View Full Version : Good Day Jedi....

Born Holiday
May 18th, 2001, 01:01:27 PM
"Good day Jedi. I ask that I might join your ranks as a member of the Jedi. I thank you for your time in considering me."

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 18th, 2001, 11:06:17 PM
Greetings and welcome to GJO. I am Jedi Master Leia Solo. I believe Mace McClain can train you. Please wait here as I check with him.

Born Holiday
May 19th, 2001, 02:00:41 AM
"Thank you Master Solo. I really appreciate your help. I'll
be here." :cool:

Sage Hazzard
May 19th, 2001, 04:27:34 PM
Sage entered into the recruitment center not long after Leia Solo. His cloak waved and tumbled in the breeze offered by an open window.

As the Jedi Master came close to the new Padawan, he spoke calmly yet upbeat.

"Good morning, Mr. Holiday is it? Welcome to the Jedi, you'll find your decision to be the best one you have ever made."

Sage folded his arms, looking the Padawan up and down, judging him. He nodded as he questioned himself in his mind.

"Yes, the Force is with you, more then you know. If you are willing to undergo physically and psycologically intense training, then I shall take you as my Padawan Learner. The choice is your's."

Born Holiday
May 20th, 2001, 02:17:57 AM
Yeah, I want you to be my master. I choose you. You seem intimidating and scary. You remind me a lot of record producers.

Sage Hazzard
May 20th, 2001, 02:23:20 AM


"Very well. Fear is an emotion you have no use for any longer, this is your first lesson."

Sage turned away and walked towards the door. Not looking back, still moving, he spoke.

"Training begins tomorrow, my Padawan. I bid you farewell until we meet again. Master Solo."

He stopped as he said her name, turning around as he did so.

"Good day."

He bowed as he finished the sentence. The door opened with a metallic shunt as the motion detector caught his presence. He walked through it, it closed as he passed.

Born Holiday
May 20th, 2001, 02:37:50 AM
OOC: Sorry about the lack of quotation marks on the last post. I'm just getting the hang of this.

IC: "Master Solo I appreciate your efforts in trying to find me a master. I hope I made the right choice here in choosing Master Hazzard. He seems like a pretty good guy. It was nice meeting you Master Solo."

Born shakes Master Solo's hand.

"My hands are strong, aren't they? I play a lot of guitar."

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 20th, 2001, 09:54:13 PM
OOC: Sage...LOL I thought you were not training Born??!! I am confused!!! :lol: :rollin: Sorry for the delay. I have not been around much this weekend.


**Leia smiles at Born*

Sage Hazzard is a wonderful Jedi Master and is one of the best! You are very lucky to have him as your master. I am sure you will do quite well.

And yes, you do have pretty strong hands.

**Leia gave off a slight chuckle**

They will be put to good use in fighting the sith. Again..I bid you greetings and welcome to the Greater Jedi Order.

**Leia bowed before Sage and Born before turning around and returning the temple**