View Full Version : Jedi Debate I: What is the primary goal of the Jedi
Hart Kenobi
Jul 4th, 2001, 10:50:12 AM
OOC: This should be the only ooc comment in this thread. This debate will be solely argued through the eyes of your character. Thus, remember, you are arguing as a Jedi, NOT as some kid who needs a haircut and needs to stop listening to rap music.
*Hart Kenobi, Jedi Philosopher and Scholar, rises to address the forum.*
"It has been a long time since I have addressed this body. I had gone into hermitage and renounced violence of any kind to think. But I have realized I, at the young age of 17, am not ready to become a hermit. The Force has other plans for me. I do wish to continue my quest for enlightenment, understanding of our purpose, the Jedi's purpose, in the universe. I have joined this order as a scholar. I wish to die in this order as a scholar."
"It was once believed that the Jedi sought balance in the Force. Perhaps that is true. But what is balance? Did the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker if he was this, achieve this? I sincerely hope that was not what the legend implied."
"So what is the Jedi's primary goal? What gives the Jedi their right to interfere in other being's lives? We were coined as the guardians of the Republic, and we have now been reinstated as that in this New Republic that has been formed, much thanks to the dedication and bravery of two of those present here in this order: Leia and Luke Skywalker."
"But was it meant to be? Even as the Jedi "help" those in need, we are disrupting the fragile balance of the galaxy. Do we Jedi take it upon ourselves to choose political sides and ideals and mold that in which we are supposed to understand? Every time we use the Force for violence, are we not causing a grave inbalance in the Force?"
"But perhaps I am looking at this topic the wrong way. Perhaps Jedi were meant to protect the galaxy from those who wish to disturb it. So we are not disturbing the balance ourselves, we are preventing others from doing so."
"So what is our purpose, our goal. To understand the Force? To protect the Force? To be guardians of an ideal? Something else?"
"Before I allow this discussion to open, I will now renounce my title of Knight. I wish not to be called it and be associated with what it infers. Do I believe myself a master of the Force? No, I am its servant. I am now, simply, Jedi."
Jul 4th, 2001, 03:42:14 PM
The blind woman leaned against a wall and chuckled.
"There is many interpretations of what a Jedi is, and what a jedi does. as many interpretation as there is Jedi I'm afraid.
But above all, Jedi are simply learners, preservers and teachers.
They learn of the force, exploreing it's vastness.
They preserve the knowledge of what they've learned.
They teach others about the force, about things they need to know.
At least that my "view" on things..."
She let out a small chuckle
Hart Kenobi
Jul 4th, 2001, 11:08:29 PM
*Hart lowers his head as he listened and gave a brief nod.*
"I agree that we were meant to learn about the Force, but I am a little unsure about the preserving and the teaching. I do not believe we preserve what we learn, because the universe changes, and the Jedi must change along with it. That is why I have questions about the Jedi, as an ancient organization, maintaining it's ancient ideals today. It frightens me that you say we teach them what they NEED to know. I've found that usually means we teach them what we want them to know.
The Force is not good, the Force is not bad. The Force just is. Why are the Jedi holding onto one extreme and battling anything off of that extreme. It is understandable that the Jedi and not the Sith are considered "good" in today's civilization, since it is what takes the least amount of power from others, but does that make it right? That is the only reason why the Jedi are tolerated today.
I ask you this question. Shouldn't the Jedi represent the Force and not one side of it?"
Jul 5th, 2001, 12:45:23 AM
"Preserving the knowledge is essential, for to learn something new you must base it on what you already know works... or doesn't work.
I teach what needs to be known, that the force is viewed in many differnt ways, that in calmness actions can be guided by the force. That twisting the force, that commanding it will have me comming at them and kicking thier behinds into line.
I also give them the basic lessons of the force. How to feel the energies of the force flowing through everything, how to let the force guide thier actions, how one might use the force to touch another. And finally, how the force may be used to heal.
With those lessons, they can expand thier horisons without my aid, I will watch, and help them when they ask for it. I'm something of a guide, a companion on thier path of jedi hood."
She closed her eyes for a moment
"The Jedi have changed, quite a bit since thier founding. And it was the viewing of both sides of the force that have brought forth the troubles that plauge us today in the form of the sith.
Let me tell you about the history of the Jedi, of what I have been able to peice together....
The history of the Jedi is one of those difficult subjects really. It's quite long, and over time, it's gotten somewhat lost, especially certain parts.
The earliest Jedi were philosophers, studying the force, not simply the Lightside as we do today, but the whole force... light dark, live and unifying. Slowly over time they became more and more of an active role, using the force in defense against evil.
During this time, the studies became more focused, a divide happened between those that studied the Lightside and those that studied the Darkside.
A century of great struggle within the Jedi. The great schism... light Jedi against dark Jedi. In the end the light prevailed, and those that remained that followed the Darkside. tucked their tail and ran.
Time passed, and the Jedi, those that followed the light grew larger and stronger. And yet, things came back and bit them. The exiled dark Jedi gave birth to the Sith, who also prospered, learning, strengthening themselves through infighting.
The Sith came, raining fire and sorcery upon the republic, The republic and Jedi stood together, fighting battle after battle, loosing ground, until one of the Sith, one who was trained as Sith but not born of them turned away from the Sith to save his sister...
Family is a strong thing, and the action of his redemption echoed though the force, ringing in the minds and hearts of the Jedi like a distant bugle call, reminding them within the light there is always hope, even in the darkest of times. The forces of the Jedi and republic rallied, turning the tide against the Sith, pursuing the Sith as they fled, decimating their forces.
The Jedi once again strengthened and grew, and yet, it was a mere thousand years before the Sith struck out, leeching away the weaker willed Jedi, turning them to the Darkside. Then sending them against their own former teachers... it was a staggering blow, confusion reigned, but many more new Sith died than Jedi. And yet, the once home of the Jedi was lain to waste.
The Jedi never truly recovered. Over time, a Jedi went Rogue, others following him over time. They attempted war, but their own infighting defeated them, and yet, that was only the beginning of this era...
One Darksider and twenty thousand followers saught to control the galaxy, ruleing by right of being strong. The Brotherhood of Darkness. The Jedi rose once more to confront this threat. The Army of Light was born.
Seven horrific battles. The Jedi wining all but two. And then came the last stand.
The Brotherhood baracaded itself within a strong hold, using the Darkside to create a massive bomb, a thought bomb. The army of light entered the stronghold, greeted by crucified bodies of their slain comrades.
As the armies fought the bomb was triggered, whipeing out both armies...
I suppose the rest is more or less current history... but that's the general overview of the history of the Jedi...
Master Varn Areen
Aug 3rd, 2001, 08:15:18 PM
OOC: Are my signature and personal picture showing, or is Brinkster screwing me over?
"Our deeds are not in the interests of ourselves, but in those of the Galaxy. We sacrafice everything in the name of others. Acts directed toward good can only be a product of the light. Anything less is tainted by the dark side; the dark side is greed, anger, aggression, et cetera. However, the Force is not a conscious deity, but an all-surrounding essence. Where is the line drawn of light and dark? In many ways, it is a battle against yourself. The dark side is the abuse of the Force; taking it for granted, using it for self-gain. Of course we, Jedi, utilize its full power, but we draw our strength the side of the light. Think not of it as a matter of only using a fraction of the Force, but an alternative source of power. The dark side is no powerful than the light and vice versa."
Aug 4th, 2001, 12:21:03 PM
The primary goal of a Jedi, is to protect the innocent from evil and to turn evil to good by acts of love or care, instead of hate and anger.
Aug 7th, 2001, 05:28:45 PM
Why do you think Jedi should show love and caring towards Sith? Generations ago, Anakin Skywalker and Palpatine had murdered hundreds of thousands of them. If there was a key to turning them back to the light using kindness, then the Jedi purge would have never occured. Luke Skywalker succeeded, but anyone less than the offspring of Anakin wouldn't have been heard out or captured alive like Luke had.
I have the feeling the life of a Jedi is much more hard and violent then some of you like to think. Of course, we are only slowly building the order up again due to the elimination of all of the Jedi transcripts and guides by the Emperor, but we should be more realistic with the universe and the Jedi's role within it.
Also, innocent is an interesting word. Who do you think determines who is innocent?
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