his bed.

After a while he got up and started sticking multiple posters on the wall of his room.::

Sure..is different from living on a ship

:: Lance now thought of his ship The Stormrider that he let in the middle of 4 mountains not too far from the GJO HQ.

Lance also remembered about his motocycle and got up and walked to the sitting room where Clay was.::

Hey Clay...I have a motocycle..is there sime kind of parking where I can put it in? Cause I just can't let Dash Outside like this..scared that someone might steal my baby

: Lance waited for a response from Clay::

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
May 6th, 2002, 03:04:38 PM
Maia had bee wandering the halls with nothing to do for about an hour when she heard two voices coming from a room. Deciding to take a look she walked up to the door and tapped lightly.

"Hello anyone here? I heard some voices and thought I would say hi." She called out...

Clay Dennatta
May 8th, 2002, 07:18:27 PM
" Naw theres no parking but if you want to put it in my ship you can. I have automated defense sytems in it and an advanced computer system that has an A.I. computer brain that me and my brother made. The ship is fun to talk to when your bored and have nothing else to do."
(The A.I. is like the comp on the show outlaw star)

Clay heard a voice come from the hall and answered,

"Ya come on in."

Lance Stormrider
May 8th, 2002, 07:22:46 PM
:: Lance has his own ship...actually a gigantix ship "The Stormrider" but for now he prefers now to reveal it..because the ship is a BattleCruiser Type ship and he hid it somehwere on Yavin. Lance decided to accept Clay's offer since he definitively doesn't want his Dash to be stolen.::

Very well then...lead me to your ship..

:: Lance hears the voice coming from the door and clay tells the girl to come in Lance grabs his chin slightly with his hand and eyes the door::

OOC: Yo o_o....Sup? Since our chars are roommates was thinking we should keep contact to plan stuff :P Muwhaha what messenger do you use o_O Gimme addy! I don't mind AIM Yahoo or MSN are fine to me.

Clay Dennatta
May 8th, 2002, 07:25:49 PM
ooc: i use yahoo and i have two names
blade1644 or

Clay Dennatta
May 8th, 2002, 07:55:53 PM
He looked at the lady entering the room and told her,

" Excuse us for a minute lady, we will be back in a minute, have to take care of his bike. Please make yourself at home."

He then turned to Lance and said,

" Follow me"

Clay led him down to the landing bay to a gigantic ship and Lance went over to his ship and got his bike and brought it back to clay's ship. The gigantic loading bay doors opened and reveled many other smaller crafts like and e-wing and a couple short rage fighters. He told Lance to park it near the enterance and told his ship to watch over and protect the bike before it protects any of clays ships.

" The computer knows who you are now so if you want get your bike just ask the computer to open the doors and it will ask your name. Then the doors will open after you tell her. The ship can also have conversations if you want to talk to her. The main entery way is on the other side of the ship."

He closed the two gigantic doors and they left for there rooms.

" Were back. Sorry it took so long."

Lance Stormrider
May 8th, 2002, 08:08:32 PM
:: Lance looked over at the girl and eyed her all moronicly...he stared at her and stood silent for a long moment admiring the girl's body he tried to slide a few words out of his mouth::


:: Lance blushed for a sec and then cam back to reality. He looked over at Clay::

what do we have here?

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
May 9th, 2002, 12:51:16 AM
Maia nodded at and watched them leave. She hoped she wasn't being a nuisance. Waiting by the door she glanced around the room. It was as nice as the room she shared with Xazor.

When they came back Maia smiled at the two men a blush heated her face as one of the men stared at her.

"Hullo I'm kinda new here to and haven't met to many people. I heard your voices and thought I would stop by and introduce myself. My name is Maia, its a pleasure to meet you both." She spoke quietly to the two men her eyes roaming the room.

Ari clutched her shoulder sharply, his soft coos sounded a warning in her ear. Her beloved pet bird was not pleased about meeting new people but he usually grew quiet friendly once you got to know him.

"Perhaps if you are no busy we can goto Yogs and have a meal." She gave them a soft smile.

Clay Dennatta
May 9th, 2002, 01:16:40 AM
"Hello Maia. My name is Clay and it is good to meet you."

He looked the woman standing in front of him up and down and realized how beautiful she was.

"I would love to have dinner with. And i am shure Lance would too."

He looked at Lance and realized he still was at a loss with words.

"Come along Lance if you are hungry." He said to Lance, and looking back at Maia he said

"Shall we go." As he offered his arm to leave.

ooc: As in the whole, putting my arm down to the side and you grab on. I can't think of what that is called but i know they do that alot when you escort a lady somewhere.

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
May 9th, 2002, 12:56:08 PM
Maia smiled as she slipped her arm through Clays. Se looked over to "Lance" and offered her arm to him.

"It would be a pleasure to go to dinner with both of you. How long have you both been here? Yogs has wonderful food." Maia said softly, she was happy to finally be making new friends.
She had stayed to herself to long. She was still afraid of peoples reactions when they found out about her family being darksiders. So far she had not run into anyone that had treated her badly. Maia grinned at the two men that stood at her side.

Lance Stormrider
May 9th, 2002, 05:42:26 PM
:: Lance slipped his arm through Maia's and followed the two of them::

Sure..let's go eat something..

OOC: Yeaaaahh -_-........Suuure Mike you do

Clay Dennatta
May 9th, 2002, 10:48:50 PM
Right away they left and in a matter of minutes they had arrived in the bar and grill.