View Full Version : Lost and Alone.

Kailen Stalor
Jun 18th, 2001, 04:48:50 AM
*14 years after being seperated from her family at an age of 1 year old, Kailen Stalor, the name that the family she used to live with called her, came to the jedi. She glanced around and looks at the masters.*
I have come seeking training from the jedi in hopes that one day I might find my real family. Some day I wish to become a jedi knight.
*Kailen waits for the reply of the masters.*

Shade Magus
Jun 18th, 2001, 11:06:25 PM
::Shade was walking around the Center when he noticed a new face. He walked over to her and greeted her::

"Hello my name is Shade Magus. I am pretty new here myself. I can't really give you much advise on the training except that we are kinda short on masters but if you go to the Academy and take part in the Basic Force Moves Class, then i am sure that a master will be with you shortly. You should also consider going to the B&G and try to make some new freinds. Well I hope that I have helped you. Good-bye for now."

::Shade then bowed to the new girl and took his leave, going back to the training grounds where he hoped to get some exercise in before it got much later::

Kailen Stalor
Jun 19th, 2001, 02:57:23 AM
*Kailen nods in return*
Thank you for your help.

Katarina Kariena
Jun 22nd, 2001, 03:41:46 PM
Hello, Welcome, *taps Leia with the Force* I'm Kat. Someone will be with you soon . . . I think anyway . . . o.o;;;

OOC: They were short on Masters when I came here about a year ago!!! O_o;;;;;

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jun 23rd, 2001, 11:04:02 PM
OOC: SORRY! RL...has been busy and messed up for me. I am seriously trying to catch up here and have been away for a bit.


::A petite Jedi Master walks up to Jedi Knight Kariend and Kailen. She stops short infront of them before giving a slight bow::

Greetings. I am Jedi Master Leia Solo. I am also a Jedi Council Member and Jedi Academy Coordinator here. Please forgive me for my delay...as I have been detained some.

I will have to go back to the temple and see who is available to train you. Please be patient this may take a little time. If you like there is a Basic Force Class going on in the Academy, please feel free to join in and even spar w/some of the other padawans.

I hope to get back to you shortly. For now...I would like to welcome you once again to GJO.

::Leia bowed once more before exiting the recruitement area::