View Full Version : Unexpected Path

Skeeboo Krenin
Jun 24th, 2001, 10:59:47 AM
Life is all about choosing different paths and following them. Many wonder where the paths may lead to. Some wonder if the other path they could have taken would've been better. Life is what we make of it. It is what we decide to do. We have the power to choose our own paths. If the wrong path is chosen, the only person to blame is he who chose that path.

(Skeeboo entered the Recruitment Center, keeping to himself mostly. He looked at everything in sight, examining it. This place felt warm, filled with hope and joy.

Never did the Rodian suspect he would choose this path in life. He did remember having the choice to join the Jedi as a child, though he declined. Skeeboo was told he didn't have a high count of midichloreans but he possessed the Force.)

The Galaxy needs help these days, Skeeboo reflected. Maybe if I like this place enough I can join and make a difference in the Galaxy.

(He took a seat on a bench and waited for anyone who could show up. He'd like have spoken to any Jedi.)

"Hello?" He called out.

Jun 24th, 2001, 08:00:37 PM
**She had been standing silently in a shadowed corner of the hallowed Recruitment Center. A quiet place to find brief periods of meditation and introspection, and a place Beldarine found herself more often than not as of late. Footsteps awoke her from her daydreams, her head swiveling to see the person who had entered the GJO.

**A small Rodian stood in the center and called out to anyone listening. Before she strode from her shadowed corner, Bel's voice answered.

"Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order, friend. You wish to become a Jedi?"

**Her words echoed from the surrounding walls as Bel walked towards the Rodian. Not waiting for him to answer, she continued.

"If you wish so, I can bring you up before the Council.. and we shall find you a Master. Be patient, for it might take a bit of time. Feel free to make yourself at home around here.. Or go to the Academy and challenge someone to a spar. Have no worries, soon a Master will be found for you."

Skeeboo Krenin
Jun 30th, 2001, 07:41:49 PM
"Don't assume such things Jedi!" Skeeboo said rolling his eyes at the female in front of him. "Just because I am here does not instantly mean I wish to become a Jedi."

(Skeeboo had just realized what he said and how rude he had been when saying it. He did not say it out of anger, just irritation. The Rodian still did not understand himself fully.)

"I'm sorry Miss. I've been having some rough days lately. I shouldn't have been so rude."

(Skeeboo sighed to himself and took out his blaster. He tossed it aside. The blaster landed on the chair with a soft clank. Quickly, Skeeboo returned his gaze to the Jedi woman. She was quite pretty for a human.)

"I come to the Jedi in peace. My real reason for being here is to speak with Jedi Master Leia Solo. If you do not trust me, search my mind. I am sure you will not find any deceit."

(The Rodian wasn't lying. He did have to speak with Leia Solo, the Jedi Master.)

"I would appreciate it if you could call her here. Again I apologize for my rude introduction."

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 30th, 2001, 11:09:19 PM
Luke had been watching from the shadows, he had looked into the creatures mind and knew that he wanted to see his sister, but he was unable the decipher the reason.

his entered the rodian's mind

"and what business do you have with my sister"

Teka Kenobi
Jul 2nd, 2001, 12:25:59 PM
OOC: Cool, go Skeeboo!

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:05:13 AM
steps out into the light saber in his hand

you will answer me skeeboo or taste the energy of my blade

Teka Kenobi
Jul 6th, 2001, 02:57:58 AM
Sorry for posting OOC again, but I think he's gone away for a few days. He sould be back soon though.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 9th, 2001, 11:15:11 PM
::Leia saw the commotion and stepped forward to the small gathering::

::She placed her hand on Luke's shoulder::

It's okay, Luke. I feel he means us no harm

::Leia looked at the Rodian curiously::

I am Jedi Master Leia Solo. How can I help you?

OOC: I am soooo sorry for my delay. RL has been hell for me. Sorry.

Skeeboo Krenin
Jul 12th, 2001, 09:55:49 AM
"Princess Leia." Skeeboo immediately bowed to the floor. "I'm not sure if you can help me. I come here, only armed with a blaster and I get a Lightsaber pointed at my neck."

Skeeboo's composure drooped a little, along with his eyes. He took his blaster out of it's holster and threw it aside. The blaster slid across the floor, and stopped when it collided with the wall.

"My real reason for coming here, was...to become a Jedi. I wanted you to train me, having heard of your past." Skeeboo spun on his heel, leaving his back to the Jedi. "But...I guess I'm not welcome here." He glanced at the Jedi who had threatened him. That Jedi seemed to be related with Leia. Skeeboo began to walk away.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 12th, 2001, 11:44:10 PM
wait, my apologies.

I have been under a lot of stress of late.


suddenly pain shot through luke's mind

ahhhhhhhh! he collapses on the ground clutching his head nooooooo!, I won't do it he looks at leia, she can see the look in his eyes, it is one of sheer terror almost murderous.

I must leave now Luke runs from the R.C.

Warren Azalin
Aug 7th, 2001, 10:55:35 PM
[This Message was left Blank]

Warren Azalin
Aug 7th, 2001, 10:55:42 PM
<font color=red>Watching from the shadows Abaddon grinned to himself as he watched Luke run screaming from the recruitment Center...

"Well that was intresting."</font>