View Full Version : Serious Question.
verse dawnstrider
Feb 20th, 2002, 11:38:22 PM
Ok, I know all about Sith Magic. I was wondering if Jedi had something similar. I have read that the Sith used to places "spells" on SIth Swords so they were as strong at Light Sabers (could not cut like them, but resist blows from LS's). I was wondering if any Old Jedi fro back in the day did stuff like that. This page (
Talks about a Force move to make an object stronger and hold off a Light Saber. I was wondering if teh Jedi could do what the Sith did with the Light Side. Use old Jedi Runes or something. I had an idea to RP with Xazor dealing with this. I just wanted to know if what I am saying makes any sence and can be Rped out. It could be part of the missions. He find techniques about this ina lost Jedi Library or something.
Feb 21st, 2002, 12:09:31 AM
Hmmm... I''ve never heard of Jedi having "magic" like the Sith did, but the idea doesn't neccessarily have to be ruled out.
The Sith were actually a race, an ancient people, that lived thousands of years ago and that were conquered by powerful Dark Side magic. They drew on the powers of the Force, and conjured up Sith magic utilizing it's power, but not just it's power alone. They were able to create ruins and objects (relics, if you will) that could harnest this power and multiply it's usage by the user weilding said object (it could be anything from a small ark to amulets... there are Sith amulets of great power recorded in history). Those that call themselves Sith now have merely adopted the name because they also use this Sith sorcery, but they may not neccessarily be decendants of the ancient people.
I'm looking through my guide (aka ancient history text <img src= ALT=":lol"> ) right now and trying to find something. The only thing I can come up with are the are the people of Ossus, in the Adega system. It is believed by many historians that the acient warrior fellowship of Jedi originally came from Ossus, but it has never been proven. The planet was also the holder of the ancient Jedi Library. Many Masters and Knights gathered on the planet sharing knowledge and furthering the causes for peace, justice, and the Jedi Code.
Then the Great Sith ar came and brought the planet to ruin when ten stars of the Cron Cluster were detonated. The shock wave killed everything that was exposed. It goes on to say after the devestation of Ossus, that some of the natives had survived having escaped to vast subteranean caverns. Over the succeeding generations, the sons and daughters of the survivors forgot about their Jedi heritage. They called themselves the Ysanna, and treated their natural Force abilities as a form of atavistic magic.
Ok, so it's a bit of a history lesson (taking notes? there will be a test later... <img src= ALT=":p"> ), but that's the only reference I could find on "magic" used by the Jedi. No actual writing on Jedi using ancient ruins or whatnot for spellcasting like the Sith do.
I'll keep looking though. Can't rule out the possibility. But it's looking grim in finding anything. Of course, there's no rule you can't squeeze a bit of your own history into the EU. After all, this is all RP. Use your imaginations. <img src= ALT=":)">
Marcus QDunn
Feb 21st, 2002, 12:25:06 AM
Okay, i researched this out about two years ago, when I was interested in recreating a proper sword - actually no, longer than that.
What your talking about is called Empower - where an object a Jedi Master picks up can be used with all the properties of a sabre. It is not permanent.
Now, I did find hints of Jedi "magic" and what you describe can be done permantly. This is how I have my sword, it is empowered but in a rather specific way.
This is what I found -
To permanatly enpower, is not easy. It takes a good dal of learning and power. It is not something that can be done with a wave of a hand and was ony done by Masters before lightsabres were invented. The sheer problems of empowering made sure that when lightsabres came about, no one built swords anymore.
How I rp'ed it out was to firstly find a book of knowledge that suggested such a thing was possible. Second, I forged the sword, third, more IC study and learning. I quested and it took three IC attempts. This also took a full OOC year. The third attempt nearly killed DT and he well.... got shot about a day later.
Thence, I had a genuine sword, made with spells and Empower, which will turn a lightsabre and has some interesting side effects. I doubt a Knight is strong enough to attempt this personally, not from what I researched out.
Jedi Majics do exist. The original DT knew a lot about them and has a store of knowledge and I found out that they mainly existed in the board games, NOT in the EU or moives. Always use source material from the roleplay games with caution.
(On a personal note, be wary about falling into the 'artifact of the week' mode. They are not easily found and they sure as hell dont give you heightened powers IMO. It's always been my stance that you also should RP your knowledge out instead of just claiming it, plus never just 'use' some of the more exotic powers. Always build up over some number of posts and understand cause and effec
Feb 21st, 2002, 12:51:37 AM
And there you have it folks.
Thanks for the info, DT. Didn't know there was actually some Jedi Magic around. You only always hear about Sith Magic. But now I know better. <img src= ALT=":)">
BTW, if I may ask, where was this knowledge of Jedi Magic found? I mean, which book can it be found in, source and novel?
Marcus QDunn
Feb 21st, 2002, 06:09:42 AM
It was so long ago I found it, I'll have to backtrack. I'll get researching again
verse dawnstrider
Feb 21st, 2002, 06:06:26 PM
I am planning to do a long list of RP's with it Marcus. I do not feell I am powerful enough yet as well. This is what I have in mind. Let me know wht you think.
Sence I will be gone from June 25 to Mid-August (Air Force boot camp for me). I wanted to make sure I left with Xazor having RP experince. Me and her are doing a Rp called "The Lightwood Cup" right now. Just to test her and stuff. After we are done Verse and her will set out to look for more lost Jedi Relics. I plan to find a Holocron first. The Order can use it as well. Verse will be searching the Holocron for clues of possible other Artifacts. Verse finds info of a Lost Jedi Library. One that holds many lost texts of the Jedi. Verse will seek it out. At the end Verse desides to stay and study at the Library for an undesided time hoping to increase his knowledge of the Force. It is here I plan to be done in time for me to leave. That way I have a IC reason not to be on the boards.
The reason I was asking about the Empower thing was I wanted to possibly bring in a few new weapons. Like a Light Partison. Like that one in Phantasy Star Online. A form of Light Daggers and such. Just to spice up RP a little.
Feb 22nd, 2002, 11:55:48 PM
Sounds cool. <img src= ALT=":)">
Nichos Marr
Feb 23rd, 2002, 06:08:24 PM
DT's right..It is very difficult to "empower" an object. I had Seth learn it just after I created him, over a series of Roleplays.
Haven't heard anything about Jedi magic though, other then Dathomir force witches. The good ones (not the Nightsisters) use the Force as one would use a spell. For example they have sensing spells and healing spells. They say the spell and the Force takes effect.
verse dawnstrider
Feb 24th, 2002, 01:08:28 AM
I was thinking about the Dathomir witchs as well. Like I said, I was planing to do thing much later when I have time and Verse is stronger. Maybe use a Garou Klaive.
Hart Kenobi
Feb 24th, 2002, 01:11:44 AM
I'm usually in the minority on topics such as this, but my platform is always: If you haven't seen it in the movies, then you shouldn't be able to do it here. Only movie is canon. If Sith or Jedi had other fantastic abilities outside of the known, they wouldn't done it by now.
Elieen Cross
Feb 24th, 2002, 07:06:03 AM
What Hart said. I've always tried to restrict myself to what I see in the movies, absolutly and utterly no more. Now, that has put me in a minority and hence at times I have not felt like my style is "welcome", but that is the way I have and will always play it.
What I dont think many realise is that it is our minds that are the real weapon, how we think and how we plan. That is where we should be placing our trust and not in powers. Power can be subverted. Your mind on the other hand, if it is good enough.....
Do I need to point out that I have defeated Jedi without the need more than a Force Pike in the past? And as Lord Fire Blade, I destroyed the original Jedi temple, not with a tornado or a fire rush, but with a well placed bomb.
I may be fun to draw out ever power, but in the end, the real thing we should concentrate on is how we think. That to me seems to be how the Jedi and Sith truly combat - by plotting and well laid plans, not whom can fart the largest flame, excuse my crudeness. It appears to me Palpatine never even combated a Jedi directly, but he defeated them, yes? Plots and plans.
Now I dont discount the possibility of this however.
And I have to admit, I would probably roleplay more if there was less fantastic and completely irresposible throwing about of energy and there were more mind games and strategy. i know Marcus has been looking around and seeing that lately and I know he's become hesitant to rejoin a power of the week battle, as I think he sees fighting to be at times.
Do we want that? Sure, if we do want to find the maximum powers, that is fine and I wont be saying more than this. I will say that is not what I want.
Now I have been around almost as long as anyone, which may surprise some. And if I wanted to go down the road of the maximum powers, I would be on a throne somewhere, ruling over a lot.
However, I am a lonely woman, whom has lost her husband, trying to find her feet in the Jedi whom she fought against for so long. I have a Pike, I have a set of red armour, I have a sabre. That I find far more satisfying than who can go closest to God Mode and not pass it.
Well, apologies about speaking my mind... but I guess I felt like I needed to. I would add I disagree with some things Marcus does as well, whcih have viewed as absurd in the past, even if everyone else sees them as valid.
As one last note, what do I see worthwhile in obtaining? Valour. Honesty. Bravery. Peacefullness. Knowledge. Wisdom.
Please dont me mad with me if I spoke out of turn :(
Nichos Marr
Feb 24th, 2002, 12:49:27 PM
As long as no one tells me how to write my posts, I'm happy. I use the Expanded Universe when I roleplay, because it is considered canon by Lucasfilms Limited. I think Splinter of the Mind's Eye was the first EU book out, back in 78. In the beginning of the book, Lucas wrote an introduction. He said:
"After Star Wars was released, it became apparent that my story-however many films it took to tell-was only one of thousands that could be told about the characters who inhabit its galaxy. But these were not stories that I was destined to tell. Instead they would spring from the imagination of other writers, inspired by the glimpse of a Galaxy that Star Wars provided. Today it is amazing, if unexpected, legacy of Star Wars that so many gifted writers are contributing new stories to the saga."
Lucasfilm Limited states that all EU without the Infinities label is canon. Canon means law in latin, I believe. Even George Lucas is behind the Expanded Universe. In Episode II he is using elements from the Expanded Universe for his movie. For example:
He has placed a Twi'lek Jedi from Prequel EU into his movie. Most importantly, he is using HOLOCRONS. Oh wait, Holocrons are EU and made up by Tom Veitch and Kevin J Anderson respectively. Yes, well Lucas is using them in Episode II.
*End Spoiler*
Now I respect your way of roleplaying sticking strictly to the movies. IMO, I find that thinking inside of a very confined box. EU expanded on everything for me, and gave me a lot of great ideas for some of the roleplays that I've written. Oh and Lucas does give the go ahead for each EU story that is written. For example in NJO he told them that he wanted no Sith and he allowed them to kill off Chewbacca.
Just my two cents on this matter.
Hart Kenobi
Feb 24th, 2002, 02:06:39 PM
Hey, well, different strokes for different folks, I guess. I've just never been able to accept anyone besides Lucas creating Star Wars fact.
Marcus QDunn
Feb 24th, 2002, 09:25:39 PM
I can tell you, Elieen and I have had some nasty "discussions" on the abilities of Force users...
Good discussion this.
My view is that I take what I can stomach. The movies are a given, some of the Eu I can stand. Thrawn Trilogy definantly. NJO for me is a no way. Anything Hambly is go away. Comics are highly dubious too. I for one now tho am trying to go to a more relationship based style, emphasising what I think and feel, rather than what I can do. That's just my personal preference and I find that where the freedom of movement comes from.
Elieen right about one thing... I LOVE mind games and I dont like Power Of The Week or Artifact Of The Week. That's my personal preference - much as in I dont like a mindless brawl anymore.
What I will say is that it is good to trade notes and say what you like to play, no one is forcing anyone into their "box" or POV. Most of it's all good as long as it can be linked back to Star Wars.
Morgan Evanar
Feb 24th, 2002, 10:00:16 PM
I'm moving this discussion into Assembly. It would be better suited there.
verse dawnstrider
Feb 25th, 2002, 02:13:44 PM
"Like I stated. I didn't want to be in the "Artifact of the Week" club. I am more of a book person. The movies ar egreat, but I like the books better. More detail and such. I just wanted to send Verse on a quest that would explain why he will be gone for a while. I didn't really plan to find the empower skill, just go on a quest to find info on it. It turn finding something much better. A library. Why a lost Library? It would hold TONS of info my char could be studing while I am gone. I feel the whole "Power/Artifact of the week" threads are popping up because there is nothing else to do. I could easlily make a Jedi Artifact to find and take my padawans with me. It would be impossible to RP much else without others help. That is why I stress this....
Vote on the Jedi Missions!
I feel this would improve RP skills and help out new players. I can not, and will not, go out and try and be an embassy for the Jedi in a RP with the Council's permission. I don't plan to be a escort for people with there permission. I try not to offend people because that spoils RP. I am not sayin' the missions should be for only the council to handle. That woulkd be wrong. They could not do anything because they would be bogged down. I feel everyone should help out. I do not wish to be held down by RPin' only what is seen in the movies. I would not be asked to be a burden to the people who RP like that.
I feel that we should all throw some ideas onto a pot. Comment on them. Choice the ones we ALL (All Knights and Masters) feel would help out and then ask who (Everyone includeing the padawans) would like to be sent on missions. That way we stand a chance of being sent to a place out of our comfort zone. I for one am tired of the "We want the RP to be as good as it once was". I want action, not words. Instead of complaining lets get some @#%$ done. I have talked to many padawans and new knights about this. They all want to do this. Many people are tired of the "I challenge you" and "My family" and "Artifact.." RPs. Lets promote good and help rebuild destroied towns. Lets be Jedi.
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