View Full Version : Please read

Saace Falyk
Jun 25th, 2001, 07:09:30 PM
Hello. I roleplay over at The Gungan Council Galaxy, and I've just recently joined SWFans for The Gungan Council II. At the TGC Galaxy, I've trained as a Jedi. I've worked very hard to obtain my goals and I've successfully worked my way up to Jedi Master, one of 4 at TGC. It's taken a lot of time and hard work to reach the status I've earned. Many will agree that I have earned it over there.

Anyways, my question: Do I have to start all over again and re-train for SWFans? Some tell me I can keep my rank, others tell me I have to start over. If I do have to start over, I'm not so sure I'll join SWFans, even though I want to. Everyone else at TGC II also are keeping their ranks of whatever: Knight, Padawan (an advanced who has been through training), or whatever their rank may be. Thanks for the time.

Jun 25th, 2001, 07:13:38 PM
Well, if you intend to simply Roleplay over at SWFans, then in all likelihood, you can keep your rank. However, if you want to join the GJO and keep your rank, it would have to be discussed beforehand.

Saace Falyk
Jun 25th, 2001, 10:14:06 PM
Thanks a bunch.

Nope, I wasn't going to join GJO, I'll stay over at TGC II. Thanks again!