View Full Version : I have sought and found....

Terris Rhyson
May 10th, 2001, 03:09:18 PM
A sandy haired boy with bright blue eyes steps off a small transport marked Traveller. He is taller than most boys his age. He looks back at the pilot and the transport captain. He runs back to the captain and gives her a hug.

"Thank you for all you have done for me, Captain Jenner."

He stands there for a moment, looking at the captain, who then speaks.

"Go, Terris. Make your father proud. Let it be known that his wishes have been obeyed."

Terris smiles.

"You'll always be a handsome boy, Terris. I'll never forget you. Now, go on."

Terris nods, then turns around and runs back down the ramp, moving away from the ship as it prepares to take off. He watches it lift off, then zip to the sky, and out of sight. He waves the whole time, then as his arm drops, he says a final goodbye.

After several minutes of looking around, he sits on a rock.

"Make my father proud."

Terris sighs.

"I wonder what my grandfather would say. I wonder what it was like when he was alive...When he was a Jedi."

The boy sits there and wonders, his eyes dancing happily at the sight of the surrounding vegitation.

"It's nothing like this on Tatooine."

Teka Kenobi
May 10th, 2001, 03:24:23 PM
**Coincidently (sp?) Teka Kenobi was in the area of the young boy at the time the transport dropped down. He had decided to take a walk to clear his mind and to think. He used the force to search and found a young boy. He carried on walking into the boys direction..**

**He could now see the boy sitting on a rock apparently thinking. He walkewd up to him silently.**

Hello. I am Jedi Teka Kenobi, of the Greater Jedi Order.

**He held out his hand to shake hands and waited for a response.**

Terris Rhyson
May 10th, 2001, 04:47:33 PM
Terris notices someone standing in front of him with a hand held out. He stands and looks at the person with his bright blue eyes, taking their hand and shaking it, then letting it go.

"Hi, Teka. I'm Terris Rhyson. I'm from Tatooine. Where are you from?"

Terris Rhyson
May 10th, 2001, 11:22:55 PM
While the Jedi is talking to him, Terris unclips something from his belt. He takes a few steps back from the Jedi and tosses it from hand to hand. After a few tosses, he stops and looks at it. It has a button, and is cylindric in shape.

"This..belonged to my grandfather. It was his lightsaber."

Terris presses the button, and a shaft of spring green light shoots from one end. He looks up and down the blade, then at Teka.

"He made it this colour to remind him of the forests of the beautiful worlds he had been to. It was my father's last present to me, before he passed on."

He switches it off.

"I know well enough it is not a toy. My father taught me a few things with it before he fell ill." He holds it out to Teka. "Look at the carvings...It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 11th, 2001, 12:39:43 AM
** A petite Jedi Master walks up to the two. Leia bows her head slightly and proceeds to talk to them**

Greetings...I am sorry for the intrusion. I am Jedi Master Leia Solo. Please excuse the interuption, but it is to my understanding you chose to be trained as a Jedi here a GJO. Is that not so?

If so and you are still without a master..I will check to see who is available to train you.

Terris Rhyson
May 11th, 2001, 11:55:24 AM
The sandy haired boy of approximately 8-10 years of age looks at Jedi Master Leia Solo.

"Thank you, Master Leia. My name is Terris Rhyson, from Tatooine."

He looks at the lightsaber in his hand, and shows it to Leia, seeing that Teka is off in her own little world.

"This lightsaber used to belong to my grandfather. He spent a great deal of time on it. My father was not his son, but my mother. She died a year ago. My father died a few months ago, of a broken heart."

Terris sighs.

Damel Girte
May 13th, 2001, 05:20:50 AM
*Out for a quiet walk, 13-year-old Damel saw a youngster sitting on a rock, with Leia and Hart around him.*

A new one...
*She remembered how she had felt when she first stepped into the GJO... it didn't feel like too long ago. It hadn't been too long ago. The young girl walked over and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.*
"It's all right.... you're here now. We'll watch out for you..."

*Straightening, she grinned slightly at the other youngster, trying to get him to smile.*
"While you're waiting... would you like to go to the B&G and get a drink? I'll introduce you to some of the people there... that is, if it's all right with you."

*She looked questioningly at Leia.*

OOC: Do you have AIM, Terris? Mine is Mouseymel. And Leia... when you're on, could you IM me pls? Thanks.

Terris Rhyson
May 13th, 2001, 08:45:26 PM
The sandy haired boy clips the lightsaber back on his belt, before turning around and smiling.

"Sure. It's beautiful out here, but meeting people sure beats standing around."

Damel Girte
May 13th, 2001, 11:47:26 PM
Damel grinned.

"Yep, it sure does. Come on... I'll show you around."

ooc: Post in B&G waitin' for ya, Terris. :)

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 15th, 2001, 11:16:28 PM
OOC: So sorry again...RL *sigh*


**Leia looks over the impressive saber Terris was showing her**

This a very fine weapon. Elegant indeed. I bet your grandfather took great pride in builting it and more so in handing it down to you.

**Leia quickly noted Damel's prescence and smiled at her**
**Before Terris and Damel left Leia spoke to the two**

It seems you two are hitting it off well. Damel now that you are a Jedi Knight, why don't you train Terris? I think that would be a wonderful idea.

**Leia noted Damel nodding in agreement**

Very well..I will let you both be to discuss things. Welcome to GJO Terris. I bid you both a good evening.

**Leia bowed and slowly walked off to return to the temple**

Damel Girte
May 16th, 2001, 12:39:36 AM
Damel looked at Terris and grinned.

"Well... looks like I'll be training you, then. Welcome to the GJO, Terris. You'll find a lot of things here... and you'll do well, I'm sure of it."

She clapped a reassuring hand on his shoulder and gestured towards a building in the distance.

"Why don't you go to the B&G for a bit, get to know some people? And get a room in the Living Quarters, if you'd like, too. Once you've settled in... I've seen you like trees." The girl winked. "Well, I do too... so how about you find me when you're done? I'll be waiting outside in the trees. (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm3.showMessage?topicID=137.topic) Then we can begin your training."