View Full Version : Happiness is a rent-controlled apartment.

Sejah Haversh
May 7th, 2002, 02:10:48 AM
The South wing of the Jedi rooming complex was the last one that Sejah checked, and the only one in which he could find an empty room. Opening the door, he looked in at the standardized room layout before him and nodded in affirmation of it.

He had one window with a breathtaking view of the backside of another building, but that was fine, his last apartment had less of a view; half of which was cut off by thick iron bars running across the front of the window. Beneath the window on the opposite was was a simple desk with a chair, and a bed next to it. On the left wall ran a series of empty shelves, and to his right was a small entertainment center on the same side as the door, and an armoire built into the wall next to a door.

It was all done in beige and greytones, with a few touches of blue for accent, but for the most part was drab and uninteresting. It was still better than his last apartment. Setting his wrapped sword on one of the shelves, he noted the thick layer of dust on it before turning and opening the armoire and depositing his pack inside of it. Then it was through the door on the right wall, which led to a kitchenette, and another door that was already open going into the bathroom. He took a sigh of relief that it possessed a multi-headed shower system, and that the towel rack boasted a healthy allotment of towels.

The refrigerator/freezer was empty as he had expected, and the sink made a little noise when he ran the hot water, but it was still better than he had hoped for, or really needed, for that matter.

Heading out into his living/bedroom Sejah wrote his name on the door panel with a marker he found in the desk drawer, indicating that the room was now taken. He took his time in carefully shaping each letter, ending up with a nearly flawless printing job of his name before shutting the door, undressing, and heading immediately to the shower. Once clean, and using four towels to dry out all his fur, Sejah opened his pack and selected some casual clothes to change into, his traveling attire having grown a little smelly over the past two weeks. Getting dressed, the Nehantite sat down on the edge of his bed and then laid back, relishing the feel of a real mattress under his back. Only when he was young and still living with his parents had he felt so safe and secure in a home as he did at that moment. And it felt like home, too.

After a few minutes, the brown-furred Nehantite sat back up and picked up the remote for the holovid player on his entertainment center, and began to channel surf. Free cable, another luxury. A genuine smile broke out across his face as he thought about all that he had now that he was finally there, and how well he had been taken in. The only thing he still needed was a master, but he was sure that would come soon enough.

Kaman Jeris Deliai
May 8th, 2002, 02:45:00 PM
Kaman popped over next door. Sejah had just moved in there. She knocked on the door. It opened a bit when she did. He was watching t.v. One of a few activities she never chose to indulge in.

"Hey Sejah. It's Kaman. I see you've moved in next to me. May I come in?"

Sejah Haversh
May 8th, 2002, 04:59:13 PM
Sejah snapped up from his relaxed postion, slightly startled that somebody had come to visit so quickly. Glancing at the door, he feverously tried to hit the power button on his remote, remembering that it was rather rude to leave a holovid on as you tried to have a guest. Finaly hitting the button, he stood up form the bed and opened the door for her.

"Please, go ahead," He indicated for her to enter, then remembering that he had written his name on the door and that was how she knew it. "I' sorry, I would offer you something to eat or drink, but I'm afraid I don't have anything quite yet," He admitted a bit sheepishly, closing the door after she had come in. Suddenly he noticed his laundry in the open door of his armoire and hurried to nudge the door closed with his footpaw before she noticed it.

"It's good to know you have a neighbor who isn't afraid of talking to you, Kaman," He smiled, "My last place, well, it was better not knowing who your neighbors were..." He trailed off, suddenly wishing he hadn't brought that up.

Kaman Jeris Deliai
May 9th, 2002, 02:53:06 PM
Kaman smiled...

"Actually, I know what you mean...being better off not knowing the person next to you. But...yeah. Better off not talking about that, huh? I know it."

She laughed.

"You were watching the tv? Not something I've ever indulged in. I never had the time for a lot of things before. Having free time, I have to admit...well, I still find it a bit frustrating. Oh, and I just ate, so don't worry. So, how do you find it here?"

Sejah Haversh
May 9th, 2002, 03:18:18 PM
Looking around his room, then back to Kaman, Sejah nodded approvingly, "I like it. Everythign works, free cable, and the shower has hot water. What more could I want?" He laughed, not mentioning just how good it really felt to him.

Setting the remote down on the desk near his bed, Sejah stalled for a moment as he thought up what to say, finally settling on a joke to start things out with. "But I must say, my last place was a bit more colorful. Then again water damage and rust can do that." He smiled, shaking his head. "But seriously, this is great. I'd imagine I won't have much free time once I actually start training, but I don't mind it right now. They say I'll be assigned to a master soon, so I'm content to wait. So, how long have you been here?"

Kaman Jeris Deliai
May 9th, 2002, 04:53:44 PM
Kaman sighs...and laughs.

"A while. My first master was slowly fading. He wasn't around much anymore. Then he left. My training has took a while. But I have a new master now. I'm hoping sometime my training will be complete."

Sejah Haversh
May 9th, 2002, 05:00:49 PM
Sejah nodded, though he hadn't considered that he might have his master dissapear on him. "Well, even if I can't cut it as a Jedi, I'll at least learn a few things that might help me," He shrugged.

"Tell me--if you are allowed to-- in training, do we ever have to read and study things and write papers and stuff like that?"

Kaman Jeris Deliai
May 10th, 2002, 10:59:48 PM
Kaman looks at him and smiles..

"No...but there used to be an academy where writing of your experience and gained knowledge...from your point of view...was encouraged...My father started that...years ago...."

Kaman drifts off...

"But, that doesn't seem to happen anymore...."

Sejah Haversh
May 12th, 2002, 03:39:47 AM
Sejah kept his sigh of releif to himself at her answer, and covered it with a different reply, "Well, I was just curious."

Another question, completly unrelated suddenly sprang to his mind. Shifting his stance to add a physical look to the subject change, he asked, "Um, I don't mena to sound liek a complete new guy, but I am, but... What do we do about food? Do they like give us a budget or something, or do they supply it? Or are we supposed to hold a job somehow while we train?"

Sejah knew how foolish he sounded, and he shook his head as he finished, looking to the corner where the wall me the floor for a moment while chuckling, then turnign his attention back to Kaman. "I'm sorry, now I'm just being obnoxious, aren't I? Asking all these questions..."

Kaman Jeris Deliai
May 13th, 2002, 02:29:29 PM
Kaman laughs...

"Hah! I know obnoxious! Jaret Thal was the most obnoxious person I knew. He acted as if the universe revolved around him. But that was only when we weren't on missions, fortunately. I don't know what happened to him. After one mission to Kessel, he changed. The obnoxiousness disappeared..and then, so did Jaret...isn't that strange?"

Kaman grins...

"No, Sejah, you aren't obnoxious. I don't blame you for all these questions. But, umm, the only work that people do around here is all centered on Jedi life. These rooms aren't rented, they're just here, for the people who live here and train. How do you think some of the kids here stay? There is no payment. The closest thing to that is serving the good of the people well. We are protectors."

Sejah Haversh
May 14th, 2002, 03:13:10 PM
"Oh, okay, I get it,...I think." Sejah nodded, then steppign over to pull back the blinds on the window to let more light in.

Looking back to Kaman, he shuffled his footpaw for a moment and then said, "Gee, I'm sure not very stimulating conversation, now am I? Sorry, I guess this place just takes some getting used to."

Kaman Jeris Deliai
May 14th, 2002, 03:38:42 PM
Pulling up a seat next to Sejah, she then looked at him and nodded, relaxing in the chair.

"It does. Sometimes I feel i'm still not used to it. I had an extremely active life before I came here. I miss it, but I can't go back, and I don't need to. I'm here now to do what my family has been doing since the beginning of time, it seems. Being Jedi. And.."

She laughs, and pats him on the back...

"Don't worry about whether you're stimulating conversationalist or not. Personally, I don't think that matters. The company is nice, and that's good enough. Though, i'm ready for anything, so let your mind wild. I invite you to..."

Sejah Haversh
May 14th, 2002, 03:47:27 PM
Sejah hadn't been touched by another in a friendly way since he had left home, and it helped to calm him. His tail swishing lightly out of habit, the Nehantite smiled as he looked over at her.

"Thanks, that means a lot. And you mean all your family have been Jedi? Wow... I'm the first one of my race I know of." He said, though there was a twinge of sadness to his voice. He was the first he knew of, which meant he would go down in Nehantish hostory books; but it also meant that he would meet no others of his race in training. Friends were nice to have, but those you can fully relate to were even better.

Thinking again on what she told him, he said, "You said you're ready for anything; what did you mean by that?""

Kaman Jeris Deliai
May 16th, 2002, 02:55:49 PM
Again, she starts laughing...

"Ha. I'm not telling you. I'm going to make you guess...."

Sejah Haversh
May 17th, 2002, 02:18:32 PM
Sejah was truly at a loss for words, and thought for that matter. Fumbling on whay she might have meant in his mind, he honestly couldn't figure it out. She had told hik to let his mind wild, whatever that meant. All his life he had been told to keep control of his mind and thoughts. To lose that control would seemingly be a step back, he thought.

Looking at her, his face quite puzzled, he finally said, "I've never been too good at guessing games. I'm sorry, I'm just not all that smart, I guess."