View Full Version : A Burdened Heart

Aura Allei
Mar 4th, 2002, 08:57:48 PM
Aura bowed before the Council, as her eyes reflected the arduous weight on her shoulders.

"Through the adept tutelage of my Master and the Force, I have uncovered my past. I see many Jedi whom harbor aggression, yet when I voice my opinion on their behalf for salvation, my interpretation is questioned as an askew conjecture. I was once a Jedi Knight, whom thought the only way out of a conflict was to engage an enemy with my blade. My present Master guided me to the true Light a Jedi should flourish in. Violence should not constitute a retaliation in violence. I feel too much emphasis is placed in sparring, instead of a constructive compromise, void of a vehement plight. While I agree one can be forced to engage with the wielding of their saber in self defense, and the preservation of another, it can lead to acute heightened aggressive tendacies, if total control of ones emotions is not adhered to. Such I have experienced amongst a few of the Jedi here. I was questioned by Eileen Cross on a similar matter. While I respect her insight and knowledge, I know when a Jedi fights like a Sith. Each day I recall more details of my past, and uncover lost knowledge, once dispersed in the winds of time."

She sighed as she listened to the wise words of a Council member.

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 5th, 2002, 02:48:25 PM
"I do sympathize and agree with you Aura. I have felt that there is too much dueling here at the academy but that is a by product of the times we live in. Unfortunately, the Sith are plentiful and battles with them are inevitable. Padawans need to be prepared to face them or die and that does mean praticing in the art of defense and sabre sparring."

She paused for a moment to gauge Aura's expression and then continued.

"But ... you are right. If a Jedi is using aggression, hatred or fear when they utilize the Force in any matter, this is a serious problem. If they are facing each other at peace with a quieted mind, no matter how many spars they have, they are still Jedi.

I am wondering if you think this is a general problem of the Academy or just with certain Padawans or Masters who train?"

Navaria was still getting used to her new position amongst the Council but was pleased, very pleased, to see someone of the Order willing to speak up that something was bothering them. She hoped she, and her fellow Council Members, could offer insight to help Aura's concerns.

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 6th, 2002, 12:15:14 AM
"It is a tendancy of this whole Order, because of where they came from"

The voice was oddly accented, the face covered with a deep hood. He wore stained travelling clothes and stayed in the darkness, wearing it like a second set of clothing, choosing to stay anonymous for this brief visit.

"The Greater Jedi Order was built in a time of war and when you are in war, you need to make certain changes. It also follows that the greatest Jedi of the Order arose as a Warrior and not as a man of peace as he so much desired. He was extremely aggressive but he was a Jedi... at least until the end when madness decended and he was executed. The madness was not to do with his aggression, but.... other affairs of the heart"

"The Force itself is not able to be looked at from one point of view. The Force is not just soemthing to be mediated on. The Jedi are not just peaceful, we also must take up the sabre and fight when the time comes."

"But... is there more to being a Jedi? We are also healers. We are teachers, trainers, diplomats.... although some are not good at those, you must find what you are good at and play to it. Make that the bastion to make your weaknesses strong."

"In the end however, I believe most Jedi - and almost all Sith - miss the real meaning of a Master / learner relationship. To train fighting? No. To train what is right and what is wrong in the Force? No. To be a True Master is to be always learning and serving and to be a student is to be a disciple of your Master - Not just to learn deeds, but also to be sown, grown and cultivated as a person, to go wise and fair, to be knowledgeable, honest and honourable. A student will see the wisdom of the Master and take it for their own, to one day pass it down"

"How this is achieved is by living. True living is meaning to always learn. I believe when you fail to learn, you are dead."

"Now, maybe this Order is not a peaceful one, leaning to a fighting side, but that is not wrong. However.... in your journey together, if the Master does not allow his student to be a disciple, then the training will fail."

Aura Allei
Mar 6th, 2002, 10:10:57 AM
Aura bowed to Navaria, then shifted to the stranger, capitulating as well for their astue disclosures.

"No, Navaria, it is not of the majority, nor have any Masters been aggressive with their Padawan Learners. This stranger is correct. The Padawans need to be readied for any assaults by the undeviating Darksiders. My Master has ingrained into me the saber is a crude weapon, and need not be used. But we all can't fight like a seasoned monk, an expert in martial arts. I voiced my concern over his objections to violence, as it cannot be avoided at times."

She grew increasingly confounded, but tallied more of her input.

"I was trained to fight with two sabers in my past with the NWOL. We fought with an adamant drive. So I am not foreign to the ways of demanding training in times of war. Control is the key. I was only concerned for a few, whom let their emotions get the best of them, but I am sure their Masters will deal with the issue competently."

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 8th, 2002, 12:43:29 AM
"I have much faith in our Masters here. Being a Padawan is a torent time for most ... as it was for me. Through belief in oneself and a sense of direction given by teacher to student is essential."

Navaria looked to the shadowy figured and bowed her head.

"Your words are wise and thank you for offering insight today ..."

Apr 11th, 2002, 07:08:41 AM
Oriadin entered as he felt he could and should discuss his thoughts. He bowed as he approached the Jedi in the room. His robes were slightly baggy on him as he had to borrow some from his master Verse Dawnstrider.

--I am only a padawan and havent been here long to know as much as you im sure. I am aware however that sparing is an important part in the training of a Jedi.--

Oriadin paused for a moment to take a breath. He took a look at everones faces and continued.

--Sometimes there is no alternative to fighting. I do feel though that generally padawans are not guided as well as they could be. A jedi should only act when calm and collected. We should not act when experiencing anger, hatred of fear. As jedi we should only be acting in defence and not to attack. I feel sparing is very important but I also feel that learning to control your emotions and knowing that to fight is a last resort. I sometimes feel that people use thier aggression when fighting.--

Oriadin glanced round the room again to see what the reactions would be to what he had just said.

Aura Allei
Apr 11th, 2002, 11:05:01 AM
Aura mirrored the new Padawan's gesture, bowing in return to Oriadin.

"Greetings, friend, I am Aura Allei. Yes, sparring is an intricate part of a Padawan's training. I was only voicing my concerns that great care must be utilized not to fall prey to dark emotions when engulfed in a skirmish."

Apr 11th, 2002, 11:32:24 AM
As Aura introduced herself Oriadin gave a small smile. He was pleased to have met someone new.

--Hello Aura. My name is Oriadin. I completly agree with you. I was trying to get the point across that sparing should not be discouraged but padawans should be taught to fight only when nessesary and to not use anger. Only fight when at peace and for defense only. I think we are talking along the same lines.--

Aura Allei
Apr 11th, 2002, 03:16:05 PM
Aura smiled to him, then nodded.

"For a new Padawan, Oriadin, you seem well versed in the code and ethics of the Jedi. An advantage this shall prove in your ascention to Knighthood."

Apr 11th, 2002, 03:52:28 PM
Oriadin was pleased that Aura seemed impressed by his knowledge of the ways of the jedi.

--Ive done my homework. All thoery and no practise yet though im afraid. I hope my Master, verse Dawnstrider will be able to teach me to become the best jedi I can. So I can serve the galaxy as best as is possible. Are you a Jedi Knight yourself?--

Aura Allei
Apr 11th, 2002, 05:45:47 PM
Aura shook her head.

"No I am a Padawan like you. But once I was a Knight in a different order. The Sith Master Jedah Lynch, procured my past with a mind wipe. Left me for dead. So here I train for a new life in the GJO."

She paused, averting her gaze to the vista, as she added a brief comment.

"I am sure with your present knowledge and dedication, and under the adept tutelage of Verse, you shall become a significant asset to the Jedi Order."

Apr 12th, 2002, 04:56:26 AM
--I truly hope so. Well Ive said my piece. Hopefully our paths will cross again soon.

Oriadin bowed to the Jedi in the room and made his way out.